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Editorial: Nursing for dummies or dummies for nursing?

In the UK, schools of nursing appear to vibrating mass of organs and erect suggest that the Nursing and Mid-
have been invaded – they are every- extensions. Their appeal in the current wifery Council investigates the possi-
where! We refer to mannikins which are era of evidence-based health care is that bility of adding another branch to the
now used commonly to train medical they are not only effective (including register, the Registered Simulated Pa-
and nursing students. As nursing stu- cost-effective), efficient and acceptable tient Nurse so that those who have the
dents we recall the large ‘dolls’ which substitutes for patients, but they are also vocation can have the professional
were used to practise lifting and han- compliant, adherent and concordant backing and work within an appropri-
dling; positional change, bed-bathing and require little investment in time, ate framework of ethics and account-
and, of course, the insertion of things effort and other healthcare resources. As ability.
into the body through ports of entry such, mannekins present the ideal solu- Furthermore, mannekins hold great
about which we had only heard rumours tion for nursing students who do not appeal to managers, who are increas-
before our own training. These were quite ‘gel’ with their patients. After all, ingly looking at novel mannekinpower
inanimate and unresponsive aids to it is not uncommon to hear students solutions such as patient-substitution.
nurse training and were often the butt returning to the skills laboratory after a Mannekins do not complain or answer
of jokes by medical students: ‘playing period of clinical practice expressing back, do not get incontinent or get
with dolls today, were we?’ was a relief at being away from people and infections, do not feel anxious or have
common taunt. Such ‘dolls’ went out back to the mannekins. For some, the pain and do not mind being in mixed-
of favour as we moved towards working vagaries of human nature and the sex wards. In short, they are the model
solely with real patients and also unpredictability of clinical practice are patient. No more worries about wishy-
because, in fact, they were useless. just too much, but if we do not find a washy concepts such as dignity, privacy,
However, we are all playing with dolls place for them in nursing, then the emotional care and lack of knowledge.
again now and we are currently in the investment in their education and train- Luckily, nurses no longer have to con-
process of testing and purchasing third- ing is simply wasted. cern themselves with such trivia. Mann-
generation mannikins which seem to be We think we have the solution: ekins – the perfect solution!
capable of doing everything but walk – wards which only admit mannekins.
presumably that function comes with After all, there must be many obsolete Roger Watson
the fourth generation – even the second- mannekin models gathering dust in Editor-in-Chief, JCN
generation mannekins can talk! schools of nursing and hospitals that E-mail:
Early basic ‘manual’ versions of need looking after. Why should they
mannekins were fairly primitive but the be discriminated against? They should David R Thompson
new interactive ‘hi-tech’ ones are much be able to see out their final years in Professor of Cardiovascular Nursing
more realistic – one minute, dormant, the care of people who really care for University of Leicester
reclining and receptive, the next a them. Towards this end we seriously Leicester, UK

Ó 2009 Blackwell Publishing Ltd, Journal of Clinical Nursing, 18, 3069 3069
doi: 10.1111/j.1365-2702.2009.02817.x

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