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Journal of Chemical Engineering of Japan, Vol. 52, No. 7, pp.

599–604, 2019 Research Paper

Control of Reaction Crystallization of Organic Compounds

Using the Supersaturation Profile
Eriko Sato1,2, Yuichiro Seki 2 and Hiroshi Takiyama2
Research and Development Department, Otsuka Chemical India,
SP-3 10&11 RIICO Industrial Area Keshwana Rajpoot Kotputli Jaipur Rajasthan, India
Department of Chemical Engineering, Tokyo University of Agriculture and Technology (TUAT),
24-16 Nakacho-2, Koganei-shi, Tokyo 184-8588, Japan

Keywords: Reaction Crystallization, pH, Supersaturation Profile, CSD, Morphology

Neutralization reaction crystallization is useful for manufacturing drugs that require high bioavailability (i.e., high solu-
bility). Because drug crystals must be of high quality, with the optimal form and particle size, the development of proce-
dures that can produce high quality crystals by reaction crystallization is important. In cooling crystallization, analysis of
the supersaturation profile (SSP) is an effective way to improve the crystal quality. SSP analysis is also important in reac-
tion crystallization. However, the changes in the operation parameters (e.g., pH) necessary for crystallization strongly
depend on the deposition of the crystals. Thus, solution pH also changes with deposition of the crystals. The purpose of
this study is to propose an optimal crystallization point for the improvement of crystal quality through SSP analysis in
reaction crystallization. The experimental system involved the reaction of hydrochloric acid and L-arginine to crystallize
L-arginine hydrochloride monohydrate. The SSP was computed using HPLC and a pH meter. The relationship among the
amount of feed added, crystal size distribution (CSD), and the crystal morphology was investigated through SSP analysis.
Control of minute crystals was found to be crucial for CSD improvement. Moreover, operation at a neutral pH and the use
of seed crystals were found to effectively inhibit the formation of minute crystals. Furthermore, operation at basic pH ef-
fectively produced good crystal morphology. Finally, using these results to modulate the addition technique in the reac-
tion crystallization process, quality crystals with the desired CSD and morphology have been produced.

controlled particle size and crystal purity without adversely

affecting its productivity (Claassen and Sandenbergh, 2007;
Reaction crystallization is a type of crystallization involv- Kim et al., 2011). Recently, various studies of batch cooling
ing chemical reaction (Torbacke and Rasmuson, 2001; Lu crystallization have been conducted to determine meth-
and Wang, 2006; Su and Chiu, 2016). In reaction crystal- ods to achieve optimal crystal quality. Researchers have
lization involving a neutralization reaction, highly soluble attempted to classify the relationship between the crystal-
crystal salts can be precipitated by reacting an acid and a lization method and the crystal quality using the concept
base (Zumstein and Rousseau, 1989; Gunnam et al., 2018). of the supersaturation profile (SSP) (Cheow et al., 2014; Liu
Because high bioavailability is desirable in pharmaceuti- et al., 2016). This profile represents how the supersaturation
cals, the ability to increase solubility using neutralization changes over time (Mackellar et al., 1994). Applying the
reactions is useful in precipitating salts for pharmaceuticals concept of SSP to reaction crystallization has the potential
(Thomas et al., 2017). Therefore, crystallization via neutral- to improve the quality of the products (Sazaki et al., 1994;
ization reaction is often adopted in pharmaceutical manu- Utomo et al., 2010). However, in reaction crystallization, the
facturing. change in solubility depends not only on the temperature,
The pharmaceutical industry also requires high qual- but also on the pH (Alatalo et al., 2010). The solution pH
ity products with a monodisperse crystal size distribution is also changed by the deposition of the crystals in reaction
(CSD) and a low aspect ratio morphology (Christian et al., crystallization. Thus, the purpose of this study is to investi-
2000; Yang et al., 2015). However, in reaction crystalliza- gate the relationship between the SSP and the properties of
tion, the dispersion coefficient tends to be large, and crystal the crystals (CV and aspect ratio) and to propose an optimal
particles with a wide CSD are often precipitated (Mikami crystallization point based on the analysis of the SSP in reac-
et al., 2010). Additionally, organic crystals often exhibit a tion crystallization.
high aspect ratio, with plate-like or needle-like crystals tend-
ing to be produced (Roelands et al., 2007; Tung et al., 2009).
1. Experimental
Thus, there is a real need to develop a high-quality method
to control reaction crystallization and produce crystals with 1.1 Calculation of the SSP
As shown in Scheme 1, L-ArgHCl·H2O was crystallized
Received on January 28, 2019; accepted on April 19, 2019
by reacting the reagents L-Arg (Ajinomoto Co., Ltd.) and
DOI: 10.1252/jcej.19we017 6 mol/L HCl (FUJIFILM Wako Pure Chemical Industries,
Correspondence concerning this article should be addressed to E. Sato Ltd.). The concentration C* of the product L-ArgHCl·H2O
(E-mail address: was calculated from the solubility curve in Figure 1 using

