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Android-assisted physics mobile learning

to improve senior high school students’

divergent thinking skills and physics HOTS
Cite as: AIP Conference Proceedings 1868, 070005 (2017);
Published Online: 04 August 2017

Nana Mardiana, and Heru Kuswanto


The analysis of senior high school students’ physics HOTS in Bantul District measured using
AIP Conference Proceedings 1868, 070008 (2017);

The effect of the use of android-based application in learning together to improve students’
academic performance
AIP Conference Proceedings 1847, 050008 (2017);

Enhancing pre-service physics teachers’ creative thinking skills through HOT lab design
AIP Conference Proceedings 1868, 070001 (2017);

AIP Conference Proceedings 1868, 070005 (2017); 1868, 070005

© 2017 Author(s).
Android-Assisted Physics Mobile Learning
to Improve Senior High School Students’ Divergent
Thinking Skills and Physics HOTS
Nana Mardiana, and Heru Kuswanto a)

Physics Education Program, Graduate School, Universitas Negeri Yogyakarta)

Jl Kolombo No 1, Karangmalang, Depok, Sleman, Yogyakarta, Indonesia

Corresponding author:

Abstract. The aims of the research concerned here were to reveal (1) the characteristics of Android-assisted PML
(physics mobile learning) to improve SMA (sekolah menengah atas, Indonesian senior high school) students’ divergent
thinking skills and physics HOTS (higher order thinking skills); (2) the feasibility of the Android-assisted PML; and (3)
the influence of using the Android-assisted PML on improvement in SMA students’ divergent thinking skills and physics
HOTS. The7 research was of the R&D (research and development) type, adapted from theBorg-&-Gall development
model. The research data were analyzed by means of MANOVA with the significance level of 5%.The results are as
follows. (1) The product of the development, a learning media in software form with the android package(apk) format, is
named PML (to refer to Physics Mobile Learning), which has such characterictics as being operable with use of Android
devicesand being very good in quality in the aspect oflearning, material, software technology, and audiovisual
appearance. 2) The developed learning media referred to as PML is appropriate for learning activity according to
evaluation by a material expert, a media expert, peer reviewers, and physics teachers as well as according to results of
students’ tryouts. (3) The use of the Android-assisted PML media product could improve SMA students’ divergent
thinking skillsand physics HOTS with the respective high-category gain scores of 0.701 and 0.759.

The utilization of information technology has caused almost unlimited availability of information in all aspects
of life, including that in learning, which, in turn, has caused the paradigm of learning to shift from at first being that
with the nature of merely presenting information ready for use (or merely telling)into being that with the nature of
equipping learners with the ability of finding out, with digital literacy, with problem-solving skills, and with
creativity. The shift in learning paradigm in the 21st century demands a curriculum development able to result in
productive, innovative, and creative Indonesian human individuals through reinforcement of attitude with knowing
why, reinforcement of skill with knowing how, and reinforcement of knowledge with knowing what, in an
integrated manner [1]. To respond to such challenges and problems of learning in the current global era, all parties
directly or indirectly involved should possess the ability to utilize technology as learning media.
The utilization of technology in learning would improve the learning motivation and learning achievement of
learners [2, 3]. Chuang & Chen [4] mention that learning media could improve cognitive achievement of learners at
the levels of recalling, analyzing, and associating [5]. Learning media could support learners’ problem-solving and
critical-thinking abilities. The use of learning media in a form of e-learning could improve learning into becoming
more efficient with support from the learning motivation possessed by learners and it has a sufficiently significant
impact on the e-learning [6].
Sakat [7], indicates that learning with technological media exerts a sufficiently significant influence with learners
getting a stimulation effect from the use of the media in the learning process. Information and Communication
Technology (ICT) in learning makes learners feel more sure and more directly involved in the learning activity and,

