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Senior High School


First Quarter – Module 1


Media and Information Literacy- 11/12
Alternative Delivery Mode
Quarter 1 – Module 1: Introduction to Media and Information Literacy
First Edition, 2020

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Published by the Department of Education

Secretary: Leonor Magtolis Briones
Undersecretary: Diosdado M. San Antonio
Development Team of the Module

Writer: Resty P. Cardona

Editor: Melville dela Peña
Reviewer: Dr. Clavel D. Salinas
Illustrator: Resty P. Cardona
Layout Artist: Resty P. Cardona
Moderator: Candida C. Purgatorio
Management Team: Dr. Marilyn S. Andales Schools Division Superintendent
Dr. Leah B. Apao Asst. Schools Division Superintendent
Dr. Ester A. Futalan Asst. Schools Division Superintendent
Dr. Cartessa M. Perico Asst. Schools Division Superintendent
Dr. Mary Ann P. Flores CID Chief
Dr. Novie O. Mangubat SGOD Chief
Mr. Isaiash T. Wagas Education Program Supervisor- LRMDS
Dr. Clavel D. Salinas Division SHS Coordinator

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Senior High School


First Quarter – Module 1


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What I Need to Know

Welcome to the Media and Information Literacy Alternative Delivery

Mode (ADM) module!

This module was designed to provide you with fun and meaningful
opportunities for guided and independent learning at your own pace and time.
You will be enabled to process the contents of the learning resource while
being an active learner.

Information, Media and Technology skills is one of the 21st century

skills that every learner should learn, understand and practice with the use
of appropriate technological tools (RA 10533: K to 12 Framework). Among
other skills, being media and information literate individual helps promote
effective communication that would enhance learning and innovation, and
improve life and career skills.

Media and Information Literacy (MIL) enables learners to become

productive through the use of technological advancements. This module will
also help learners to compare and contrast between and among media
literacy, information literacy and technology literacy that would help in the
communication process.

This module is focused on the following competencies:

 describe how communication influenced by media and
information (MIL11/12IMIL-IIIa-1)
 identify similarities and differences between and among media
literacy, information literacy and technology literacy

After going through this module, you are expected to:

 define communication, media, information, media literacy,
information literacy and technology literacy.
 relate media and information literacies to communication
process; and
 identify the similarities and differences between and among
media literacy, information literacy and technology literacy.

What I Know

Pre-Test. Multiple Choice. Read the questions carefully and select the
correct answer from the choices given after each question. Write the letter of
corresponding correct answers on your answer sheet.
1. What do you call to communication channels which news,
entertainment, education, information or promotional messages are
a. Literacy b. Media c. Information d. Social Media
2. These are often conveyed or represented through symbols events,
experience, details and any more. It is a broad term that covers
processed data, knowledge derived from study, experience, instruction,
signals or symbols.
a. Literacy b. Media c. Information d. Technology
3. This involves a continuum of learning, wherein individuals are able to
achieve their goals, develop their knowledge and potential, and
participate fully in their community and wider society.
a. Literacy b. Media c. Information d. Technology
4. The ability of an individual, either working independently or with
others, to responsibly, appropriately and effectively use technological
a. Media Literacy c. Information Literacy
b. Technology Literacy d. Media and Information Literacy
5. The ability to recognize when information is needed, and to locate,
evaluate, and effectively communicate information in its various
a. Media Literacy c. Information Literacy
b. Technology Literacy d. Media and Information Literacy
6. The ability to access, analyze, evaluate, and create media in a variety of
a. Media Literacy c. Information Literacy
b. Technology Literacy d. Media and Information Literacy
7. This refers to a set of competencies that empowers citizens to access,
retrieve, understand, evaluate and use, create, as well as share
information and media content in all formats, using various tools, in a
critical, ethical and effective way, in order to participate and engage in
personal, professional and societal activities.
a. Media Literacy c. Information Literacy
b. Technology Literacy d. Media and Information Literacy
8. What do you call of an exchange in information in news?
a. Information b. Message c. News d. Communication

