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A Strong Partner for Sustainable Development



College of Engineering and Technology


Science and Environment


This chapter unravels the facts about the definition, scope and importance of
environmental science and provides various types of activities that would enhance
your understanding in every lesson.


At the end of this module, you can:

1. define Environmental Science;
2. discuss the importance of environmental studies in addressing current
issues relative to environmental degradation;
3. develop a positive attitude of concern for the environment; and
4. recognize the Environmental Laws of the Philippines.

A.) Multiple Choice

Directions: Please answer the following questions truthfully to determine how

much you already know about the lesson. Write the letter that corresponds to the
correct answer on a yellow pad paper to be submitted to your instructor on the
specified date/time.

1. Which of the following is not a segment of environment?

a. Biosphere b. Atmosphere c. Lithosphere d. Geosphere

2. Which of the following is true about hydrosphere?

a. Comprises all types of water resources c. outer mantle of Earth
b. Indicates the realm of living things d. near infrared radiation
3. The word Environment is derived from the French word___?
a.”Environner” c.”Environmens”
b.”Envirommer” d.”Environer”
4. Which of the following words/terms refer to biological element of Environment?
a. Plants b. Animals c. Man d. Social

B.) Discussion

Directions: In your own words, define environment in five to six sentences. (5 pts)

Environment is a composition of biotic and abiotic organism. Wherein,

every creature were designed to exist having a mutual relationship
toward each other's needs. Moreover, for the welfare of human kind
that was given the authority to have dominion upon the mother 6
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nature. It is aggregated

Activity: 1

Directions: Use the sample graphic organizer below to list all the activities that you
can do to save our environment. (1pt each)

Example of graphic organizer

Walk or bike
more, drive
Notice how I
Reduce my use water Joining in
waste reforestation
Buy less plastic activity
and bring a
reusable Activities Make a
compost pile
shopping bag.

Save energy
Follow the three
Volunteer for "R's" to conserve
clean ups in my natural resources
community and landfill space.

Activity 2


1. From among the environmental issues that you have learned, give at least one
and discuss why people need to become aware of this issue. Use examples to
support your argument.

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Among the environmental issues that I've learned, I want to discuss

the population growth that people need to become aware of. First of all,
when we go back on the creation where people are not undue,
environment are very quiet tremendous and wonderful. Surroundings are
amazingly made, the waters and oceans are perfectly clear and clean.
However, as thousands years go by, numbers of people are awfully
increased! People placed in every corner of the universe.
In that case, poverty are directly proportional to the population growth.
The most obvious and common impact is that overpopulation has put a
great strain on the natural resources of the earth. Our country and other
countries might never been suffer from poverty unless the people are
educated on family planning. I am not telling that women must not be get
pregnant ever. But each family must be well dilated and disciplined. A
family can have more children unless they can support them, trained and
give bright future of life.
Let us think about it, as I observed not only in our country but also in
outside, populated country are the most suffered from poverty right?
Because the more country being populated, the more their needs and
wants be enlarge. The question now is that where did they get their source
of need and wants? It's all in our nature or environment. The worse thing
here is that people benefits from nature but they never return what they've
gotten. The increased population had lead to increased pollution and 
industrialization. This has adversely affected our natural environment 
leading to more health problems in the majority of the population. And as
the population keeps growing, the poorer countries are running out of
food and other resources causing famines and various such disasters.
And as we are currently noticing in India, overpopulation also leads to
massive unemployment.
Overall the economic and financial condition of densely populated
regions deteriorates due to the population explosion. As we know, some
of the resources available to us come in limited quantities, for example,
fossil fuels. When the population explosion happened, these resources
are becoming rarer and will one day run out completely.

Test I. True or False

Directions: Write TRUE if the statement is correct, write FALSE if the statement is
incorrect. (2 pts each correct answer)

TRUE 1. Environmental studies enlighten us about the importance of protecting the

FALSE 2. Environment is derived from the French word “Envirommer”” which means
encircle or surrounding.
3. Agricultural growth is directly proportional with population growth.

TRUE 4. Environmental Science means the surrounding external conditions influencing

development or growth of people, animal or plants.

TRUE 5. Poverty has something to do with growing population.

FALSE 6. Environment describes the interrelationships among organisms, the

environment and all the factors, which influence life on earth, including
atmospheric conditions, food chains, the water cycle,etc

TRUE 7. Physical elements of environment are space, landforms, water bodies, climate
soils, rocks and minerals.

TRUE 8. Biosphere is composed of living organisms.

TRUE 9. Reduction is genetic diversity, increases biodiversity.
TRUE 10. Majority of our industrial plants are using out dated and population technologies.

Test II. Fill in the blanks (For items 1-5)

Directions: Write the appropriate word on the space provided to complete the
sentence. Write your answer on a yellow pad paper
1. The biosphere is very large and complex and is divided into smaller units
2. The _______
atmosphere is the protective blanket of gases which is surrounding the earth. It
protects the earth from the hostile environment of outer space
3. The lithosphere consists of upper _______and
mantle the crust.
4. The ____________
hydrosphere is a collective term given to all different forms of water.
It includes all types of water resources such as oceans, seas, rivers, lakes,
Streams, reservoirs, glaciers and ground waters
5. The _________
biosphere is very large and complex and is divided into smaller units called

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I've learned that in terms of the public
awareness, it consists several factors
that citizens must be aware of. I've just
awaken that poverty is the number one
that people must be given more
important. The growing population is

I've learned that the I have learned that

natural cycles has a five environment is the
cycles as the interrelationships representative of physical
that manifested. I've learned that elements of the earth. Whereas the
natural cycles operate in a balanced man is the most affecting factor of the
manner providing a continuous environment. So, I've realized that
circulation of essential constituents indeed man is also the reason why the
necessary for life and this stabilizes environment affect from different
and sustains the life processes on factors behind. Environment and man
earth. Thus, the biosphere is very large benefits from each other, yet affected
and complex. through each also.

