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Republic of the Philippines

Department of Education
Senior High School Department

Track: Technical Vocational Live-hood

Strands: Home Economics
Subject: Food and Beverage Services (NC II)

Quarter: 1st
Learning Competency: 2. Welcome Guests and
Take Food and Beverage Orders

SHS Teacher II
Duration: November 2-6, 2020 (5 Days)
Lesson: 2. Welcome Guests and Take Food and
Beverage Orders
Learning outcome: 1. Welcome and Greet Guests
1. The Sequence of Food Service
2. Pointers to remember in Welcoming the Guests
3. Basic Phraseologies for welcoming and
greeting guests?
4. Steps in checking of table reservations
5. Offering pre-meal service

Information Sheet No. 2.1.1

Subject: TVL-Home Economics: Food and Beverage Services (NC II)

Grade Level: 12
Quarter: 1st
Lesson: 2. Welcome guests and take food and beverage orders (GO)
Learning Outcome: 1. Welcome and Greet Guests
Content: The sequence of food service
The lesson deals with the study of the sequence of food service.
What Will you Learn?
After reading this information sheet, you will be able to learn the
sequence of food service.

The Sequence of Food Service

1. Prepare the dining Area for service. Preparation of the table ware, furniture, service
equipment, waiter station and taking table reservation

2. Welcome and Greet Guest. When guests arrive, open the door and properly welcome
and greet guests accordingly as this may affect their dining experience.

3. Escort and Seat the Guest. Escort and seat guest according to table allocations.

4. Presenting Menu. Present the menu at the right hand while standing on the right side
of the guest, maintaining eye contact with each of the guest.
5. Take Food and Beverage Orders. Stand erect to the left of the guest with the order
pad supported in the palm of your hand and pen ready. Take food and beverage

6. Placing Orders in the kitchen and Bar. Orders transmitted to the kitchen verbally, but
it is still better to do it in writing to ensure quality service.

7. Serve Food and beverage Orders. Food items are served from the left and are cleared
from the right, Beverages, on the other hand, are served from the right and bussed
out from the right.

8. Asking additional Order. Asking and upselling food and beverage products in order
to have a profit of the business.

9. Presenting the Bill. Check should be presented in a booklet to the host or placed in
the center of the table.

10. Bidding Goodbye to Guest. Graciously bid the guest good bye once all of the task
mentioned above has been accomplished.
11. Perform Close Down Dining Area. Cleaning of the dining area, storing service
equipment and checking supplies and make a request of out of stock supplies for
service used.

Name of Learner:__________________________________Grade Level & Section_____________________

Date: _______________________________________________Score:______________________________________
Task Sheet No. 2.1.1
Subject: TVL-Home Economics: Food and Beverage Services (NC II)
Grade Level: 12
Quarter: 1st
Lesson: 2. Welcome guests and take food and beverage orders (GO)
Learning Outcome 1. Welcome and Greet Guests
Content: The sequence of food Service
Performance Standard: The learner independently Identify the sequence of food service
Objective: Identify the sequence of food service
Instruction: Identify the pictures sequence of food service and write your answer on the line
(2 point each)
The sequence of food Service

1. __________________________________________________________

2. __________________________________________________________

3. __________________________________________________________

4. ____________________________________________________________

5. __________________________________________________________

6. ___________________________________________________________
7. ___________________________________________________________

8. ___________________________________________________________

9. ___________________________________________________________

10. ___________________________________________________________

Information Sheet No. 2.1.2

Subject: TVL-Home Economics: Food and Beverage Services (NC II)

Grade Level: 12
Quarter: 1st
Lesson: 2. Welcome guests and take food and beverage orders (GO)
Learning Outcome: 1. Welcome and Greet Guests
Content: Points to Remember in Welcoming Guests
The lesson deals with the study of Points to Remember in Welcoming Guests.
What Will you Learn?
After reading this information sheet, you will be able to learn Points to Remember in
Welcoming Guests.

Points to Remember in Welcoming Guests

1. When guest arrive, open the door (if there is one). Walk towards the guests, make pleasant
eye contact and welcome them with a pleasant greeting. Address them with the appropriate
greeting for the time of the day. As follows:
12:00 am to 11:59 “Good Morning”
12:00 pm to 6:59 “Good Afternoon”
7:00 pm to 11:59 pm “Good evening”

2. Use the guest’s name when Known. Try to call the guest by Name

Good morning Mr./Mrs._____________, how are you? Or Welcome to (name of restaurant),

Mr./Ms. (Name of guest)”

3.Be aware of the guests.

