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Implant Success, Survival, and Failure:

The International Congress of Oral

Implantologists (ICOI) Pisa
Consensus Conference
Carl E. Misch, DDS, MDS,* Morton L. Perel, DDS, MScD,† Hom-Lay Wang, DDS, MScD,‡
Gilberto Sammartino, MD, DDS,§ Pablo Galindo-Moreno, DDS, PhD,储 Paolo Trisi, DDS,¶ Marius Steigmann, Dr. Med,#
Alberto Rebaudi, MD, DDS,** Ady Palti, DDS,†† Michael A. Pikos, DDS,‡‡ D. Schwartz-Arad, DMD, PhD,§§
Joseph Choukroun, MD,储储 Jose-Luis Gutierrez-Perez, MD, PhD, DDS,¶¶ Gaetano Marenzi, DMD, DDS,##
and Dimosthenis K. Valavanis, MD, DDS, DMD***

The primary function of a dental system between these entities should

uccess criteria for endosteal im- implant is to act as an abutment for be recognized. The purpose of this ar-
S plants have been proposed previ-
ously by several authors1– 6 The
report by Albrektsson et al4 is widely
a prosthetic device, similar to a nat-
ural tooth root and crown. Any suc-
cess criteria, therefore, must include
ticle is to use a few indices developed
for natural teeth as an index that is
specific for endosteal root-form im-
used today. However, it does not con-
first and foremost support of a func- plants. This article is also intended to
sider the amount of crestal bone lost
during the first year. In addition, success tional prosthesis. In addition, al- update and upgrade what is purported
rates suggested in this guideline describe though clinical criteria for prosthetic to be implant success, implant sur-
an ideal implant quality of health for a success are beyond the scope of this vival, and implant failure. The Health
study or clinical report, but does not article, patient satisfaction with the Scale presented in this article was
address individual implants that may esthetic appearance of the implant res- developed and accepted by the Inter-
have a stable condition in the mouth toration is necessary in clinical practice. national Congress of Oral Implantolo-
after a brief episode of bone loss. The restoring dentist designs and gists Consensus Conference for Implant
The success criterion most com- fabricates a prosthesis similar to one Success in Pisa, Italy, October 2007.
monly reported in clinical reports is supported by a tooth, and as such of- (Implant Dent 2008;17:5–15)
ten evaluates and treats the dental im- Key Words: implant clinical suc-
*Professor and Director of Oral Implantology, Department of
Periodontology and Implant Dentistry, Temple Dental School,
plant similarly to a natural tooth. Yet, cess, implant clinical survival, im-
Philadelphia, PA.
†Private Practice, Providence, RI; Visiting Faculty, Boston
fundamental differences in the support plant clinical failure
University, Goldman School for Dental Medicine, Boston, MA.
‡Professor and Director of Graduate Periodontics, Department
of Periodontics and Oral Medicine, School of Dentistry,
University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, MI.