9. Communication models were created .
a. to explain the human communication process
b. to express thoughts and ideas
c. to convince the audience
d. all of the above
10. Message can be conveyed or transmitted from sender to the receiver
through .
a. Communication b. Information c. Channels d. Internet
11. How do media influence communication?
a. Media can facilitate faster communication.
b. Through the use of varied forms of media.
c. By utilizing Internet connectivity and applications, communication
becomes easier and faster where people can see each other in real or
actual time.
d. All of the above
12. How information influences communication?
a. Because of varied forms of information, communication made easy
to understand and conveyed.
b. Because forms of information are essential as tools for
communication and learning.
c. Information are relevant to its purpose, sufficiently accurate for its
purpose, complete enough for the problem, reliable and targeted to
the right person.
d. All of the above
13. When two people do not speak the same language, what possible ways
so they can communicate and understand each other?
a. They will use signs and symbols.
b. They will exchange gestures and use eye to eye contact.
c. Both A and B
d. None of the above
14. This refers to the most intimate form of communication because
of the sender’s and the receiver’s presence.
a. Texting b. Calling c. Twitter/ Messenger d. Talking
15. What do you call a social interaction where at least two interacting
agents share a common set of signs and a common set of semiotic rules?
a. Communication process c. Information Process
b. Communication d. Information

What’s NEW
Media and Information Literacy is one of the essential skills and
competencies that allow individuals to engage with media and information
providers effectively, as well as develop critical thinking and life-long learning
skills to socialize and become active citizens (MIL Policy and Strategy
Guidelines by UNESCO, 2013).

Media and information literacy includes information and

communication literacy and digital literacy. It is defined as “a set of
competencies that empowers citizens to access, retrieve, understand, evaluate
and use, create, as well as share information and media content in all formats,
using various tools, in a critical, ethical and effective way, in order to participate
and engage in personal, professional and societal activities” (United Nations
Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization- UNESCO).

Definition of Terms

Communication. It is the act or process of using words, sounds, signs, or

behaviors to express or exchange information or to express your ideas,
thoughts, feelings, etc. to someone else (Merriam-Webster Dictionary).

Literacy. It is the ability to identify, understand, interpret, create,

communicate and compute, using printed and written materials associated
with varying contexts. It involves a continuum of learning, wherein individuals
are able to achieve their goals, develop their knowledge and potential, and
participate fully in their community and wider society.

Information Literacy. It is the ability to recognize when information is

needed, and to locate, evaluate, and effectively communicate information in
its various formats. It also includes the competencies to be effective all stages
of lifecycle of documents of all kinds, the capacity to understand the ethical
implications of these documents, and the ability to behave in an ethical way
throughout these stages.

Media Literacy. It is the ability to access, analyze, evaluate, and create media
in a variety of forms. It aims to empower citizens by providing them with the
competencies (knowledge and skills) necessary to engage with traditional
media and new technologies.

Technology Literacy. It is the ability of an individual, either working

independently or with others, to responsibly, appropriately, and effectively
use technological tools. Using these tools an individual can access, manage,
integrate, evaluate, create, and communicate information.

Processing Activity No. 1

Simple Recall. Read the statements below and identify the terms described.
Write your answers on the space provided for before each number.

1. This refers to the ability to recognize when

information is needed, to locate, evaluate, and effectively communicate
information in its various formats.

2. The ability to identify, understand, interpret,

create, communicate, and compute, using printed and written materials
associated with varying contexts.

3. These essential skills and competencies that allow

individuals to engage with media and information providers effectively, as well
as develop critical thinking and life-long learning skills to socialize and
become active citizens.

4. The ability of an individual to access, manage,

integrate, evaluate, create and communicate information using technological

5. The ability to access, analyze, evaluate, and create

media in a variety of forms.

What is It

What are media?

Media are communication channels which news, entertainment,

education, information or promotional messages are disseminated. This may
include everything that is broadcasted and narrow casted in different
mediums like newspapers, billboards, direct mail, magazines, telephone,
television, radio, fax, and the Internet. In the Philippines, print media is the
number 1 widely used media next to some electronic media.

Media also define as “physical objects used to communicate with, or

the mass communication through physical objects such as radio, television,
computers, film, etc.” It also refers to any physical object used to
communicate messages.
Traditionally, media are source of credible information in which
contents are provided through an editorial process determined by journalistic
values and where editorial accountability can be attributed to an organization
or a legal person. In more recent years the term “media” is often used to
include the new online media.

What are the ROLES OF MEDIA?

Roles of Media are the following:

 act as channels of information and knowledge
 facilitate informed debates
 provide us with information about the world beyond our
immediate experience.
 function as advocate and social actor on its own right while
respecting pluralistic values
 build a sense of community
 function as a watchdog of the government in promoting
 act as a facilitator of democratic process
 serve as vehicles for cultural expression and cultural cohesion

What are information?