The 4th International Conference on Research, Implementation, and Education of Mathematics and Science (4th ICRIEMS)
AIP Conf. Proc. 1868, 070005-1–070005-12; doi: 10.1063/1.4995181
Published by AIP Publishing. 978-0-7354-1548-5/$30.00

in addition, ICT-based learning activity should also be supported with teacher ability in using ICT in daily learning
practice [8].
Data of the Top 8 Mobile and Tablet Operating Systemsin Indonesia of the period lasting from September 2015
to September 2016 indicate that the use of the Android smart phone in Indonesia already reaches66.13% and
dominates the smart phone market share[9]. Android is considered able to become the right learning delivery media
for particularly SMA/MA-level learners because almost every student makes it an inseparable object in daily
activities (SMA and MA refer respectively to sekolah menengah atas, ‘senior high school’ and madrasah aliyah,
Islamic SMA, in Indonesia). Therefore, Android could be regarded as interactive technological product that could be
accessed anytime and anywhere. The Android-assisted learning media is a mobile device which is easy to access
anywhere and anytime [10]. The application of using Android-based learning media is one of the applications of the
21st-century learning style [11]. The implementation of learning by using the smart phone and tablet could give a
positive impact on the cognitive, metacognitive, affective, and sosio-cultural dimensions.
Mundilarto [12] states that the basic principle of teaching and learning activities is the empowerment of all the
potentials possessed by learners so that they are able to improve their experience in dealing with facts, concepts, and
principlesin scientific analyses that they are studyingand it would show in their ability to think logically, critically,
and creatively. According to observations and interviews with teachers and students concerning the physics learning
activity in particular at SMA Negeri (or SMAN, namely, sekolah menengah atas negeri ‘state senior high
school’)and particularly that in Grade X (the official term in the national educational system for the first grade of
SMA) inYogyakarta, the following is found. (1) There are learners who do not know the meaningfulness of each
science obtained.(2) It is felt that the delivery of material done by teachers is not sufficiently varied. (3) The physics
learning in Grade X is mostly still monotonous.(4) There is a lack of teachers’ ability and creativity to develop
learning media based onTIK (tujuan instruksional khusus ‘specific instructional objective’)that are varied and
pleasing to learners. It is related to teachers’ readiness in carrying out learning in class. The teachers’ evaluation in
the learning of science at the level of SMP (sekolah menengah pertama ‘junior high school’) in District Pati still
show teachers’ lack of readiness in giving learning motivation and comprehension and lack of efforts and ability in
conducting learning that implements Curriculum 2013 [13]. (5) At many schools there is general limited ability to
utilize technology while at some schools like SMAN 3 Yogyakarta learners are permitted to use the smart phone to
access information or knowledge.
Smartphonesand tabletshave the power to make a transformation of learning experience and then direct learners
to being able to develop divergent thinking, analyzing, and planning skills (which belong to the category of HOTS,
namely, higher order thinking skills) in response to things in existence around them.The divergent thinking skill is
the skill of being able to elaborate on ideas creatively [14]. Creative thinking is the mental activity fostering original
ideas and new insights [15]. The divergent thinking skill is an element for creativity and differs from creativity itself
[16].It is the skill to think from one point as center and then to spread in various directions (17]. One needs the
divergent thinking skill to be able to generate creative ideas or, in other words, to have the creative thinking ability.
Four aspects in divergent thinking, namely, the factors of fluency, flexibility, originality,and elaboration [18, 19].
Higher order thinking skills (HOTS) are high-level thinking skills consisting of the skills of analyzing,
evaluating, and creating [20, 21]. The revised taxonomy of Bloom’s develops ideas of the abilities to analyze,
evaluate, and create [23]. The basic principle in evaluating HOTS is that it requires knowledge and skill use in a
new situation [23]. Higher order thinking skills require one to apply new information or previous knowledge and
manipulate information to discover possible answers in new situations [24]. Higher order thinking skills have the
objective of obtaining knowledge covering thinking at the analytical, synthetic, and evaluative levels. With those
views above as basis, it could be concluded that higher order thinking skills (HOTS) are thinking processes that are
not merely of memorizing and recalling information known or obtained during the process of learning. The HOTS
are the skills of being able to relate, manipulate, and transform knowledge and experience already possessed to be
able to think critically and creatively in efforts to make decisions and solve problems in new situations [15].
With the background exposition above as basis, various problems could be identified. In view of theexisting
problems so broad in scope, the researcher has limited the focus of the research to the matter of still insufficiently
optimum and not-yet-optimum utilization of information and communication technology in the learning process as
rich learning environment and resource in order that learners could learn in holistic-integrative, constructive,
divergent, and interactive manner by the empowerment of the information and communication technology (ICT)
available so that innovation appears in the development of digital learning resource to improve SMA students’
divergent thinking skills and physics HOTS in problem solving.
With the above background, identification, and limitation of the problem as basis, the formulation of the problem
in the research and development concerned here was as follows: (1) What are the characteristics of the Android-

