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Chile: the “I Approve” option overwhelmingly wins Plebiscite}

Despite the pandemic and the consequent postponement of this event, which should have
taken place last April, today in Chile it was possible to go to the polls, respecting the health
measures to prevent coronavirus infections as much as possible, with a notable display of
civic organisation and also with great excitement, in order to vote in a plebiscite on whether
to approve or reject the plan to change the Constitution, as well as through which body
such change should happen, whether a Constitutional Convention or a Mixed Commission.

The results we have at 11 p.m. today show the following:

Total votes counted: 93.77%.

Approval: 78.25%

Rejection: 21.75%

Constitutional Convention: 79.22% Joint Committee: 20.78%

Therefore, it is now possible to consider the “I approve” option as the winner and to
establish the mechanism of a Constitutional Convention to draft the new Constitution.

In April 2021, Chile will again go to the polls to elect those who will draft the new text.
Unfortunately, this will not be done by a Constituent and Sovereign Assembly, but rather by
those who have been nominated by the political parties in the different electoral districts
and who meet the requirements established by the National Agreement. So far there is an
insistence on facilitating the participation of independents, something which Parliament has
not wanted to agree to. In our view, this is a trap that limit full participation. Furthermore,
until now there are no seats reserved for the indigenous peoples, and it is necessary to
approve the articles by two thirds – and not by a simple majority.

The process will be completed with a final vote in which a plebiscite will be held on whether
or not the final text drawn up is approved. Between now and then, there is a long way to go.
Today’s victory is only the first step. Being very aware of this, Chileans also went out en
masse to celebrate from 8 p.m. onwards, pouring into the squares and streets of all the big
cities, in a party that, especially in Plaza Dignidad, was overflowing with joy, with musicians
and bands, fireworks and lights that projected the word ” Rebirth ” onto the tallest building.
There are thousands of people in the streets to leave behind Pinochet’s Constitution:
“erasing your legacy will be our legacy”, they say. They spread canvases with the words
“Goodbye General” and they sing “Chile woke up, Chile woke up, Chile woke up”.

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