Information are facts learned or provided about something or someone.

These are often conveyed or represented through symbols, events, experience,
details and many more. It is a broad term that covers processed data,
knowledge derived from study, experience, instruction, signals or symbols.

Information can be accessed across the globe through different platforms

in the internet creating convenience in information accessibility.

 Information can be accessed through:

Facebook Twitter
Blogs Websites
Online Journals LinkedIn

What is communication?

Communication is the act or process of using words, sounds, signs, or

behaviors to express or exchange information or to express your ideas,
thoughts, feelings, etc. to someone else (Merriam-Webster Dictionary).

Why Communication Models were created?

Communication models were created to explain the human

communication process.

The First Communication Model

The first major model in communication came in 1949 by

Shannon and Weaver. The Linear Model of Communication followed the
basic concept of communication wherein it is the process of sending and
receiving messages or transferring (channel) information from one part
(sender) to another (receiver).

The basic components of the first major communication model

consists of the following:


The Evolution of the Communication Model

David Berlo expanded the Linear Model of Communication to

SMCR Model of Communication. The Sender- Message – Channel –
Receiver Model of Communication separated the parts clearly because of the
Message component.

The Rules in the Communication Process

Communication is a social interaction where at least two interacting

agents share a common set of signs and a common set of semiotic rules

The three levels of the semiotic rules in the communication process are
the following:
 Sematic (signs and symbols and what they represent)
 Pragmatic (relations of expressions and their users)
 Syntactic (formal properties of signs and symbols)

The Ten Levels of Intimacy in Communication

Andrew Abrahams ranked the different forms of communication

in terms of intimacy.


1. Twitter 6. Instant Message

2. Facebook Status 7. Letter
3. Facebook Message 8. Phone Call
4. Email 9. Video Chat
5. Text Message 10. Talking
(Source: QuexBook Application)

Talking is the most intimate form of communication because of the
sender and the receiver’s presence.

Twitter is the least intimate form of communication because the

message you are going to send is limited. You are only allowed a few
characters to send the message you desired.

The Internet: Means of Communication

Internet plays a vital role in communicating information in the

Philippines because it has a large number of users.

The Internet: Source of Communication

 It has wide array of publishers.

 It has vast information from culture to science.
 It has an archive of all the news globally.

Facebook is a popular means for communication, especially in the

Philippines. Its features that make it a channel for communication are the
a. Facebook chat allows you to communicate real time despite
geographical locations.
b. Facebook status allows you to send to your readers a message you
want to convey.
c. Facebook comment can be a form of communication for feedback.


A negative effect of Facebook is that communication becomes less

personal. However, it allows you to easily connect with anyone anytime
and causes young individuals to engage in a favorable behavior when

Facebook changes the world because of:

a. Changed how we keep in touch.
b. Changed the way we share our lives.
c. Changed the way we consume information.
d. Changed the way we view privacy.
e. Changed the way people are bullied.
f. Changed the way businesses interact with customers.

Processing Activity No. 2

Matching Type. Match the terms in Column B with their descriptions

in Column A. Write the letters of the corresponding correct answers on the
spaces provided before the numbers.

Column A Column B
______1. These are acts that make use of words, a. Media
sounds, signs, or behavior to express your ideas b. Information Literacy
and thoughts. c. Media Literacy
______2. The physical objects used to communicate d. Literacy
with, or the mass communication through physical e. Internet
objects such as radio, television, computers, film, f. Communication
etc. g. Technology Literacy
3. The ability to access, analyze, evaluate, h. Media and Information
and create media in a variety of forms. Literacy
4. A broad term that covers processed data, i. Information
knowledge derived from study, experience, j. Talking
instruction, signals or symbols. k. Signals
5. The ability to recognize when information
are needed, and to locate, evaluate, and effectively
communicate information in its various formats.
6. The ability to identify, understand,
interpret, create, communicate and compute, using
printed and written materials associated with
varying contexts.
7. It is the most intimate form of
communication because of the sender’s and the
receiver’s presence.
8. The essential skills and competencies that
allow individuals to engage with media and
information providers effectively, as well as develop
critical thinking and life-long learning skills to
socialize and become active citizens.
9. The ability of an individual, either working
independently or with others, to responsibly,
appropriately and effectively use technological
10. This plays a vital role in communicating
information in the Philippines because it has a
large number of users.

