Final Post 5 My Civic Action Plan Matrix

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ePortfolio Post #5: My Civic Action Plan Matrix

Instructions: Complete the 4 goal Specific Measurable Attainable Relevant Timebound

statements below. Then, check if What exactly How will I know What are the Is it
you’ve met the criteria for the goal needs to be I've succeeded? resources meaningful
to be “SMART.” When it’s accomplished? needed to to me?
complete, include this matrix in achieve the Am I willing to
your ePortfolio #5. goal? commit to
Is the goal a achieving this
reasonable goal?
stretch for me?

At 1 week after completing this Touch bases with Their responses to Email, social Yes, this is very x
class, I will teens from my my invite to media. This is very relevant towards
program and see brainstorming ways attainable. building the
how they feel to bring attention to community to
about bringing the topic push for change.
awareness to the

At 4 weeks after completing Have formed a I will have youth Willing Youth, a Yes x
this class, I will committee of youth involvement and be plan for gaining
who will begin starting the process support of the
reaching out to of creating a pitch partners, research
Teens with a for the community showing lack of
purpose and partners. support for topic.
BGCA for support.

At 8 weeks after completing Have support from Members from TWP Resources will be Relevant to x
this class, I will community and BGCA will be willing participants gaining more
partners with in onboard with from youth and support beyond
TWP and BGCA brainstorming our community our current level
next course of partners. Local of community.
action and national data
and stats to show
where biggest
need can be

At 12 weeks after completing Have first stages of Parts of a physical Sustainable ideas Yes, this is x
this class, I will plan for gaining plan in progress. and actions from closer towards
more support for brainstorming the goal of
teenage programs phase. bringing
awareness to our

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