§Professor of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery, Faculty of the survival rate, meaning whether the 2007, a Pisa, Italy Consensus Confer-
Medicine, Head of Department of Oral Surgery, University of
Naples “Federico II”, Naples, Italy. implant is still physically in the mouth ence (sponsored by the International
储Associate Professor, Oral Surgery and Implant Dentistry
Department, University of Granada, Spain. or has been removed.7 Proponents of Congress of Oral Implantologists)
¶Private Practice, Pescara, Italy; Scientific Director of Bio.
C.R.A Biomaterials Clinical Research Association, Pescara, this method say it provides the clearest modified the James–Misch Health
Italy; Director Biomaterial Research Laboratory, Instituto
Ortopedico Galeazzi, Milano, Italy. presentation of the data. Critics argue Scale and approved 4 clinical category
#Private Practice, Neckargemund, Germany; Adjunct Assistant
Professor, Boston University, Boston, MA. that implants that should be removed that contain conditions of implant suc-
**Assistant Professor, University of Genova, Italy; Vice
President of Bio. C.R.A. Biomaterials Clinical Research because of pain or disease may be cess, survival, and failure. Survival
Association, Pescara, Italy; Private Practice, Italy.
††Private Practice, Baden-Baden, Germany; Clinical Professor, New
maintained and are wrongfully re- conditions for implants may have 2
York University, College of Dentistry, New York, NY.
‡‡Private Practice, Palm Harbor, FL.
ported as being successful. different categories: satisfactory sur-
§§Faculty, Department of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery, The
Maurice and Gabriela Goldschleger School of Dental Medicine,
A natural tooth is not described in vival describes an implant with less
Tel Aviv University, Tel Aviv, Israel.
储储Private Pain Clinic, Nice, France.
the literature as clinical success or fail- than ideal conditions, yet does not re-
¶¶Dean and Professor of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery, University
Hospital, School of Dentistry, University of Seveille, Spain.
ure. Instead, ideal conditions for a quire clinical management; and compro-
##Clinical Assistant, Department of Oral and Maxillofacial tooth are reported, and a quality of mised survival includes implants with
Sciences, University of Naples (Federico II).
***Private practice, Athens, Greece. health scale is used to describe in- less than ideal conditions, which require
traoral clinical conditions. In 1993, an clinical treatment to reduce the risk of
ISSN 1056-6163/08/01701-005
Implant Dentistry implant quality of health scale was implant failure. Implant failure is the
Volume 17 • Number 1
Copyright © 2008 by Lippincott Williams & Wilkins established by James and further de- term used for implants that require re-
DOI: 10.1097/ID.0b013e3181676059 veloped by Misch.8,9 On 5th October, moval or have already been lost.


