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Airman with 731st Airlift Squadron pilots C-130

Hercules as part of U.S. Army Africa Exercise

Central Accord 2016, in Libreville, Gabon
(DOD/ Brian Kimball)

Exploring a New System of

Command and Control
The Case for U.S. Africa Command
By Michael G. Kamas, David W. Pope, and Ryan N. Propst

he Senate Armed Services Com- primary warfighting mission supporting . . . replacing the Service component

T mittee (SASC) proposed several

changes to improve the organi-
zation of the combatant commands
the National Defense Strategy, limiting
CCMD participation in other impor-
tant, but nonessential, mission sets. A
commands with joint task forces [JTFs]
focused on operational military mis-
sions. The Committee believes that this
(CCMDs) in its markup of the National second proposal would “require the could provide lessons for improving the
Defense Authorization Act (NDAA) Secretary of Defense to conduct a pilot integration of operational efforts across
for Fiscal Year 2017. The first provision program on an alternative organizational the command, streamlining unneces-
seeks to focus the CCMDs on their structure at one combatant command sary layers of management, and reducing
the number of staff.”1 Converting the
command and control (C2) structure of
a geographic CCMD from a group of
Commander Michael G. Kamas, USN, is the prospective Executive Officer of the Maritime Patrol and Service component commands to a set
Reconnaissance Weapons School. Major David W. Pope, USMC, is an Action Officer in the Multinational
Cooperation Center at U.S. Africa Command. Major Ryan N. Propst, USA, is the Air and Missile Defense
of JTFs is achievable, despite congressio-
Chief for the Army’s 1st Infantry Division. nally mandated reductions in headquar-

82  Features / Exploring a New System of C2 JFQ 87, 4th Quarter 2017

ters staff personnel and lack of a major Figure 1. U.S. Africa Command Current C2 Organization
combat operation in theater. While the
final version of the NDAA removed this
requirement, U.S. Africa Command Combatant Command
(USAFRICOM) would have been the Operational Command (Stuttgart, DE)

ideal CCMD to test and evaluate this

new C2 structure.
The Goldwater-Nichols Department (USAF) (USMC)

of Defense Reorganization Act of 1986 Commander,

Commander, Commander,
provided the impetus for several organiza- U.S. Air Forces Africa/3rd AF
Combined Joint Task Force–
Horn of Africa
U.S. Marine Corps Forces
tional changes that are still evident today. (Ramstein, DE)
(Camp Lemonnier, Djibouti)
Africa (Stuttgart, DE)

While many associate Goldwater-Nichols

with the mandate to end parochialism (USA) (USN)

within the individual Services through Commander,

Commander, Commander,
new emphasis on “jointness,” the legisla- U.S. Army Forces Africa U.S. Naval Forces Africa
Special Operations
Command Africa
tion also provided greater command (Vicenza, IT) (Naples, IT)
(Stuttgart, DE)