Vol. 52  No.©7 2019 

Copyright 2019The Society of Chemical Engineers, Japan 599
using the Henderson–Hasselbalch equation, shown below as
Eqs. (3) and (4), for L-ArgHCl·H2O. Equation (3) represents
the pH change from the acidic region to the neutral region,
and Eq. (4) represents the pH change from the neutral re-
Scheme 1 Scheme of the reaction crystallization of L-ArgHCl·H2O gion to the basic region.

pH = 3.61  0.65 × lnCHCl (3)

pH = 7.29 + 0.44 × lnCL-Arg (4)

SEM observations were conducted to examine the crystal
quality, CSD, and crystal morphology within each of these
three regions. Additionally, in this study, a metastable anhy-
drate form and a stable monohydrate form were observed.
As the crystallization was assumed to proceed in the sus-
pension according to Ostwald’s step rule, we considered
that first, crystallization of the anhydrate occurred, followed
by transformation to the monohydrate. Each sample was
identified using X-ray powder diffraction analysis (XRPD)
(Ultima IV, CuKα radiation, Rigaku Corp.).

Fig. 1 Solubility curve of L-ArgHCl·H2O and the three pH regions: 1.3 Measurement of the single crystal growth rate
the (a) acidic region, (b) neutral region, and (c) basic region
A jacketed cell with a volume of 20 mL was used in
this experiment. The cell was filled with a supersaturated
Eq. (1). solution or unsaturated solution in which the supersatura-
tion and pH were chosen. The supersaturated or unsatu-
C*= 90.34 × (1+10(1.66 pH) ) (1)
rated solution was prepared in a 200 mL flask by weight-
The value of the concentration C of L-ArgHCl was mea-
ing out L-Arg, 6 mol/L HCl, and ion-exchanged water.
sured using high performance liquid chromatography L-ArgHCl·H2O was immersed in the conditioning solution,
(HPLC) (LC 20 AT, Shimazu Corp.) at a wavelength of and the growth rate was observed. During the experiment,
210 nm. The pH value was measured using a pH meter 300 K water was allowed to circulate through the jacket.
(DKK-TOA Co., Ltd.). The C0 value was determined at each
pH level by sampling 1.0 mL of the solution and diluting the
2. Results and Discussion
sample to 100 mL with water. In order to accurately quantify
C0, fumaric acid was used as an internal standard. Then, the 2.1 Nucleation characteristics in the acidic region
supersaturation σ was estimated using C* and C0 as de- The SSP profile of region (a) is shown in Figure 2, and the
scribed in Eq. (2). resulting CSD is shown in Figure 3 and Table 1. The super-
saturation is indicated by the gray circles in Figure 2, and
σ = (C 0  C *) / C * (2)
decreased drastically with time. In the acidic region, because
HCl was present in excess relative to L-Arg, the equilibrium
1.2 Crystallization experiment using the SSP after the neutralization reaction was acidic, and the pH de-
The reagent L-Arg was added to 6 mol/L HCl (109.8 g, creased. At the same time, as shown in Figure 3, the CSD
0.60 mol) in a 300 mL jacketed crystallizer, and the mix- also exhibited drastic changes suggesting that the sudden
ture was agitated at 400 rpm by a four-bladed propeller. decrease of the supersaturation was related to the nucleation
The solution temperature was controlled at 300 K using a of a large number of fine particles. The data suggested that
precision thermostatic chamber. After filtration and dry- aggregation occurred after 180 min because the mean length
ing, the crystals were observed using a scanning electron increased, while the CV value was almost unchanged.
microscope (SEM) (JSM-6510, JEOL Ltd.), and the crystal The crystal morphology was variable, as shown in Fig-
size was estimated at the Krummbein diameter. The circle ure 4. Moreover, the CV eventually increased to 110%,
in Figure 1 indicates the main area of focus, i.e., the region which further suggests that the nucleation of fine particles
in which the solubility did not change. Within the marked negatively affected the CSD. Additionally, the aspect ratio
area, there are three distinct regions: (a) the acidic region, reached 2.24, as shown in Figure 5 and Table 1; i.e., the long
(b) neutral region, and (c) basic region. In each region, a dif- axis was about twice as long as the short axis. For this rea-
ferent amount of L-Arg was added: (a) 101.0 g, 0.58 mol, (b) son, it seemed that if nucleation could be inhibited, it might
105.2 g, 0.60 mol, and (c) 125.0 g, 0.72 mol. improve the CSD.
The solution pH was adjusted via the mixing ratio of the
two feed materials. The pH of the saturated solution was 2.2 Effects of pH on the crystal growth rate
determined from the concentration of the excess material Because the crystal quality was unfavorable in region

600 Journal of Chemical Engineering of Japan

Fig. 2 Supersaturation profile in the acidic region Fig. 5 Aspect ratio of the L-ArgHCl·H2O crystals in the acidic region

Fig. 3 CSD over time in the acidic region

Fig. 4 L-ArgHCl·H2O crystals in the acidic region

Table 1 Quality of the product crystals

pH area LN [µm] CV [%] Aspect ratio [—]