The term implant success may be Pain during function from an implant erature) to asses bone loss after heal-
used to describe ideal clinical condi- body is a subjective criterion that ing is by radiographic evaluation. Of
tions. It should include a time period places the implant in the failure cate- course, conventional radiographics
of at least 12 months for implants gory. Sensitivity from an implant dur- only monitor the mesial or distal as-
serving as prosthetic abutments. The ing function may place the implant in pect of bone loss around the implant
term early implant success is sug- the survival criteria, and may warrant body.
gested for a span of 1 to 3 years, some clinical treatment. Several studies report yearly ra-
intermediate implant success for 3 to 7 diographic marginal bone loss after
years, and long-term success for more Mobility the first year of function in the range
than 7 years. The implant success rate Rigid fixation is a clinical term for of 0 to 0.2 mm.18 –20 The marginal bone
should also include the associated implants, which describes the absence loss for the quality of health scale
prosthetic survival rate in a clinical of observed clinical mobility with ver- should include the first year. Although
report. tical or horizontal forces under 500 g, there are many different aspects that
similar to evaluating teeth. Osseointe- contribute to early bone loss, regard-
CLINICAL INDICES gration is a histologic term defined as less of the cause the overall amount of
the surrounding bone in direct contact bone loss may affect clinical criteria of
Periodontal indices are often used with an implant surface at the magni- success to failure. Clinical studies of-
for the evaluation of dental im- fication of a light microscope.12 Over ten report statistical average bone
plants. 10,11 Periodontal indices, of the years, rigid fixation and osseointe- loss—not the range of bone loss ob-
themselves, do not define implant suc- gration have been used interchange- served in the study. If 1 implant of 10
cess or failure. These clinical indices ably. Today, the clinical term “lack of loses 5 mm of bone, the average bone
must be related to other factors such as mobility” may be used to describe im- loss in the study is 0.5 mm; yet, the
exudate or overloading of the prosthe- plant movement, and is a clinical con- range of bone loss was 0 to 5 mm.
sis. However, understanding the basis dition most often used to determine as Each implant should be monitored as
of a few clinical indices for evaluation to whether the implant is integrated. A an independent unit when assessing
allows these criteria to establish a root-form implant supported prosthe- bone loss for a clinical evaluation of
health-disease implant quality scale sis is most predictable with this type of success, survival, or failure.
related to implant therapy. support system. Clinical observations obtained by
Lack of clinical movement does not probing or radiographic measurements
Pain mean the true absence of mobility. A of 0.1 mm for bone loss are operator
Most clinical implant positions in healthy implant may move less than 75 sensitive and are not reliable. There-
the literature do not invade the struc- ␮m; yet, it appears as zero clinical mo- fore, the Pisa Consensus in this report
tures of the infraorbital or inferior al- bility.14 Clinical lack of implant mobility suggests that the clinical assessment
veolar nerves. Therefore, in the does not always coincide with a direct for each implant monitors marginal
success-to-failure criteria, it is as- bone–implant interface.3 However, bone loss in increments of 1.0 mm.
sumed that the implant does not vio- when observed clinically, lack of mobil- The bone loss measurement should be
late the major nerves of the jaws.12,13 ity usually means that at least a portion related to the original marginal bone
Subjective findings of pain or tender- of the implant is in direct contact with level at implant insertion, rather than
ness associated with an implant body bone, although the percentage of bone to a previous measurement (e.g., 1
are more difficult to assess than these contact cannot be specified.15 A clini- year prior).
conditions with natural teeth. cally mobile implant indicates the pres- The most common method to as-
Once the implant has achieved ence of connective tissue between the sess the marginal bone loss is with a
primary healing, absence of pain un- implant and bone, and suggests clinical conventional periapical radiograph.
der vertical or horizontal forces is a failure for an endosteal root-form Although this only determines the mesial
primary subjective criterion. Pain implant. Implant “mobility” may be as- and distal bone loss, it is a time-tested
should not be associated with the im- sessed by computer or various instru- method. Computer-assisted image
plant after healing. When present, it is ments,16,17 but at this point in time analysis and customized x-ray posi-
more often an improper fitting pros- these instruments are not necessary to tioning devices may be superior meth-
thetic component, or pressure on the determine clinical movement in a hor- ods of measuring bone loss,17 but are
soft tissue from the prosthesis. Percus- izontal or vertical direction as being not required for the criteria established
sion and forces up to 500 g (1.2 psi) implant failure. at this consensus.
may be used clinically to evaluate im-
plant pain or discomfort. Percussion is Radiographic Crestal Bone Loss Probing Depths
used for the impact force to the im- The marginal bone around the im- Probing depths around teeth are
plant, not for the audible effect asso- plant crestal region is usually a signif- an excellent proven means to assess
ciated with integration. Usually, pain icant indicator of implant health. The the past and present health of natural
from the implant body does not occur level of the crestal bone may be mea- teeth, but probing depths around im-
unless the implant is mobile and sur- sured from the crestal position of the plants may be of little diagnostic
rounded by inflamed tissue or has implant at the initial implant surgery. value, unless accompanied by signs
rigid fixation but impinges on a nerve. The most common method (in the lit- (e.g., radiographic radiolucencies, purulent