What’s MORE

How do media and information relate with each other? How is

communication influenced by media and information?

Media and information can influence the audience because these

dictate the audience what to do and what to think and at the same time
triggers a social response to its audience. Sometimes, media and information
cannot influence some of its audience because these can be filtered by its
senders and/or channels.

Communication was present long time ago. Naturally, people

communicate with each other by using their spoken language. A person can
express what he intends to say to others. However, if two people do not speak
the same language, they will exchange gestures, or through the eye
contact (Magpile, 2016), even no words uttered or because of language
barrier, communication is present and effective when there is gesture, sign,
symbol, and the message conveyed is understood.

At present, due to technological advancements media and information

literacy is necessary in order to communicate effectively and acquire valid,
reliable, relevant and factual information. Through media literacy, a person
will be able to understand the significant role of the media in our society and
how largely it influences its users (Magpile, 2016). While, information literacy
lets you distinguish which among the sources of information are relevant. In
the modern time, technology is evident. An individual who is proficient in
using technology and state-of-the-art communication tools and applying them
effectively has acquired skills in technology literacy.

Lastly, media and information literacy, together with technology literacy,

allows students to develop 21st century skills such as digital literacy,
leadership, and civic literacy, which can make them well-rounded and
productive global citizens in the future. Being literate in media, information
and technology can also develop students to become globally competitive with
their ability to communicate effectively using various forms of media (Magpile,

How media influenced communication?

Media can facilitate faster communication. In the past, people either
sent letters or visit a person so they can talk face-to-face. Nowadays, through
the use of varied forms of media, communication becomes faster and easier.
If you want to send a message to someone, you can use cellular phones and
text or call a person you need to talk to. At present, laptops, desktop

computers and smartphones are now available with Internet connectivity so
people can now communicate through chats and video calls via different
applications such as Messenger, Microsoft Teams, LinkedIn, Viber,
Instagram, Skype, FaceTime, Twitter, etc., where people can see each other in
real or actual time.

How information influenced communication?

Information (either written, aural or visual forms of information) has
great influence to communication. These forms of information are essential
as tools for communication and learning - which are relevant to its purpose,
sufficiently accurate for its purpose, complete enough for the problem, reliable
and targeted to the right person ( Good information can also
be communicated in time of its purpose, contains the right level of details and
is communicated by an appropriate channel (

Processing Activity No. 3

True or False. Write True if the statement is correct and False if it is


1. Media and information can influence its audience.

2. Media and information can be filtered by its sender and/or


3. Media and information literacy, together with technology

literacy, do not allow students to develop 21st century skills such as digital
literacy, leadership, and civic literacy, which can make them well-rounded
and productive global citizens in the future.

4. Media and information influences communication.

5. Media literacy enables a person to understand the significant

roles of media in our society and how largely it influences its users.

What I Have Learned

A. Completion Type. Fill out the blanks of the sentences to complete

the concepts about Media and Information Literacy. Choose your
answers from the words inside the box. Copy the complete
statement in your Answer Sheet.
aural data learning smartphones
channel face To Face literacy technology
communicate caster media visual

communication Information message written

(1) can facilitate faster (2) . In the past,

people either sent letters or visit a person so they can talk (3) .
Nowadays, through the use of varied forms of (4) , (5)
becomes (6) and easier. If you want to send a to
someone, you can use cellular phones and text or call a person you need to
talk to. At present, laptops, desktop computers and (7) are now
available with Internet connectivity so people can now (8)
through chats and video calls via different applications such as Messenger,
Microsoft Teams, LinkedIn, Viber, Instagram, Skype, FaceTime, Twitter, etc.,
where people can see each other in real or actual time.

Information (either (9) , (10) or (11) forms of

information) has great influence to communication. These forms of (12)
are essential as tools for communication and (13)
- which are relevant to its purpose, sufficiently accurate for its purpose,
complete enough for the problem, reliable and targeted to the right person.
Good (14) can also be communicated in time of its purpose,
contains the right level of details and is communicated by an appropriate (15)

B. Diagram. On the illustration below, write the similarities and
differences between and among media literacy, information literacy
and technology literacy. Copy the illustration on your answer sheet
and write your answer in the illustration.






What I Can Do

Directions: Read and analyze the given task. You will be rated based on
the given rubrics.

