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Escribe las palabras en el orden correcto para formar una frase.


happy / you / are = you are happy

Q1 of 10

lives / she / New York / in = she lives in new york

Q2 of 10

don't / like / I / ice cream = I don’t like ice cream

Q3 of 10

a / they / dog / got / have = they have got a dog

Q4 of 10

not / is / tired / he = he is not tired

Q5 of 10

we / Spain / don't / live / in = we don’t live in spain

Q6 of 10

got / car / has / he / a / ? = has he got a car?

Q7 of 10

are / happy / ? / they are they happy?

Q8 of 10

does / like / he / ? / dogs = does he like dogs?

Q9 of 10

go / Carol / doesn't / the / cinema / to = carol doesn’t go to the cinema

Q10 of 10

they / near / hospital / live / do / the / ? = do they live near the hospital?

Elige la palabra para completar la frase: can / does / has / am / not / wants /

I do  want any more coffee, thank you.

Q1 of 5

We usually walk the dog in the MORNING

Q2 of 5

I AM reading an interesting book right now.

I  AM reading an interesting book right now.

Q3 of 5

She HAS to travel after university.

She HAS  to travel after university.

Q4 of 5

DOES she like playing football?

 DOES she like playing football?

Q5 of 5

CAN you swim fast?

 CAN you swim fast?

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