-As they come into the dining room or restaurant. If you are still busy with another guest,
acknowledge the new guest by making eye contact and saying, “ I will be right back with
you”, or a simple hand gesture or smile will do.

-It is very important that guests are acknowledged right away to avoid embarrassment on
the side of the customer, Also, by recognizing them immediately, you have made them
4.Extend Assistance to the guest

Extend Assistance to the guest as much as possible. Ask if they need assistance (e.g.
folding umbrellas, removing the coat, among others). Helping guests creates a welcoming

5.Check for any reservation. Politely ask if they have reservation. If they do, ask the guest’s
name and guide them to the reserved table.

6. Pull the chair out for the guest. Pull the chair out for the guest (ladies first). Then, endorse
the guests to the captain waiter.

7.The hostess/receptionist leaves the table once the captain waiter or the waiter approaches
the guests’ table to offer the Before Dinner drinks.
Name of Learner:_________________________________Grade Level & Section_____________________
Date: ______________________________________________Score:______________________________________

Task Sheet No. 2.1.2

Subject: TVL-Home Economics: Food and Beverage Services (NC II)
Grade Level: 12
Quarter: 1st
Lesson: 2. Welcome guests and take food and beverage orders (GO)
Learning Outcome 1. Welcome and Greet Guests
Content: Points to Remember in Welcoming Guests
Performance Standard: The learner independently welcome and greet the guests
Objective: Welcome and greet guests
Instruction: Perform welcoming and greeting guest/family member and refer your
performance using rubric below. Send your video or record in our messenger group chart.
The Restaurant Host/Hostess. Role play a scenario in a restaurant. Perform the role of a
restaurant Hostess/ Host as you welcome and greet guests.

Criteria Excellent Very Satisfactory Needs Score

(5 Points) Satisfactory (2 Points) Improvement
(3 points) (1 Point)

Guest are
as soon as
they arrive.

Guest are
greeted with
an appropriate

Details of
are check
based on

Total Score

Information Sheet No. 2.1.3

Subject: TVL-Home Economics: Food and Beverage Services (NC II)

Grade Level: 12
Quarter: 1st
Lesson: 2. Welcome guests and take food and beverage orders (GO)
Learning Outcome: 1. Welcome and Greet Guests
Content: Basic Phraseologies for welcoming and Greeting Guests
The lesson deals with the study of Basic Phraseologies for welcoming and Greeting Guests
What Will you Learn?
After reading this information sheet, you will be able to learn Basic Phraseologies for
welcoming and Greeting Guests

Basic Phraseologies for welcoming and Greeting Guests. The greeting on arrival, What
you say by way of welcome to your guests may be determined by house policy with certain
required statements and facts to be covered, or you may simply be expected to use your
common sense and good judgement on a person by person or party by party basis. As a
beginner, before you can welcome and greet guests correctly, greet the guest correctly, here
are the basic phraseologies that you can follow:

1. “Good morning/afternoon/evening, Sir/Ma’am or. _________or Ms.___________.

Welcome to ________(name of restaurant).
2. If they have made reservations, be sure that the table is prepared in advance and say,
“We have prepared a nice table for your party Mr./Ms.____________. “This way please”.
If none, say “How many are we expecting in the party, sir/madam?” “This way please.”
3. Guest are led to their table with palms open: This way Please”.
4. Before the guests are seated, ask “Will this table alright for you?”
5. If the guest is a patron or a regular customer, welcome him back. You might say:
“Welcome back Mr./Ms.______. We are glad to see you again, Ma’am/Sir.
6. If the Outlet is full and there is no available table: “I am sorry Ma’am/Sir but all the
tables are occupied at the moment. Do you mind waiting at the lounge for about____
and I will call you the moment we have a table for you?”
7. If the waiter or Food and Beverage Service Attendant (FBSA) is not yet available to
attend to the guest, the receptionist shall tell the guests: “the waiter/Food and
Beverage Service Attendant (FBSA) will be with you in a short while”.
8. In a Banquet, when there is an excess in the expected number of guests and all seats
are occupied, say: I’m Sorry Ma’am/Sir, we have an unexpected excess in the number
of guests and all seats are already occupied. However, our staff is already preparing
additional tables and chairs. May we request you to wait at the lounge for a while and
I will call you when your tables are ready.”
9. In some establishments, guests may be able to leave their overcoats, umbrellas etc. at the reception
area. If this is the case, ask the guests if they would like you to take their coat etc. Greeting guests on
arrival and accompanying them to their table to seat them is known in the industry as “greet and seat”.
You may search online references to further enrich you r knowledge and understanding on how to
properly welcome and greet guests as they visit your restaurant.
Name of Learner:_____________________________________Grade Level &

