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Title no. 83-3

Stress-Strain Relationship for Reinforced Concrete in Tension

by Domingo J. Carreira and Kuang-Han Chu

A stress-strain relationship to represent the overall behavior of rein- sian in Reference 1 is also proposed for the average
forced concrete in tension, which includes the combined effects of stress-strain diagram of reinforced concrete in tension
cracking and slippage at cracks along the reinforcement is proposed.
The serpentine curve previously used for the compression stress-strain fr = {3 (EIE;)
relationship is also used in tension with parameters that are physi- (1)
cally significant. These parameters can be determined experimentally fr' {3-1+(EIE,')i3
from reinforced concrete prismatic specimens or estimated from pro- fr the stress corresponding to the strain E
posed empirical relationships. The effects of the testing procedures, fr' the point of maximum stress, considered as the
gage length, shrinkage, reinforcement, test specimen characteristics,
cracking, and concrete strength and extensibility on the stress-strain
tensile strength
diagrams for plain and reinforced concrete in tension are discussed. t,' = the strain corresponding to the maximum stress
Keywords: cracking (fracturing); extensibility; reinforced concrete; shrinkage; {3 = a parameter that depends on the shape of the
slippage; stress-strain relationships; tensile strength; tension; tension tests.
stress-strain diagram
The shape of the concrete stress-strain diagram in The average diagram represents the overall or resul-
tension depends heavily on the testing procedure used. tant behavior of concrete in tension restrained by the
When plain concrete is tested in direct tension, using a steel reinforcement. By a suitable choice of parameters
testing machine in which the strain rate cannot be con- in Eq. (1), the combined effects of cracking, slippage,
trolled, a linear diagram with a brittle failure is usually and bond along the reinforcement may be included.
obtained. The experimental determination of parameters fr',
Experiments have shown that if the strain rate is E/, and {3 presents more difficulties than determining
controlled, the stress-strain diagram of plain concrete in the corresponding parameters in compression. Recom-
tension is nonlinear and has well-defined ascending and mended design values for parameters fr' , E/, and {3 are
descending branches. The diagram is also influenced by discussed in view of the available test data for concrete
shrinkage, microcracking, and reinforcement. Testing in tension.
of plain and reinforced concrete beams confirms the PLAIN CONCRETE IN TENSION, INFLUENCE OF
existence of the complete nonlinear stress-strain dia- TESTING PROCEDURE
gram in tension. The term tensile strength and the stress-strain rela-
A stress-strain relationship is proposed for rein- tionship in tension have no absolute meanings, but
forced concrete in tension which is similar to the rela- must be expressed in terms of the specific test proce-
tionship for compression proposed in Reference 1. The dure used. 3 Three kinds of tests have been used for
use of the same type of stress-strain relationship for plain concrete testing: the direct tension test, the beam
plain concrete in compression and tension has been test, and the splitting test. Among the three methods of
proposed in Reference 2. testing, the results from both the beam and splitting
Nonlinear stress-strain diagrams in tension have been tests are based on the elastic theory. Therefore, only the
used in finite element analysis of slabs. Concrete tensile direct tension test can provide the complete stress-strain
strength was needed to better fit the analytical results to diagram in tension beyond the elastic behavior. How-
the experimental data from reinforced concrete slabs. ever, most of the testing machines cannot absorb the
energy released when the load on the specimen begins
Received June 7, 1984, and reviewed under Institute publication policies.
TENSION Copyright© 1986, American Concrete Institute. All rights reserved, including
The same general form of the serpentine curve used the making of copies unless permission is obtained from the copyright propri-
etors. Pertinent discussion will be published in the November-December 1986
for the complete stress-strain relationship in compres- ACI JOURNAL if received by Aug. I, 1986.