assisted physics learning media referred to as Physics Mobile Learning (PML) for students in Grade X at SMA? (2)
How high in level is the feasibility or appropriateness of the Android-assisted PML as physics learning media
concerning learning material about elasticity for students in Grade X at SMA? (3) Could the Android-assisted PML
improve the divergent thinking skills and physicsHOTSof students in Grade X at SMA?
As for the objective of developing the Android-assisted PML in the research, it was (1) to know the
characteristics of the Android-assisted PML for students in Grade X at SMA, (2) to know the level of
appropriateness of the Android-assisted PML as physics learning media concerning learning material about elasticity
for students in Grade X at SMA,and (3) to know the influence of the Android-assisted PML on improvement in the
divergent thinking skills and physics HOTSof students in Grade X at SMA.
Hopefully, the research and development concerned here could give, among others, the following meaningful
results and benefits: (1)an increase in IT (information technology) utilization in the form of mobile learning media
as digital learning resource media in physics learning, (2) an improvement of learning quality by providing an
alternative learning resource in physics learning, (3) an improvement of access to education through smart phone
and tablet utilization as learning media to accelerate learners’ mastery of material and understanding of physics, (4)
an improvement in the facilitation of learners’ lifelong learning, and (5) an introduction of IT integration into
learning to teachers of SMA-level physics and to the school.

The research and development of the learning media in the case here was qualitative in approach with support
from quantitative data and the use of the R&D(research and development) method. Any research with the R&D
method is used to result in a product and to test the effectiveness of the product developed [25]. The development
uses a procedural model. Such a model of development is descriptive in nature, containing steps of the development
and consisting of stages beginning with the initial stage and ending with the stage of generating the product.
In principle, the research and development in the case here used a procedural model which was adapted from the
research model developed by Borg & Gall [26]. The objective was to develop a product in the form of a physics
learning media referred to as Physics Mobile Learning(PML) to improve the divergent thinking skills and physics
HOTS of students in Grade X at SMA with a focus on learning material concerning elasticity.The research subjects
were students in Grade X at SMA in Yogyakarta. The product testing was done in three stages and in limited circles
with SMA students of limited numbers, namely, ten students in the stage of individual testing, 20 students in the
stage of small-group testing, and65students in the stage of field testing. The students in the field testing were all
ofSMAN 3 Yogyakarta; with 32 of them of a class serving as experimental class and the remaining 33 of them of
another class serving as control class.

As adaptation of the model developed by Borg & Gall [26], the research and development(R&D) case here
went through six stages, namely, those respectively of(1) information gathering, (2) product planning, (3)product
development, (4) product validation, (5) product evaluation, and (6) product dissemination. (1) The stage of
information gathering was essentially a stage of needs analysis, namely, a stage for identifying and getting data of
whatever would be needed in planning the product draft and in thoughts of further planning. This stage consisted of
(a) literature study, (b) field survey, (c) needs analysis,and (d) instructional or curriculum analysis.
After the information gathering stage, the next stage was of initial planning of the media making. The steps
taken in the planning of the media production were (a) making the product designand (b) determining the product
components. The making of the product design started with the making of the learning media design in the form of a
learning media flowchartand storyboard. The storyboard was an idea visualization or visualscriptof the application
being built, which would be turned into an outlines that it could give an idea of the application to be produced. The
determination of product components covered the determination of material components and that of the main
components. The material component s covered the material manuscript, exercise or test items, and an evaluation
adjusted to the indicator of the competence hoped for. It was followed with the determination of the main
components taking the form of the theme and soft ware in the form of pictures, sound, music, and design of
appearance and planned design of the programming used for the media development.
The product development stage started with the making of the physics mobile learning media product
covering the steps of preparing the learning material and constructing the guide to product development and the

