The Toxicology of Chlorine: School of Safety Science, University of New South Wales, Sydney NSW 2052, Australia

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Environmental Research Section A 85, 105}114 (2001)

doi:10.1006/enrs.2000.4110, available online at on

The Toxicology of Chlorine

Chris Winder1
School of Safety Science, University of New South Wales, Sydney NSW 2052, Australia

Received February 10, 2000

reported by Scheele and other early workers, and

Chlorine is a reactive gas used by humanity for some deaths were reported soon after (3).
over two centuries. Exposure to chlorine has occur- In 1799, some of the problems of handling chlorine
red in a number of situations, including as a chem- gas or unstable solutions of chlorine were overcome
ical warfare agent, in industrial and domestic by the development of a bleaching powder from the
exposures, and as a result of accidents and spills. action of chlorine on slaked lime. This was hypo-
The toxicology of chlorine is related almost entirely chlorite, and the dry bleaching powder became the
to effects in the respiratory system. A consistent
dominant industrial bleaching agent throughout the
symptomology occurs in both animals and humans.
19th century (4). Depending on concentration, solu-
This ranges from sensory irritation, to irritation
and bronchospasm, to cellular changes to bron- tions of hypochlorite in water produces chlorine gas,
chioles and alveoli, to development of pulmonary and mixing with acids will produce large amounts
disease. While full recovery from such injuries re- (sometimes, dangerous amounts) (5). While the in-
mains the most likely outcome, there is little doubt troduction of hypochlorite reduced exposure to chlor-
that permanent loss of function is possible in severe ine in workers, health problems and deaths were
cases. In all industrial applications of chlorine, oc- soon reported (6).
cupational exposures to chlorine should be control- Studies by Lehmann in 1887 noted that 10 ppm
led to at least the recommended exposure standard. chlorine was irritating to the eyes, nasal mucosa,
However, a focus of activity on ensuring that excur- mouth, trachea, and lungs of dogs, whereas 100 ppm
sions (such as leaks or ‘‘gassing’’ incidents) above
chlorine was lethal (7). These studies constitute the
these values do not occur is likely to be more beneA-
7rst study of the dose}response relationship of chlor-
cial. Treatment of chlorine exposure is essentially
symptomatic, with the efAcacy of some treatments ine. Early investigators also noted that working con-
(such as corticosteroid therapy) still not well estab- ditions were poor (8, 9), but that workers exposed to
lished.  2001 Academic Press bleach were actually quite healthy and long-lived (10).


Chlorine (Cl2, CAS No. 77282-50-5) is a heavy
Chlorine, then called oxygenated or dephlogis-
greenish-yellow gas or boiling yellow liquid with
ticated muriatic acid, was discovered by Swedish
a characteristic pungent irritating odor (11).
pharmacist Scheele (who thought it contained oxy-
Some of the properties of chlorine are (12):
gen) in 1774 (1). The ability of this new gas to bleach
plants was noted at the time, and the possibility of E Atomic weight 35.43
commercial use of chlorine was 7rst suggested by the E Molecular weight 70.91
French chemist Berthollet in 1785. In 1810, Davy E Boiling point, at 760 mm Hg !34.63C
insisted the gas was an element, and gave it its name. E Melting point, at 760 mm Hg !1013C
Davy also discovered a second chlorinated bleaching E Vapor pressure at 03C and 3.61 at 760 mm
agent (chlorine dioxide) in 1811 (2). The characteristic 760 mm Hg Hg
suffocating and oppressive smell of chlorine was E Density at 03C and 760 mm Hg 3.21 g/L
E Water solubility at 03C and 14.6 g/L
760 mm Hg (decreases with
E-mail: temperature)

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All rights of reproduction in any form reserved.