ACI JOURNAL I January-February 1986 21

It was observed trom the external 10a0 versus steel
A CI member Domingo J. Carreira is an engineering specialist in the Structural
Project Division of Sargent & Lundy in Chicago, 1/1. He is involved in the de- strain diagram that, after the initial crack, the reduced
sign and construction of nuclear and fossil power plants. Dr. Carreira is a concrete section carried some load even at strains sev-
member and past chairman of ACI Committee 209, Creep and Shrinkage in
Concrete; a member of ACI Committee 301, Specifications for Structural Con-
eral times that of the one corresponding with the initial
crete; and also a member of the Subcommittee of Nuclear Accreditation of the crack. When the load was removed to approximately
ACI 3591ASME Boiler and Pressure Vessel Code. one-half the initial crack load, the unloading line was
ACI member Kuan-Han Chu is Professor Emeritus of Civil Engineering at the
parallel to the steel-tube load-elongation line. The hor-
1//inois Institute of Technology (liT) in Chicago. He was employed with the izontal displacement of the unloading diagram was
firms of Ammann & Whitney and D. B. Steinman in New York, N.Y., before caused mainly by the restrained shrinkage. After fur-
joining liT in 1956. Dr. Chu has published numerous articles in various tech-
nical journals.
ther unloading, the diagram curved away from the line
parallel to the steel-tube line, which resulted in addi-
tional residual strain. This additional strain is due to
to decline. It was therefore concluded that concrete in the crack not closing completely because: (1) broken
tension behaves linearly almost to its tensile capacity particles are displaced on the fracture surface, (2) early
without any significant descending branch or strain- shrinkage strain gradients are nonlinear and shrinkage
weakening portion of the stress-strain diagram. Never- stresses are relieved after cracking, and (3) residual
theless, the nonlinear behavior of plain concrete in ten- creep strain is also present.
sion has been observed experimentally.
Hughes and Chapman 2 and Evans and Marathe 4 have
used modified testing machines to obtain stress-strain
diagrams in tension with ascending and descending TESTING OF REINFORCED CONCRETE IN
branches similar to those obtained in compression. DIRECT TENSION
Specimen failure in both the ordinary and the modified Two types of specimens have been used to test rein-
testing machines is caused by one crack propagating forced concrete in tension: the direct tensile and the
across the entire cross section and separating the speci- flexural test specimens. To define the concrete stress-
mens into two parts. The stress-strain diagrams from strain relationship in tension, the direct tensile test
plain concrete specimens are strongly affected by the specimens are of special interest. Most reinforced con-
location of the crack with respect to the gage length. crete direct tension test specimens consist of one rein-
forcing bar centrally cast in a concrete prism. 7- 11 Speci-
INFLUENCE OF SHRINKAGE mens with multiple reinforcing bars have them sym-
A long curing period by immersing the specimen in metrically arranged along the concrete prism. 7•12 Speci-
water prior to testing causes a more uniform strain dis- mens are stressed by applying the load at the ends of
tribution in the specimen because swelling offsets the the protruding bars. The load applied to the bars is
effects of the autogenous and drying shrinkage. If test partially transferred to the concrete by bond along the
specimens are allowed to dry, however, the moisture development length at the ends of the prism.
migration to the surface causes transient nonlinear The elongation measured on the concrete prisms in-
strain gradients across the thickness of the specimen. cludes the reinforcement and concrete elongations as
Differential shrinkage strains produce tensile stresses at well as the slippage at the bar-concrete discontinuities.
the surfaces and compressive stresses toward the cen- For uncracked specimens, discontinuities are located at
ter. These tensile stresses cause microcracking. both ends of the concrete prisms. For cracked speci-
When tensile stress is applied to a dried specimen, mens, discontinuities are also at both sides of each pri-
shrinkage cracks propagate toward the interior of the mary crack as defined by Broms 7 and described by
specimen. This results in an average tensile strength Goto 8 and Illston and Stevens. 13
lower than that of saturated specimens. Elongations measured within the development length
The main factor affecting the test results when from the prism ends include the slippage caused by the
shrinkage is present is the location of the zero stress stress transfer. Elongations measured at least one de-
and strain reference point. Fulwood 5 showed the effect velopment length away from the prism ends can be used
of drying and wetting on the modulus of rupture. By to determine the average stress-strain relationship of
immersing 4 x 4 x 20 in. plain concrete beams in water reinforced concrete. The minimum length of the con-
for 1 hr before testing and by testing them when wet, crete prism should be twice the development length 14
the modulus of rupture increased from 5 to 54 percent plus three to four times the minimum cross-sectional
more than that of similar specimens cured in water up dimension 7 to include at least three primary crack sys-
to 7 days and allowed to dry until testing by third-point tems within the gage length. Elongations measured
beam loading at 28 days. from this gage length will represent the initially un-
Ledbetter and Thompson6 were able to measure the cracked portion of the stress-strain diagram as well as
shrinkage- or swelling-induced stresses in the concrete the complete diagram while cracking progresses.
caused by the presence of steel reinforcement. Their test Elongations measured within the development length
specimens consisted of a thick-walled steel tube en- from the specimen ends do not represent the ascending
