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Deed of Donation – Acceptance



This Deed of Donation made and executed by the _________________ herein represented by its
_______________________________ __________________________ with office address at
__________________________________ hereafter called the DONOR.

-in favor of-

The DEPARTMENT OF EDUCATION herein represented by its ________________ (SDS/School Head) with office address at
__________________________________ hereafter called the DONEE.

That for and in consideration of a desire to contribute a share for the cause of the education of Filipino learners
through the Adopt-a-School Program of the Department of Education, the DONOR has freely and voluntarily given,
transferred and conveyed by way of donation to the DONEE, its successors and assigns free and clear of any and all liens
and encumbrances whatsoever all its rights, interest and title on (title of donation)

Details of Donation Amount

_____________________________ ______________________
_____________________________ ______________________
_____________________________ ______________________

With a total amount of Php ______________________

IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the DONOR has hereto subscribed herself/himself this ____ day of
____________________, 201_


The DONEE, for and in behalf of the school, hereby accepts and acknowledges the donation from the
(_DONOR_), and expresses his most sincere appreciation for the benevolence shown by the DONOR.

IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the DONEE has set his hands this _____day of ______________, 201__
In ________________________.


School Head:___________________________

Name of School & Address:___________________________

Catbalogan City, Samar
Plaque of Recognition
is awarded to

for supporting the cause of improving the quality of education
in TINGIB ELEMENTARY SCHOOL manifested by its
generous donation of CONSTRUCTION MATERIALS used for the
November 12, 2001

Mr. Tomoo Hozumi

ILO Director
19th F Yuchengco Tower
RCBC Palza, 6819 Ayala
Avenue, Makati City

Dear Mr. Hozumi,

We would like to appeal to your kind assistance in providing one (1) set of four (4) wheel vehicle, your
used vehicle

The Division of Samar is covering provincial wide monitoring of schools that is included in the province
of Samar

Although the Division of Samar is supported by the national government, due to a awful budget shortfall
no funds are available to purchase a vehicle to be used in monitoring the programs and projects of the
department particularly in the Disaster Risk Reduction Management in school

It will make a substantial difference in bridging the digital gap between high schools in developed
countries that have computers for each student as against one computer for an entire high school in a
developing country such as ours.

We are attaching below a profile of our Public Elementary/Secondary schools to give you an idea of the
numbers of beneficiary that will be served by providing us vehicles to be utilized in the monitoring of
programs and projects in DepED Division of Samar.

We will provide the counterpart funds for training the teacher in the use of the computer as a teaching
tool to the high school classes together with a one year donation of DSL connectivity through one of the
major telecommunication company operating in the area of Samal.

We look forward to your favorable answer to our request.  If in case you have questions that need to be
clarified, please don’t hesitate to ask.

Thank you and with our heartfelt regards.

Very truly yours,

Erlinda Bonifacio
School Principal

Tags: equipment request, Request Letter

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