instrument of product evaluation. All the components already planned in the previous stage were processed into an
intact product by using the programAdobe Flash Professional CS 6 withAction Script 3. The output of the program
takes the form of a file with the extension of apk. A file with the apk extension is a file required for application
installation on an Android device. The resulting product was referred to as the physics mobile learning (PML) for
learning physics at the level of SMA/MA and it could be operated on an Android-equipped device, which could be
insmartphone, tablet, or notebook form.
In the product validation stage, the pproducts made was validated by a lecturer (a university teacher, that is)
involved as learning material expert, a lecturer involved as media expert, five physics teachers involved as reviewer,
and five university students involved as peer reviewer. These lecturer experts, reviewers, and peer reviewers were
assigned with the job or task of evaluating the product in relation with its respective aspects of learning, material,
software technology, and visual communication. The expert in material was a physics lecturer mastering the material
about elasticity and the expert in media was a physics lecturer mastering the manners of presenting learning material
by means of learning media.
The product evaluation stage was after the product revision resulting from the product validation. The
revision was based on the findings inferred from validators’ response to the aspects of learning, material, software
technology, and visual communication of the product. The product evaluation was done in three steps, namely, those
respectively of (1) individual product testing; (2) small/limited-group product testing; and (3) field testing of the
product. At the end of each evaluation step, analysis of evaluation results was done and only necessary product
revision was made.
The physics mobile learning media product was disseminated and implemented by means of product
reporting and dissemination through meetings and scientific journals. The research design used was the pretest-
posttest control group design as shown in Table 1.

TABLE 1. Research Design

No. Class Pre- test Treatment Post-test
1. Experimental O1 X1 O2
2. Control O1 X2 O2

O1= pretest , O2= posttest, X1= using the physics mobile learningmedia, and X2 = using the power point media and
not using the physics mobile learningmedia

Instruments And Techniques Of Data Collection

The instruments used to collect data of the research resulted from the product validation and evaluation
stages and had also been validated by expert judgment. The collection of the research data was done by means of
several techniques, namely, (1) documentation, (2) questionnaire use, (3) interview making, and (4) test giving. The
validation instruments used in the research are here explained as follows: (1) for product validation, the material
validation sheet, the media validation sheet, and the product quality evaluation sheet, for students’ use, (2) for
individual and small/limited-group testing, and (3) for field testing of product, the filled-in list questionnaire and the
test of divergent thinking skills andphysics HOTS.

Technique of Data Analysis

A descriptive-qualitative analysis was applied on the research data by describing and interpreting the
qualitative data obtained.The analysis of the quantitative data in the research could be explained as follows. The data
obtained from the validation sheet and the product quality evaluation sheet were scores with a range of 1-5 for the
score for each statement item in the sheets. These data were then analyzed by calculating the mean score obtained
and the analysis was then continued with a conversion into a media quality category [27].


  mean score, ∑X = total score, and n = number of validators/evaluators (1)
The mean score was compared with the quality categories as follows [27].
The evaluation in relation with each aspect of a learning media product developed in such research involving
the Likert scale results in the product being said feasible or appropriate to use as learning media if the total score

from respondents meets the criteria for being judged good at the minimum. The divergent thinking skill andphysics
HOTS test items had first been validated by expert judgment and by empirical validation to see the power of
discrimination and degree of difficulty of the items. The greater the index of discrimination, the better the ability of
the item concerned to differ the degree of learners’ understanding [28]. Table 2 show the degree of item difficulty
could be known from the proportion of the subjects who could correctly answer the item concerned. If the
proportion of the subjects correctly answering an item is equal to that of those incorrectly doing it, it could be said
that the item concerned is a good one.