exudate, bleeding) and/or symptoms probing depth compared with the The ICOI Pisa Implant Quality of
(e.g., discomfort, pain). The benefit of baseline measurement may be diag- Health Scale
probing the implant sulcus has been nostic in a clinical evaluation. The ICOI Pisa Implant Quality of
challenged in the literature because Although routine probing healthy Health is based on clinical evaluation.
sound scientific criteria are lacking. implants on a regular basis seems un- This scale allows the dentist to evalu-
Increasing probing depths over time warranted, a baseline measurement ate an implant using the listed criteria,
may indicate bone loss, but not neces- and probing in the presence of other place it in the appropriate category of
sarily indicate disease for an endosteal symptoms and/or signs is indicated. health or disease, and then treat the
implant. Stable, rigid, fixated implants As such, in the ICOI Pisa Consensus implant accordingly. Three primary
have been reported with pocket depths Criteria, probing depths are not as- categories were established by the
ranging from 2 to 6 mm. Lekholm et sessed in the success or satisfactory Consensus: success, survival, and fail-
al20 found that the presence of deep health conditions, but are included in ure. The success category describes
pockets was not accompanied by ac- the compromised survival condition. optimum conditions, the survival cat-
celerated marginal bone loss. Healthy, egory describes implants still in func-
partially edentulous implant patients tion but not with ideal conditions, and
consistently exhibit greater probing Peri-implant Disease the failure of an implant represents an
depths around implants than around implant that should be or already has
The term peri-implantitis de-
teeth. been removed. There are 4 implant
Probing pressures are subjective, scribes the bone loss from bacteria
around an implant.30 Peri-implantitis is groups to describe the clinical condi-
as is the angulation of the probe next tions of success, survival, or failure
to an implant crown. The “correct defined as an inflammatory process
affecting the tissue around an implant (Table 1).
pressure” for probing has not been de- Group I represents success and is
fined for implants, but may be less in function that has resulted in loss of
supporting bone.28 Bacteria, on occa- considered optimum health conditions.
important than with teeth, because No pain is observed with palpation,
there is no connective tissue attach- sion, may be the primary factor for
percussion, or function. No clinical
ment zone next to an implant. The bone loss around an implant. Anaero-
implant mobility is noted in any direc-
potential for damage to the fragile at- bic bacteria have been observed in the
tion with loads less than 500 g. Less
tachment or marring of the implant sulcus of implants, especially when
than 2.0 mm of radiographically cr-
surface may exist during probing.3 On probing depths are greater than 5
estal bone loss is observed compared
the other hand, there is no clinical or mm.27
with the implant insertion surgery.
experimental evidence supporting this Stress-induced bone loss (e.g.,
The implant has no history of exudate.
hypothesis.21 Future research in the overloading the bone implant inter- The prognosis of Group I implants is
area of probing is needed before in- face) occurs without bacteria as the very good to excellent.
cluding this as a primary criteria in a primary causative agent.31–34 However, Group II implants are categorized
consensus for success, survival, and/or once the bone loss from stress or bac-
failure. as “survival” and have satisfactory
teria deepens the sulcular crevice and health. They are stable, but show a
On the other hand, charting the decreases the oxygen tension, anaero-
attachment level in implant permucosal history of, or potential for, clinical
bic bacteria may become the primary problems. No pain or tenderness is
areas does aid the dentist in monitor- promoters of the continued bone loss.
ing these regions. Probing to monitor observed on palpation, percussion, or
In other words, the bacteria involved function. No observable mobility ex-
implants has been suggested in several in peri-implatitis may oftentimes be
implant workshops and position arti- ists with loads less than 500 g. Radio-
secondary to one of the prime caus- graphic crestal bone loss is between
cles.22–25 Sulcus depths greater than 5 ative factors, such as overloading the
to 6 mm around implants have a 2.0 and 4.0 mm from the implant in-
bone–implant interface. sertion. The prognosis is good to very
greater incidence of anaerobic bacte-
Exudate or an abscess around an good, depending on the stable condi-
ria26 –28 and may require intervention in
implant indicates exacerbation of the tion of the crestal bone.
the presence of inflammation or exu-
date (e.g., surgery, antibiotic regi- peri-implant disease and possible ac- Group III implants are also in the
mens). Probing not only measures celerated bone loss. An exudate per- “survival” category, but exhibit a
pocket depth, but also reveals tissue sisting for more than 1 to 2 weeks slight to moderate peri-implantitis and
consistency, bleeding, and the pres- usually warrants surgical revision of compromised health status. Group III
ence of exudate.29 the peri-implant area to eliminate implants are characterized by no pain
It is of benefit to probe and estab- causative elements. The reduced bone in function. No vertical or initial hor-
lish a baseline measurement after the height, after the exudate episode, izontal mobility is evident. Greater
initial soft tissue healing around the makes the implant more prone to sec- than 4 mm radiographic crestal bone
permucosal aspect of the implant. In- ondary occlusal trauma. Therefore, the loss has occurred since implant place-
creases in this baseline measurement dentist must reevaluate stress factors ment, but bone loss is less than 50%
over time most often represents mar- for the new bony condition and often from around the implant. Probing
ginal bone loss. In the presence of must reduce them to improve long- depths have increased from baseline
other signs and/or symptoms, the term performance. up to one-half the length of the im-


