Smart Kids: Look and Write

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Smart kids
Look and write.
Sandy, Carlos, Greg, and Anna are at their (1) _ _ _ _ _ __

Carlos can 't find his (2) _ _ _ _ _ __ . Greg gives Sandy his

(3) - - - - - ~ and she sees some (4) _ _ _ _ _ __

~ . Greg finds Carlos's sleeping bag. There are (5) _ _ _ _ _ __

in Carlos's sleeping bag .

{f) Look and write. theirs his ours yours mine hers

1. ~ This is Greg's sleeping bag. It's _ _ __

2. This is Anna's skirt. It's - - - -

3. • These are the girls' sleeping bags. They're _ _ __

4 . These are our books. They're _ _ _ _ . •

5. • These are my clothes. They'r~ - _ __

6. Is this your torch? Is it _ _ _ _ ? ~

@ Look and answer the questions.
1. Whose torches are yellow?

2. Whose sleeping bag is purple?

3 . Whose bag is green?

4 . Whose bag is purple?

Match objects 1-6 with the correct recycling bin. Our world

1. 2. 3. 4. 6.


fJ, Read and write something, someon4 ~ everything.

1. I'm thirsty . Let's have _ _ _ _ __ _ _ t o drink.

2. There's _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ behind the tree. Who is it?

3. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ is having fun .

4. I packed _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ . I'm ready to go . ..

~ Usten and write T for »ue or F for Folse. D
1. Stu wants to recycle . D
2. Stu threw the bottle in the recycling bin for plastic. D
3. Stu washed the bottle before he put it in the recycling bin. D
4. Stu had some pizza for dinner. D
s. Stu knows everything about recycling . D
'iiil 'JI kt: :! ---fj

Let's play
Look and answer.

1. Is there anyone in the forest? 4. Are there any tents?

2. Is there anything in the orange bag? 5. Is there anyone in the sleeping bag?

3. What's in the red bag? 6. Whose is the green torch?

a Read and choose.

1. There's nothing/ anything in the fridge. Let's go to the supermarket.
2 . There's no one/ anyone in the house. Where are they?
3. I don't know no one/ anyone at my new school. I must make some friends.
4 . Is there nothing/ anything good on TV?

8 Look and write. anyone no one nothing

1. 2. 3.
There's There's There isn't

in your sleeping bag . in your tent. under your bed.

Put the items into the r r Project
What are they now? ecyc mg machine. What were they before?

2. 3. · • .

[0 The w we re old glass bottles . Now it's a window.

fl Find 10 things we can recycle.
B D T M E p L A s T
0 D 0 E T u F D s p L A
T p z p K p A p E R L R
L 0 H L C B Q L G 0 J 0
E X E C y 0 L z H F Q N
s E L E B 0 0 K s E D s
w s p R F 0 C I C I K M
X B C R E H K J A p p J
L J A E E G L A s s L A

LIu 0 I N H Q E E K A T R
p 0 s T C A R D s V I s

Story time
Read the text in the Studenfs Book and match.
a. asks the little boy's name.
1. Amin and Kelly
b. finds something in the park.
3. Kelly c. were worried.
4. Adam d. are at the park.

5. Adam's parents e. is at Adam's home.

6. Tiger f. is lost.

Q Put in order (1-7).

a. Adam sees Tiger again. D
b. Adam asks the children for help. D
c. Adam tells Amin and Kelly his name. D
d. Amin and Kelly see Adam behind a tree. D
e. Amin and Kelly take Adam to the police station. D
f. Amin finds something in the park. D
g. Adam goes home. D
E) Answer the questions.
How did Adam How did Adam
feel in the park? feel at home?

1. 2.

· What do you think? Answer the questions.

1. Did you like the story?
2. Who was your favourite character?
Read and complete. tent squirrels metal plastic peanuts jar paper

1. You can decorate an old _ _ _ _ _ _ _ and make a pencil holder.

2. When you go camping, you sleep in a _ _ _ _ _ __

3. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ are small brown or grey animals. They live in forests and parks, and
they like _ _ _ _ _ __

4. We can use old _ _ _ _ _ _ _ bottles to make new bottles, shoes and clothes.
5. Don 't throw old books in the rubbish bin. We can recycle _ _ _ _ _ __
6. We can recycle empty _ _ _ _ _ _ _ cans of soft drinks.

