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1 Listening: ideal vacations 4 Vocabulary: describing vacations

2 Language practice: ordering words 5 Reading : information about a tourist orea

3 Language practice: spelling vacation words

50 1 Listen to people talking about vacations.

Write the number of each speaker next
to the correct vacation.
adventure vacation
cultural vacation
organ ized tour
vacation in the mountains
beach vacation
family vacation
short city break

2 Write the words in the correct order

to make sentences.
1 can I in I You I mountains J, J ski J the
''y r

2 The beach es / beautiful, / white / have /. / sand

3 west /__J'he / a / beach vacation / . / far / coast / is / perfect

4 hotel / an / is / A / expensive / more / apartment / . / than

a / always / in / cabin / . / stay / We

6 usually / We / skiing / February / . / in/ go

7 is / than / July / better / vacation / . / June far / a

1 1 ,~ , , t e f e r
,e c c,-1 ,n. ,
8 weather in / The / our / good / . / is / area / very
j' J

51 3 Listen and write the words you hear.

1 G {) 6
2 7

3 8

4 " 9
4 Match the two halves of the sentences.
1 The jungle in Madagascar ;{ is cool.
2 The mountains in the north f b is very fast.

3 The vacation I'm on right now ,K is soft.

4 The sand on the beach d is a beautiful blue.
5 The ocean here e' is rainy.
6 The ferry I take every day ,A' are very high.
7 The fall there l. }5 is really thick.
8 The temperature in the evening 1 )( is hot and dry.
9 The climate in the north of the Sudan I"\ / is very relaxing.

5 Read the text. Then read the questions and check

True, False, or Not mentioned.

England: South West ~

North Devon is a lovely area of England. movie theaters in the main towns. For
It has a wonc.lerful coast, with beautiful, people who like outdoor life, there is
golden beaches anc.l fantastic scenery. excellent surfing at Woolacombe,
Tourism is well developed in this quiet, Croyde, and Saunton, and you can also
relaxing area. There are no big cities but go sea-kayaking. Exmoor National Park is
you can finc.l many frienc.lly towns and a walker's paradise and there are many
villages. There are attractions for the guided walks for the less experienced.
whole family. Nórth Devon has Riding, cycling, and golf are other
interesting places to visit¡ such as options. For children theré are many
historie houses and gardens, museums attractions, such as fairs, activity centers
and galleries, and there are theaters and anc.l zoos, and of course, the beaches.

True False Not mentioned

1 North Devon is in the U.S. o ~ o
2 It has high mountains. o o ~
3 It has beautiful beaches. ~ o o
4 You cango surfing there. 0 o o
5 You can go parachuting there. o o ~
6 The area has nothing far children. o ~ o
7 There are many big cities in North Devon. o [S) o
8 You cango walking. g) o o
9 There are museums to visit. [S) o o
10 You can play golf. [B o o


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