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Lesson Plan / Written Instructional Program

Student: Parkview Elementary Second Grade Student Date: April 1, 2020

Objective Reinforcement
Objective: When presented with print-based or digital Type: Verbal Praise, Watching JoJo videos on YouTube, and
flashcards, student will read 40 sight words independently talking about daily life things.
with 90% accuracy on two out of three trials as measured by
classroom data.
Schedule of delivery: N/A
Functional Routine: Once a week, every Wednesday
from 12:30-3:00pm. This will take place in the student’s
Program Steps Error Correction
Discrete Skills, indicate sequencing strategy:
- Reading a book of student and teacher’s choice. Stop: Let’s pause for a moment.
Performing a running record with the student.
- 3-1 Ration on known (Red Books) to unknown (Green Back-step/Repeat the cue: Let’s try our best and pronounce
Books) sight words. Teaching 10 words at a time.
this sight word again. Begin sounding out this word to me.
- Completing a sight word memory game. Flipping all
words face down and memorizing the word and the
pattern of the cards. Prompt: JoJo videos are a fun activity we will be doing every
- Writing a sentence that includes at least 2 known 10 minutes. Try your best and let’s enjoy this time together.
sight words and 2 unknown sight words.
- Rainbow writing: Student selects 3 unknown sight
words and writes the words with different colors to I will also consider adding additional prompts and changing
create a rainbow. the reinforcement.
- Stamping: Student selects 3 unknown sight words to
create a stamp with by spelling and practicing
- New prompt: Let’s stretch our bodies and move
pronouncing the sight words.
around the Kitchen room. Let’s share some fun facts
Total tasks:
- Student is given a 5 minute period of watching JoJo from each other after we complete 10 minutes of
Siwa video, after a period of 10 minutes has been sight words practice.
performed of sight words. - New Reinforcement: Drawing in a notebook and
Select one: sharing what we draw with each other for 5 minutes.
Discrete Forward Backward Total Task
Skill Chain Chain
* *
Location/Setting Criteria for Moving to Next Step
This is a 1:1 setting and the student and I like to word in the Student must complete at least 4 new words before moving
Kitchen area of the classroom. This gives us more room to on to new set of task/activity.
practice our sights words and is a silent place to work.
Materials Needed Prompt Strategy

- Classroom sight word cards Controlling prompt(s) to begin:

- Classroom books Picture/written prompts, model, gesture, and direct verbal .
- Classroom running record
- Notebook paper (Sight card pictures and colorful models)
- Colored Pencils
- Markers Select one:
- Crayons Most-to-Least Least-to-Most Time Delay
- Stamps Progressiv Constan
- Pencil e t
Instruction Generalization
Instruction/Cue: Stimulus Factors:
JoJo videos are a fun activity we will be doing every 10
minutes. Try your best and let’s enjoy this time Mental Set: To think about a word and how to sound that
together. word out loud in a specific way.
Reading a book – 5 minutes
Flashcards - 5 minutes Repetition: Affects attention, teacher watching student work
on sight words to help guide student’s work ethic.
Naturally occurring cue for the behavior:
Response Factors:
Attached Below
“Great work” “Keep working hard”
“I love to hear your sight words”

Student Response/Behavior Special Considerations

Student enjoys to get off topic very easily and wants to N/A
ask me questions to get to know me.
Student needs a positive response from myself every 5
minutes to keep going and working on sight words.

Date # Errors Error Ratio % Time in Min. Fluency

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