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1.   Technical writing- the term includes all written communication done on all
professions and organizations.

In technical writing you write for the reader, not for yourself.

2.   Cognate- of the same or similar nature.

Cognate words have the same linguistic derivation.

3.   Convene- to come together with a group of people for a meeting or activity;


The meeting of the class ENGL4021 convened at 10:30 AM.

4.   Monoculture- the practice of growing or cultivating one type of crop (single species)
in a given area.

Extensive irrigation for corn monoculture depletes water resources.

5.   Denotation- the strict dictionary meaning of a word.

The denotation of world hunger refers to the hunger aggravated to the global

6.   Connotation- the interpretation of the meaning of a word.

The connotation of world hunger can be associated with the throwing away of
foods that are in perfect conditions in supermarkets.

7.   seed banks- a place where seeds of different species are stored.

Farmers, local growers, and the government use seed banks to preserve genetic
8.   Memo- a message or other information written sent by one person or department to
another in the same business organization.

Did you get the memo about the meeting?

9.   Adjournment- the act of giving a pause or rest to a formal meeting or trial.

The trial adjourned at 6:00 PM.

10.  gist- the most important piece of information about something.

I think I got the gist of what she was saying.

11.  minutes- the written record of what was said at a meeting.

The secretaries of the group wrote the minutes of yesterday’s meeting.

12.  Roundup- brand name of a systemic, broad-spectrum glyphosate-based herbicide

originally produced by Monsanto.

Roundup is an herbicide, patented by Monsanto in the 1970s.

13.  Herbicide- chemical design to kill grass and weeds.

Glyphosate herbicide is widely used around the world.

14.  Patent- an exclusive right granted for an invention for a set period.

Patent protection over genetic sequences is a legal mechanism that is used to take
ownership of seeds out of the hands of farmers.

15.  Terminator gene- a gene or genetic sequence that has been designed to make the
plant unable to produce new young plants.
The terminator gene can render seeds not fertile, forcing farmers to purchase new
seeds every year.

Blue, P. (2015, April 23). What Do We Really Know About Roundup Weed Killer? National
Geographic. Retrieved from:

Cambridge Dictionary. (n.d.). Definition of adjournment. Retrieved from:

Cambridge Dictionary. (n.d.). Definition of cognate. Retrieved from:

Cambridge Dictionary. (n.d.). Definition of convene. Retrieved from:

Cambridge Dictionary. (n.d.). Definition of gist. Retrieved from:

Cambridge Dictionary. (n.d.). Definition of herbicide. Retrieved from:

Cambridge Dictionary. (n.d.). Definition of memo. Retrieved from:

Cambridge Dictionary. (n.d.). Definition of monoculture. Retrieved from:

Cambridge Dictionary. (n.d.). Definition of terminator gene. Retrieved from:

Encyclopedia Britannica. (n.d.). Definition of herbicide. Britannica. Retrieved from:

Oxford Dictionary on (n.d.). Definition of Seed Bank. Retrieved from:

Sanborn, W. (2011). Pocket Guide to Technical Communication (5th ed). Prentice Hall.

(n.d.). Definition of denotation and connotation. Retrieved from:

(n.d.). Patents. World Intellectual Property Organization. Retrieved from:

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