Q Read and complete. Use the objed pronouns me, her, him, it, us, them.
1. A: Excuse me . Could you help____ 4 . Joanna's bags are very heavy.
carry these bags? Help _ _ __
B: Of course.
5. A: Do you want some peanuts?
2. A: Look at that squirrel! B: No, thanks. I don't like _ _ __
B: Where? I can't see _ _ __
6. It's dark and we can't see anything.
3. He's very strong. Look at _ _ __ Give _ _ _ _ the torch, please.

e Look and circle.

1. No one/ Someone is in the garden .

2 . Is there everyone/ anyone in the car?
3. Everyone/ Someone is happy.
4 . There isn't anything/ something on the table.
5. Something/ Nothing is in the tree .

V What do you think people do on Earth Day? Read and find out.
"'p i

What can you do? ~,

.... "' ,.,. '

A CLEAN-UP DAY. Get together with .friends or:-,-..._ .

other people and clean up the city. Pick up rubbish
from the streets, parks, etc. Don't forget to put bottles, paper, and cans into recycling bins.
PLANT TREES. We're going to plant more than 1,000 trees in Downsview Park.
l"'Come and help make the park greener. Everyone is welcome.
.... ~

FOREST WALKS. Go on a walk with your family and learn ~bout forests. ~~ ~
MAKE SOM ETHING. Use something you don't need to make something new.
For example, make a birdhouse from cereal boxes.

- Read again and answer the questions.

1. When do Canadians celebrate Earth Day?
2. What do people do on clean-up day?
3. Where are they going to plant 1,000 trees?
4. Can children help on Earth Day?
5. What can people make?

'!,; f;t $ 3,n:;- I

Say the actions.


1. 2. 3. 4~ 5.
help □ carry bags 0 pick up rubbish D hurt D give D


3. 11' 4.
torch peanuts 0 squirrel D paper 0



u-;J 8.e- D
metal glass plastic jar D

Help me carry these Whose sleeping bag is this? There is someone beh ind
bags. 0 It's mine. D the tree. D

r- ·
__, ; --- " -~ ~

No one is in the tent.

Everyone can recycle. D There isn 't anyone in the ten t. D
Do a quiz
O Do the crossword.

(j) LJ----!-___L.J.._ _l_+-~~ ~---t---r-T1

® L_____J_~___._____..___.

@ Look and write.

1. Rhinos are _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ (scary) than hippos. ~

2. -' 0 Blue whales are (heavy) than elephants.

3. Pandas are _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ (small) than polar bears.

!i._ f T )
R 1tJ/
4. ~~ Tortoises are _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ (fast) than snails.

5. Gorillas are _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ (big) than monkeys.

0 Look and write. Use the comparative form.
Smart kids
1. Utahraptor was _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ (dangerous) than T. rex.
2. The green armchair is (comfortable) than the
orange armchair.
3. Troodon was _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ (intelligent) than T. rex.
4. The book about dinosaurs is (interesting) than the
book about cats.
s. Plane tickets are _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ (expensive) than bus tickets.
6. The second film was (long) and
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ (boring) than the first film.

(8 Compare the whale and the shark. Use the adjedives below.
intelligen t scary long small big dangerous

1. The wha le is more jntel Iigeot than the shark

3. - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
4. - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
5. - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
6. --- --- --- --- --- --- -= 69
Our world
Look and write. heavy ta ll long small

1. Compsognathus was _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ a chicken.

2. T. rex was an upstairs window.
3. Diplodocus was two buses and a car.
4 . Brachiosaurus was 17 African elephants.

e Look and write sentences with as + adjective + as.


1. (heavy) J1or rem r)r Nq-;n ' t O'J herN V os Tncerotoo()


2. (big) _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __

3. (scary) _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __

4. (dangerous)
5. (long) _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __

Read and answer the questions. Lefs play

Tourists go to the orphanage to see the
Pinnawela Elephant Orphanage is elephants every day. They can watch
the home of more than 60 elephants. the baby elephants
Many of them are baby elephants. drink their milk or
Their mothers died, and the baby have a bath in the
~ elephants can't live alone. They river. Elephants love
need someone to feed them . water. They-go to
At Pinnawela Eleprant Orphanage, the river twice a day.
people feed the baby elephants. They At Pinnawela
give them milk in,bi,g bottles. A baby Elepha·n t Orphana,ge,
elephant needs to drink a lot of milk, baby elephants find
about 7 big•bottles .per day! a
\\lmmmlilimHit ~r:z4J1n,111x-5,•I,mJ/J'IA'i1lll.lU " ' l - s t > ~ ~
1. How many elephants live at the orphanage today?