cased in a 6 x 24-in. cylinder of concrete. The steel tube branch and the peak strength portion of the stress-
served to internally restrain the shrinkage, measure strain diagram because there is slippage at the ends of
strains, and apply the tensile load to the concrete. the uncracked specimens included.
22 ACI JOURNAL I January-February 1986
Broms 7 tested 37 reinforced concrete direct tension STIFFENING
specimens and 10 flexural specimens and measured the Two approaches to crack and bond analysis have
crack widths at reinforcement stresses up to 69.7 and been used: (1) the bond-slip relationship and (2) ten-
66.6 ksi, respectively. He advanced the notion that sion stiffening by concrete. Analysis of data in Refer-
cracks initiate close to the reinforcement and that crack ences 11 and 12, in light of the discussion on testing
lengths are governed by the spacing between two adja- reinforced concrete in tension, shows that both bond-
cent cracks. On this basis, the crack length will de- slip and tension stiffening by concrete are different as-
crease linearly with decreasing crack spacing. Broms pects of the reinforced concrete response in tension.
also defined the mechanisms of crack formation in
which primary cracks and secondary cracks will de-
Bond-slip relationship
velop as cracking progresses (depending on the stress The bond-slip relationship for finite element analysis
level and the reinforcement geometry).
was introduced by Nilson 15 in 1968. To model the bond
Goto 8 tested one deformed bar direct tensile speci-
between steel and concrete, he used closely spaced dis-
men and reached the following conclusions:
crete spring linkages connecting the steel elements with
1. Shortly after the formation of primary cracks, the adjacent concrete elements. The properties of these
small internal cracks are formed around the deformed spring linkages were defined by the local bond-slip
bars. curves he derived. Also, the model included provisions
2. Secondary cracks do not appear at the concrete for the changing internal topology caused by cracking
surface. for the concrete nonlinear behavior in compression and
3. Internal cracks on both sides of the primary cracks for the bond nonlinearity.
form cones with their apexes near the bar lugs and with In considering the calculated steel displacements ver-
their bases generally directed toward the nearest pri- sus the stress in the steel, Nilson arrived at the concept
mary cracks. of "tension stiffening by concrete" some years before
4. Internal cracks started at a stress level lower than the first experimental results were reported. In 1971,
14 ksi shortly after primary cracks formed. Nilson 10 tested a steel bar centrally located along the 18-
5. Internal cracks are influenced by the geometrical in. length of a 6 x 6 in. concrete block cross section.
characteristics of the reinforcing bar deformations. Bond-slip was calculated from the difference in the bar
6. Along the portion of the bars on which internal and concrete displacements at locations along their in-
cracks occur, the adhesion between steel and concrete terface referenced to a transverse plane.
is lost. Therefore, the bond mechanism depends on the Houde and Mirza 11 conducted an extensive testing
bearing of the concrete cones against the lugs of the program to study the bond-slip relationship. A total of
bar. 62 direct tension specimens and 6 beam-end specimens
7. Complete relaxation of the external tensile load, were tested. Specimens were reinforced with a single
after formation of internal cracks, does not return the bar, size No.4, 6, and 8. Fig. 1 shows the applied stress
stress in the reinforcement embedded in concrete to versus total elongation of No. 4 bars concentrically
zero, even at primary crack locations. embedded in 16 in. long concrete prisms tested by
Houde and Mirza. 11
Illston and Stevens 13 used the research data reported
in Reference 9 to confirm most of Goto's findings.
Tension stiffening by concrete
They also found that concrete surrounding the rein-
When reinforcing bars embedded in concrete are
forcing bar is often strained well beyond its tensile ca-
stressed in tension, the stress-elongation diagram shows
pacity and that a loss of bond adhesion may occur over
that the concrete assists the reinforcement in carrying
a considerable length of the reinforcing bar, regardless
the tensile force, even after severe cracking has devel-
of the type of steel used.
oped. The concrete contribution is called tension stiff-
Illston and Stevens did not agree with Goto's conclu-
ening by concrete or simply tension stiffening.
sion that the lugs are generally responsible for the ini-
Experimental data on tension stiffening are limited.
tiation of cracking or that the cracks necessarily coin-
References 11 and 12 report the only available data on
cide with the lugs. They also pointed out that the pat-
tests performed on direct tensile specimens reinforced
tern of internal cracking development is not affected to
with commercial deformed bars.
any considerable degree by the geometry of the lugs.
The curves in Fig. 2 show the stress applied to the re-
These findings show the existence of a multiple crack
inforcement fs versus the average strain. 12
pattern in reinforced concrete under tension, whereas
one single crack causes the failure of plain concrete
specimens. Therefore, the overall behavior of rein- AVERAGE TENSILE STRESS-STRAIN
forced concrete in tension depends on the restraining DIAGRAMS FROM TEST DATA
action of the steel reinforcement, on crack propaga- If the effect of slippage at specimen ends is ex-
tion, and on the formation of a system of primary cluded and an average strain compatibility is assumed
cracks and secondary internal cracks around and along along the gage length, the contribution of the concrete
the bars. up to the yield of the bar is given by Eq. (4) in terms of
ACI JOURNAL I January-February 1986 23
Total elongation on a 400-mm gage (mm)
0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1.0
Transformed member elongation
(6 X Sin.)


