The Holomorphic Embedding Method Applied To The Power-Flow Problem

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The Holomorphic Embedding Method

Applied to the Power-Flow Problem
Shruti Rao, Student Member, IEEE, Yang Feng, Member, IEEE, Daniel J. Tylavsky, Senior Member, IEEE, and
Muthu Kumar Subramanian, Member, IEEE

Abstract—The Holomorphic Embedding Load-Flow Method With a reasonable initial estimate of the voltage profile on a
(HELM) solves the power-flow problem to obtain the bus volt- non-distressed system, if the iterative methods converge, they
ages as rational approximants, that is, a ratio of complex-valued usually, though not always, converge to the high-voltage (HV)
polynomials of the embedding parameter. The proof of its claims
(namely that: 1) it is guaranteed to find a solution if it exists; 2) it or operable solution, one of the possibly many solutions to the
is guaranteed to find only a high-voltage (operable) solution; and equations [6].
3) that it unequivocally signals if no solution exists) are rooted In most cases, traditional PF methods converge to the oper-
in complex analysis and the theory developed by Antonio Trias able solution particularly if the system loading level is not close
and Herbert Stahl. HELM is one variant of the holomorphic to its voltage collapse point. The quandary that arises when they
embedding method (HEM) for solving nonlinear equations, the
details of which may differ from those available in its published do not converge or converge to a non-operable solution is: Why?
patents. In this paper we show that the HEM represents a distinct Is the system not operable as modeled? Is the system operable,
class of nonlinear equation solvers that are recursive, rather than but the PF algorithm incapable of finding the solution [7], [8]?
iterative. As such, for any given problem, there are an infinite Was the initial estimate of the bus voltage profile poor?
number of HEM formulations, each with different numerical Efforts have been made to analyze and improve the conver-
properties and precision demands. The objective of this paper
is to provide an intuitive understanding of HEM and apply one gence of the iterative process [9]–[15], yet the convergence is-
variant to the power-flow problem. We introduce one possible PV sues of the traditional algorithms remain.
bus model compatible with the HEM and examine some features A novel non-iterative PF method, known as the Holomorphic
of different holomorphic embeddings, giving step-by-step details Embedding Load Flow (HELM) method was proposed by Dr.
of model building, germ calculation, and the recursive algorithm. Antonio Trias in 2012 [28]. One form of the method guaran-
Index Terms—Analytic continuation, germ, holomorphic em- teed to find only an HV/operable PF solution (if it exists) for a
bedding, holomorphic series method, power-flow. simple two-bus system was proposed and shown theoretically
to have the following properties: it is guaranteed to find a so-
lution if it exists, it will find only the operable solution and
will unequivocally signal if no solution exists through oscilla-
tions in the rational approximation of the voltage power series

T HE power-flow (PF) problem statement and algorithms

used to solve it and its kin (e.g., the optimal power flow,
dynamic simulations, state estimation) are of primal impor-
[16]. This approach was generalized for the multi-bus problem
in [17] but with no discrete or controlled-element models (e.g.,
tap-changers, SVC's, etc.), PV/generator bus model or bus-type
tance to the power industry. The objective of the traditional switching algorithm. Proving that the generalized form without
PF problem is to find the static operating point of a balanced discretely-controlled elements is also guaranteed to find a so-
three-phase power system. Improving the reliability of the lution if it exists and that the solution found is an HV solution
nonlinear solvers used on this problem has been a topic of involves using the principle of analytic continuation and is sub-
research for decades. While there exist various approaches ject to the conditions of Stahl's theorem [19].
for solving the PF problem, the general-purpose iterative In this paper our aim is to show that the HEM represents a
techniques [1]–[5], i.e., Gauss-Seidel (GS), Newton-Raphson new class of nonlinear equation solvers and show that it may be
(NR), Fast Decoupled Load Flow (FDLF) and many of their viewed as a curve fitting technique where the algebraic (poly-
variants, are well-known and are being used with great success. nomial) nature of the problem is exploited and rational-approx-
imant techniques are used for computing the solution. We then
Manuscript received April 21, 2015; revised August 18, 2015, October 26, apply the HEM to the PF problem (and assuming the require-
2015; accepted November 22, 2015. Date of publication December 10, 2015;
ments of Stahl's theorem apply) show that it is guaranteed to
date of current version August 17, 2016. Paper no. TPWRS-00550-2015.
S. Rao and D. J. Tylavsky are with the School of Electrical Computer and En- find the operable solution, if it exists—provided Hopf bifurca-
ergy Engineering in Arizona State University, Tempe, AZ 85287 USA (e-mail: tions are absent allowing an operable stable solution to exist. We
also show that there are an infinite number of ways of applying
Y. Feng is with Siemens, PTI, Houston, TX 77041 USA (e-mail: this method.
M. Kumar Subramanian is with Alstom Grid, Redmond, WA 98052 USA One PQ-bus HEM model was developed in [17]. Although a
PV-bus model has been published for HEM [18], the formula-
Color versions of one or more of the figures in this paper are available online
at tion requires a modification in order to be fully compatible with
Digital Object Identifier 10.1109/TPWRS.2015.2503423 the HEM method.

