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English Explorer 3 test 7 Página 1 de 4

A Vocabulary ___/30
1 Complete the words.
0 a place where you can see paintings art gallery
1 A system of buses, trains, and trolleys for people to use. p_______ t________
2 A cold place where you skate with friends. i________ r________
3 Big tall building where business people work. o________ b_______
4 Rubbish dropped in the street and in parks. l___________
5 A place where teenagers can get together. y________ c_______
2 marks per item ___/10

2 Complete the sentences with tell or say in the correct form.

0 I told Jane to call us as soon as she arrives.
1 My mom ________ something to the detective about the robbery.
2 The police ______ us to lock our door before we went to bed.
3 Yesterday, Peter _______ he was going to the youth center.
4 When Julie gets back, I _______ her that you phoned.
5 Kevin ______ yesterday that he wants to borrow your GPS.

2 marks per item ___/10

3 Complete the sentences with is or are

0 My family is celebrating Mother’s Day in Spain.

1 Politics ______ one of my main interests.

2 The committee _____ discussing the subject of immigration.
3 The German football team ____ playing on Sunday.
4 How many people ____ attending the forum?
5 The police ____ investigating the mugging.
2 marks per item ___/10
English Explorer 3 test 7 Página 2 de 4

B Grammar ___/30
1 Choose the correct word.
0 Jane called me and asked / warned to borrow some money.
1 Juan ordered / invited me to go with him to the international Youth Forum.
2 The young boy told / wanted to join the gang.
3 The policeman ordered / reminded the criminal to raise his hands above his head.
4 The detective warned / invited the witness not to go out after dark.
5 My husband reminded / invited our son to get some milk on the way home.

2 marks per item ___/10

2 Rewrite the sentences. Use reported speech and the verbs in brackets.
0 ‘Be home by twelve o’clock, Sheila,’ said Mum. (tell)
Mum told Sheila to be home by twelve o’clock.
1 ‘Don’t forget to take a jacket, Steve,’ I said. (remind)
2 ‘Come to the party, Sue,’ said Tony. (invite)
3 ‘Get some bread from the shop after school, Mona,’ said Fran. (want)
4 ‘Don’t shoplift, kids,’ said the policeman. (warn)
5 ‘Everybody get down on the floor!’ said the robber. (order)
2 marks per item ___/10

3 Are the questions correct (√) or incorrect (x)

0 Can you tell me where is the bus station? _X_

1 Do you know what the address of the restaurant is? ____

2 Can you tell me if this is the correct phone number? ____
3 Could anyone tell me how do I download these files? ____
4 Do you know where is the bank on this street? ____
5 Can you tell me if swimming is allowed here? ____
2 marks per item ___/10
English Explorer 3 test 7 Página 3 de 4

C Listening (workbook 7.1) ___/10

1 Listen to an interview with Jessica and complete the notes.
Name of project: (0) connecting Classrooms
School: Greencoat School
Partner schools: in (1) ____________ and (2) ____________
Topic chosen: the (3) _____________
Result / What we We learned about African laws and African (4)
learned ______________
Parents are (5) ___________ than British parents.
The church is also very important in the community

2 marks per item ___/10

D Reading ___/20

Kids on the go
Meet Isabella Hernandez
It’s June 21st, and Isabella Hernandez, aged fifteen, from Barcelona, Spain, is looking
forward to her summer holidays. She’ll be doing all her favorite things, like playing
basketball with her team, and she might be able to do some singing with ‘Las Muñecas’,
her all-girl band, which is another one of her interests. But what she likes best is
science, and this summer she’s going to Alpbach Summer School. The school opened in
1975, and it is in Tirol, Austria.
Isabella talks about Alpbach Summer School.
Every year, Alpbach Summer School, working with the ESA (European Space Agency),
chooses sixty young science students from all around Europe. Classes are taught in
English so all students must know that language in addition to their own. This school is a
real opportunity to learn about space science and space technology. Working in groups,
students will decide on the subject of a project and then enter their projects in a
Isabella says…
You have to apply to the school before 31st March. Your teacher has to sign the
application and then you send it to the European Space Agency. You will get an answer
back in April. It costs €370 to participate in the summer school course, which lasts from
27th July to 5th August.
English Explorer 3 test 7 Página 4 de 4

1 Choose the correct word

1 Isabella is twenty-one / fifteen years old.
2 Las Muñecas is a song / band.
3 The Alpbach School is in Austria / Spain.
4 At the school, students will develop a project / subject.
5 The summer school finishes in July / August.
2 marks per item ___/10

2 Answer the questions with ONE, TWO or TRHEE words from the text.
1 When did the Alpbach School open? ______________________
2 What organization does the Alpbach School work with? _____________________
3 How many students can go on the summer course? ________________________
4 What two space subjects does the school teach? __________________________
5 How much do students pay to go on the summer school course? _____________
2 marks per item ___/10

E Writing ___/10
1 Write a note to a friend giving them some personal news. In your note try to use the
expressions actually, unfortunately, by the way, guess what, luckily and anyway. You
can write about:
 Your friends
 Taking part in a competition
 Doing sport
 Your family

Section A B C D E TOTAL

Maximu 30 30 10 20 10 100

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