Miller Et Al-2014-Journal of Parenteral and Enteral Nutrition

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PENXXX10.1177/0148607113487926Journal of Parenteral and Enteral Nutrition / Vol. XX, No. X, Month XXXXMiller et al

Original Communication
Journal of Parenteral and Enteral
From Parenteral to Enteral Nutrition: A Nutrition-Based Volume 38 Number 4
May 2014 489­–497
Approach for Evaluating Postnatal Growth Failure in © 2013 American Society

Preterm Infants for Parenteral and Enteral Nutrition

DOI: 10.1177/0148607113487926
hosted at

Malki Miller, MS, RD, CNSC1,2; Ruben Vaidya, MBBS2; Deepa Rastogi, MBBS,
MS3; Alok Bhutada, MD2; and Shantanu Rastogi, MD, MMM2

Background: Nutrition practices for preterm infants include phases of parenteral nutrition (PN), full enteral nutrition (EN), and the
transitional phase in between. Our aim was to identify the nutrition phases during which infants are most likely to exhibit poor growth
that would affect risk for growth failure (GF) at discharge and to examine factors associated with GF. Methods: A retrospective chart
review was conducted on infants born <32 weeks’ gestation. The neonatal intensive care unit stay was divided into 3 nutrition phases:
(1) full PN, (2) transitional PN + EN, and (3) full EN. Weekly growth rates were calculated, and for each growth velocity <10 g/kg/d,
the coinciding phase was recorded. GF was defined as a discharge weight below the 10th percentile. The nutrition phases during which
growth inadequacy predicted GF at discharge were determined, correcting for other clinical factors associated with GF. Results: In total,
156 eligible infants were identified. Seventy-six infants (49%) were discharged with weights <10%. Incidence of poor growth was highest
during the transitional phase (46%) and was predictive of GF when adjusted for gestational age, birth weight, and severity of illness.
Although energy intakes during the transitional phase were comparable to baseline parenteral provision, protein intakes progressively
decreased (P < .0001), consistently providing <3 g/kg/d as PN was weaned. Serum urea nitrogen also declined and was correlated with
protein intake (r = −0.32, P < .001). Conclusion: Growth was compromised during the transitional phase, likely related to decreased
protein intake. Optimizing protein provision while PN is weaned is an important strategy to prevent postnatal growth failure. (JPEN J
Parenter Enteral Nutr. 2014;38:489-497)

preterm infant; postnatal growth failure; parenteral nutrition; protein; blood urea nitrogen

Clinical Relevancy Statement in cognitive development and neurological outcomes,5-10 and

promoting accelerated weight gain in preterm infants after a
Since poor growth in the neonatal period negatively affects period of slow growth to “catch up” on standardized growth
cognitive development while rapid “catch-up” growth may curves is associated with later risk for visceral adiposity, insu-
have deleterious effects on later metabolic outcomes, consis- lin resistance, and hypertension.11-13 Thus, optimizing growth
tently maintaining targeted growth velocities throughout the velocity to maintain intrauterine growth patterns and to avoid
nutrition therapy spectrum of preterm infants is essential. Our the need for catch-up growth is an integral component of the
study identifies the nutrition inadequacy of the transitional nutrition management of preterm infants.
period during which parenteral nutrition is being weaned with
advancing enteral feeds, leading to poor growth during this
phase, and highlights the need for more aggressive nutrition From the 1Department of Nutrition and 2Division of Neonatology,
strategies to better simulate intrauterine growth patterns. Maimonides Infants and Children’s Hospital, Brooklyn, New York, and
Children’s Hospital at Montefiore, Albert Einstein College of Medicine,
Bronx, New York.
Financial disclosure: None declared.
The goal of nutrition management of very low birth weight Received for publication September 11, 2012; accepted for publication
(VLBW) infants is to achieve postnatal growth velocity that March 29, 2013.
mimics intrauterine growth rates of the developing fetus.1 This article originally appeared online on May 14, 2013.
However, postnatal growth failure (GF), as defined by dis-
Corresponding Author:
charge weights below the 10th percentile for corrected gesta- Shantanu Rastogi, MD, MMM, Maimonides Infants and Children’s
tional age, has been reported at rates as high as 97% for VLBW Hospital, 4802 Tenth Ave, G-103, Brooklyn, NY 11219, USA.
infants.2-4 GF is associated with long-term impairments Email:
490 Journal of Parenteral and Enteral Nutrition 38(4)