Table 1. Health Scale for Dental Implants*
Implant Quality Scale
Group Clinical Conditions
I. Success (optimum health) a) No pain or tenderness upon function
b) 0 mobility
c) ⬍2 mm radiographic bone loss from initial
d) No exudates history

II. Satisfactory survival a) No pain on function

b) 0 mobility
c) 2–4 mm radiographic bone loss
d) No exudates history

III. Compromised survival a) May have sensitivity on function

b) No mobility
c) Radiographic bone loss ⬎4 mm (less than
1/2 of implant body)
d) Probing depth ⬎7 mm
e) May have exudates history

IV. Failure (clinical or absolute failure) Any of following:

a) Pain on function
b) Mobility
c) Radiographic bone loss ⬎1/2 length of
d) Uncontrolled exudate
e) No longer in mouth
*International Congress of Oral Implantologists, Pisa, Italy, Consensus Conference, 2007.

plant, often accompanied with bleed- SUMMARY Health Scale specific for endosteal im-
ing on probing. Exudate episodes (if plants and included categories of suc-
Implant success is as difficult to
present) may have lasted more than 2 cess, survival, and failure. In addition,
describe as the success criteria re-
weeks. The prognosis is good to these categories of health may be re-
quired for a tooth. A range from health
guarded, depending on the ability to lated to the prognosis of the existing
to disease exists in both conditions. conditions.
reduce and control stress once the sur- The primary criteria for assessing im-
gical corrections have improved the plant, quality, or health are pain and
soft and hard tissue health. mobility. The presence of either one REFERENCES
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Table Translations
Tabelle 1. Gesundheitstechnische Einteilung fur̈ Zahnimplantate
Qualitätsstaffelung fur̈ Implantate*
Gruppe Klinische Bedingungen
I Erfolg (Optimaler a) Keine Schmerzen oder Empfindlichkeiten bei Aufnahme der
Gesundheitszustand) Funktionalität
b) 0 Mobilität
c) ⬍ 2 mm radiographisch festgestellter Knochengewebsverlust
nach orster Operation
d) Keine Exsudathistorie
II Zufrieden stellende a) Keine Schmerzen bei Funktionsaufnahme
Ub̈erlebensrate b) 0 Mobilität
c) 2 – 4 mm radiographisch festgestellter Knochengewebsverlust
d) Keine Exsudathistorie
III Beeinträchtige Ub̈erlebensrate a) Eventuell auftretende Sensitivitäten bei Funktionsaufnahme
b) Keine Mobilität
c) Radiographisch festgestellter Knochengewebsverlust ⬎4 mm
(weniger als die Hälfte des Implantatkor̈perumfangs)
d) Sondierungstiefe ⬎7 mm
e) Eventuell vorliegende Exsudathistorie
IV Versagensfälle (Klinisches oder Einer der nachfolgenden Grun̈de:
absolutes Versagen) a) Auftreten von Schmerzen bei Funktionsub̈ernahme
b) Mobilität
c) Radiographisch festgestellter Knochengewebsverlust ⬎1/2 der
Länge des Implantats
d) Unkontrolliertes Exsudat
e) Nicht mehr im Mundraum vorhanden
* Internationaler Kongress der Oralimplantologen, Pisa, Italien, Ub̈ereinstimmungsbildende Konferenz, 2007.



Tabla 1. Escala de salud para implantes dentales

Escala de calidad de los implantes*
Grupo Situación clínica
I Exitoso (óptimo estado de salud) a) Sin dolor ni sensibilidad después de funcionar
b) 0 movilidad
c) pérdida ósea de ⬍2 mm a partir de la cirugía inicial
d) Sin antecedentes de exudados
II Supervivencia satisfactoria a) Sin dolor después de funcionar
b) 0 movilidad
c) pérdida ósea de 2 a 4 mm
d) Sin antecedentes de exudados
III Supervivencia comprometida a) Posible sensibilidad después de funcionar
b) Sin movilidad
c) Pérdida ósea de ⬎ 4mm (menos de la mitad del cuerpo del implante)
d) Profundidad de ⬎ 7 mm
e) Posibles antecedentes de exudados
IV Fracasó (Fracaso clínico o absoluto) Cualquiera de los siguientes:
a) Dolor después de funcionar
b) Movilidad
c) Pérdida ósea de ⬎ 1/2 del largo del implante
d) Exudado sin control
e) Ya no se encuentra en la boca
* Congreso Internacional de Implantólogos Orales, Pisa, Italia, Conferencia de Consenso 2007.