TABLE 2. Media Quality Conversion

No. Score Range (i) Quality Category
1.  ≥ Xi +1.8 Sbi Very Good
2. Xi + 0.6 SBi< ≤ Xi+1.8 SBi Good
3. Xi – 0.6 SBi< ≤ Xi + 0.6 SBi Fair
4. Xi - 1,8 SBi< ≤ Xi – 0.6 SBi Poor
5.  ≤ Xi – 1.8 Sbi Very Poor
 : mean score, Xi : ideal mean score, Xi = ½ (highest score + lowest score), SBi : ideal standard deviation and
SBi= (1/6) (highest score–lowest score)
Ideal Highest Score = ∑ item kriteria x highest score, Ideal Lowest Score = ∑ item kriteria x lowest score

The analysis of difference in gain score for students’ divergent thinking skills and physics HOTS between the
experimental class and the control class was done by using the pretest and posttest scores in calculating the
normalized mean gain score. The gain score normality could be calculated by using the equation presented by Hake
[29] as follows.

Sf = final-test/posstest score, Si = initial-test/pretest score and G = gain.

The interpretation of improvement in the divergent thinking skills andphysics HOTSwith gain score as basis
refers to the criteria concerning gain scores presented by Hake [29] as in Table 3.

TABLE 3. Gain Score Criteria

No. Gain Score Criteria
1. g ≥ 0,70 High
2. 0.30 ≤ g < 0.70 Medium
3. g < 0.30 Low

Then, to decide if there was significance in the difference in students’ divergent thinking skills andphysics
HOTSbetween the experimental class and the control class, the scores needed to be tested statistically by means of
MANOVA because there were two dependent variables.MANOVA could be conducted only after the fulfillment of
certain criteria in normality and homogeneity testing. The testing of normality and homogeneity was applied on the
gain scores for students’ divergent thinking skills andphysics HOTS. The testing of data normality was done by
using the formula involving the value of what is called the Mahalanobis distance [30].The testing of data
homogeneity was done by using Box’s M test with the help of the program SPSS 20. In homogeneity testing, the
samples could be said to come from a homogenous population if beradapada level of significance of 5%
orprobabilitas perhitungan is greater than 0.05. The variance-covariance matrices are said to be homogenous if sig. >
α.The conclusion of whether Ho is accepted or rejected is decided by interpreting the MANOVA significance value
obtained from the result of calculation with the program SPSS 20. If sig.< 0.05, then Ho is rejected and Ha is


Result of the Physics Mobile Learning Media Development

The physics learning media called the Android-assisted Physics Mobile Learning (PML) media has been
developed to improve SMA students’ divergent thinking skills andphysics HOTSin the format of android package
(apk) using the softwareAdobe Flash Professional CS 6 with Action Script 3. The appearance of the said PMLmedia
could be seen in Figures 1, 2, 3, 4, and 5. The learning media product has gone through validation by a learning
material expert and a media expert and evaluation by teachers of SMA-level physics and peer reviewers. Evaluation
has also been done by SMA students in individual testing, small/limited-group testing, and field testing. The
Android-assisted physics learning media product developed, in its aspects of material and media, has been found to
be very good in quality and appropriateness according to the evaluation by the aforesaid experts, physics teachers,
and peer reviewers and good in quality and appropriateness according to the evaluation by students.

Analysis of the Development Result Data

The learning media was tried out to see what influence it had on improvement in SMA students’ divergent
thinking skills and physics HOTS. The learning media that has been developed has several characteristics as
follows: (1) the media developed is in software form that could be operated by using anAndroid device; (2) the said
media supports SMA-level physics learning specifically concerning material about elasticity; (3) that media could be
used inside or outside the physics learning at school; and (4) it presents explanations of the learning materials,
examples of exercise items,and exercise items about elasticity in the form of varied games presented attractively and

FIGURE 1. Media Opening Appearance FIGURE 2. Main Menu Appearance

FIGURE 3. Competence (Core & Basic Competence)Appearance

FIGURE 4. Analysis (by Procedure Ordering) of Physics HOTS

FIGURE 5. Original Thinking and Divergent Thinking

Results of the evaluation of the quality of the media in relation with its aspects of audiovisual appearanceand
software technology by the media expert, peer reviewers, and physics teachers could briefly be seen in Table 4.