Multiple factors contribute to postnatal GF. Nutrition dur- with GF if discharge weights were below the 10th percentile
ing the first week of life is often compromised; despite evi- for corrected gestational age. The study was approved by the
dence that early aggressive nutrition support of VLBW infants institutional review board at Maimonides Medical Center.
optimizes growth,14,15 metabolic immaturity in glucose and
lipid tolerance often makes this a difficult goal. Nutrition fac-
tors such as energy and protein deficit,16,17 prolonged time on
Nutrition Management
parenteral nutrition (PN),3,18 and delayed enteral feeds3 are PN was initiated within 24 hours of birth, containing dextrose
independent predictors of GF, as are medical conditions such at a glucose infusion rate (GIR) of 4–6 mg/kg/min, amino acids
as low birth weight, chronic lung disease, corticosteroid expo- (Trophamine; McGaw, Irvine, CA) at 2–3 g/kg/d, and lipids
sure, and sepsis.3,4,16,18 (Intralipid; Clintec, Deerfield, IL) at 0.5–1 g/kg/d. Calories
Although nutrition practices vary across neonatal intensive were advanced daily based on metabolic tolerance, with a goal
care units (NICUs),19 the nutrition course of all preterm infants GIR of 11–14 mg/kg/min, amino acids of 3–3.5 g/kg/d, and
involves phases of PN, enteral feeds, and the transitional period lipids of 3 g/kg/d. Trophic feeds of expressed breast milk
in between. PN is administered early to provide the initial (EBM) were initiated 24–72 hours after birth if the infant was
nutrient requirement for growth. Subsequent initiation and clinically stable and maintained at volumes <20 mL/kg/d for
advancement of enteral feeds are frequently interrupted by 3–10 days, based on gestational age, and thereafter advanced
abdominal distension, gastric residuals, blood transfusions, by 10–20 mL/kg/d. When enteral feeds exceeded 20 mL/kg/d,
and medical conditions such as sepsis, necrotizing enterocolitis the rate of PN infusion was decreased to maintain total fluids at
(NEC), and indomethacin treatment.20 Thus, the amount of 140 mL/kg/d, with the concentration of the nutrients in the PN
time spent on parenteral, enteral, and transitional phases varies fluids maintained as before. At EN volumes of 100 mL/kg/d,
significantly from infant to infant. Since barriers to optimal PN was discontinued and powder human milk fortifier (Similac
nutrient provision differ throughout these different phases of HMF; Abbott Nutrition, Abbott Park, IL) was added to breast
the nutrition, with PN complicated by metabolic intolerance milk at standard fortification levels. EN volumes were
and enteral nutrition (EN) phases interrupted by bouts of “feed- advanced by 10–20 mL/kg/d to goal feeds of 160 mL/kg/d. If
ing intolerance,” different interventions would be required in no EBM was available, preterm infant formula was used, initi-
these nutrition phases to optimize nutrition intake. ated at 20 kcal/oz and increased to 24 kcal/oz at an EN volume
Previous studies examining growth outcomes of VLBW of 100 mL/kg/d.
infants were chronologically designed, reporting growth veloc-
ities and nutrient intakes by week without distinguishing Classification of Poor Growth by Nutrition
between these different phases of nutrition. Categorizing poor
growth velocities by nutrition phases, rather than chronologi-
cally, offers additional insight to the clinician to allow for a Body weights were measured 3 times weekly, on Mondays,
more targeted approach in optimizing nutrition status during Wednesdays, and Fridays, using an electronic digital scale.
vulnerable phases. Thus, the aim of our study was to identify Weekly growth rates were calculated automatically by the
the phases within the nutrition therapy timeline that were most Neodata computer program (Isoprime, Lisle, IL) and reported
associated with poor growth and predictive of postnatal GF, as on a gram per kilogram basis. Each incidence of growth veloc-
well as to identify contributory nutrition factors. ity <10 g/kg/d for a week was considered poor growth. This
value was chosen since accepted standards of growth for pre-
term infants are 15–20 g/kg/d,22 and rates <10 g/kg/d would
Methods unequivocally indicate inadequate growth. We then examined
the nutrition intakes that coincided with the timing of each
Study Population
observed incidence of poor growth and classified them as
A retrospective chart review was conducted on infants born nutrition phases of (a) PN only, with or without trophic feeds;
<32 weeks gestation, admitted to the NICU at Maimonides (b) transitional phase of weaning of PN with concomitant
Infants and Children’s Hospital from July 2008 through June advancement of EN; or (c) goal EN of 160 mL/kg/d. If 2 dif-
2010. Gestational age was estimated by obstetrical records ferent nutrition phases overlapped a phase of poor growth,
obtained by early pregnancy ultrasound. Infants who were each phase was counted unless its duration was <2 days.
small for gestational age (birth weight below the 10th percen- Furthermore, when weekly growth rates averaged <10 g/kg/d
tile when plotted on Fenton growth curves21) or diagnosed with but were not consistent for the entire week (ie, the infant
short bowel syndrome were excluded from the study. Since exhibited poor growth for the first 5 days but not the remain-
growth trends were monitored only until infants achieved a ing 2 days of the 7-day period), only the nutrition phase asso-
weight of 2 kg or were discharged home, infants with birth ciated with the days of poor growth was counted. This method
weights >2 kg and those who transferred from the NICU before was used to quantify GF rather than comparing growth veloci-
reaching that point were also excluded. Infants were classified ties between each nutrition phase since many infants
Miller et al 491