authority for the unified and specified

combatant commands. Geographic com-
batant commanders now report directly paper titled “Geographic Combatant CJTF option could prove advantageous.
to the Secretary of Defense instead of Commander (GCC) Command and These reasons include a “single mission
falling under the Chairman of the Joint Control Organizational Options,” which focus and resultant close integration/C2
Chiefs of Staff. The Service chiefs would analyzes several C2 alternatives available of forces and the freedom for the GCC
provide training, manpower, and equip- to the unified combatant commanders to maintain a wide focus of the CCMD
ment for the joint force, allocated and during steady-state or crisis operations. area of responsibility (AOR) through
apportioned under the operational control Traditionally, a CCMD consists of subor- deliberate delegation of authority to the
of a combatant commander. As Secretary dinate commands that could be grouped JTF commander.”5 Although JTFs were
of Defense Chuck Hagel stated in a 2013 into three categories: Service components, designed to be limited in duration, that
speech, “Goldwater-Nichols succeeded subunified commands, and functional paradigm has shifted in recent years as
in its purpose by strengthening the Joint components. There is not a standard tem- demonstrated by enduring JTFs such as
Staff and the Combatant Commands, but plate on how each CCMD must organize, CJTF-HOA and JTF-Guantanamo.
it went about doing this by layering joint but the C2 structure broadly utilizes a set Since the proposed 2017 NDAA from
organizations and processes atop service of Service component subordinate com- the SASC would require one of the geo-
organizations and atop processes. The mands and an additional special operations graphic combatant commands to evaluate
elevation of the former did not automati- component to execute the CCMD’s the alternative JTF option, the existence
cally lead to the diminution of the latter.”2 mission. The J7 paper also analyzes three of CJTF-HOA and the broad mission
Proponents of Goldwater-Nichols additional options for a CCMD’s C2 set of USAFRICOM make it the ideal
reform argue that changes to warfare structure: a single Service force, JTFs, and place to test this C2 structure. Although
in a complex world require a different specific operational forces.4 USAFRICOM covers a large continent
approach to military command and The JTF option is not without and is engaged in over 15 named opera-
control. Secretary of Defense Ashton precedent as it has been successfully tions, it is an economy of force command
Carter stated, “Updates are needed in executed in the years following the pas- with limited assigned forces that relies on
the Combatant Commands, adapting sage of Goldwater-Nichols legislation. force allocation and force sharing agree-
them to new functions, including cyber, Operation Just Cause in 1989 was the ments with U.S. European Command
and continuing to aggressively stream- first success story of a JTF operating (USEUCOM) to execute its mission.
line headquarters.”3 In an era where under the authority of U.S. Southern USAFRICOM has six subordinate com-
warfare has shifted from conventional Command in Panama. Today, the ponent commands, three of which are
nation-against-nation conflict to a more Combined Joint Task Force–Horn of shared with USEUCOM (see figure 1).
unpredictable set of interrelated conflicts Africa (CJTF-HOA) is an example of a
•• U.S. Air Forces Africa (USAFAF) is a
between state and nonstate actors, per- combined joint task force (CJTF) subor-
Service component command dual-
haps geographic boundaries are no longer dinate to USAFRICOM, which has been
hatted as U.S. Air Forces Europe,
the most effective way to organize the C2 charged with oversight and execution
headquartered at Ramstein Air
structure of military operations. of counterterrorism missions in Somalia
Base, Germany. It provides forward-
In August 2016, the Joint Staff J7 and the broader East Africa region. The
based airpower and infrastructure
Deployable Training Division pub- J7 paper provides significant guidance
to execute operations in Europe
lished the second edition of a focus on when the employment of a JTF or