50 .,
·;;; Q.
"".,.; 300
40 ..

= =
. Series No. 14

..,~ ~
30 No.4 bar (12.7mm) 200
lcf = 6.81 ksi (46.9 MPa) ..,
.! .!
Q. Q.
Q. Q.
"' Free bar elongation

10 15 20 25 30 35 40

Total elongation on 16-inch gage (10· 3 in.)

Fig. 1-Applied steel stress versus total elongation from axially loaded
tensile specimens in Reference 11

For the average strain compatibility

500 (3)


400 0.6 j, (4)

::.. reinforcement and concrete strain, respec-
~ 300
:;; tively
.c ~
average strain (measured elongation divided
0.4 2
2 ...... by the gage length)
I reinforcement elastic modulus
~ I
.!! reinforcement and concrete cross-sectional
:¥ 200
a.c. area, respectively
c.c. ct
1 I_ 236 in. _ 1 As/Ac
1 r-- (6000 mm) ~
the externally applied load to the reinforce-
1 pb-1

r 1
X 1-pb 0.2
I k- I + ~ I ____.f stress externally applied to the reinforce-
I 'm =.:.1/1 ment
j, average tensile stress in the concrete
I I= 138 in.(3500 mm)

10 15 20 25 30
Eq. (4) assumes the direct tensile specimens are
stressed by applying the load AJs to the reinforcement.
For a given elongation Em, the concrete contribution
in the average sense j, may be found as the difference
Fig. 2-Tensi/e stress-strain diagrams for axially loaded between the stress externally applied to the reinforce-
test specimens, showing the tension stiffening by con- ment and the average stress in the embedded portion of
crete, from Reference 12
the reinforcement ( 1s - Em Es), multiplied by the steel
ratio p. Oncef is known, the concrete stress-strain dia-
the average tensile stress. For equilibrium and neglect- gram can be plotted as in Fig. 3 and 4.
ing the effect of the concrete area displaced by the re- When Eq. (4) is applied to the data in Reference 11,
inforcement the stress-strain relationship obtained is not unique. For
example, the peak stress and initial slope differ for each
(2) curve because the 16 in. long concrete prism used barely
24 ACI JOURNAL I January-February 1986
satisfies twice the development length of the No. 4 bar Table 1 - Characteristics of the tensile test
for the concrete strength of 6.81 ksi as shown in Fig. 1. specimens in Reference 12
Also, the cracking characteristics of the specimens are Number of Diameter, Wire p E, f,',, t j,' I

Specimen bars mm size* X 100 MPa

strongly influenced by the thickness of the concrete
cover and by the effective tension area of the concrete VI 20 6 W4.5 0.375 204,966 7.65 1.00
V2 10 8 W8 0.333 204,966 8.88 0.87
surrounding the tension reinforcement. For the No. 6 V3 20 8 W8 0.666 202,800 10.20 1.26
and 8 bars, also used in Reference 11, the difference V4 30 8 W8 0.987 204,966 8.98 1.00
between twice the required development length and the *Approximate ASTM A82 Wire Size number.
'Cube compressive strength.
16 in. long specimen is even greater. Measured elonga- 'Tensile strength from plain concrete test specimens.
tions mainly correspond to the slippage at the ends of 1.0 ksi = 0.145 MPa; I in. = 25.4 mm.