experienced more than one of each nutrition phase with the Blood urea nitrogen (BUN) levels were also recorded. For
discontinuation or reinitiation of PN due to clinical conditions the PN phase, since BUN values obtained in early life most
such as sepsis and NEC. likely reflect catabolism and fluid shifts expected of preterm
Growth velocity was calculated from 1 week postnatally (to infants and are less correlated with nutrition intake, only the
account for postbirth diuresis) until the infant was discharged last available BUN level prior to PN weaning was documented,
or achieved a weight of 2 kg. The end point of 2 kg was chosen to most closely reflect baseline protein intake prior to the tran-
to eliminate potential growth inadequacies associated with sitional phase. All available BUN laboratory levels were docu-
more chronic medical problems in older infants necessitating a mented during the PN portion of the transitional phase; since
more prolonged NICU stay and also since standards of growth blood draws were infrequently done after PN was discontin-
velocity once this weight is achieved are different compared ued, limited BUN data were available for the late transitional
with early postnatal life.22 and full EN phases and were therefore not analyzed for these
Poor growth that coincided with the use of corticosteroids, time points. Since changes in BUN may be related to nutrient
sepsis (determined by a positive blood or urine culture), and intake, we calculated total energy and protein intakes for 1 day
NEC (diagnosed radiologically by Pneumatosis intestinalis) prior to each documented BUN value, as BUN reflects 24-hour
was excluded, as our aim was to identify nutrition factors asso- nutrient intake.24 ΔBUN was calculated as the difference
ciated with poor growth. We also excluded phases with concur- between BUN during the transitional phase and baseline BUN
rent renal failure, resolving edema, and the use of furosemide during the preceding PN phase. Since multiple values were
since weight changes likely reflected acute fluid shifts. These obtained for BUN during the transitional phase, multiple
cases were not included in the denominator when calculating ΔBUN values are reported.
the incidence of poor growth during the nutrition phase
involved; thus, the incidence of poor growth reflects only the
infants for whom an accurate evaluation of nutrition-related
Clinical Factors
growth during each nutrition phase was possible, without con- Clinical factors associated with GF, such as bronchopulmonary
founding medical problems. Similarly, infants of an older ges- dysplasia (need for supplemental oxygen at 36 weeks’ cor-
tational age had no PN phase during which to evaluate growth rected gestational age), sepsis (confirmed by a positive blood
since EN was initiated quickly and advanced into the transi- or urine culture), NEC (presence of Pneumatosis intestinalis),
tional phase soon after the first week of life; for these infants, and intraventricular hemorrhage (diagnosed by ultrasound and
the PN phase was not included in growth evaluation. if ≥ grade 3), were also studied.