Production 15,16). Animal evidence indicates that 1 ppm is the

upper acceptable limit for sensory irritation (17).
Chlorine is now made almost entirely by the elec-
Monitoring programs in chlorine manufacturing
trolysis of alkali chlorides (for example, in brine)
plants have been in use for many years (18,19),
using diaphragm or mercury cells (11). The reaction
suggesting that compliance with the exposure stan-
also yields sodium hydroxide (NaOH) and hydrogen
dard is possible in most cases. Some industry sectors
use 0.3 ppm as an action level, as a means of develop-
6 6 ing better compliance activities (20). The gas can be
2NaCl#H2O;2NaOH#H2 #Cl2 .
detected by smell at between 0.2 and 3.5 ppm, de-
pending on individual sense of smell (21,22). The
Chlorine is only moderately soluble in water, pro-
odor and irritant action provide some warning prop-
ducing a weak solution of hypochlorous acid (HOCl)
erties, although there is little margin of safety be-
and hydrochloric acid (HCl):
tween olfactory detection and exceeding the
exposure standard. Irritation will occur in some indi-
viduals at levels below olfactory detection.
One report notes signi7cant pulmonary dysfunc-
The hypochlorous acid will slowly dissociate into
tion in individuals with airway hyperresponsiveness
hypochlorite ions (}OCl\).
at 1 ppm but not 0.4 ppm, suggesting that indi-
viduals with this condition would be affected at cur-
Uses rently acceptable exposures (23).

Chlorine is a highly reactive gas with many uses. EFFECTS OF CHLORINE EXPOSURE
Large-volume industrial uses include chemical
manufacturing, water puri7cation, textile and paper Basic Mechanism of Toxicity
bleaching, chemical and plastics manufacture (de- There is no barrier between the external environ-
greasing agents, pharmaceuticals, cosmetics, and so mental and the respiratory tract. Therefore, the po-
on), and as a disinfectant and bleaching agent. tential for airborne irritants to cause injury is based
Chlorine is usually manufactured, packaged, and on their chemical nature, physical properties, inten-
transported as a pressurized liquid. One liter of sity and duration of exposure, ventilatory rate, and
chlorine liquid produces about 0.43 m3 of chlorine individual characteristics (24). The need for compet-
gas at 253C. ent occupational medicine programs to evaluate sus-
The number of occupations with potential expo- ceptible individuals in working populations exposed
sure to chlorine is large and includes aerosol propel- to chlorine cannot be overstated (25).
lant manufacturers, bleachers, bleach powder/pool Chlorine is a very irritating gas that can damage
chemical manufacturers, chlorinated solvent manu- the tracheobroncheal system and lung parenchyma
facturers, chlorine workers, disinfectant makers, (26,27). Animal evidence suggests that chlorine is 33
8our bleachers, laundry workers, paper bleachers, times more irritating than hydrochloric acid (17).
photography workers, re7nery workers, sewage Effects are related to intensity and duration of expo-
workers, sodium hydroxide makers, swimming pool sure, and to extracellular and intracellular water
maintenance workers, textile bleachers, vinyl chlor- content. The basic mechanism of toxicity is related to
ide manufacturers, and water treatment workers solubility of chlorine in water-based environments to
(13). In 1976, U.S. NIOSH estimated that there were form hydrochloric and hypochlorous acids, and sub-
about 26,000 workers in the chloralkali industry, sequent ionization. These reactions will occur in the
with another 15,000 workers potentially exposed to body, such as in the moist linings of airways, al-
chlorine (14). Other chlorine uses in domestic ap- though the solubility of chlorine at body temper-
plications include pool chemicals, bleaches, and ature is less than at lower temperatures. The ions
cleaning products. can cross the cell wall, and may generate oxygen free
radicals. Once in the cell, these ions and free radicals
react with a wide variety of functional groups in cell
Exposure Standards
components to form (for example) chloramines and
With considerable consistency around the world, oxidize sulfur-containing groups.
chlorine has a time-weighted average exposure stan- The solubility of chlorine in physiological tissues
dard of 0.5 to 1 ppm and where recommendations has an impact on expression of toxicity. As the gas
exist, a short-term exposure limit of 1 to 3 ppm has a relatively low solubility, it can penetrate quite

FIG. 1. Time to death and chlorine concentration.

deeply into the lungs, and therefore has a different E The acute changes were followed by extensive
pathology to highly soluble toxic gases, such as am- bronchiolar mucosal destruction and development
monia, which are upper airway irritants that tend to of alternating areas of atelectasis and lobular pneu-
be cleared from the lungs by mucocillary clearance. monia.
While solubility is an important factor in the devel- E The severity of some of the later changes could

opment of toxic responses, other factors are critical be affected by secondary bacterial infection.
for this particular gas. The gas also rapidly hy- E Microscopically, a chronic obliterative bron-