0885-8950 © 2015 IEEE. Personal use is permitted, but republication/redistribution requires IEEE permission.
See for more information.

The paper is organized as follows: Section II presents back- Third, the power series expansion shown in (1) is not unique.
ground on holomorphic functions and shows how an explicit By selecting a different point about which to expand the closed
holomorphic function can be represented by a Maclaurin form in (1), an infinite number of Taylor series expansions are
series. Discussed in Section III is the calculation of a Padé possible. Finally, insight into some aspects of the HEM can be
approximant and its critical property that it is the maximal gained if the series in (1) is viewed as a polynomial curve fitting
analytic continuation of the power series. In Sections IV and of the closed-form function.
V, starting from a simple two-bus case, the fundamentals of
the HEM are introduced as they apply to the PF problem. The III. PADÉ APPROXIMANTS AND ANALYTIC CONTINUATION
multi-bus HEM-compatible PQ and PV models are discussed Analytic continuation in complex analysis is a means of ex-
in Sections VI–VII. Section VIII discusses the implementation tending the domain of a holomorphic function [20]. Typically,
of discrete controls for the HEM. Section IX presents some and as it is used here, analytic continuation is used to evaluate
numerical results to compare the NR and the HEM. Finally, the an infinite series outside of its ROC but within the function's
conclusions are presented in Section X. domain. While there are many methods for performing analytic
continuation, Padé approximants [22] are widely used. (While
numerical continuation is applied in continuation power flow
A. Holomorphic Functions method [23] as well as in homotopy methods applied to PF-re-
lated problems, the concept of analytic continuation has nothing
A holomorphic function is a complex-valued analytic func-
in common with numerical continuation.)
tion, which has the property that it is infinitely complex dif-
A Padé approximant is a rational-function (ratio of two poly-
ferentiable around every point within its domain. One property
nomials) approximation to a power series that can yield a more
of holomorphic functions important for the purpose here is that
accurate approximation to the defining function than the trun-
they can be represented by their Taylor series in a neighborhood
cated series of the same length. A common Padé approximant
of each point in their domain [20].
notation to indicate that the degree of the numerator polyno-
B. Maclaurin Series and Radius of Convergence mial is and the degree of the denominator polynomial is ,
A Maclaurin series of a holomorphic function represents is , given in (2).
the function at a point only if that point falls within its radius
of convergence [34]. For example, the explicit real-valued (2)
closed-form analytic function given in (1) can be written as the
Maclaurin series of , also given in (1). The so-called direct or matrix method for finding the rational
approximant [21] is straight forward and involves solving a
dense set of linear equations of dimension and then a for-
ward substitution through a dense lower triangular matrix of di-
mension . Though and can be selected arbitrarily, in
(1) general the diagonal or near-diagonal Padé approx-
imant ( small) gives the most accurate approximate
From inspection of the series coefficients, it is obvious that given a fixed value of [19], [22]. There exist many other
the power series of the explicit function diverges at , while algorithms to calculate the Padé approximant, e.g., the Visko-
the value of the closed-form of the function can be easily calcu- vatov method (continued fraction), Wynn's epsilon algorithm,
lated to be 1.0 when . (Note that the radicand of the func- etc. [22]. The numerical properties and performance of these
tion has zeroes (essential singularities, which are branch points methods vary and, in general, yield a different approximant [22].
of the function along the real line) located at In general, no ‘best’ algorithm can be found for all applications.
defining its radius of convergence (ROC) to Following on with the example in (1), if the first 9 terms of
be less than (the magnitude of distance of the smallest singu- the series are used to construct the diagonal , the Padé
larity from the origin) , which is less than 1.0; thus approximant of the power series is given by (3).
the power series is non-convergent at [20].) A limited
ROC problem will continue to plague us once we tackle the im- (3)
plicit-function (i.e., PF) problem; hence we need to find a way to
‘transform’ the power series such that non-convergence outside The value of , in (3), at , is 1.0000 (rounded to
the ROC but within the domain of the function can be overcome. four decimal places) which is a good approximation to the value
Padé approximants are used to advantage here. of the closed-form function in (1). Observe that the approximant
A few observations regarding (1) give insight into the HEM yielded a value with acceptable accuracy when the series itself
as applied to the PF problem. First, (1) is the real part of the com- diverged. Further, , which was generated using the first
plex HV solution at the PQ bus of a two-bus ac power system 9 terms in the series, is more accurate than the series of (1)
(with line impedance p.u. and complex power injection truncated to 9 terms as shown in Fig. 1.
at the PQ bus of MVA p.u.), where is the real-power Because (1) is the real part of the complex voltage at the PQ
multiplicative scaling factor. Second, is undefined (does bus of a two-bus ac power system, the maximum power transfer
not exist and, therefore, is non-analytic) over the field of real theorem dictates the domain of [34]. If the Padé approxi-
numbers outside of its domain, , . mant is evaluated outside of the functions domain, the value of

Fig. 3. Two-bus system diagram.