Calculation of Nutrition Intake During the Statistical Methods

Transitional Phase Univariate analysis was conducted using the t test or analysis
For infants exhibiting poor growth during the transitional of variance for continuous variables and χ2 test for categorical
phase, energy and protein intakes and protein/energy ratios variables to study their association with GF and when compar-
were calculated for all nutrition phases. For the PN phase, ing the energy, protein, and protein-energy ratios with increas-
intakes were reported as an average for the 3 days immediately ing enteral feeds during the transitional phase. Spearman
prior to the weaning phase, as a baseline comparison for intakes correlation was used to study the associations between ΔBUN,
during the transitional phase. PN nutrient intake during the protein intake, energy intake, and enteral feeds volume in the
transitional phase was calculated at the volume-adjusted rate transitional nutrition phase.
used to supplement enteral feeds to maintain total fluids at 140 Linear regression analysis was done to adjust for predictor
mL/kg/d, from enteral intakes of 30 mL/kg (when PN was variables. Variables that reached statistical significance (P <
likely to already be volume adjusted) until the infant reached .05) on univariate analysis with GF were included in the model.
160 mL/kg. For enteral feeds, EBM nutrient provision was Regression diagnostics were performed to ensure that assump-
estimated at 20 kcal/oz and 1.4 g protein/dL, accepted stan- tions of linear regression analysis were not violated. Statistical
dards for preterm breast milk nutrient composition,23 and for- analysis was done using STATA version 10 (StataCorp LP,
mula intakes were calculated based on kcal and protein College Station, TX).
composition of formula provided by manufacturers. To allow
for a more accurate comparison of energy intakes between PN Results
and EN, enteral caloric intakes were adjusted for predicted
energy losses due to incomplete absorption and specific A total of 196 eligible infants were admitted to the NICU; 4
dynamic action, calculated at 85% of their original caloric infants had short bowel syndrome resulting from NEC, 4
value. Protein/energy ratios were calculated based on grams of infants were born >2 kg, and 8 were transferred out of the unit.
protein provided per 100 kcal. Twenty-four died during the study period (Figure 1). Growth
492 Journal of Parenteral and Enteral Nutrition 38(4)

Figure 1.  Breakdown of all infants <32 weeks’ gestation. BW, birth weight; GF, growth failure; SBS, short bowel syndrome; SGA,
small for gestational age.

velocity data of the remaining 156 infants were examined for Since the transitional phase significantly affected growth
this study. Demographics and clinical factors of the study outcomes, energy, protein, and protein/energy ratios during
group are shown in Table 1. this nutrition phase were calculated and are shown in Figure 2.
The incidence of poor growth was highest during the transi- The mean ± SD duration of the transitional phase was 10.5 ±
tional phase, with growth rates <10 g/kg/d in 46% of infants 4.9 days. From the parenteral to transitional phase, there were
(Table 2). Compared with infants without GF at discharge, progressive decreases in both protein and protein/energy ratios
infants with GF were more likely to exhibit poor growth during as enteral feeds progressed by 10 mL/kg/d, reaching a nadir of
the PN and transitional, but not EN, phases. They were also of 2.1 ± 0.5 g/kg and 2.3 ± 0.2 g/100 kcal, respectively (P < .05).
lower gestational age and birth weight percentiles, had higher Adjusted energy intakes remained comparable until PN was
incidences of requiring mechanical ventilation on the first day discontinued. With the discontinuation of PN, protein and
of life and NEC, and were less likely to have regained birth energy intakes progressively increased as enteral feeds were
weight by 2 weeks of life (Table 1). advanced to goal (P < .05). Enteral feeds volume during the PN
Multivariate regression analysis of factors affecting GF at portion of the transitional phase negatively correlated with
discharge is shown in Table 3. When poor growth during nutri- total protein intake (r = −0.69; P < .0001).
tion phases was corrected for clinical factors, the transitional BUN also declined significantly from the parenteral to tran-
phase remained a significant predictor of GF. This analysis sitional phase (15.8 ± 5.9 vs 8.7 ± 4.6; P < .0001), and ΔBUN
excluded poor growth data during the transitional phase for 9 from the PN to transitional phase negatively correlated with
infants who were discharged with weights below the 10th per- protein intake (r = −0.32, P < .001) and positively correlated
centile since they had concurrent medical issues that would with enteral feeds volume (r = 0.27, P < .005; Figure 3). Since
have confounded growth evaluation as it related to nutrition protein intake was related individually to both enteral volume
intake. From the clinical factors evaluated, birth weight per- and ΔBUN, multivariate regression analysis showed that the
centile, mechanical ventilation, NEC, and delayed return to association between protein intake and ΔBUN remained sig-
birth weight were independent predictors of GF at discharge. nificant (P = .04) when corrected for volume intake.
Miller et al 493