drolyzes into hypochlorous and hydrochloric acid chiolitis was observed, sometimes accompanied by
such that its effective solubility is 7ve orders of macroscopic lesions.
magnitude greater than its physical solubility. This Other early literature cites various values of time
provides a mechanism for the observation that chlor- to death dependent on concentration of chlorine,
ine is absorbed in the upper airways of human species, and proportion of deaths (sometimes 50%,
subjects at low concentrations (28) although sometimes other percentages); for example, a con-
some chlorine (less than 5%) penetrates beyond centration of 1000 ppm kills 50% of dosed mice in
the upper airways and enters the respiratory air 28 min and rats in 53 min (11). Figure 1 presents
spaces (29). these data graphically. These data do not present
The mechanism of sensory irritation (as opposed LC data as would be provided from modern inhala-

to the mechanism of toxicity) is considered to be an tional toxicity studies conducted in accordance with
upper respiratory tract phenomenon, mediated acceptable protocols, but serve to provide some
through the trigeminal nerve endings in the nasal qualitative aspects of the inhalational toxicity of
mucosa. This is capable of becoming tolerant after chlorine.
continuing exposure (30). Other studies have looked at mechanisms of toxic-
The mechanism of toxicity was 7rst described in ity. Short-term (10-min) exposure of anesthetized
toxicology studies conducted on dogs in the early pigs to 140 ppm chlorine caused death in 7ve of six
years of the 20th century (31). Massive doses of animals. The 7rst histological 7nding was sloughing
chlorine were reported to cause: of bronchial epithelium with in7ltration of
E Almost immediate in8ammatory edema of upper leukocytes, but largely intact alveoli. This suggests
airways and lung parenchyma, followed by cellular that chlorine had yet to reach, or dissolve into, al-
exudate in the alveoli. veolar cells. This was followed at a later stage by
E These develop into severe pulmonary conges- interstitial edema and migration of immunocom-
tion, edema, and hemorrhage. petent cells into the tissue (32).

Rats and mice exposed to a number of irritants World War. This was unsuccessful, as the gas did not
show a concentration-dependent depression of res- vaporize in subzero temperatures. However, devas-
piratory rate. The concentration of chlorine that eli- tating success occurred at Ypres in April 1915. These
cits a 50% depression in respiratory rate (RD ) is successes, combined with some of the problems of

9.3 ppm. All irritants used produced lesions in the handling chlorine on battle7eld and protecting per-
nasal cavity with a distinct severity gradient from sonnel, soon led to the replacement of chlorine with
outside to inside. Chlorine was one of a small num- other warfare agents, such as phosgene and mustard
ber of irritants that caused lesions in the lower res- gas. Study of the effects of chlorine exposure of un-
piratory tract (33,34). A later study suggests the known, but presumably highly toxic, exposures con-
RD50 concentration is about 3.5 ppm (35). centrated on treatment of gassed soldiers and of
The carcinogenic potential of chlorine has been persisting symptoms following gassing including
evaluated in a number of studies, owing to increas- bronchitis, emphysema, and permanent pulmonary
ing concern about the public health implications damage (41}50). The role of (the then relatively com-
of sterilization of drinking water with chlorine mon disease) tuberculosis in these respiratory symp-
(36). The results of these studies again con7rm the toms is not well understood. The weight of evidence
toxicity of chlorine, but are equivocal with regard to suggests that permanent sequelae can occur, but
carcinogenicity. Chlorine in drinking water (as this was based in part on other factors, such as
sodium hypochlorite and chlorine) was shown to exposure to other warfare agents, inclement 7eld
produce leukemia in rats in a 1991 NTP bioassay. conditions (51), or the ability of the routine clinical
These results were not con7rmed in a second study and radiological techniques then in use to detect
(37), but were con7rmed (increased incidence of them (52). The prevailing opinion, which developed
leukemias and lymphomas) in a third (38). some time after the wars in which the gassings had
Long-term low-dose studies have attempted to in- occurred was that comparatively few gas victims
vestigate dosimetric aspects of low exposures. A one- suffered permanent incapacity (53).
year study in the rhesus monkey at 0, 0.1, 0.5, or 2. In studies on industrial workers (54}57) deaths
2.3 ppm evoked ocular irritation and epithelial hy- from exposure to chlorine have been reported
perplasia, and loss of cilia and goblet cells at (58,59). Symptoms in workers exposed included
2.3 ppm, and while similar lesions were observed at bronchitis, impaired sense of smell (hypo-osmia) and
lower exposures they were not as clinically signi7- gastritis, and development of the bleachery disease
cant (39). A 2-year rat and mice bioassay using expo- (bleichererkrankung), characterized by bronchial
sures of 0, 0.4, 1.0, or 2.5 ppm evoked upper airway disease, hemoptysis, and premature aging (60). Vir-
responses, including epithelial degeneration, septal tually all the early reports of impairment in health
fenestration, mucosal in8ammation, epithelial hy- were case reports. Some evidence suggests no per-
perplasia, and intercellular accumulation of eosinic manent lung damage in follow-up of cases of indus-
proteinaceous material in an exposure-dependent trial chlorine exposure (61). More controlled
manner at all exposures (40). These results again epidemiological studies have shown that individuals
suggest that chlorine exposure will affect the upper exposed to suf7cient chlorine to be ‘‘gassed’’ have an
airways. Effects seen in animals are presumed increased prevalence of respiratory symptoms and
to be present in humans, and therefore these impaired lung function (62,63).
results suggest that permanent alterations in respir- 3. In studies in communities or groups where
atory structure and function may be possible after there have been transportation mishaps (64}66) or
chlorine exposures that produce pathological leaks or spills of chlorine (67}71), the risk is almost
change. entirely that of a single intense exposure, with the
main effort concentrating on emergency response
with triage of, and medical treatment to, affected
Human Toxicology
Chlorine is a severe respiratory and skin irritant. 4. There have been studies of exposure in the
The human toxicology of chlorine divides into four community, for example, accidents with domesti-
main types of exposures: cally available chlorine-containing products, such as
1. Use of chlorine gas in military applications as pool chemicals or bleaches (72). The use of these
a chemical warfare agent. A practical method of products is not without risks, in domestic situations
compressing chlorine gas was devised by Nernst, (73}77), in high school environments (78,79), or in
and the 7rst use of chlorine was at Bolimow on the swimming pools (80,81). A case of self-abuse with
Russian Front on 31 January 1915 during the First chlorine has also been reported (82).