JFQ 87, 4th Quarter 2017 Kamas, Pope, and Propst  83

and Africa and also supports North of converting USAFRICOM to a series disrupts and neutralizes transnational
Atlantic Treaty Organization air of JTFs, CJTF-HOA and SOCAFRICA threats, protects U.S. personnel and
operations and planning. would remain largely intact. facilities, prevents and mitigates conflict,
•• U.S. Army Africa (USARAF), It could be argued that U.S. Southern and builds African partner defense capa-
formerly called the Southern Euro- Command (USSOUTHCOM), like bility and capacity in order to promote
pean Task Force, provides mission USAFRICOM, maintains a diverse regional security, stability, and prosper-
command and employs forces to set mission set, with no near-peer U.S. ity.”7 To meet mission requirements,
the theater, conduct security force competitors within its AOR, and is just as the plan defines decisive, shaping, and
assistance, and provide support to well suited to serve as the pilot CCMD sustaining efforts for campaign execu-
USAFRICOM land operations in to evaluate the NDAA’s proposed C2 tion. Decisive efforts are those “focused
Africa. USARAF is located at Vin- structure. USSOUTHCOM currently on building African partner capacity and
cenza, Italy. has three JTFs within its organizational strengthening partnerships.”8
•• Combined Joint Task Force–Horn structure as well as the requisite Service The shaping effort is focused on
of Africa is a multinational task force component commands, with a large disrupting and degrading VEOs to set
designed to fight violent extremist emphasis on theater security coopera- the conditions for success of the decisive
organizations in East Africa through tion activities.6 The USSOUTHCOM effort in time. Sustaining efforts sup-
power projection and by building JTFs are Joint Task Force–Bravo, at port the other two efforts by ensuring
the defense capability and capacity of Soto Cano Air Base, Honduras; JTF- the force and theater are set for the
international partners. CJTF-HOA is Guantanamo; and Joint Interagency Task campaign. The campaign lists five lines
based at Camp Lemonnier, Djibouti. Force–South, in Key West, Florida. But of effort (LOEs), each with supporting
•• U.S. Marine Corps Forces Africa unlike USAFRICOM, USSOUTHCOM intermediate objectives (IMOs), tied to
(MARFORAF) also has the role of is not challenged by the fact that three the plan’s endstates. These LOEs are
U.S. Marine Corps Forces Europe of its four component commands are listed in priority order, and other than
and is headquartered at Stuttgart, dual-hatted to support another CCMD. LOE 5, they can be attached to a specific
Germany. MARFORAF maintains Each Service component command geographic area.
a Special Purpose Marine Air- at USSOUTHCOM serves only one
•• LOE 1. Neutralize al Shabaab/
Ground Task Force–Crisis Response combatant commander, and those
transition African Union Mission in
(SPMAGTF-CR) in the USAFRI- components have closer proximity
COM AOR. and reach-back to forces based in the
•• LOE 2. Degrade violent extremist
•• U.S. Naval Forces Africa continental United States. Additionally,
organizations in Sahel-Maghreb/
(USNAVAF), sharing the role USSOUTHCOM’s AOR is not as rife
contain instability in Libya
of U.S. Naval Forces Europe with violent extremist organizations
•• LOE 3. Contain and degrade Boko
(USNAVEUR), also serves as Naval (VEOs), which pose a direct threat to
Support Activity Naples, in Naples, U.S. interests, our allies, and regional
•• LOE 4. Interdict illicit activity in
Italy. USNAVAF/USNAVEUR stability. USAFRICOM’s one standing
Gulf of Guinea/Central Africa
maintains the U.S. Sixth Fleet, which joint task force—CJTF-HOA—is focused
•• LOE 5. Build peacekeeping/human-
consists of permanent and rotational on combating terrorism and providing
itarian assistance and disaster relief
naval forces to conduct ballistic stability in East Africa. For these reasons,
capacity of African partners.9
missile defense and other missions it would be most logical to expand the
within its AOR. JTF structure in USAFRICOM’s AOR,
•• Special Operations Command Africa as opposed to USSOUTHCOM’s AOR. Structure Challenges in
(SOCAFRICA) is a functional, sub- To assess the requirements for additional a Resource-Constrained
unified command in Stuttgart, which JTFs across the African continent, a basic Environment
serves as the Theater Special Opera- understanding of the USAFRICOM the- A key assumption of this proposal is
tions Command (TSOC). While ater campaign plan (TCP) is required. the continued desire to minimize the
USAFRICOM is granted operational U.S. military footprint in Africa. The
control (OPCON) of the TSOC, USAFRICOM’s Theater vast size of the continent, African
U.S. Special Operations Command Campaign Plan sensitivities to a colonial presence, and
(USSOCOM) maintains combatant Published in August 2015, the USAFR- the lack of political will to establish a
command authority. ICOM TCP is a 5-year plan intended to large overseas force structure all serve
set conditions for achieving the 10-year as contributing factors toward the
Of these six subordinate commands
regional endstates described in the 2015 small U.S. presence. Accomplishment
to USAFRICOM, only half are singularly
USAFRICOM theater strategy. The of the USAFRICOM mission relies on
focused on a specific mission inside the
5-year campaign mission statement is as Secretary of Defense–approved force
USAFRICOM AOR. For the purposes
follows: “USAFRICOM, with partners, allocation, which often involves agree-