Table 1.  Demographic and Clinical Factors in Growth Failure (GF) and Non-GF Groups.

Discharge Weight <10% Discharge Weight ≥10%

Demographic / Clinical Factors Total (n = 156) (n = 76) (n = 80) P Value
Male sex 81 (52.0) 37 (49.0) 44 (55.0) .43
Gestational age, wk, mean ± SD 28.8 ± 2.1 27.9 ± 2.4 29.6 ± 1.6 <.0001
BW, percentile, mean ± SD 40 ± 17.8 30.5 ± 15.9 49.1 ± 14.6 <.0001
Ethnicity .1
 Asian 33 (21.1) 17 (22.4) 16 (20.0)  
  African American 18 (11.5) 10 (13.1) 8 (10.0)  
 White 39 (25.0) 19 (25.0) 20 (25.0)  
 Hispanic 43 (27.5) 24 (31.5) 19 (23.7)  
 Other 23 (14.7) 6 (3.8) 17 (10.8)  
Postnatal corticosteroids 4 (2.6) 3 (3.9) 1 (1.2) .287
IVH ≥ stage 3 9 (5.8) 4 (5.2) 5 (6.2) .792
BPD 12 (7.7) 8 (10.5) 4 (5.0) .187
Sepsis 30 (19.2) 18 (23.6) 12 (15.0) .169
NEC ≥ stage 2 10 (6.4) 8 (10.5) 2 (2.5) .041
Respiratory support on DOL 1
  Mechanical ventilation 44 (28.2) 30 (39.4) 14 (17.5) .002
 CPAP 100 (64.1) 44 (57.8) 56 (70.0) .115
  Room air 12 (7.7) 2 (2.6) 10 (12.5) .021
Delayed return to BW >14 d 40 (25.6) 26 (34.2) 14 (17.5) .014

Values are presented as number (percentage) except where indicated otherwise. BPD, bronchopulmonary dysplasia; BW, birth weight; CPAP, continuous
positive airway pressure; DOL, day of life; IVH, intraventricular hemorrhage; NEC, necrotizing enterocolitis.

Table 2.  Incidence of Poor Growth by Nutrition Phase in Infants With and Without Growth Failure.

Nutrition Phase Total, No. (%) Discharge Weight <10%, No. (%) Discharge Weight ≥10%, No. (%) P Value
Full PN 29/129 (22.5) 18/58 (31.0) 11/71 (15.5) .035
Transitional phase 65/141 (46.1) 41/66 (62.1) 24/75 (32.0) <.001
Full EN 25/146 (17.1) 16/70 (22.8) 9/76 (11.8) .078

EN, enteral nutrition; PN, parenteral nutrition.