Acidic 123 110 2.24 Fig. 6 Supersaturation profile for (a) neutral and (b) basic conditions
Neutral 111 41 1.56
Basic 89 53 1.07
L-ArgHCl·H2O precipitated predominantly, but the crystal
morphology was different. The crystal growth rates of L-
(a), the crystal growth rates in the other regions were in- ArgHCl·H2O at σ=0.2 and pH 7.5 were 0.092 µm/s in re-
vestigated. The results seemed to suggest that the crystal gion (b) and 0.057 µm/s at pH 8.5 in region (c), as shown in
growth was dependent on the pH, and that consequently, Figure 7. Not only was the crystal growth rate greater in the
the crystal size distribution was affected as well. The SSP of neutral region, but, as shown in Table 1, the CV values were
region (b) and region (c) during L-Arg addition are shown also better, suggesting that nucleation may have been inhib-
in Figure 6(a) and (b). In region (b) and (c), the super- ited. In addition, as shown in Figure 8(a), the aspect ratio of
saturation decreased gradually during the process, in which region (b) was better than that of region (a). Furthermore,

Vol. 52  No. 7  2019 601

Fig. 7 Growth rate as a function of pH value at σ=0.2

Fig. 9 L-ArgHCl·H2O crystals produced in (a) neutral and (b) basic


Fig. 10 Improvements in the crystal quality

2.3 Reaction crystallization using pH modulation

The above results provide insight into a method for im-
proving both the CSD and crystal morphology simultane-
ously. In terms of pH, it is clear that working in the neutral
region improves the CSD, while the basic region favors
improved crystal morphology, as shown in Figure 10. The
challenge was to devise a method to improve both qualities
at the same time. To this end, an internal seeding method
was examined. The initial idea was to precipitate a small
internal seed crystal in the neutral region, and then to use
Fig. 8 Aspect ratio of L-ArgHCl·H2O crystals produced in the (a) this low aspect ratio crystal as an internal seed in the basic
neutral region and (b) basic region region to comprehensively improve the crystal quality.
Then, a method involving the modulation of the addi-
although the aspect ratio in region (c) was smaller than tion of L-Arg was conducted. First, an internal seed that
that in region (b), as shown in Figure 8(b), the CV value of appeared at maximum supersaturation was produced with a
the crystal morphology was much better in region (b). The low aspect ratio in the neutral region (σ=0.592), and then,
quality of the crystals produced by L-Arg addition in region a supersaturation very similar to that of the neutral region
(b) and region (c) is shown in Table 1. The CV was 41% in (σ=0.670) was obtained in the basic region, as shown in
region (b), whereas it was 53% in (c). As seen in Figure 9(a) Figure 11. The pH and temperature profiles are shown in
and (b), the crystal dispersion was worse for region (c). Figure 12. One feature of this method is that high reaction
heat is generated when the system is moved to the basic

602 Journal of Chemical Engineering of Japan

Fig. 11 Strategy of the internal seeding method

Fig. 13 L-ArgHCl·H2O crystals produced by pH modulation: (a) in-

ternal seeds and (b) product
Fig. 12 pH-temperature profile during pH modulation

Table 2 Data regarding the CSD and aspect ratio

region. Status LN [µm] CV [%] Aspect ratio [—]
Next, the quality of the crystals from the stages before
Internal seeds 100 38 1.65
and after the modulation procedure was compared. Images
Product 142 34 1.38
of the crystals are shown in Figure 13(a) and (b), and the
crystal properties are listed in Table 2. The results confirmed
that the modulation procedure resulted in a more monodis-
perse CSD. This was attributed to the fact that high reaction
heat was generated when the seed was applied to the basic The reaction crystallization of L-Arg and HCl to precipi-
region, and that an unsaturated condition was achieved, tate L-ArgHCl·H2O was considered. The SSP analysis was
leading to the dissolution of excess fine particles. The aspect carried out, the relationship between the reaction crystal-
ratio of the crystals was also reduced by operating in the lization process and crystal quality was determined, and the
basic region. From these results, it was found that not only following conclusions were obtained.
did applying the modulation procedure improve the aspect 1. When L-Arg was added monotonically in the acidic re-
ratio, but also that the heat of reaction contributed to the gion, SSP and CSD analyses simultaneously revealed the
improvement of the CSD. Thus, comprehensive improve- existence of a time point at which fine particles nucle-
ment of crystal quality appears to be a possibility. ated rapidly during the crystallization. Because the CSD
Based on these results, modulation by material addi- was worsened by the sudden nucleation of fine particles,
tion was found to greatly improve both the CV and aspect the nucleation of these fine particles must be controlled
ratio compared with the monotonous procedure. Therefore, in order to improve the CSD.
by taking the nucleation characteristics and crystal growth 2. Even at the same supersaturation, the CSD and crystal
characteristics into account during the process, a monodis- morphology were different at the acidic, neutral, and
perse CSD and low aspect ratio crystal morphology can be basic pH levels. A closer examination of the effects of
achieved at the same time. pH on crystal growth revealed that the crystal growth
rate was fastest in the neutral region, and that the CSD
was effectively improved by the inhibition of fine par-
ticles. In the basic pH region, because the crystal growth

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