The implication of this to the ac HEM PF formulation, which

will be addressed in the next section, is that if a solution exists,
then the properly embedded function has a single-valued ana-
lytical continuation (provided by the sequence of near diagonal
Padé approximants) that is maximal, and therefore the solution
Fig. 1. Plot of in closed form, as a [4/4] Padé approximant, and as a is reached by the procedure. On the contrary, if no solution ex-
truncated power series. ists, the point cannot belong to the maximal domain of an-
alytical continuation and the Padé sequences will not converge.
In practice, non-convergence of the series is evidenced by the
oscillatory behavior of the Padé approximant.
There may be more than one solution to a nonlinear problem.
In the case of the two bus problem PF problem, how can we
guarantee that the HV solution is found rather than the low-
voltage (LV) solution? This question is readdressed for the im-
plicit and multi-bus cases later since that answer is different. For
the example given by (1), since the closed form corresponds to
the HV solution of the two bus system, the series created using
the classical Maclaurin expansion techniques must yield the HV
solution. If we had negated the radical in (1), the resultant equa-
tion would be the LV closed-form solution. The Maclaurin se-
ries derived using the LV form would change and the corre-
sponding Padé approximant would yield the LV solution within
the functions domain.
Fig. 2. Plot of as a function of .
the approximant oscillates. Plotted in Fig. 2 is the value of the While obtaining the power series coefficients for an explicit
diagonal Padé approximant of at , starting from a function is straightforward, implicit functions/equations require
Padé approximant. It can be shown theoretically that somewhat more effort. The classical PF problem is a set of im-
oscillations occur for this single equation approximant and that plicit equations. In order to describe how the HEM is applied to
the period of the oscillation is related to the amount by which an implicit function, a simple two-bus system with a slack bus
the point of interest is beyond the domain of the function [16]. and a PQ bus is considered as shown in Fig. 3.
Thus oscillations in the value of the Padé approximant can be In Fig. 3 is the line impedance, is the complex power
used to determine when a point of interest (load) is outside of injection at the PQ bus (and hence will be negative for real-
the functions domain (beyond the voltage collapse/bifurcation power loads), is the slack bus voltage and is the PQ bus
point) for this two-bus ac PF problem. voltage.
Can anything be said about the range over which a Padé ap- By applying Kirchhoff's current law at the PQ bus, we obtain
proximant represents a complex-valued series in general?, Pro-
vided certain conditions apply to the function, Stahl's theory (4)
([24], [25]), which originated from the work of Nuttal [26],
proves that the sequence of the near-diagonal Padé approxi- where is the current injection into the PQ bus. The relation
mants is the maximal analytic continuation for the power series. between and is given by,
In other words, the Padé approximant provides an accurate ap-
proximation (in general, the higher the order the approximant,
the greater the accuracy) of the function over the maximal re- Equations (4) and (5) can be combined to obtain the power
gion, which is the function's domain; non-convergence of the se- balance equation (PBE),
quence of diagonal or near-diagonal Padé approximant indicates
that the point of interest is outside of the maximal domain of (6)
analytical continuation of the single-valued function [24], [25].
For the PF problem, the voltage function's domain is any oper- Equation (6), which defines implicitly, is not holomorphic
ating point short of the voltage-collapse point. in its given form, as the Cauchy-Riemann conditions are not

satisfied due to the existence of a complex conjugate operator. Note that the product of two power series is the convolution
The technique of holomorphic embedding (HE) can be applied of their coefficients. By equating the coefficients of the same
to make the function holomorphic by embedding (writing as a powers of on both sides of (11), a recursive relation between
different function with additional variable(s)) (6) with the com- and is obtained as given in (12).
plex-valued parameter to obtain


The notation denotes that the voltage in the embedded

form is now a holomorphic function of the parameter as de-
fined by (7) and a plot of versus real-valued is the tra-
ditional PV plot produced by a continuation power flow. The
solution at represents the no-load, no-generation case
and is called the germ. Observe that the original PBE is recov- ..
ered at . .
Since is holomorphic, it can be represented as a
Maclaurin series with as the expansion parameter as given
in (8), where the coefficients are (yet to be determined)
complex numbers.
Thus the two-bus HE PBE can be written in terms of power
series coefficients.


At , (13) reduces to (14) which yields the so-called

germ of the power series. The germ corresponds to a network
(8) with no load and hence the voltage at the PQ bus is equal to the
slack bus voltage, provided there exists no shunt element in the
Note that in (7) is embedded with instead of to retain
system. (Shunt elements will be addressed later.)
the holomorphicity, as evidenced by (8)(d). If the function is
embedded with variable instead, holomorphicity is lost, as (14)
the presence of the conjugate operator applied to the variable
(8)(c) violates Weitinger's rule [27] for holomorphicity, and the By equating the coefficients of on both sides
subsequent development is invalid. of (13), the general expression for calculating the power series
If we substitute this unknown voltage series given in coefficients for can be obtained as:
(8)(a) into (7), the following equation results:

Note that in (15) depends only on lower indexed values

(9) of defined by (12), which in turn depends on values of
with indices smaller than . So (12) along with (15) form a re-
Since we want equality (9) to hold for any value of , the currence relation that can be used to solve for the power series
coefficients of respective powers of on both sides of (9) must coefficients once the germ is found using (14). After the series
be equal. In order to find the series coefficients that satisfy (9), is generated, the voltage solution can be obtained by evaluating
the inverse of the voltage power series on the RHS has to be the voltage power series at . However, if the ROC of the
represented as a power series. To achieve this, let the inverse voltage series is less than 1.0, the power series will not converge.
of the voltage function , be represented by another power Hence, a Padé approximant (the maximal analytic continuation)
series, , defined by is used, both to represent the power series within its ROC to an
where the relationship between and is given in accuracy usually greater than the truncated series and to repre-
(10). sent the series beyond its radius of convergence as described in
Section III.
In order to calculate the coefficients of the inverse power se- Since convergence of the series is guaranteed if a solution
ries, both sides of (10) are multiplied by . exists, how can we guarantee that the solution found is the op-
erable one? This requires selecting the embedding such that the
germ corresponds to the HV no-load solution, or equivalently,
the no-load point on the upper branch of the dual-valued PV
(11) curve. Conceptually, if the series expansion is viewed as a curve

fitting problem, it is not surprising that if the initial point of the At , the original PBE's (17), are recovered from the
curve is the no-load point on the top branch of the PV curve, the embedded system of equations and the HV solution can be re-
fitted series will correspond to that branch and therefore con- trieved. The defining equation for a slack bus is
verge to the HV solution. ( slack) where is the specified voltage magnitude at bus
There are an infinite number of ways to embed a function . It will be shown that it is convenient (though not necessary)
and each formulation will have different numerical properties. to use the following model for the slack bus so that at the
Thus the level of precision obtained particularly near the saddle- slack bus voltage is 1.0 and at the slack bus voltage is
node bifurcation point, depends significantly on the embedding . Since the solution obtained is only valid at , the
chosen. As a trivial example, (6) could be embedded as in (16) slack bus voltage value for , will affect the voltage
and still reach the HV solution. series derived, but will not affect the solution.

(16) (20)

In (18), since both the shunt elements included on the RHS

This voltage function is different from that in (7), so the series and the loads are multiplied by , the solution of (18) at
generated would be different and the algorithm would have dif- corresponds to a network with no load and no shunt element;
ferent numerical properties, but the values of (7) and (16) will hence all voltages are identical to the slack bus voltage at
agree at , since the germ for the equations is the same (the HV germ).
and the original PBE's are recovered only at Viewed another way, the linear system of equations at
for both equations. are given in (21).
Just as Newton-type and Gauss-Seidel-type methods repre-
sent different classes of solvers, the HEM represents a class of
solvers for nonlinear equations. Some insight into this class of
solvers is gained if the HEM method is viewed as a curve fit-
ting approach, i.e., in the case of the PF problem, constructing a
power series approximation to a PV curve, along with a means
These can be solved to obtain the germ. Doing this one finds
of violating the series' ROC restriction by approximating the se-
that all the bus voltages are equal to
ries polynomial as a rational function.
since the entries of each row of the matrix sum up to
zero and the slack bus voltage is .
VI. MULTI-BUS HE PQ MODEL As the embedded PBE's are holomorphic, the bus voltages
The derivation for a simple two-bus case can be extended to can be represented as a power series in , that is and
a general -bus system consisting of a slack bus, called using the same strategy as described in Section IV. Sub-
slack, and a set of PQ buses. The PBE for bus is given stituting the and series given by (8), into (18)
by, yields:


where, is the element of the bus admittance matrix,

and , and are the complex power injection and voltage at (22)
bus , respectively. There is an infinity of ways of embedding
(17) while ensuring that the equations are holomorphic and that Substituting (10) into (22):
the HV solution is obtained. The authors have investigated many
methods and have found pros and cons to each. One embedding
is to move the shunt elements in (17) to the RHS and then embed
the equation with a complex-valued embedding parameter as

Similar to the simple two-bus case, by equating the coeffi-

cients of on both sides of (23), a recurrence relation
(18) can be developed to solve for the power series coefficients, not
in a scalar but in a matrix form. The th equation in the -equa-
where corresponds to the “series branch” part of the
tion set for calculating the power series coefficients, , for
admittance matrix and corresponds to the shunt part of
is given by:
the admittance matrix, i.e.,

(19) (24)

The equation set defined by (24) can be used to evaluate the Note that the bus-voltage constraint in (30) will require one
coefficients of the voltage series for load/PQ buses. In order to more degree of freedom in the variables, therefore the reactive
define a similar equation for the slack bus, in terms of its power power variable too must be a function of the complex embed-
series coefficients, a special notation is introduced. ding parameter, , namely [29]. It is important to note
that unlike the voltage power series that has complex coeffi-
(25) cients, the reactive power series has only real coefficients. Eval-
uating (30) at yields the original voltage magnitude con-
straint of the generator bus. This constraint ensures that the germ
Using this notation and the slack-bus equation defined in (20), solution, , is consistent with a flat voltage profile of .
an expression for the power series coefficients can be written as: One could also write the constraint as,
(26) (31)