Table 3.  Multivariate Analysis of Nutrition and Clinical adequate on full PN and full enteral feeds, weight gain is most
Predictors of Postnatal Growth Failure. compromised in the transitional phase and is likely related to a
Predictors of Postnatal Growth protein rather than a caloric deficit. Furthermore, growth inad-
Failure Odds Ratio 95% CI equacy during the transitional phase makes infants 5 times
more likely to be discharged with weights below the 10th per-
Poor growth: PN phase 0.84 0.23-3.04 centile for corrected gestational age.
Poor growth: transitional phase 5.4 1.66-17.52 The design of this study in examining GF was different from
Delayed BW regain >2 wk 4.61 1.29-16.53 other published studies3,14,16,18,25-29 as we did not follow neonatal
Birth weight percentile 0.88 0.84-0.92
growth chronologically but rather by nutrition phases. This
NEC ≥ stage 2 40.95 3.55-472.92
method better identifies the phases across the nutrition therapies
Mechanical ventilation DOL 1 5.36 1.4-20.56
spectrum during which preterm infants are most vulnerable to GF
Room air DOL 1 0.59 0.05-7.01
and allows for a more targeted approach in optimizing nutrition
CI, confidence interval; BW, birth weight; DOL, day of life; NEC, necro- management of this population. Previous studies examined nutri-
tizing enterocolitis; PN, parenteral nutrition. tion and growth outcomes of preterm infants and reported longer
duration of PN and days to reach full enteral feeds as predictors of
Discussion growth failure,3,18,25,26 with the worst growth velocities reported
when nutrient provision was predominantly provided via the par-
We describe poor growth patterns during the nutrition phases enteral route.3,27 In our study, 22% of infants did not grow ade-
of preterm infants and show that although overall growth is quately while on full PN, but we did not find this phase to be a
494 Journal of Parenteral and Enteral Nutrition 38(4)

Figure 2.  Combined parenteral and enteral (a) protein, (b) energy, and (c) protein/energy ratios during the transition from parenteral
to enteral feeds. Enteral feeds volume of “0” represents mean 3-day parenteral intakes prior to feed advancement; enteral volumes ≥30
mL/kg represent transitional phase. *Significantly lower vs baseline parenteral intakes (P < .05). #Significantly higher vs baseline
parenteral intakes (P < .05). **Significantly higher vs enteral feed volumes (P < .05).

predictor of GF. Since the link between PN duration and poor and found protein intake significantly lower as compared with
growth was found in studies designed to examine nutrient intake the PN-only phase, providing <3 g/kg/d throughout the entire
chronologically by week, rather than nutrition phase, the duration PN weaning process. Energy intakes during the early transi-
of PN described in these studies, when translated into the catego- tional phase were within guidelines until PN was discontinued,
ries used in our study, actually encompasses both the PN-only and at which point they fell below targeted goals until full enteral
the early portion of the transitional phase when PN is weaned. feeds were established. Taken together, our results suggest that
Thus, the association reported previously between duration of PN although both protein and energy deficits were responsible for
and GF may not reflect poor growth during PN alone but also poor growth observed once the infants were transitioned off
throughout a prolonged transitional phase, similar to our findings. PN until reaching full enteral feeds, protein intake alone was a
Also, the lack of association between PN and GF in our study may limiting factor for growth during the early transitional phase
simply reflect the evolution of neonatal PN management over the while the infant was still receiving PN and continued to be
years, providing for more aggressive protein and energy provi- throughout the transitional phase.
sion.19 It is also possible that although we excluded periods of This finding is consistent with previous observations, as
poor weight gain that coincided with medical conditions that neg- protein intake has been implicated repeatedly as the limiting
atively affect growth to more accurately relate growth trends to factor for growth. Protein is positively correlated with weight
nutrition phase, we may have inadvertently selected out the PN and head circumference gain,27,30 and retrospective evaluation
period, the nutrition phase that most likely coincided with active of factors affecting growth velocity reported protein intake as
sepsis or NEC. an independent predictor of weight gain.16 Similar to our find-
To better determine the causes of the poor growth observed, ings, the strength of association of protein intake and growth is
we examined nutrition intakes during the transitional phase stronger as compared with total energy intake,16,27,30,31
Miller et al 495