TABLE 4. Evaluation of the Aspects of Audiovisual Appearanceand Software Technology by the Media Expert, Peer Reviewers
(PR), and Physics Teachers (PT)
Aspect Media Expert Mean Score by PR Mean Score by PT Maximum Score
Audio-Visual Appearance 39 40 39 40
Software Technology 56 64 65 65
Total 95 104 104 105
Overall Mean Score 101.09
Category Very Good

With the converted data of the results of the evaluation by the media expert, peer reviewers, and physics teachers
concerning the said two aspects as basis, it is found that the learning media belongs to the category of being very
good in quality. The overall mean score obtained for the two aspects is101.09 (with the total maximum score
being105). That overall mean score is within the range for the A mark, which is for the category of being very good.
The learning material expert, together with the peer reviewers and teachers of SMA-level physics, evaluated the
aspects of learning and material of the media.The results are as seen in Table 5.

TABLE 5. Evaluation of the Aspects of Learning and Material by the Material Expert, Peer Reviewers, and
Physics Teachers
Aspect Material Expert Mean Score by Mean Score by Maximum Score
Learning 43 49 48 50
Material 37 39 38 40
Total 80 88 86 90
Overall MeanScore 84.27
Category Very Good

From the evaluation by the material expert, peer reviewers, and SMA-physics teachers on the media aspects of
learning and material, the overall mean score of 84.27 was obtained (with the total maximum score being 90). That

overall mean score is within the score range for the A mark, which is for the category of being very good. The media
product evaluation involving the SMA students consisted of three tryout activities, namely, individual testing,
small/limited-group testing, and field testing. The aspects evaluated were material as well as learning and media
appearance as well as media operation. The results could be seen in Table 6.

TABLE 6. Media Evaluation at the Testing Stage

Aspect Individual Testing Small-Group Testing Field Testing Maximum Score
Learning and Material 22 21 22 30
Media Appearance and Operation 32 30 31 45
Total 54 51 53 75
Overall Mean Score 52.67
Category Good

The results of the media evaluation at the stage of testing the Android-assisted learning media show that the
overall mean score was 52.67 (with the maximum score being 75). That overall mean score is within the range for
the B mark. It indicates that the Android-assisted physics learning media belongs to the category of being good in
quality. Therefore, with the tryout results above as basis, the Android-assisted physics mobile learning media
product specifically concerning physics material about elasticity is declared appropriate for use because it has been
found to belong to the category earning the B mark indicating its being good in quality.

Evaluation Of Divergent Thinking Skill And Physics Hots As Aspects

In Physics Mobile Learning
The evaluation of divergent thinking skill andandphysics HOTSas aspects in the physics material about elasticity
developed through the physics mobile learning media was done by the physics learning material expert, peer
reviewers,and physics teachers. The material expert doing the evaluation of the aspect indicators found in the
Android-assisted learning media product was a university lecturer of physics in accordance with the material
developed in the media, namely, physics material about elasticity.
After being validated and evaluated, the learning media was then applied in the learning in class for the purpose
of seeing its influence on improvement in SMA students’ divergent thinking skills andphysics HOTS. Results of
field testing done to the media in an experimental class and a control class indicate that the learning media that has
been developed exerts influence on improvement in SMA students’ divergent thinking skills andphysics HOTS, as
proven by the resulting high-category mean gain score for SMA students’ divergent thinking skills andphysics
HOTSin the research respectively being 0.701 and 0.759. A comparison of gain in the aspects involved is presented
in Figure 6 and 7.

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FIGURE 6. Comparison of N-GainPercentage in the Divergent Thinking Skill Aspect Between the Experimental Class and the
Control Class

A comparison of gain in the divergent thinking skill aspect between the experimental class and the control class
shows the following pairs of respective scores: 0.67 and 0.66 forfluency, 0.60 and 0.57 fororiginality, 0.80 and 0.76
forflexibility, and 0.64 and 0.57 forelaboration. That in the physics HOTS aspect between the experimental class and
the control class shows the following pairs of respective scores: 0.75 and 0.22 for the analyzing skill,0.75 and 0.64
for the evaluating skill, and 0.77 and 0.43 for the creating skill.

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FIGURE 7. Comparison of N-Gain Percentage in the Physics HOTS Aspect Between the Experimental Class and the Control

Analysis Of Prerequisite Testing

Normality Testing

The testing of normality was done to the N-gainscore obtained from the gain score for the divergent thinking
skill andphysics HOTSaspects of the experimental class and the control class. The values for the Mahalonobis
distance obtained from calculations using SPSSfor each class could be seen in Table 7.