Task Sheet No. 2.1.3

Subject: TVL-Home Economics: Food and Beverage Services (NC II)
Grade Level: 12
Quarter: 1st
Lesson: 2. Welcome guests and take food and beverage orders (GO)
Learning Outcome 1. Welcome and Greet Guests
Content: Basic Phraseologies for welcoming and Greeting Guests
Performance Standard: The learner independently Watch a video presentation about
welcoming and greeting guest.
Objective: Watch a video presentation about welcoming and greeting guest.
Instruction: Watch a video presentation about welcoming and greeting guest and make a
narrative report. Write it on the back of task sheet or you can use a bond paper. Your
narrative report will be rated using rubric below.
Welcoming and Greeting Guest
You may have experienced eating in a fine dining restaurant and have observed
happenings relative to welcoming and greeting guest or watch a video clip about
welcoming and greeting guest. Make a narrative report while taking into considerations
the following questions.
1. Is the receptionist well-groomed?
2. Was the door opened for the guests?
3. Were guests acknowledge properly as soon they arrived in the restaurant?
4. Were guests greeted properly?
5. Did the receptionist make eye contact when welcoming/greeting guests?
6. Were the guests greeted with a sincere smile?
7. Were the guests who had prior reservations immediately escorted to their
8. Were the guests without reservations asked for their preferred section of the
dining room/restaurant?
9. Were the guests who were made to wait advised on how long they will wait for
an available table in the dining area?
10. Were all the guests escorted to their table?
You report will be rated using this rubric:
CRITERIA 4 3 2 1
Clear Exceptional clear Generally clear Lacks clarity and difficult Unclear cannot understand
and easy to and quite easy to to understand
understand understand
Comprehensive Thorough and Substantial Partial or not Misunderstanding or
comprehensive explanation comprehensive serious misconception on
explanation explanation the explanation
Relevant Highly relevant Generally Relevant Somewhat relevant Irrelevant
Total Score
Information Sheet No. 2.1.4

Subject: TVL-Home Economics: Food and Beverage Services (NC II)

Grade Level: 12
Quarter: 1st
Lesson: 2. Welcome guests and take food and beverage orders (GO)
Learning Outcome: 1. Welcome and Greet Guests
Content: Steps in Checking of Table Reservations
The lesson deals with the study of Steps in Checking of Table Reservations
What Will you Learn?
After reading this information sheet, you will be able to learn Steps in Checking of
Table Reservations

Steps in Checking of Table Reservations. The next thing to do after greeting guest is to
inquire if they have reservation or advance booking. You may check the following

1. The day the reservation is made

2. Names of the guests
3. Contact information
4. The day and time of reservation
5. The number of covers
6. Smoking preferences (smoking, nonsmoking, or no preferences)
7. Any special request

Checking reservations
When guests arrive in your dining area, the first two steps should be: To greet or welcome
them, To enquire whether or not they have a reservation or booking. Check at your
workplace to see if this is Standard Operating Procedure or not. Where guests say that they
have a reservation, you should confirm this in your reservations book, to identify the table
they have been allocated on the table/floor plan. Check with them the number of guests
expected. Often there can be an extra one, and sometimes there are one or two who will be
cancellations. Where there are cancellations, the chair and cover should be removed from
the table so that the table is not embarrassed by empty places. Where an extra person has
presented with the booking, staff should immediately set another place and add a chair
where possible, or another table should be quickly identified for the party. The key is to
ensure that guests do not feel, in either case, that they have done the wrong thing, or
inconvenienced staff. When confirming the reservation, also confirm any details that may be
written against that booking – “And you’re off to the cinema, so you’d like to be away by
8.30, is that right?”, “And you requested a high chair, I believe?” Where there is a note that a
birthday cake, or similar, has been arranged, this should also be discreetly checked with the
host, either at the table or elsewhere. A visit to the table informing the host that there is a
phone call at reception for them can aid in getting them away from the table. If the guest
has no reservation, check the floor plan to see if they can be accommodated. Be alert to the
opportunity to maximize sales. For instance, by asking someone who comes in at 6:30 PM
without a booking, whether they could be finished by 7:45 PM, so that you can strip their
table and re-.set it for the 8:00 PM booking.
Name of Learner:______________________________________Grade Level &