By knowing the and series up to coefficients, however, at , the magnitude of the bus voltage will be
the th coefficient of the voltage power series can be calculated , resulting in no-load line flows. To find the germ then re-
using (24) by solving a sparse linear matrix equation. The coef- quires solving (29) at , which is the classic nonlinear
ficients of the series up to the th coefficient can be obtained PF problem. This problem can be solved using the HEM and
from the voltage series up to the th coefficient from (12). Thus there are times when structuring the germ problem as a non-
linear problem is advantageous.
by evaluating the appropriate germ, solution at , the entire
Equations (29) and (30) together represent the HE formula-
voltage power series up to the desired number of terms can be
tion for the generator bus model used here.
constructed from (24) and (12) with the recursive process. For a problem with buses, the HE system of equations
Once the power series is obtained, the sequence of near-di- that describe the different bus types are given by (18), (20), (29)
agonal Padé approximants explained in Section III are used to and (30). By solving the embedded equations representing the
guarantee convergence of the series for operating points short generator bus, along with the HE formulation of the load bus
of the voltage collapse point [24], [25]. All of the Padé approx- and slack bus at , the germ can be obtained. At , the
imants may be calculated in parallel speeding the process. system of equations listed above becomes:
In summary the solution process is a four step process:
1. Calculate the germ.
2. Calculate from and
using (12).
3. Calculate from and using (24).
4. Recursively apply steps 2 and 3.


If we have set up our constraint equations properly, the germ
For a generator bus, both the voltage magnitude and real should be a flat voltage profile of . Let's check this by as-
power output are known quantities while voltage angle and re- suming this to be the case and checking if all equations in (32)
active power supply/absorption are unknown. are obeyed. Working from the bottom to the top, in (32)(d), the
The traditional defining equations for a PV bus, , are: slack-bus voltage germ is consistent with a value of 1.0. Also,
the generator-voltage magnitude constraint in (32)(c) will also
(27) be met, since the product equals 1.0. The embedded
generator powerbalance constraint (32)(b), however, has a vari-
(28) able on the RHS. Substituting the assumed generator-bus
germ voltage of 1.0 for all buses in (32)(b), the embedded gen-
where denotes the real power injection and the voltage erator bus PBE becomes:
magnitude at bus .
For the -bus system, let denote the set of PV buses.
The complex PBE for a generator bus, , with the reactive
power, , is represented using the following holomorphic

A reactive-power germ, , equal to 0.0 (from

(33)) is consistent with all bus voltages equal to 1.0 p.u. Fi-
(29) nally, it was remarked earlier that (32) is consistent with a flat
1.0 voltage profile. Hence, is the germ to
with a voltage-magnitude constraint: the embedded system of equations presented in (18), (20), (29)
and (30). It is also the physical solution for the no-load, no-gen-
(30) eration case for a general PF problem when there are no shunts

and the generator bus voltages are maintained at 1.0. The cal- In calculating of the th order coefficient of the voltage
culated germ solution, and also represents the con- power series (i.e., ), the th order coefficient of the
stant term (coefficient of term) in the power series, and series appears as an unknown in (37) and in the RHS of
, respectively, for the generator bus model. (36). (Note that the presence of in (37) appears to violate
The number of power flow solutions potentially scales expo- the recursion rules established earlier, that only values
nentially with the number of buses in the system. The embed- with indices less than are needed in evaluating the RHS of
dings given here are such as to provide germs that lead to an HV our matrix equation; however, since , the value of
solution. is irrelevant in (37)).
To calculate the coefficients of the voltage and reactive power Once the germ is obtained, a linear recurrence relationship to
series for a generator bus model, a recurrence relation has to
calculate the power series coefficients has to be developed using
be established similar to the load bus model. The derivation is
(36). Rewriting (36) derived from the PBE's of the generator bus
considerably more involved for a system with both PQ and PV
buses. The details follow. model, with the germ yields.
First let's work with the PV bus model portion given in (29).
Expressing the voltage and reactive power as a power series

By moving the unknowns to the LHS of (38), the result



The definition of the inverse series and the calculation of its

coefficients is identical to the load bus model described by the (39)
(10)–(12). Thus (34) becomes:
Equation (39) defines a recurrence relation that is used in cal-
culating the voltage series coefficients and reactive-power se-
ries coefficients. A similar equation needs to be derived from the
voltage magnitude constraint of the generator bus given by (30).
Expressing the voltage function, , as a power series in (30)
yields a self-convolution with a complex conjugate operator:

Equating the coefficients of and so on up to ,


Equating the coefficients of powers of on both sides yields

(41), where represents the real part of the voltage power
series' th coefficient from the voltage-magnitude constraint.
The notation , as defined in (25), is used to write a general-
ized expression to evaluate . The calculation of
for an arbitrary value of , can be written from (41) as (42).

(36) .