the concrete prism. Overlapping of development lengths

prevents the transfer of high tensile stress in concrete.
Table 2 - Fitted parameters from stress-strain
This behavior is expected because specimens in Refer- data in Reference 12 by Eq. (1)
ence 11 were intended to study the bond-slip relation- g'1 ' •
f,'' !/'
ship. Specimen MPa psi v'Psi E/ (3
In some cases, however, the curves shown may cor-
VI 0.935 136 4.35 0.00016 1.45
respond to the response of precracked specimens with V2 0.82 119 3.31 0.00025 1.80
one primary crack system, as illustrated in Fig. 3 for V3 1.15 167 4.33 0.00025 1.95
V4 1.20 174 4.82 0.00015 1.70
data from test series No. 23 in Reference 11.
Rotasy, Koch, and Leonhardt 12 reported the stress- *Tensile strength in terms of g( .Jj; (psi).
1.0 ksi = 0.145 MPa.
strain curves from long direct tension specimens of
lightweight aggregate concrete. Dimensions of the con-
crete prisms were 300 x 500 x 6000 mm (12 x 19.7 x 236
in.). Elongation was measured on a gage length of 3500 0
mm (138 in.) centered with the specimens. 0.04
Series No. 23
The tensile stress in concrete was computed, using No.6 bars (19mm)
t(; 4.2 ksi (29MPa)
0 0
Eq. (4), and the stress-strain diagrams were fitted to
Eq. (1). The characteristics of the specimens in Refer- ~ 0.2

ence 12 are summarized in Table 1. The resulting pa-
rameters f: , c; , and {3 are shown in Table 2. Fig. 4 .

shows a typical diagram. ~ (3 ° 1.6

lj;;. 0.29 ksi
Crack patterns for each test specimen show uniform ~ 0.1 Ej ;;. 0.00018 0
cracking away from the ends of the specimens. By
eliminating the effect of end slippage on the measured
elongations (that is, using the center 138 in. out of the
236 in. long specimens), the concept of the overall de-
10 15 20
formation compatibility and therefore the average Average strain x 10· 4
strain Em can be applied to the interpretation of these
Because reinforcement was closely spaced and the Fig. 3-Tensile stress-strain diagram for test series No.
concrete cover to the center of the bars was 30 mm 23 in Reference 11

Specimen V1
~ 1.0 0.15
:::;; (3 ~ 1.45
f't ~ 1.0 MPa
{ t' t = 0.00016
.! 0.10 .!
·;;; ·;;;
c: c:
; 0.5
~ Direct tension test diagrams

"c:0 I from plain concrete prisms
u 0.05 8

10 15 20
Average strain (x 10· 4 )

Fig. 4-Tensi/e stress-strain diagram for test Specimen VI in Reference 12

ACI JOURNAL I January-February 1986 25
100'~--.---.------,----r---,.------.-----. 700 tension was taken as that for compression Ec. A straight
line with a slope of Ec reaches the tensile strength j,'
with the corresponding strain at first cracking Ecr· Then
; 500 ~
it drops vertically to a certain fraction of/,' and as-
:1! cends again with a smaller slope (0.3 Ec) until it reaches
~ 60
g a strain of 2. 7 Em with a corresponding new peak stress
E 400 ~
0 E lower than/,'. The process repeats with decreasing