84  Features / Exploring a New System of C2 JFQ 87, 4th Quarter 2017

U.S. Air Force C-130 Hercules flies over Hopfenohe Drop Zone while conducting static line airborne operations with paratroopers assigned to Special
Operations Command Africa at 7th Army Joint Multinational Training Command’s Grafenwoehr Training Area, Germany, September 25, 2013 (U.S. Army/
Markus Rauchenberger)

ments to share operational forces and from a proportional downsizing of logistics. The mission assigned to a JTF re-
posture locations with USEUCOM and personnel from USAFAF, USNAVAF, quires execution of responsibilities involving
U.S. Central Command. Proposed C2 and MARFORAF. As stated in Joint a joint force on a significant scale and close
changes should not increase the military Publication (JP) 5-0, Joint Operation integration of effort, or requires coordina-
presence in Africa, unless it is required Planning, “When a CCDR [combatant tion within a subordinate area or local
for tactical mission execution. commander] is directed to create a JTF defense of a subordinate area. The estab-
U.S. special operations will continue headquarters, the CCDR creates a joint lishing authority dissolves a JTF when the
to play an outsize role in military opera- manning document, sourced as much as purpose for which it was created has been
tions over conventional forces; therefore, possible from CCMD resources, that is achieved or when it is no longer required.11
SOCAFRICA will maintain its current forwarded to JS [Joint Staff] J-1 for JIA
role as a TSOC. [joint individual augmentation] sourc- LOEs 1 through 4 clearly meet the
Lines of effort articulated in the 2015 ing approval.”10 The manpower shifts intent of what a JTF could be used for, as
TCP are anticipated to remain consistent, should not be made in a vacuum. Service described above, and a JTF in support of
although proposed C2 changes should component commands need to provide these LOEs could allow USAFRICOM
have a measured amount of flexibility to vital input on what functions and tasks to maintain focus across the AOR while
address emergent combatant commander previously performed by staff to support a JTF deals specifically with the problem
priorities, improved capabilities of our Africa-centric operations should now shift sets inherent in the LOEs, a benefit de-
regional partners, and unforeseen threats. to the new JTF headquarters. scribed in the J7’s August 2016 paper on
However, a functional-based JTF struc- GCC C2 organizational options.12
ture should not result in any net increase JTF Structure Standup CJTF-HOA, as previously described,
of headquarters personnel. To support the NDAA’s proposed pilot is already postured to meet objectives in
Because USARAF is the only Service program, it is recommended that the support of LOE 1. Additionally, ongoing
component command that is not shared new subordinate JTF structures be built programs within their area of operations
with USEUCOM, it is ideally suited around existing USAFRICOM TCP are supporting LOE 5 objectives. Given
for conversion to a JTF for North and LOEs. JP 1-0, Joint Personnel Support, that this JTF is focused on the top priority
West Africa. It is natural to assume that states: LOE, there is no need to make extreme
USARAF will need additional head- adjustments to its structure or mission set.
quarters personnel to expand its role A JTF may be established on a geographical LOEs 2 through 4, however, will require
to a fully operational joint task force. area or functional basis when the mission a separate and new C2 organization.
The expansion of administrative staff, has a specific limited objective and does It is recommended that a new CJTF–
planners, and leadership should result not require overall centralized control of North and West Africa (CJTF-NWA) be

