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Healty Relationships (Relaciones saludables)

 You feel free to do and say whatever you want.

 You feel confident to talk about anything.
 You and your partner spend time and have fun together.
 You and your partner share your problems and respect the solutions that each one

Violent Relationships (Relaciones toxicas)

 Your partner treats you bad, and he tells you things that make you feel humiliated.
 Your partner is always checking your phone, he controls your text messages and your
phone calls.
 You are afraid to share your opinion about something you think it’s not right.
 Your partner threatens you when you don't do what he wants.

Violence against women become from their partners. (La violencia contra las mujeres
proviene de sus parejas)

Physichological violence.

 These are all the verbal, gestural and attitudes that damage a person emotionally.

Physical violence

 These are actions such as hitting, pushing, shaking, slapping, kicking, pinching, choking,
strangling, and burning.

Call 100 for help.

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