300 ~ slopes and peak stresses as strains increase up to 10 Ecr·

.., Lin and Scordelis 17 used a stress-strain diagram with
~ ..,
c. ~

Q. 200 'E. a linear ascending branch of slope Ec until it reached
J,' and corresponding Ecr· Then stress decreased gradu-
100 ally to zero at a strain of 10 Ecr·
Gilbert and W arner 18 also used a piecewise linear dia-
10 15 20 25 30 35 gram. Their diagram consists of a straight line with a
Average strain x 10· 14 slope of Ec that reaches fi and Em then drops vertically
Fig. 5-As-measured stress-strain diagram for the con- to 0.6 f!. From this point it descends in a straight line
crete and reinforcement of Specimen VI in Reference to 0.4 /,' at 4 Ecr· Again, it descends in a straight line of
12 a smaller slope to a zero stress at 10 Ecr· The descending
(about I ~6 in.), the restraining effect of the reinforce- branch was adjusted to reflect the position of each layer
ment on the propagation of shrinkage cracks was more relative to the reinforcement. Similarly, they also ad-
effective than that for the test specimens in Reference justed the diagrams in References I6 and I7.
I1. However, these tests were not totally free from the Gilbert and Warner 18 used other piecewise linear
effect of shrinkage, as evident in Fig. 4.13 and 4.I4 of stress-strain relationships modifying the tensile rein-
Reference 12. In these figures, the stress-strain curve of forcement stress-strain diagram in cracked concrete.
the specimens intercepts the reinforcing bar stress-strain Velbo and Ghali 19 used bilinear and trilinear piece-
curve below its yield stress. This shrinkage effect was wise stress-strain relationships for concrete in tension.
discussed by Ledbetter and Thompson. 6 Their independent variables are the modulus of rupture
Fig. 5 shows the as-measured stress-strain diagram f, and the modulus of elasticity Ec.
for Specimen VI in Reference I2. The zigzag line is In the two bilinear relationships, the ascending
produced by the stress losses under constant elonga- branch is a straight line with a slope of Ec up to f,. In
tion. Each time a new crack was observed at the con- one case, the descending branch has a slope of
crete surface, elongation was sustained during its mea- - I 00/ En which is almost a vertical drop to zero stress.
surement. Measured stress dropped because the stress In the other bilinear case, the descending branch has a
that causes crack propagation is less than the stress that slope of - E/5 to zero stress.
initiates cracking. After cracking stabilizes, the load In the trilinear relationship, the ascending branch has
would further decrease due to concrete relaxation at a slope of 0. 75 Ec and reaches a peak at 0.9 J,. It then
constant strain. Upon further straining, the load will changes to a slope of - E/2 until 0.45 f,; from there it
recover to the previous load level. changes to - E/20 until it reaches zero stress. Velbo
For loads increasing monotonically or remaining and GhalP 9 found that the last case with f: = 4.0 ksi
constant, the stress-strain diagram should be a smooth correlated best with the slabs tested by Lanschow and
curve. The curve for Specimen VI in Fig. 4 corre- So zen and Cardenas.
sponds with the upper points of the zigzag lines in Fig. Despite the differences between the diagrams used,
5. calculated deflections compare well with the slab test
If unloading takes place at points on the stress-strain data. This is because diagrams with a reasonable de-
diagram beyond the initial cracking, a residual scending branch significantly improve the accuracy of
compression stress results in the concrete and residual calculated deflections over that of deflections from
tension stress results in the reinforcement, as shown by diagrams in which concrete contribution in tension is
Points B and D in Fig. 5. Upon reloading above the neglected or a complete unloading is assumed after the
previous load level, the diagram will continue to be the tensile strength is reached.
same as though no unloading had occurred, as shown In view of the test results in References 7, 8, and I1
by Points A and C in Fig. 5. through 13, it can be concluded that the average stress-
strain diagrams obtained from long reinforced concrete
STRESS-STRAIN RELATIONSHIP USED IN specimens more closely represent the behavior of the
FINITE ELEMENT ANALYSIS reinforced concrete in tension than"the stress-strain
Stress-strain diagrams for concrete in tension, in- diagrams based on plain concrete tests.
cluding a descending branch, have been used in layered
discrete element analysis. DESIGN PARAMETERS TO BE USED WITH THE
A saw-toothed diagram for the descending branch PROPOSED EQUATION
was first used by Scalon and Murray. 16 For the un- The design parameters recommended apply to rein-
cracked ascending branch, the modulus of elasticity in forced concrete in tension.