Long-Term Exposure The Clinical Progression of Chlorine Toxicity

Studies of long-term exposure to chlorine are inva-
The most obvious effect of chlorine in high enough
riably of workers who have been exposed to chlorine
concentrations is to displace oxygen from air by dilu-
in manufacturing facilities. In most cases, the study
tion suf7cient to cause asphyxia. If the demand for
of such workers relates less to their day-to-day expo-
oxygen is not met, death will occur. Nonasphyxiat-
sures, which are presumed to be close to the recom-
ing exposure to chlorine will produce effects consis-
mended exposure standards (1 ppm), and more to
tent with an irritant that has upper and lower
the occasional incidents when they were exposed to
airway effects. While chlorine is sparingly soluble in
high concentrations of the gas through unusual
water, it will begin hydrolyzing in the moist linings
workplace exposures, leading to workers with a his-
of the airways, forming a solution of hypochlorous
tory of being ‘‘gassed’’ (83). In most cases, workers
and hydrochloric acids. The acid ions then have a di-
receiving such exposures had some short-term res-
rect effect on sensory nerve endings in the respirat-
piratory problems, in some cases requiring treat-
ory tract, producing sensory irritation, mediated
ment or hospitalization. However, most evidence
through the trigeminal nerve endings in the nasal
indicates no persisting problems (see Table 1). One
mucosa in the upper airways. This reaction may be
additional factor in chlorine workers is the possibili-
impaired with continuing exposure, by either stimu-
ty of exposures to other toxicants, such as mercury in
lus-induced habituation or destruction of nerve end-
chloralkali workers (84).
ings. This is the basis of tolerance to chlorine.
The effect of sensory irritation will be to produce
bronchconstriction, that is, reduction of airway dia-
Sequelae of Exposure
meter to reduce inhalation of contaminated air. Irri-
Whether exposure to sublethal or low concentra- tants, like chlorine, produce a re8ex cholinergic
tions of chlorine results in permanent lung damage bronchoconstriction that is not mediated through
remains controversial. A restrictive defect in diffus- allergic mechanisms. As well as sensory irritation,
ing capacity (85) and reductions in lung function (86) the acid ions will begin to interact with the cells of
have been reported. However, other studies have not the airways. A range of effects will arise, including
found abnormalities that are related to underlying mucosal irritation (production of mucus and disrup-
lung disease (87). Studies of workers exposed to tion in cilia activity), sloughing of epithelial cells,
chlorine concentrations at and around 1 ppm (the and in7ltration of leukocytes into those areas show-
time-weighted average exposure standard) did not ing damage. Further damage is dependent on conti-
demonstrate any signi7cant abnormalities (88,89). nuing exposure or impact of injury mechanisms.
Most reports of signi7cant problems with respirat- Continuing exposure will produce effects further
ory function after exposure are in the older literature. and further into the respiratory system. At pro-
These reports, of gassed soldiers or occupationally longed or intense exposures, effects will occur in
exposed groups, do indicate the possibility of perma- bronchioles and alveoli. In7ltration of immunocom-
nent effects. These 7ndings have been questioned, petent cells such as macrophages and leukocytes will
but are consistent with the animal data. If exposure is be accompanied by exudate leading to edema, and in
suf7ciently intense to produce signi7cant pathologi- serious cases, hemorrhage. As cells slough off or die
cal damage, and body defence mechanisms cannot (cell necrosis), the structure and integrity of bron-
restore preexposure structure and function, then the chioles and alveoli may be lost. Alveolitis and bron-
possibility of permanent loss of function arises. chitis are the respective in8ammations of alveoli and
The possibility of chlorine being able to induce bronchi. These changes will be manifested as loss of
reactive airways dysfunction syndrome and irritant- respiratory function of the obstructive type. These
induced asthma has also received attention recently reactions underlie the development of in8ammation
(90). A long-term follow-up of 20 individuals acciden- of the lungs, or pneumonitis. Pneumonia develops as
tally exposed to chlorine in 1975 suggests persisting consolidation (where the air spaces 7ll with exudate)
airway obstruction and increased residual volume proceeds. Hemorrhagic pneumonia is a severe form,
(91). Four studies from one group in France report with loss of blood and lung structure.
evidence of bronchial obstruction and bronchial hy- While some of these reactions will cease as expo-
perresponsiveness after cessation of exposure, which sure ceases, others are part of the in8ammatory
persisted for at least a 2-year follow-up period response and will continue. Ultimately, some repair
(92}95). Bronchial hyperresponsiveness has also of alveolar tissues is possible through regeneration,
been reported in swimmers (96). although 7brosis will occur (with increased rigidity
Chlorine Exposures and Effects