JFQ 87, 4th Quarter 2017 Kamas, Pope, and Propst  85

their designated C2 organization, which
Figure 2. U.S. Africa Command Proposed C2 Organization
maximizes their effectiveness. There are
no outstanding issues with unit integrity
in the proposed JTF construct; how-
Combatant Command
Operational Command
(Stuttgart, DE)
ever, JTF commanders with OPCON
authority to reorganize assigned units
should only do so if there is a compelling
case for it. To facilitate interoperability,
USAFRICOM will need to ensure shared
understanding across its staff and both
Commander, Commander, Commander, JTFs regarding its systems, structure,
Combinded Joint Task Force– Combined Joint Task Force– Special Operations
North and West Africa Horn of Africa Command Africa liaison requirements, battle rhythm, and
(Vicenza, IT) (Camp Lemonnier, Djibouti) (Stuttgart, DE)
seams that affect the entire AOR. At the
same time, each JTF must do the same
with its assigned forces as they work to
created in order to address the problem by planning and coordinating for the meet objectives. Additionally, interoper-
sets that pertain to those regions and use of U.S. Army Regionally Aligned ability should be extended to CCMD
LOEs 2 through 4. Like CJTF-HOA, Forces, the Army National Guard State and JTF coordination with Embassy
CJTF-NWA would be responsible for Partnership Program, other military enti- country teams in the AOR to ensure a
coordinating and executing activities in ties, and interagency assets (for example, whole-of-government approach to prob-
its area of operations that contribute to the U.S. Coast Guard) to meet LOE 5’s lems sets and activities within the region.
objectives that fall within LOE 5’s scope. associated endstate. Geographic boundar- SOCAFRICA would need to maintain
Also, like CJTF-HOA, which serves as a ies for CJTF-NWA and CJTF-HOA are close coordination and interoperability
combined JTF, with multinational ele- illustrated in figure 3. with both CJTFs since the special opera-
ments contributing to its staffing and tions mission set would extend into the
mission execution, the JTF for North and Proposed JTF C2 Structures geographic borders of both CJTF-NWA
West Africa should be created as a CJTF. and Joint C2 Principles and CJTF-HOA.
As it stands today, the United States and JP 1-0 states that a joint force com- JP 3-33, Joint Task Force
its allies (for example, France, the United mander’s (JFC’s) C2 structure should Headquarters, establishes doctrine for
Kingdom, Italy) share mutual interests for be centered on its mission, location, the “formation and employment of a JTF
enduring stability, such as counterterror- and force capabilities, among other headquarters to command and control
ism operations, containment of migrant things, and the following principles joint operations.”14 It not only provides
flow, and defense institution building. should enable its structure: simplic- clarification on the organization of a new
CJTF-NWA should leverage these shared ity, span of control, unit integrity, and joint headquarters but also discusses com-
interests and synchronize partner-nation interoperability.13 mand and staff responsibilities and the
actions to the benefit of the entire region. The proposed dual CJTF command management of subordinate commands
Figure 2 shows the proposed C2 or- structure adheres to the principle of sim- within the JTF. Although beyond the
ganization for the execution of this pilot plicity by establishing distinct objectives, scope of this article, JP 3-33 would be in-
program at USAFRICOM. Although tied to LOEs for each JTF. This enables strumental to the formation or revision of
each JTF could potentially become dis- unity of command and clearly defines a JTF within USAFRICOM’s structure.
established when the JTF’s mission has roles, responsibilities, and authorities
been accomplished, this model assumes across the AOR not only for each JTF Conclusion
sustained relevance for the next 5 years, but also for USAFRICOM. As for span Because one of the geographic combat-
which would encompass the length of the of control, CJTF-HOA certainly is com- ant commands will likely be selected to
C2 evaluation period. pliant; however, CJTF-NWA’s varied evaluate a new system of JTF command
Consistent with its theater campaign problem sets, objectives, and geography and control, USAFRICOM is the
plan LOEs, USAFRICOM would accept will require its planners to consider the ideal theater to test this C2 structure
the risk of not having a JTF focused on scope and size of activities in relation for many reasons. First, the existence
the southern region of its AOR. This to its force capabilities in the AOR. of CJTF-HOA has demonstrated this
is mitigated by the fact that this region Conversely, the addition of CJTF-NWA concept over the past 15 years in the
is relatively stable, has no major VEO into USAFRICOM’s AOR will support eastern part of the USAFRICOM AOR,
threat, and its militaries are mostly ca- the combatant command’s ability to posi- and it serves as a template for a com-
pable of internal security. As part of its tively affect its span of control. bined, multi-Service headquarters with
AOR-wide focus, USAFRICOM will Unit integrity is maintained when an enduring mission set. As an economy
support LOE 5 objectives in this region forces assigned to the JTF align with of force command with limited assigned

