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Write your reflections on the Ecologic Model last summer and your review of the

concept this first semester by completing the following sentences:

I think that the ecological model is helpful now, during this pandemic because it focuses
on the individual’s physical and socio cultural environment and their health habits.

I feel that the use of ecological models can help health care workers easily identify the
epidemiology of Covid-19. It can also determine if factors such as age, diet,
environment and socio-economic has an effect on the individual.

I learned that the ecological models can help identify the different effects of habits on
an individuals' health. Which includes, individual factors, interpersonal factors,
institutional and organizational factors, community factors, and public policy factors.

I suggest utilizing our knowledge about ecological and epidemiology especially now,
during the pandemic because it can help better understand Covid-19 and find a better
solution to slowly eradicate it. It helps us understand an individual better, since every
person is different from one another.

I plan to do. Be more knowledgeable in using the ecologic and epidemiology so that I
use it better in the future as a nurse. I would also like to share the knowledge that I have
about it. Being able to share my knowledge can help the people in my community to
take precaution as well.

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