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Running head: UNIT 8 ASSIGNMENT 1

Unit 8 Assignment

Staci Ross

Purdue University Global


March 1, 2020


In this paper, I will be discussing a personalized exercise prescription for myself and my

client Carl, focusing on the requirements for cardiovascular activity, muscle strengthening and

increasing our flexibility. I will attempt to create a fitness plan using the F.I.T.T principles

(frequency, intensity, time, and type) for both Carl and I.

Part 1: Self-Assessment FITT

Frequency Intensity Time Type

Aerobic 3 days/week Moderate- 45 mins-60 mins Incline walking,

vigorous elliptical, bike

Muscle 3 days/week 10-12 reps/3 sets 30 mins-45 mins Weight training,

Strengthening per exercise resistance


Flexibility 1-2 times/week Moderate 30 mins-45 mins Yoga, Pilates,


For my personal goals and knowing where I am starting my fitness journey, the above

plan is what I have set up for myself. I am rather sedentary at the moment so I know that I need

to set realistic goals that I can add into my current routine and add specific workouts and times to

ensure I do not get injured and my muscles can recover. I am committing myself to three days a

week of aerobic training, with aiming to complete 45 to 60 minutes each session. I will choose

from incline walking, using the elliptical, or using the stationary bike. I will aim to complete

these workouts in a moderate to vigorous manner with an increased heart rate. Next, I have

scheduled myself three days a week of weight training/resistance training. I will focus on doing

different parts of my body each day such as bis/tris, legs/glutes, back/shoulders to get a full body

workout each week and aim to work these groups for 30 to 45 minutes each time and complete

10-12 reps for 3 sets for each specific exercise. I will also add in Yoga, Pilates, or Barre one to

two times per week to help in my overall flexibility and stretching.

Part 2: Carl’s Assessment FITT

Frequency Intensity Time Type

Aerobic 3-4 days/week Moderate- 30 mins-45 mins Playing sports,

vigorous running, incline

walking, bike,

HIIT training

Muscle 2-3 days/week 10-12 reps/3 sets 30 mins-45 mins Weight training,

Strengthening per exercise resistance


Flexibility 1 day/week Moderate 30 mins-45 mins Yoga

My client Carl is a busy 21 year old in college. Carl does run at least once a week and

plays intramural sports 1 to 2 times per week at the moment. Carl has a very busy school and

social life and he is not currently worried about his health or weight but he would like to

maintain his fitness level but also increase his upper body strength. For Carl, it will be about

fitting in shorter workouts where he can but ensure that he is getting benefits from these

workouts by creating structure.

Carl already does aerobic exercise one to two days a week, so I would recommend that he

continue doing these workouts but also add in another one or two days a week of doing aerobic

exercise. Since he is low on time, I would recommend that Carl do HIIT training (high intensity

interval training) which can give him great aerobic benefits while keeping the time short. When

Carl has added time, he could also use the stationary bike, incline walk/run, or use the elliptical

for added aerobic benefits. I would recommend that Carl add in 2 to 3 days a week of strength

training/resistance training, focusing on different groups of the body on different days (bis/tris,

legs/glutes, back/shoulders). This would help Carl increase his upper body strength but also give

him a well-rounded body workout each week. I also would recommend that Carl try to add in

one day of practicing yoga, this will help increase his flexibility and also stretch his muscles to

help prevent injuries. It is important that Carl add in more strength or resistant training to his

current routine because this will help his body’s strength overall and he will find he is able to

compete at sports even better.


In conclusion, the plans above are a great tool and starting point to add into my and

Carl’s routine. It was very helpful to look at both of our schedules and to talk about how much

time we have to commit to physical activity, what our goals are for our health and wellbeing, and

also what workouts we wanted to focus on the most. For me, I want to lose weight, tone my

body, and practice yoga more often because I want to feel more of a mind-body connection. For

Carl, he wants to maintain where he is at but also gain upper body strength and to feel more

strong when playing sports.


Waehner, Paige. (2020, February 20). The F.I.T.T Principle for an Effective Workout. Retrieved
on February 21, 2020 from

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