TABLE 7. Multivariate Normality Testing of Students’ Divergent Thinking Skill and Physics HOTS Data
Percentage of
Class Inference
Experimental 53.125 Normally Distributed
Control 48.484 Normally Distributed

The data are said to be normally distributed if the value of the Mahalonobis distance obtained for 40-60% of the
data for each group is smaller than the chi-square value. The chi-square value for two test groups with a significance
level of 5% is 1.38.

Homogeneity Testing

The testing of homogeneity was done to know the equality of variance-covariance matrices of dependent
variables simultaneously. The analysis of the homogeneity testing was done with the help of theSPSS program. The
gain score of such two groups could be said to have equality of variance-covariance matrices if the significance
value of theBox’s-Mtest is greater than 0.05.The results of the homogeneity testing could be seen in Table 8.

TABLE 8. Result of the Homogeneity Testing of Students’ Divergent Thinking Skill and Physics HOTS Data
Effect Significance Inference
Box’M 0.608 Homogenous

According to Table 8, the significance value resulting from theBox’s Mtest was greater than 0.05 (p> 0.05)so
that it could be concluded that the variance-covariance matrices of the population were equal or the same or

Hypothesis Testing

The expanded objective of the research was to reject Ho and accept Ha. Whether Ho was rejected or accepted
was based on testing with MANOVA andHotteling’s Traceas effect.The hypothesis testing results could be seen in
Table 9.
TABLE 9. Result of Testing With MANOVA
Effect Significance Decision Criteria Decision Inference
Hotelling’s Trace 0.000 Sig <0.050 Ho rejected There is difference

According to the MANOVA result in Table9,it is seen that the significance value is smaller than 0.050 (p < 0,05)
so that it could be concluded that there is difference in improvement of students’ divergent thinking skills
andphysics HOTSbetween such classes as the experimental class using the Android-assisted learning media and the
control class not using it.
The learning media developed in the case here is considered feasible or appropriate to be applied in physics
learning activity as a learning media alternative which could be used to improve the divergent thinking skills and
physics HOTS of students in Grade X at SMA specifically related to physics learning material about elasticity
dengan kategori sangat baik dalam aspek materi dan aspek media dan baik dalam hasil uji coba lapangan. Results of
field testing done to one experimental class and one control class indicate thatphysics mobile learning media that has
been developed exerts influence on improvement in SMA students’ divergent thinking skills andphysics HOTS as
proven by the resulting gain score high in category for the SMA students’ divergent thinking skills and physics
HOTS of the two said classes being respectively 0.701 and 0.759. Results of the field testing are in line with Matsuo
et al. [7], Sakat et al. [8], Anggraeni & Kustijono [31], and Jabbour [6] stating that technology-assisted learning
media could improve learning motivation, make learning more attractive and pleasing, and exert influence on
improvement in students’ thinking skills.
The Physics Mobile Learning (PML)media that has been developed could improve learners’ divergent thinking
skills andphysics HOTSbecause it has been developed in accordance with their thinking levels [34]. The levels of
human individuals’ thinking move from concrete thinking towards abstract thinking and from simple thinking
towards complex thinking, which is more complicated. The use of learning media is strongly related to thinking
levels because through learning media, what is abstract could be made concrete and what is complex could be


With results of the research and development as basis, it could be concluded as follows. (1) The learning media
that has been developed is in asoftwareform that could be operated by using anAndroid device, it is able to support
SMA-level physics learning of the material about elasticity, it could be used in or outside physics learning at
school,and its appropriateness has been tested by a media expert, a learning- material expert, physics teachers, peer
reviewers,and the students concerned so that it is appropriate for use as alternative and additional learning media by
SMA teachers and students. (2) That learning media that has been developed fulfills the criteria for being very good
in quality according to evaluation by the material expert, peer reviewers, and physics teachersand the criteria for
being good in quality according to evaluation by the media expert and the students concerned. (3) The developed
Android-assisted physics mobile learning media of specifically physics material about elasticity could improve
students’ divergent thinking skills and physics HOTS.

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