Tabela 1. Escala de Saúde para Implantes Dentários

Escala de Qualidade de Implante*
Grupo Condiçñes Clínicas
I Sucesso (Saúde ótima) a) Sem dor ou maciez durante atividade
b) 0 mobilidade
c) ⬍2 mm perda de osso radiográfico a partir da cirurgia inicial
d) Sem história de exsudatos
II Sobrevivência Satisfatória a) Sem dor durante atividade
b) 0 mobilidade
c) 2 – 4 mm perda de osso radiográfico
d) Sem história de exsudatos
III Sobrevivência Comprometida a) Pode ter sensibilidade durante atividade
b) Sem mobilidade
c) Perda de osso radiográfico ⬎4 mm (menos que 1/2 de corpo de implante)
d) Profundidade da sondagem ⬎7 mm
e) Pode ter história de exsudatos
IV Falha (Falha clínica ou absoluta) Qualquer dos seguintes: Dor durante atividade
b) Mobilidade
c) Perda de osso radiográfico ⬎1/2 extensào do implante
d) Exsudatos nào-controlados
e) Nào mais na boca
* Congresso Internacional de Implantologistas Orais, Pisa, Itália, Conferência de Consenso, 2007.


бл 1. кл ок к
с  д ло л 
кл к
с  л  *
Гу Кл 
ск  сос о 
I Ус л   (О ло a) О су с  бол л
у с лос  фук о о 
доо ) b) О су с  од ос
c) д огф
ск ок о  кос о сс! ⬍2 
осл  о о
d) О су с  "кссуд
II Удо л о л   ос  a) О су с  бол  фук о о 
b) О су с  од ос
c) д огф
ск ок о  кос о сс! 2 – 4 
d) О су с  "кссуд
III О го#   ос  a) $оо
у с лос   фук о о 
b) О су с  од ос
c) д огф
ск ок о  кос о сс! ⬎4  (
л  )
d) Глуб  о#у!   ⬎7 
e) $оо "кссуд 
IV %уд
 л   (Кл 
ск л Л&бо   слду&#го:
бсол& ) a) Бол  фук о о 
b) ⌸од ос 
c) д огф
ск ок о  кос о сс! ⬎1/2 дл
! л  
d) %у л "кссуд 
e) О су с  о о о олос
* )дуод! когсс уб!* л олого , ⌸ , + л , + г  коф , 2007.


Tablo 1. Dental Iṁplantlar için Sagl̆ık Ol̈çegı̆

Iṁplant Kalite Ölçegı̆*
Grup Klinik Kosu̧llar
I Basa̧rı (Optimum sagl̆ık) a) Fonksiyonda agr̆ı veya acı yok
b) 0 hareketlilik (mobilite)
c) ilk cerrahiden beri radyografik kemik kaybı: ⬍2mm
d) Eksud̈a oÿkus̈u¨ yok
II Tatmin Edici Sagk̆alım a) Fonksiyonda agr̆ı yok
b) 0 hareketlilik
c) 2 - 4 mm’lik radyografik kemik kaybı
d) Eksud̈a oÿkus̈u¨ yok
III Sagk̆alımda Bozukluk a) Fonksiyon sırasında hassasiyet olabilir
b) Hareketlilik yok
c) Radyografik kemik kaybı ⬎4 mm (implant
gov̈desinin 1/2’inden daha az)
d) Prob derinligı̆ ⬎7 mm
e) Eksud̈a oÿkus̈u¨ olabilir
IV Basa̧rısız (Klinik veya Kesin basa̧rısızlık) Asa̧gı̆dakilerin herhangi biri:
a) Fonksiyon sırasında agr̆ı
b) Hareketlilik
c) Radyografik kemik kaybı: implant uzunlugŭnun
⬎1/2’inden fazla
d) Kontrol edilemeyen eksud̈a
e) Agı̆zda yerlesı̧k degı̆l
* Oral Iṁplantolojistlerin Uluslararası Kongresi, Pisa, Iṫalya, Ortak Gor̈us̈¸ Konferansı, 2007.








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