Reference Cases Exposure Effects Sequelae

Berghoff, 1919 (41) 2000 gassed men During the First World War Bronchitis/emphysema also Most regained
subjective symptoms normal respiratory function
Sandall, 1922 (46) 83 gassed pensioners During the First World War Obstructive airway disease Permanent disability
Gilchrist and Matz, 1933 (49) 96 veterans with a history of During the First World War Bronchitis/emphysema Permanent pulmonary changes
chlorine exposure
Chasis et al., 1947 (67) 29 hospitalized cases Subway chlorine accident No evidence of chlorine-induced
pulmonary disease
Jones, 1952 (61) 820 cases Industrial chlorine exposure Follow-up of cases No clinical or radiological evidence
Chester et al., 1969 (88) 139 chlorine workers, 55 with 99% of all airborne monitoring Obstructive ventilatory defect 3 workers with ‘‘signi7cant
accidental exposure below 1 ppm that cleared rapidly impairment of ventilatory
requiring O function’’

Kowitz et al., 1967 (85) 150 longshoremen, 11 hospi- Ship chlorine spill Alveolar capillary injury Decreased vital capacity, increased
talized elastic work of breathing, decreased
diffusing capacity
Kaufman and Burkons, 1971 27 emergency room cases Chlorine leak from storage 2 deaths from severe Return to normal in 3 months
(68) in a single incident tank (workers and the hemorrhagic pulmonary
(5 hospitalized children not public affected) edema, rales, dyspnea,
included in the study) cyanosis in others
Barret and Faure, 1984 (57) 186 cases Occupationally exposed 27 with obstructive pattern, No apparent sequelae
13 with restrictive pattern
Hasan et al., 1983 (70) 28 asymptomatic cases, Chlorine leak from storage tank 12 with cough resolved in No apparent sequelae
18 with airway obstruction into a student dormitory 7 days, 6 with dyspnea
ventilation system took longer
Phillip et al., 1985 (71) 41 children and 7 adults Mishap with sodium 25 with acute respiratory No apparent sequelae
hypochlorite and sulfuric acid symptoms
Jones et al., 1986 (66) 113 cases Chlorine leak after train 8 fatalities, 23 hospitalizations, No detectable difference in lung
derailment 25 with at least one symptom function
Salisbury et al., 1991 (86) 316 pulp mill workers 78 with ‘‘gassing’’ exposure Decrease in FEV1/FVC ratio, Greater decline in FEV2/FVC
increased respiratory ratio and MMF