26 ACI JOURNAL I January-February 1986
Estimating tensile strength This may result in different initial slopes for the ten-
The direct tensile strength of plain concrete is con- sion and compression stress-strain diagrams if {3 is
servatively given in Reference 20 by the following taken as the same for both.
Estimating 13 in tension
(5) For the data in Reference 12, {3 varies from 1.45 to
1.95. When procedures in Reference 1 are applied to
where an average value of g 1 "" YJ may be used, w is this data, the predicted {3 varies from 1. 56 to 2.1. This
the concrete unit weight in lb/ft\ and J: is the com- finding suggests that for the initially uncracked con-
pressive strength in psi (g 1 = 0.0069 for win kg/m 3 and crete, {3 is the same for the tension and the compression
J: in MPa). For normal weight concrete use J: "" diagrams.
4../J[, for J: in psi (0.33../J[ in MPa). The characteris- The fitted values of {3 for data in Reference 11 are
tics of the test specimens and testing conditions in the systematically lower than the predicted ones. For ex-
tests by Houde and Mirza 11 did not allow the develop- ample, {3 = 1.6 in Fig. 3, while the predicted {3 varies
ment of a tensile strength higher than 3.4../J[ in psi from 1.8 to 2.26. The lower value of {3 may be attrib-
(0.28../J[ in MPa). For lightweight concrete, an average uted to slippage at both ends of the uncracked test
value of/,' = 4.2../J[ in psi (0.35../J[ in MPa) is shown specimen. This slippage results in a behavior similar to
in Table 2. that of initially cracked concrete.
The modulus of rupture f, is defined in Reference 20 Since in most service load calculations in flexure the
by using g2 , instead of g 1 as in Eq. (5), with values of g2 stress-strain diagrams in compression and in tension are
varying from 0.60 to 1.0 for f, in psi (0.012 to 0.021 in equally needed and tension test data are very limited,
MPa). The ACI 318 Building Code 14 adopted a value of especially in cracked concrete, it may be convenient to
J: = 7.5../J[ in psi (0.62JJ: in MPa) for normal weight assume the same value of {3 for the tension diagram as
concrete. for compression.
For deflection calculations, if the previous loading
and concrete environment are unknown, an average
value of g 1 from 0.45 to 0.55 may be used in Eq. (5) CONCLUSIONS
when estimating/,' in psi (0.0093 to 0.0114 in MPa). The behavior of reinforced concrete in tension de-
For w = 145 lb/ftl (2323 kg/m 3), this results in/,' = pends on the restraining action of the reinforcement on
5.2 to 5.5JJ: in psi (0.43 to 0.46JJ: in MPa). These the crack propagation, on the formation of a complex
values may be as high as 7.5 to 12.0JJ: in psi (0.62 to system of external and internal cracks around and
1.0JJ: in MPa) if drying shrinkage is prevented by along the bars, on the strength and extensibility of the
keeping the test specimens in a saturated air environ- concrete itself, and on the effect of shrinkage.
ment and if precompression or no tensile loading is ap- The tensile strength of concrete specimens allowed to
plied prior to testing. They may be as low as 2.5 to dry prior to testing is lower than that of test specimens
3 .OJ!: in psi (0.21 to 0.25../J[ in MPa) if specimens are kept saturated. Drying shrinkage provides sources of
precracked prior to testing. crack growth in preference to those of the tensile
stresses produced by externally applied loads.
Estimating the value of e,' The test results and their reproducibility are affected
The values for E; in Table 2 varied from 0.00015 to by size, shape, and reinforcement of a tensile speci-
0.00025 for lightweight concrete and were approxi- men; the gage length; the strain rate; and the strain and
mately 0.00018 for normal weight concrete in Fig. 3. stress measuring devices. Gage length needs to be long
The higher values of E; obtained from other data in enough to include the effect of several primary crack
Reference 11 are markedly affected by slippage. systems and far enough from the specimen ends to
Seiss and Abbasi 21 used a value of E; = 0.0002, avoid the effect of reinforcement slippage at the ends of
which is v;o of the strain corresponding to the peak the specimen. The gage line should be at least one de-
stress used for stress-strain relationship in compres- velopment length from the ends of the specimen.
sion. For the stress-strain diagram in tension, they used Stress-strain relationships for concrete in tension, in-
a parabola for the ascending branch with sudden un- cluding a descending branch, have been used in finite
loading after reaching the peak stress/,' at E/ = 0.0002. element analysis. These relationships are based on plain
In the case of an initially uncracked section in flex- concrete testing data and on how well analytical solu-
ure, the value of E/ may be assumed such that the ini- tions fit the experimental load-deflection data from