86  Features / Exploring a New System of C2 JFQ 87, 4th Quarter 2017

forces, USAFRICOM would benefit Figure 3. Proposed JTF Areas of Operation
from restructuring its antiquated system
of Service component commands to
maximize efficiencies and reduce unnec-
essary headquarters staff. This slimmer, Morocco
mission-oriented C2 structure would Algeria
allow USAFRICOM to adapt rapidly to Egypt
the many emergent crises and missions
that develop within its AOR. Finally, the Western
CJTF- Libya

absence of any current or planned major

combat operation gives the combatant
NWA Sudan

commander wide latitude to explore a

Niger Chad Eritrea

new system of command and control, Guinea-Bissau Burkina

without affecting the time, effort, and

resources dedicated to the develop- Sierra Leone Côte d’Ivoire
Central Ethiopia
ment of operational plans. Eliminating Liberia
South Sudan

the Service component commands at a Equatorial


CCMD assumes that Services are better Guinea

of Congo
suited to serve as force providers based DR Congo

not on geographic boundaries, but Tanzania

rather on the capabilities required for a

given JTF mission set.
To convert the current Service com- Angola
Malawi Mozambique

ponent–based subordinate command Zambia

structure to the proposed dual-JTF struc-

ture, the Unified Command Plan should
codify the changes to USAFRICOM’s Namibia Botswana

C2 structure and specify a set time

period for evaluation of the new pro- Swaziland

cess. Additionally, fresh updates to the Lesotho

various memorandums of agreement

South Africa

for apportionment of forces between

be necessary to enable the prompt
U.S. Southern Command, “SOUTH-
exchange of military units to execute Notes COM Component Commands and Units,”
combat operations, security coopera- November 5, 2016, available at <www.south-
tion events and engagements, and other
U.S. Senate Armed Services Committee,>.
“National Defense Authorization Act for Fiscal 7
“U.S. Africa Command Theater Cam-
contingencies as they arise. While there Year 2017,” May 16, 2016, available at <www. paign Plan 2000-16,” Change One, June 1,
is some inherent risk to this type of an 2016, 16.
organizational change, the potential ben- FY17%20NDAA%20Bill%20Summary.pdf>. 8
Ibid., 18.
efits and efficiencies from a JTF system 2
Chuck Hagel, speech transcript, National 9
Ibid., 21.
of C2 should greatly outweigh the chal- Defense University, Washington, DC, April 10
Joint Publication (JP) 5-0, Joint Opera-
2013, available at <http://archive.defense. tion Planning (Washington, DC: Joint Chiefs
lenges associated with this conversion. gov/speeches/speech.aspx?speechid=1764>. of Staff, August 11, 2011), H-2.
The primary advantage of this new JTF 3
Lisa Ferdinando, “Carter Proposes Up- 11
JP 1-0, Joint Personnel Support (Washing-
structure is that it gives the combatant dates to Goldwater-Nichols Act,” DOD News, ton, DC: Joint Chiefs of Staff, May 31, 2016),
commander an established subordinate April 5, 2016, available at < IV-10.
headquarters, empowered to flexibly News/Article/Article/713930/carter-propos- 12
“Geographic Combatant Commander
es-updates-to-goldwater-nichols-act>. (GCC) Command and Control Organizational
respond to emergent crises and maintain 4
Deployable Training Division (J7), “Geo- Options,” 9.
immediate focus on the threats oriented graphic Combatant Commander (GCC) Com- 13
JP 1-0, V-18.
along TCP lines of effort. Although mand and Control Organizational Options,” 14
JP 3-33, Joint Task Force Headquarters
untested, this new construct could have Joint Chiefs of Staff, August 2016, available at (Washington, DC: Joint Chiefs of Staff, July
potential benefits over the conventional <>. 30, 2012), i.
Ibid., 9.
system of Service component commands,
particularly in the USAFRICOM area of
responsibility. JFQ

JFQ 87, 4th Quarter 2017 Kamas, Pope, and Propst  87

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