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Childhood Years in Calamba order to fulfill his mother’s vow which was

made when Jose was born.

Calamba, the Hero’s Town  It was the first trip of Jose across Laguna de Bay
 Calamba was a hacienda town belonged to the and his first pilgrimage to Antipolo. He and his
Dominican Order, which also owned all the father rode in a Casco (barge)
“With what pleasure I saw the sunrise; for the first time
lands around it.
I saw how the luminous rays shone, producing a
 According to a legend, the word “Calamba” was
brilliant effect on the ruffled surface of the wide lake”
taken from the phrase “kalan-banga”. Kalan-banga
was an earthen jar being carried by a young woman Story of the Moth-story told by his mother
whom a Guardia Civil stopped to ask for
the name of the place. Artistic Talents

 Un Recuerdo A Mi Pueblo (In Memory of My  At the age of five, he began to make sketches
Town) with his pencil and to mold in clay and wax
Earliest Childhood Memories\ objects which attracted his fancy
 Upon the request of the mayor, he painted in oil
 Aya (nurse maid)- kind old woman who looked colors a new banner that delighted the town
after Rizal comfort folks because it was better than the original one.
 Angelus prayer – another childhood memory that he  Jose had a soul of a genuine artist. He loved to
learned from his mother ride on a spirited pony which his father bought
for him and take a long walks in the meadows
 He remembered the happy moonlights at the Azotea and lakeshore with his black dog named Usman.
after the nightly Rosary  One interesting anecdote about Rizal was the
incident about his clay and wax images.
 Nocturnal walk in the town, especially when there First Poem by Rizal- To My Fellow Children/Sa Aking
was a moon. Mga Kabata
Hero’s First Sorrow First Drama by Rizal-Tagalog Comedy
 Jose loved most the little Concha (Concepcion). Rizal as Boy Magician
He was a year older than Concha. He played
with her and from her he learned the sweetness  With his dexterous hands, Rizal learned various
of sisterly love. tricks, such as making a coin appear or
“When I was four years old, I lost my little sister Concha disappear in his fingers and making a
and then for the first time I shed tears caused by love handkerchief vanish in thin air.
and grief.”  He also gained skills in manipulating
Marionettes (puppet shows)
Devoted Son of the Church
 In later years when he attained manhood, he
 A scion of a Catholic clan, born and bred in a continued his keen predilection for magic.
wholesome atmosphere of Catholicism, and Lakeshore Reveries
possessed of an inborn pious spirit, Rizal grew
 During the twilight hours of summertime Rizal,
up a good Catholic
accompanied by his dog, used to meditate at the
 At the age of three, he began to take part in the
shore of Laguna de Bay on the sand conditions
family prayers.
of his oppressed people.
 He loved to go to church, to pray, to take part in Influences on the Hero’s boyhood
novenas, and to join the religious processions
 One of the men he esteemed and respected in 1. Hereditary Influence
Calamba during his boyhood was the scholarly  Chinese ancestors- he derived his serious
Father Leoncio Lopez, the town priest nature, frugality, patience, and love for children.
Pilgrimage to Antipolo  Spanish ancestors – he got his elegance of
bearing, sensitivity to insult, and gallantry to
 On June 6, 1868, Jose and his father left ladies.
Calamba to go on a pilgrimage to Antipolo, in
 Parents - he got his elegance of father, he
inherited a profound sense of self-respect, the
love for work, and the habit of independent
 From his mother, he inherited his religious
nature, the spirit of self-sacrifice, and the
passion for arts and literature.
2. Environmental Influence
 The scenic beauties of Calamba and the
beautiful garden of the Rizal family stimulated
the inborn artistic and literary talents of Jose
 The religious atmosphere at his home fortified
his religious nature.
 Paciano, instilled in his mind the love for
freedom and justice
 From his sisters, he learned to be courteous and
kind to women.
 The fairy tales told by his Aya during his early
childhood awakened his interest in folklore and
 Tio Jose Alberto, inspired him to develop his
artistic ability.
 Tio Manuel, encouraged him to develop his frail
body by means of physical exercises, including
horse riding, walking and wrestling.
 Tio Gregorio, intensifies his voracious reading
of good books.
 Father Leoncio Lopez, fostered Rizal’s love for
scholarship and intellectual honesty.
 Death of Concha contributed to strengthen his
character, enabling him to resist blows of
adversities in later years.
 Awakened his spirit of patriotism and inspired
him to consecrate his life and talents to redeem
his oppressed people.
3. Aid of Divine Providence
 God had endowed him with the versatile gifts of
a genius, the vibrant spirit of a nationalist, and
the valiant heart to sacrifice for a noble cause.

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