tial slopes of the tension and compression diagrams at reinforced concrete slabs.
the surface of zero strain are the same. The assumption For deflection calculations of reinforced concrete
implies that E/ = f,' E/f: if {3 is assumed the same in members, the average stress-strain diagram in tension
compression and in tension. using Eq. (1) is recommended. The average stress-strain
For the response of previously cracked sections in di- diagram represents the overall behavior of the rein-
rect tension, E/ may be assumed as the maximum strain forced concrete in tension. It includes the combined ef-
that the concrete had experienced. For flexural compu- fects of cracking and slippage at cracks along the rein-
tations it may be assumed as Xo of E; in compression. forcement.
ACI JOURNAL I January-February 1986 27
Total load removal from cracked reinforced concrete tural Lightweight Concrete," Proceedings, ASTM, V. 65, 1965, pp.
will result in time-dependent residual stresses and 712-726.
7. Broms, Bengt B., "Stress Distribution in Reinforced Concrete
strains. The residual compressive stress in the concrete Members with Tension Cracks," ACI JoURNAL, Proceedings V. 62,
and the residual tensile stress in the reinforcement are No. 9, Sept. 1965, pp. 1095-1108.
in equilibrium with each other after unloading. Stress- 8. Goto, Yukimasa, "Cracks Formed in Concrete Around De-
strain diagrams for subsequent loadings are strongly formed Tension Bars," ACI JoURNAL, Proceedings, V. 68, No. 4,
affected by the residual stresses and strains. Unfortu- Apr. 1971, pp. 244-251.
9. Base, G. D.; Read, G. B.; Beeby, A. W.; and Taylor, H. P. J.,
nately, few data are available on these diagrams. "An Investigation of Crack Control Characteristics of Various Types
Research is needed with long specimens for concrete of Bar in Reinforced Concrete Beams," Research Report No. 18, Part
strength, steel ratios, and reinforcement details most 1, Cement and Concrete Association, London, 1966, 44 pp.
commonly used in reinforced concrete construction to 10. Nilson, Arthur H., "Internal Measurement of Bond Slip," ACI
better define the parameters in Eq. (1) and the effects JouRNAL, Proceedings V. 69, No.7, July 1972, pp. 439-441.
11. Houde, J., and Mirza, M.S., "A Study of Bond Stress-Slip
of loading and unloading. In absence of test data, the Relationships in Reinforced Concrete," Structural Research Series
following parameters may be used for deflection calcu- No. 72-8, Department of Civil Engineering, McGill University, Mon-
lations. treal, Apr. 1972, 124 pp.
The values for J,' may be assumed as defined by Eq. 12. Rostasy, Ferdinand S.; Koch, Rainer; and Leonhardt, Fritz,
(5) or as/,' = 7 .5../J[ in psi (0.62../J[ in MPa) for un- "Regarding Minimum Reinforcement Against Pressure on Exterior
Walls of Reinforced Lightweight Concrete (Zur Mindestbewehrung
cracked sections. Depending on the degree of flexural fiir Zwang von Aussenwanden aus Stahlleichtbeton)," Bulletin No.
cracking,/; may be assumed between 3.5 and 4.5Jl[ in 267, Deutscher Ausschuss fiir Stahlbeton, Berlin, 1976, pp. 5-83.
psi (0.29 to 0. 37 .jJ[ in MPa). 13. Ills ton, J. M., and Stevens, R. F., Discussion of "Cracks
For uncracked sections, the value of E: may be as- Formed in Concrete Around Deformed Tension Bars" by Yukimasa
sumed as /,' E: I J: if {3 is assumed to be the same for Goto, ACI JoURNAL, Proceedings V. 61, No. 10, Oct. 1971, pp. 798-
compression and tension. For cracked concrete sections 14. ACI Committee 318, "Building Code Requirements for Rein-
in flexure, E/ may be taken as Xo of E:. Values of E: forced Concrete (ACI 318-83)," American Concrete Institute, De-
and {3 for concrete in compression are defined in Ref- troit, 1983, 111 pp.
erence 1. 15. Nilson, Arthur H., "Nonlinear Analysis of Reinforced Con-
crete by the Finite Element Method," ACI JOURNAL, Proceedings V.
REFERENCES 65, No.9, Sept. 1968, pp. 757-766.
I. Carreira, Domingo J., and Chu, Kuang-Han, "Stress-Strain 16. Scanlon, Andrew, and Murray, David W., "Time-Dependent
Relationship for Plain Concrete in Compression," ACI JouRNAL, Reinforced Concrete Slab Deflections," Proceedings, ASCE, V. 100,
Proceedings V. 82, No.6, Nov.-Dec. 1985, pp. 797-804. ST9, Sept. 1974, pp. 1911-1924.
2. Hughes, B. P., and Chapman, G. P., "The Deformation of 17. Lin, Cheng-Shung, and Scordelis, Alexander C., "Nonlinear
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3. McNeely, D. J., and Lash, S. D., "Tensile Strength of Con- Reinforced Concrete Slabs," Proceedings, ASCE, V. 104, ST12, Dec.
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5. Fulwood, A. F., Discussion of "Tensile Strength of Concrete" ican Concrete Institute, Detroit, 1982, 92 pp.
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28 ACI JOURNAL I January-February 1986

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