function of reduced protein intake. This association has been

described in previous studies, although not with consistent
results.35-38 The correlation between BUN and nitrogen intake
appears stronger in enterally fed infants, with variable associa-
tion found during the PN phase. We did not find any correla-
tion between BUN and protein intake during either of the PN
nutrition phases (data not shown), suggesting that BUN trends,
rather than the isolated BUN levels, may be more sensitive
indicators of protein status. Although the interpretation of
BUN as a nutrition marker carries limitations since levels may
be affected by non-nutrition factors, levels are obtained as part
of routine biochemical monitoring on neonates during the par-
enteral and transitional phases, and our results contribute to the
body of evidence that supports serial monitoring of BUN lev-
els as part of the nutrition evaluation. Indeed, it has been dem-
onstrated that adjusting protein intake in human milk–fed
infants based on BUN improved weight and head circumfer-
ence growth.30
Although we excluded the first week of life from our analy-
sis due to expected diuresis-related weight loss, optimal nutri-
tion support during this critical window of early life is
important to stem the early catabolic phase and rapidly transi-
tion the infant toward positive nitrogen balance and continued
growth. We looked at failure to regain birth weight by 2 weeks
of life as an indirect measure of poor nutrition status during
this phase and found this parameter to be an independent pre-
dictor of GF, similar to previous reports.25,26 Martin et al,28
when prospectively evaluating nutrient intakes by week in a
Figure 3.  Relationships between nutrition parameters during multicenter study, found suboptimal nutrient intakes only dur-
parenteral nutrition portion of the transitional phase. (A) Total ing the first week to be associated with lower growth velocity,
protein intake vs ΔBUN. (B) Enteral feeds volume vs ΔBUN. and infants requiring the most days to regain birth weight had
(ΔBUN = difference in serum urea nitrogen from the parenteral higher decreases in z scores from birth until discharge.26
to transitional phase.) Paradoxically, nutrition intakes are perhaps the most limited
during this phase due to early metabolic intolerance. More
supported by multiple randomized controlled trials in which recently, studies have demonstrated the safety and efficacy of
varying energy intakes resulted in similar weight gain when early aggressive nutrient provision, with early amino acid
protein intakes were fixed.32-36 administration soon after birth associated with better glucose
The change in BUN that we observed across the nutrition and lipid tolerance, positive nitrogen balance, and better
phases may be a biochemical reflection of protein insuffi- growth during this critical phase, and more clinicians are
ciency, with the severity of protein deficit related to the magni- adapting these practices.39-41
tude of the decline of BUN during the transitional phase and Clinical factors and comorbidities are shown to be associated
progressively worsening with continued advancement of with postnatal GF.3,4,16,18 Although infants with NEC and those
enteral feeds. BUN levels are affected by renal function, nitro- requiring mechanical ventilation on the first day of life had a
gen intake, nitrogen quality, and hydration status. Although it higher risk of GF in our study, we did not find GF to be associ-
can be argued that the higher quality of enteral protein pro- ated with corticosteroid use, bronchopulmonary dysplasia
motes better nitrogen retention, which may lower circulating (BPD), or sepsis. This is likely due to the small number of infants
urea levels, we demonstrated that the decrease in BUN is with corticosteroid use and BPD, as our unit seldom uses corti-
related to decreased protein intake and not to increased enteral costeroids for prolonged oxygen requirement due to deleterious
volume intake with resultant improvement in protein quality. neurocognitive effects and our lower rates of BPD.42
In addition, total fluid allowance for the infant during the early There are several limitations to our study. The retrospective
transitional phase remained constant at 140 mL/kg/d, and time design in itself carries limitations. Furthermore, our definition
periods of renal dysfunction were excluded from this analysis. of poor growth captured only severely growth-restricted
Collectively, these observations suggest that the decline in infants; growth velocities of 10–14 g/kg/d are generally inad-
BUN observed during the transitional phase is most likely a equate for extremely low birth weight infants, and time frames
496 Journal of Parenteral and Enteral Nutrition 38(4)

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