In (36), the calculation of the voltage series coefficients,

, involves the convolution of two power series, and
, which can be expanded as:

(37) (42)

Equations (39) and (42) represent a consistent system of Observe from (41) that the values of for PV buses
equations representing the generator bus model. However, the depend only on values of with indices smaller than .
implementation of a solution procedure for the equations in Therefore, on the LHS of (44), all values of for the PV
their current form is more involved that is perhaps apparent buses are known before the matrix equation is solved. Observe
since the unknowns are real numbers (the imaginary part of that the values on the RHS of (44) are unknowns. To
voltage series coefficients and reactive-power series coeffi- create a linear matrix equation in explicit form, all the known
cients). The objective is to rearrange the equations so that and unknowns need to be moved to the LHS and RHS of (44),
the power series coefficients can be obtained by solving a respectively.
real-valued linear matrix equation. It is achieved by breaking When the matrix equation for the recurrence relation of an
the complex voltage power series coefficients into real and -bus system is written, the coefficients of the LHS ma-
imaginary parts. While this is necessary in order to write trix and RHS vector for the remaining buses have to be altered,
explicit forms of the equations for the generator-bus power to account for moving unknown variables to LHS and known
series coefficients, it becomes inevitable in the implementation variables to RHS. After rearranging, for a PV bus, , the matrix
that the load-bus voltage power series coefficients are also equation fragment (44) becomes (45), shown at the bottom of
broken down into real and imaginary components because the following page. Equation (45) represents the overall matrix
the PV and PQ system of equations are mutually coupled. recurrence representation for system with multiple PV and PQ
Let the entries of the admittance matrix (without shunt ele- buses, with the all the entries written for one generator bus and
ments) be expressed as . The voltage two PQ buses.
series coefficients are broken into real and imaginary parts In summary the solution process is a four step process:
. Thus, the LHS of (36) is alterna- 1. Calculate the germ using (32).
tively expressed for every bus as follows: 2. Calculate from and
using (12).
3. Calculate from (42)
4. Calculate and from and
using (45).
5. Recursively apply steps 2 through 4.


(43) As is well known, there are no elegant methods for performing
generator bus-type switching with traditional power flow
Equation (36) for bus is broken into real and imaginary algorithms. If not done carefully, buses can bounce between
components and represented as a matrix equation given by (44), being on and off VAR limits and the algorithm may never
shown at the bottom of the page. converge. Bus type switching is often handled using heuristics






honed through years of experience. The traditional strategy most suitable formulation for practical power systems is a work
for bus-type switching is after some initial iterations, check in progress. This section presents the results for some numerical
and alter bus types on an ad hoc basis. We make no claims to tests that are performed on the IEEE 118- and 300-bus systems
improving this process and have implemented a rather straight and the 6057-bus ERCOT system in order to compare the perfor-
forward bus-type switching strategy. mance of the described HEM with the NR method. The smaller
Currently, the reactive power limits of the generators are systems are used to compare the performance of HEM against
handled in the power-flow program as follows. Let NR without having the added complexity of discrete changes
represent the minimum and maximum reactive and hence bus-type switching and tap-changing transformers
power limits on a generator at bus , respectively. The germ are not considered for these systems. In order to obtain the cor-
followed by a fixed number of terms (say five) of the power rect bus types, the final bus types obtained from NR are used
series coefficients are calculated using the algorithm presented. for the HEM for these small systems only. However, bus-type
Any reactive power load at bus is added to the calculated net switching and load tap changing controls have been tested on the
reactive power injection at that bus to obtain the net reactive ERCOT system. The application MATPOWER was used to ob-
power generated, . If the reactive power limits are violated tain the NR method results for the smaller systems while Power-
( or ), the bus type is World was used to obtain the NR results for ERCOT [30], [31].
changed from a PV bus to PQ bus with appropriate limits. For The HEM involves starting with a fixed number of terms
PV buses on VAr limits, if by reacquiring voltage control the (say eleven) in the power series and subsequently adding two
net reactive power generated is brought within reactive power terms (a couplet) at a time until the convergence tolerance is
limits, then the generator bus model is switched back to a PV met. There are two steps involved in checking for convergence
bus model. for the HEM. The first step involves checking for the change in
After performing bus-type switching checks, the voltage- the voltage between two successive Padé approximants, where
magnitude-controlling taps are adjusted using a simple the Padé approximants are updated after adding a couplet in the
tap-changing algorithm where the tap adjustment is chosen for voltage series for all the buses. If the maximum voltage devi-
each increment/decrement as the minimum step size available ation is within the set tolerance (0.01 p,u.), the second conver-
for the transformer. The PF problem is then re-solved with the gence criterion is checked, namely whether the PBE mismatches
new bus type assignments and new tap positions starting with are within the desired tolerance (0.1 MW/MVAr for real/reac-
the corresponding germ. The authors are currently working on tive power). The number of terms are increased until the voltage
more elegant and efficient methods for bus type switching and deviation and the mismatch tolerances are met.
tap changing that take advantage of the HEM. While it is instructive to compare the number of NR iterations
with the number of terms in the HEM series needed to reach con-
IX. NUMERICAL RESULTS vergence, it is important to recognize that the two are not com-
It is important to emphasize that there are various ways of parable in terms of the computational effort required per NR
embedding the power flow problem and each method has its iteration/HEM series term. Bus mismatches are required to be
own numerical advantages and disadvantages. Determining the updated for each NR iteration and the computational complexity

.. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. ..
. . . . . . . . .

.. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. ..
. . . . . . . . .