and loss of function) if extensive damage occurred. and of respiratory symptoms (which can grade up to
Loss of structure and function of the alveoli can lead medical emergencies involving acute pulmonary
to emphysema and loss of structure and function of edema and respiratory failure) for more intense ex-
the bronchioles can lead to bronchitis. posures. The respiratory effects of chlorine are po-
The lungs have a substantial functional reserve, tentially serious and casualties should be admitted
and exposures that produce damage may be entirely to a hospital in case medical or emergency interven-
reversible after repair mechanisms have completed tion is required. The general approach is that for
their work. This may take months or even years to irritant exposure, with special attention to initial
complete. However, exposures suf7cient to induce support of airway and breathing (98). Treatment is
extensive damage may be enough to produce perma- symptomatic:
nent loss of function (for example, reduced air 8ow). E Eyes;irrigate with copious amounts of water,

saline, or vasoconstrictive ophthalmic solutions.

Medical advice should be sought for all eye contact to
Dose Response
chlorine gas. The cornea should be checked for ab-
It is apparent that chlorine induces concentration- rasions.
dependent responses ranging from minor irritation E Sore throat, upper airway irritation;humidi-

to death. Exposure}response relationships can be 7ed oxygen, throat lozenges or spray.

summarized from the various epidemiological and E Rhinitis;decongestants.

toxicological studies: E Cough;humidi7er, cough (anticongestant and

antitussive) medicines.
E 1}3 ppm mild irritation of mucous mem- E Respiratory symptoms;humidi7ed oxygen.
branes that can be tolerated for
Medical advice should be sought for exposures that
short periods of time (basis for
produce signi7cant respiratory symptoms. Bron-
short-term exposure limit of
chospasm can be treated with inhalational sympath-
3 ppm)
omimetics or aminophylline.
E about 5 ppm eye irritation E Skin burns (from contact with liquid);treat as
E above 15 ppm throat irritation
a temperature burn after copious irrigation with
E 15}30 ppm cough, choking, burning
water or saline.
E above 50 ppm pneumonitis E Nausea;clear liquids, antinausea medication
E 430 ppm death from 30 minutes exposure
for extreme symptoms.
E above 1000 ppm death within minutes
Symptomatic patients should undergo medical ob-
Other effects from short-term exposure include servation. These can be discharged after several
chest pain, dyspnea (irregular breathing), produc- hours if symptoms improve. Depending on symptom
tion of white or pink sputum, sore and reddened severity, clinical tests such as pulmonary function
conjunctiva, and coarse wheezes and crackles when tests, chest X-ray, and blood gases may be conduc-
breathing. Pathological changes include bronchos- ted. Patients whose symptoms persist or who deteri-
pasm, swelling and ulceration of mucosa with de- orate should be evaluated for hospital admission or
squamation and pulmonary edema (either emergency intervention. Medical evaluation in-
immediate or delayed several hours). cludes observation for laryngeal obstruction and pul-
monary edema.
TREATMENT OF CHLORINE EXPOSURE Most casualties are expected to recover with little
or no residual dysfunction regardless of the severity
The management of chlorine gassing or poisoning of the initial exposure. However, in extreme
follows conventional approaches to poisoning (13). cases, disabling long-term sequelae can occur (99).
First, render the situation safe, then remove As there is no speci7c therapy for direct pulmonary
the affected individual(s) from further risk injury, therapy should follow general principles
(if necessary, using suitable personal and respirat- for the treatment of upper and lower airway
ory protection). Exposed individuals with only slight obstruction, noncardiogenic pulmonary edema,
exposure and who are without symptoms should be bronchiolitis obliterans, or residual dyspnea. The
advised to rest for 12 h and to report to a medical ef7cacy of corticosteroids is yet to be properly
practitioner only if symptoms develop (which is documented, and the role of nebulized sodium bicar-
unlikely) (97). bonate has been suggested (100). Some animal
The treatment of chlorine intoxication is inva- evidence suggests that dexamethasone may improve
riably the treatment of irritation at low exposure function (100).

CONCLUSION 4. Clow, N. l., and Clow, A. (1958). The chemical industry:

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inhalational irritant. Mild exposure to chlorine pro-
6. Cameron, C. (1870). Death from inhalation of chlorine. Dub-
duces lacrimation, conjunctival irritation, rhinor- lin J. 49, 116.
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7. Editorial. (1916). The pharmacological action of chlorine gas.
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