2. Why do these elephants live at the orphanage?

3. Who feeds the baby elephants at the orphanage?

4. How much milk do baby elephants drink every day?

s. How often do elephants have a bath in the river?

a Listen and choose. 0

l"ke crocodiles more than snakes?
1. Why does Tom I • r b because they're more dangerous
a. because they're scone · k
than sna es
than snakes

2 Wh d 't J Lia like the chick?

. y oesn u b because it's small
a. because it's ugly ·
. le hants more than hippos?
3. Why does Brad like ~ P b because they're more interesting
h , e bigger ·
a. because t ey r than hippos
than hippos
(ID Read the sentences and put because in the correct place.
1. My brother likes cars they are fast.
2. I ate two pieces of chocolate cake it was delicious.
3. They want to go to the zoo they like animals.

8 Look at the plan about ostriches. Complete one about your favourite animal.

1.Where do they live 7 2. What do they look like?

Africa - black. whit e. gre y , brown
- Lon g neck
- Lon g, strong Legs
3. What do they eat?
- bi g win gs, big eyes
omnivores: eat plants,
insects, and lizards OSTRICHES
4. Interesting facts 5. Why do you like them?
- the fastest, biggest and heaviest birds beca use th eu' re
- 1 ostrich egg is as big as 16 chicken eggs very interestin g
- can kick enemies awa u
- don't hide their heads in th e sand

~ Write about the ostrich or about your favourite animal. Then present to the class.

- -- - -- - - - - - - are my f avourite anima l. .··············~·•········ ···'.

They live in _ _ _ __ __ . They have got _ _ __
: ..:
They' re
- - - -- -- - - - - - - --
They eat
They can
------------- .
I like _ __ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ because
.. ...
Story time
0 Read the text in the Studenfs Book and complete with the adjectives.
heavy dangerous big intelligent hungry scared big smaller

1. Tiny was - - - - - - - - - - than his other mouse friends.

2. Tiny was more than his other mouse friends.
3. The mango was very and Tiny couldn't carry it.
4. The snake was _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ and _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __

5. Tiny was when he saw the snake.

6. Leo, the lion, had claws and a _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __

'9 Read and complete with the correct names.

Tiny Leo The snake

1. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ was hungry and dangerous.

2. picked up the snake and threw it away.
3. was in the forest looking for food .
4. wanted to eat the mouse.
5. was scared .

Q Use the prompts and retell the story with your partner.
mouse/ forest/ one day/ look for/ food
see/ mango A mouse was in~
the forest one day ,
try/ carry/ mango/ but/ be I heavy looking for food.
snake/ see / mouse -------...---- ·-....._.
snake/ want/ eat I mouse
lion/ hear/ snake
lion/ pick up/ snake/ and I th row I it I away

mouse/ be/ scared

lion/ pick up/ mango/ and/ mouse I and/ open/ mouth
@ Look, read and write the birds' names.

Kelly is bigger than

Lisa, but Sue is bigger
than Kelly. Lisa's beak
is smaller than Kelly's
beak. Kelly's beak is
bigger than Sue's beak.


1· (f°) Do the crossword.


® ®


Read and write T for True or F for False.

Dolphins are very interesting animals.

Dolphins are very intelligent. They are
Most dolphins live in the sea, but some more intelligent than other sea animals,
of them live in rivers . like the shark. Did you know that
There are 39 different kinds of
dolphins. Many dolphins are grey , but
dolphins can talk to each other, just like t
people? Dolphins are very friendly , too .
some are black. Orcas are black and They like to play, jump and swim around
white. They 're the biggest dolphins. boats.

1. All dolphins live in the sea.
2. All" dolphins are grey.
""·...,, "Y:'X ,i;t ,,<-.
or~ ~he biggest dolphins.
,·, ■
3. Orcas
.. 'f .· -~-· .• . ■

4. Dolphin~'~ar~ -more intelligent than sharks .
5. Dolphins 'like to be around people.

@ Say the animals. m...
,II) 2.U 4.

snail D panda D rhino D ostrich D

6. ~ 7.

dinosaur D kitten D cub D chick D

S Say the words.

1. horns □ _,.
2. claws D 4. beak D 5. brain D
(© Say the adjectives.

1. 2.
heavy D dangerous D
@) Say.
T. rex was
Gorillas are bigger as tall as
than monkeys. D an upstairs
window. D

• Troodon
was more
Why do you
like bunnies?
intelligent than
3. Because
Stegosaurus. O they're cute. 0

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