. ..
.. .

Fig. 6. Number of iterations versus loading level of the system.

Fig. 4. Highest absolute PBE mismatch versus iteration number.


Tool (VSAT—an application provided by DSATools [32]). The

convergence tolerance used was 0.1 MW/MVAR for the PBE
Fig. 5. Number of iterations versus convergence tolerance. mismatch and 1E-4 p.u. for the maximum allowable deviation
in the value of the Padé approximants. The number of terms
needed in the HEM method increases more rapidly than the
is identical for each iteration, PV-PQ bus switching notwith- number of NR iterations needed as the loading level of the
standing. No bus mismatches are required for the HEM ap- system increases.
proach until after the first accuracy test is passed (above) while For the 118-bus and the 300-bus systems, the load-scaling
the computational complexity of evaluating the RHS of (12), factors by which base-case loads as well as the real generation
(42), and (45) grows as the number of terms in the series grows. of all PV buses are multiplied at the static voltage collapse point
These comments notwithstanding, Fig. 4 shows the magni- were obtained from VSAT, MATPOWER and HEM [30], [32].
tude of the highest absolute PBE mismatch vs. the number of VAR limits were obeyed in this experiment. It was seen that
NR iterations/number of terms in the HEM power series for while VSAT gave the most conservative results, the predictions
the IEEE systems. For this set of experiments only, the PBE made by MATPOWER were 2–3% higher than VSAT while the
mismatch convergence tolerance is set to be 0.0001 MW in predictions of the VC by the HEM lay between the two methods.
order to observe how the solution improves with each NR iter- Table I presents the load scaling factor obtained from the three
ation or each additional HE couplet. As expected the maximum methods corresponding to the VC predictions.
mismatch decreases as the number of terms in the voltage se- In order to test the HEM on a practical system, the HEM
ries increases and as the number of NR iterations increase, al- was applied to 6057-bus ERCOT system (obtained from Energy
though the decrease is not monotonic. While the results show Visuals), with a minor reformulation of the equations described
that the quadratically-converging NR method has a faster con- in Section VII to account for phase-shifting transformers.
vergence rate, the convergence rate of the HEM is greater than With the phase shifting model included, the matrix of the
a Gauss-Seidel method (not shown). ERCOT system will become unsymmetrical. Therefore the pre-
Fig. 5 plots the number of iterations/terms needed for the vious germ (solution of (32)), where and ,
two algorithms as a function of convergence tolerance. As the is no longer correct; however this germ can be used if the
convergence tolerance criterion is made stricter, the number of matrix is separated into two parts (a symmetrical part and an
HEM terms needed increases more rapidly than the number of unsymmetrical part) and if the unsymmetrical part of the ma-
NR iterations. trix is moved to the RHS of the embedded equations, shown for
In the third numerical experiment performed, the loading the PQ bus model in (46).
level of the system was increased and the number of NR itera-
tions/voltage-series terms needed for convergence was obtained
using MATPOWER for the NR results. A plot of the number of
NR iterations/HEM terms needed as a percentage of the loading
at the voltage collapse (VC) point is shown in Fig. 6, where the (46)
VC point was obtained using the Voltage Security Assessment