Task Sheet No. 2.1.4

Subject: TVL-Home Economics: Food and Beverage Services (NC II)
Grade Level: 12
Quarter: 1st
Lesson: 2. Welcome guests and take food and beverage orders (GO)
Learning Outcome 1. Welcome and Greet Guests
Content: Steps in Checking of Table Reservations
Performance Standard: The learner independently check reservation details a guest arrives
Objective: Check reservation details a guest arrives
Instruction: Check reservation details a guest arrives. Write a script on Checking Reservation
Refer to rubric of performance below for evaluation of the task.
Checking Reservation Details
Situation 1:
A guest arrives with his friends and claims that he has made reservation days before. He
also emphasized that he gave specific instruction. How would you verify all the
information on the booking sheet to the guest?
Role Play: (Script)



You script will be rated using this rubric:
CRITERIA 4 3 2 1
Clear Exceptional clear Generally clear and Lacks clarity and Unclear cannot understand
and easy to quite easy to difficult to
understand understand understand
Comprehensive Thorough and Substantial Partial or not Misunderstanding or serious
comprehensive explanation comprehensive misconception on the
explanation explanation explanation
Relevant Highly relevant Generally Relevant Somewhat Irrelevant
Total Score
Information Sheet No. 2.1.5

Subject: TVL-Home Economics: Food and Beverage Services (NC II)

Grade Level: 12
Lesson: 2. Welcome guests and take food and beverage orders (GO)
Learning Outcome: 1. Welcome and Greet Guests
Content: Offering pre-meal services
The lesson deals with the study of offering pre-meal services

What Will you Learn? After reading this information sheet, you will be able to learn
offering pre-meal services.
Offering pre-meal services
As and when circumstances dictate, or opportunities present themselves, pre-meal services
can be offered to guests; These services include:
1. Bar service – it may be appropriate to offer guests the services of your bar before
they go to their table. Especially where the bar has a special feature or aspect, this
can be a valuable service to offer two.

2. Lounge and waiting areas. Where your guests are part of a larger party and they are
the first ones to arrive, they may be pleased to be offered the benefits of waiting in a
lounge area or a special waiting area, rather than being made to sit alone at their
dining table. This saves your guests possible embarrassment demonstrates excellent
customer service and indicates that you are tuned in to individual needs. You can
offer the customer something to read. Waiting area This area is used to seat
customers who may be waiting for a table, or waiting for other guests to arrive.
Waiting areas usually have seating, offer written material for customers to read, and
have some of view to keep customers engaged while they are waiting.

3. Valet services. These services can embrace almost anything, and are often a
variation of the concierge desk. Common services for diners include valet parking and
car retrieval, booking theatre or other tickets, arranging for taxis or limousine hire,
and even secretarial services for business people. It is not uncommon to be asked to
send a fax, or email if these services are offered, especially by people who are out of
their home city

Name of Learner:__________________________________Grade Level & Section_____________________

Date: _______________________________________________Score:______________________________________

Task Sheet No. 2.1.5

Subject: TVL-Home Economics: Food and Beverage Services (NC II)
Grade Level: 12
Quarter: 1st
Lesson: 2. Welcome guests and take food and beverage orders (GO)
Learning Outcome 1. Welcome and Greet Guests
Content: Offering pre-meal services

Performance Standard: The learner independently Escort guest in the lounge area for a
while when there is an excess in the expected number the guests an all seats are occupied.

Objective: Escort guest in the lounge area.

Instruction: Escort guest in the lounge area for a while when there is an excess in the
expected number the guests an all seats are occupied. Make a script and role play with the
member of your family. Write your Script on the box and you will refer your performance
using rubric.
Offering pre-meal services
Script: Escorting guest in the lounge area.
Performance of the learners will be rated using this rubric:
Description/Performance Criteria Score
Demonstrated 100% of the procedures in Escort guest in the lounge area. 5
Demonstrated 75% of the procedures in Escort guest in the lounge area. 4
Demonstrated 50% of the procedures in Escort guest in the lounge area. 3
Demonstrated 25 % of the procedures in Escort guest in the lounge area. 2
Did not perform the given task. 1
Total Score

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