Test I. Identification

Directions: Identify the descriptive title of the Laws/P.D .Don’t forget to write
your answer on a yellow pad paper.(20 pts)

A. Law on Fisheries P.D. No. 1152(Title IV) Chapter I

1. P.D. No. 1219
Proving for the exploration, exploitation, utilization and
conservation of coral resources.

2. P.D. No. 704

Revising and consolidating all laws and decrees affecting fishing and
B. Forestry Law P.D. No. 1152 (Title IV) Chapter III
3. P.D. No. 705
Revising P.D.No.384 otherwise known as the Forestry Reform Code
of the Philippines
4. R.A. No.3571
An Act prohibiting the cutting ,destroying or injuring of planted or growing
trees or of flowering plants and shrubs or plants of scenic value along
public roads, in plazas,parks,school premises or in any public ground.
C. Mining P.D. No. 1152 (Title IV) Chapter VII
5. P.D.No.463
Providing for a modernized system and administration disposition of mineral
lands and to promote and encourage the development and exploitation thereof.

6. P.D. No. 211 Series of 87

Prescribing the interim procedures in the processing and approval of
applications for the exploitation, development and utilization of minerals.
D. Water and Water Quality Management P.D. No. 1152 : Chapter VI
7. P. D. No. 274
E. Law on Food and Natural Calamities P.D. No. 1152 (Title IV) Chapter IV
8. P.D. No. 18
Established the Metropolitan Manila Flood Control and Drainage
9. P.D. no. 78
Established the Philippine Atmospheric, Geophysical and
Astronomical Services Administration (PAGASA).

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Test II. Enumeration

1-10. Enumerate the International treaties that the Philippines had

been with as of May 1991. (10 pts.)

1. International convention for the prevention of pollution of the Sea by oil.

2. International Plant Convention of the Regulation of Whaling 3.
International Plant Protection Convention 4. Plant Protection Agreement for
Southeast Asia and the Pacific Region
5. Vienna Convention on Civil Liability of Nuclear Damages and Optional
Protocol Concerning the Compulsory Settlement and Disputes
6. Treaty Banning Nuclear Test in the Atmosphere in outer space and water
7. Convention on the prohibition of the Development Production and
11-18. of
Stockpiling Enumerate the Decrees
Bacteriological andand
(Biological) Republic Acts related
Toxin Weapons to the
and their
Environmental Protection Law (8pts)
8. Convention on the International Trade on Endangered Species of Wild
Flora and Fauna.
9. Convention on the Prevention of Marine Pollution by Dumping Waste and
other Matter
10. Montreal Protocol on Substances that Delete Ozone

11-18. Enumerate the Decrees and Republic Acts related to the

Environmental Protection Law (8pts)

Test III. Discussion

P.D. No. 1121 – The National Environmental Council
P.D. No. 1157 – The Philippine Environmental Policy Decree
Directions: Explain briefly the following questions briefly.
P.D. No. 1152 – The Philippine Environmental Code
9. What 1067 – The Jurisprudence?
environmental Philippine Clean(5pts)
Air Act of 1999
R.A. No. 8749 – The Philippine Clean Water Act of 2004
R.A. No. 6969 – Toxic Substances and Hazardous and Nuclear Waste Control
Act of 1990
R.A No. 9003- Ecological Solid Waste Management Act of 200o

10. Why the Philippine laws on environmental protection are important to

everyone?. (5pts)

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Test III. Discussion Directions:

9. What is environmental Jurisprudence? (5pts)

Environmental jurisprudence has drawn its knowledge base from

different disciplines of studies like basic sciences, earth science and
Common Law jurisprudence. Study of this discipline is concerned more
with enforcement ‘right’, for environmental pollution may affect
individuals as well as the public at large.

10. Why the Philippine laws on environmental protection are important to

everyone?. (5pts)

Environment has been and will always be part of human lives.

Whether we like it or not, it will affect us in many ways that is why no
wonder, laws for environmental protection are proliferating not only
domestically but across the globe. It is very important because laws
promotes the protection of our natural resources and natural
resources. Without these laws, there would be no regulations
concerning pollution, contamination, hunting, or even response to
disasters. Because of the that laws, our water, soil, land and air are
protected from all people to neglected to protect it.
Congratulations for completing this module!

Student’s Information

Name: Nelia T. Valmoria

Program: Bachelor of Science in Civil Engineering
Year and Section:

Contact No.: 09610275509

E-mail address:

Facebook Account: Nelia Tumbiga Valmoria

Messenger Account: Nelia Tumbiga Valmoria

WPU-QSF-ACAD-82A Rev. 00 (09.15.20)
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WPU-QSF-ACAD-82A Rev. 00 (09.15.20)

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