where and is the symmetrical and unsym-

metrical part of the matrix, respectively. It is trivial to show
that the PV bus model can be modified accordingly and will
not be presented in detail. Note that the unsymmetrical part of
the matrix is a highly sparse matrix, of which the entries are
non-zero only if two buses are connected by a phase shifting
Using a bus-power mismatch convergence tolerance of
0.1 MW, the “Single Solution—Full Newton” option in Power-
World was unable to obtain a solution from a flat start, however
when the option for the flat start was disabled PowerWorld's
NR algorithm was able to find a solution for the base-case load
within the desired tolerance for the given loading condition.
In contrast, the lowest maximum mismatch that was obtained
using HEM on the ERCOT base-case system was 0.7 MW,
which needed 51 terms.
The inability of HEM to find a solution for the ERCOT base- Fig. 7. Mismatch versus number of terms for ERCOT—base-case.
load case may be explained as follows: From the converged
PowerWorld solution, the bus voltages ranged between 0.892
and 1.109 p.u. with 95 buses below 0.95 p.u and two buses
below 0.9 p.u. This shows that the system was very heavily
loaded and close to its voltage collapse point. Fig. 7 shows
the plot of the PBE mismatches (real and reactive power) and
the maximum voltage deviation between successive Padé ap-
proximants for the HEM method. It can be seen that the lowest
PBE mismatch obtained is 0.007 p,u, i,e, 0.7 MW at 51 terms,
after which the HEM mismatches begin oscillating and a solu-
tion within the desired convergence tolerance is not obtained.
This suggests that no solution exists, yet the NR method clearly
finds one. Since the theory of universal convergence of the HEM
method is sound, the conclusion reached is that a solution is not
obtained because insufficient precision (64-bit arithmetic) was
used in the calculations. (We have done some experiments with
Fig. 8. Mismatch versus number of terms for ERCOT—95% loads of
extended precision and have obtain solutions for cases where base-case.
64-bit arithmetic indicated no solution existed.) When the loads
on ERCOT were reduced to 96.5% of the base-case loads, the
desired PBE mismatch tolerance was met with 51 terms in the RATIO OF EXECUTION TIMES OF HEM TO NR
power series as seen from Fig. 8. While the NR method failed
again to solve the ERCOT system at 96.5% of the base-case
load from a flat start; it did find a solution once the flat-start fea-
ture in PowerWorld was disabled. Notice that this behavior is
consistent with that seen in the IEEE systems, where the VC is
predicted to be lower by HEM than NR. Since numerical prop-
erties of HEM are formulation dependent, a different formula-
tion, including a different means of calculating the Padé approx-
imants—perhaps that used in the HELM application—would
perform better but since the HELM formulation is not in the of the minimum execution times of HEM to that of NR are listed
public domain, this is speculative. in column 2 of Table II for the three systems.
MATPOWER was used in order to compare the computation It was observed that the calculation of Padé approximants
times of the HEM with the NR method for the IEEE-118 bus, the took most of the execution time. The direct method for calcu-
300-bus and the 6057-bus ERCOT system [30]. The bus types lating the Padé approximants used here is an process,
were set to the bus types of the solved power flow case obtained where M is the degree of the numerator/denominator polyno-
from MATPOWER and then the execution times required for mials, which is time consuming. As another metric, the execu-
these two methods to solve the power-flow problems with these tion time for the Padé approximants was subtracted from the
fixed bus types were recorded. For each system, the computa- total execution times for HEM and the ratio was calculated again
tion times were obtained from five runs of the program and the as tabulated in the third column of Table II (Modified Execu-
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[1] J. B. Ward and H. W. Hale, “Digital computer solution of power-flow [28] A. Trias, “System and Method for Monitoring and Managing Elec-
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[2] W. Tinney and C. Hart, “Power flow solution by Newton's method,” [29] A. Trias, personal communication Feb. 2014.
IEEE Trans. Power App. Syst., vol. PAS-86, no. 11, pp. 1449–1460, [30] R. D. Zimmerman, C. E. Murillo-Sánchez, and R. J. Thomas, “MAT-
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[3] W. Tinney and J. Walker, “Direct solution of sparse network equations power systems research and education,” IEEE Trans. Power Syst., vol.
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[4] B. Stott and O. Alsac, “Fast decoupled load flow,” IEEE Trans. Power 2015 [Online]. Available:
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[5] B. Stott, “Decoupled Newton load flow,” IEEE Trans. Power App. Tool,” Apr. 2015 [Online]. Available:
Syst., vol. PAS-91, no. 5, pp. 1955–1959, Sep. 1972. prod_vsat.php

[33] M. Abramowitz and I. A. Stegun, Handbook of Mathematical Func- Daniel J. Tylavsky (SM’88) received the B.S. degrees in engineering science
tions With Formulas, Graphs, and Mathematical Tables. New York, and M.S. and Ph.D. degrees in electrical engineering from the Pennsylvania
NY, USA: Dover, 1970. State University, University Park, in 1974, 1978, and 1982, respectively.
[34] H. W. Jackson, Introduction to Electronic Circuits. Englewood From 1974 to 1976, he was with Basic Technology, Inc., Pittsburgh, PA, USA,
Cliffs, NJ, USA: Prentice-Hall, 1959. and, from 1978 to 1980, he was an Instructor of electrical engineering with Penn-
[35] A. Trias, “Sigma Algebraic Approximants as a Diagnostic Tool in sylvania State University. In 1982, he joined the Faculty of the School of Elec-
Power Networks,” U.S. Patent 2014/0156094, Jun. 5, 2014. trical, Computer and Energy Engineering, Arizona State University, Tempe AZ,
Shruti Rao (S’13) was born in Vashi, Navi Mumbai, India, in 1990. She re- Dr. Tylavsky is an RCA Fellow and NASA Fellow.
ceived the B.Tech. degree in electrical engineering from Veermata Jijabai Tech-
nological Institute, Mumbai, India, in 2012, and M.S. degree in electrical engi-
neering from Arizona State University, Tempe, AZ, USA, in 2014, where she is
currently working toward the Ph.D. degree. Muthu Kumar Subramanian (M’13) was born in Tirunelveli, India, in 1991.
He received the B.S. degree in electrical and electronics engineering from
College of Engineering Guindy, India, in 2012, and the M.S. degree in electrical
engineering from Arizona State University, Tempe, AZ, USA, in 2014. His
Yang Feng (S’12–M’15) was born in Wuhan, China, in 1989. He received the Master's thesis involved the development of a holomorphically embedded
B.S. degrees in electrical and electronic engineering from the Huazhong Uni- model to represent the generator buses in solving the power-flow problem.
versity of Science and Technology, Wuhan, China, in 2011, and the M.S. and Currently he is with Alstom Grid, Redmond, WA, USA, as a Power Systems
Ph.D. degrees in electrical engineering from Arizona State University, Tempe, Engineer. His primary area of interest is application of numerical methods to
AZ, USA, in 2012 and 2015. power systems problems
He is now a Software Engineer with Siemens, PTI, Houston, TX, USA.

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