In social networks, look for news items or refer sites such as , and/or other related
news sites. Read the news regarding “COVID-19 related articles”.

If there is no Internet access, read an article about the COVID-19

pandemic from the newspaper, cut it out and paste on a short bond paper; or
watch a news update related to COVID-19 pandemic from any of the TV
stations or listen a news update related to COVID-19 pandemic from any of
the radio stations. If updates are from a television and a radio, write the
headline or title of the news. Do not forget to write the “source” of the said

Processing Questions:
1. Do you believe these news items were true? How did you know they were
true/ false?

2. Are all news and information in the Internet, newspaper, TV and radio
stations true? Why or why not?

3. Who gets to post news items online, TV or radio stations, or benefits

published articles in a newspaper? Explain your idea.

4. Will you share it to the community? How?



Student is Student is
articulate with articulate with
Student is not
English English
fluent in English
language and language but
Communication language and has
has no has
Skills grammatical
grammatical grammatical
errors when
error and can error and can
communicate communicate
well. appropriately.
Ideas are
Ideas are well- Presentation of
Organization of presented but
presented and ideas are
Ideas some parts are
well-organized. disorganized.
understanding Students
Relevance to the understanding
but ideas demonstrates no
Topic of the topic and
cannot connect learning at all.
has acquired
to the concept
of the lesson.


Multiple Choice. Read the questions carefully and select the correct
answer from the choices given after each question. Write the letter of
corresponding correct answers on your answer sheet.
1. What do you call to communication channels which news,
entertainment, education, information or promotional messages are
a. Literacy b. Media c. Information d. Social Media
2. These are often conveyed or represented through symbols events,
experience, details and any more. It is a broad term that covers
processed data, knowledge derived from study, experience, instruction,
signals or symbols.
a. Literacy b. Media c. Information d. Technology
3. This involves a continuum of learning, wherein individuals are able to
achieve their goals, develop their knowledge and potential, and
participate fully in their community and wider society.
a. Literacy b. Media c. Information d. Technology

4. The ability of an individual, either working independently or with
others, to responsibly, appropriately and effectively use technological
a. Media Literacy c. Information Literacy
b. Technology Literacy d. Media and Information Literacy

5. The ability to recognize when information is needed, and to locate,

evaluate, and effectively communicate information in its various
a. Media Literacy c. Information Literacy
b. Technology Literacy d. Media and Information Literacy

6. The ability to access, analyze, evaluate, and create media in a variety of

a. Media Literacy c. Information Literacy
b. Technology Literacy d. Media and Information Literacy
7. This refers to a set of competencies that empowers citizens to access,
retrieve, understand, evaluate and use, create, as well as share
information and media content in all formats, using various tools, in a
critical, ethical and effective way, in order to participate and engage in
personal, professional and societal activities.
a. Media Literacy c. Information Literacy
b. Technology Literacy d. Media and Information Literacy

8. What do you call of an exchange in information in news?

a. Information b. Message c. News d. Communication

9. Communication models were created .

a. to explain the human communication process
b. to express thoughts and ideas
c. to convince the audience
d. all of the above

10. Message can be conveyed or transmitted from sender to the receiver

through .
a. Communication b. Information c. Channels d. Internet
11. How do media influence communication?
a. Media can facilitate faster communication.
b. Through the use of varied forms of media.
c. By utilizing Internet connectivity and applications, communication
becomes easier and faster where people can see each other in real or
actual time.
d. All of the above

12. How information influences communication?
a. Because of varied forms of information, communication made easy
to understand and conveyed.
b. Because forms of information are essential as tools for
communication and learning.
c. Information are relevant to its purpose, sufficiently accurate for its
purpose, complete enough for the problem, reliable and targeted to
the right person.
d. All of the above
13. When two people do not speak the same language, what possible ways
so they can communicate and understand each other?
a. They will use signs and symbols.
b. They will exchange gestures and use eye to eye contact.
c. Both A and B
d. None of the above
14. This refers to the most intimate form of communication because of
the sender’s and the receiver’s presence.
a. Texting b. Calling c. Twitter/ Messenger d. Talking
15. What do you call a social interaction where at least two interacting
agents share a common set of signs and a common set of semiotic rules?
a. Communication process c. Information Process
b. Communication d. Information


Processing Activity No. 1

1. Information Literacy
2. Literacy
3. Media and Information Literacy
4. Technology Literacy
5. Media Literacy

Processing Activity No. 2

1. f 6. d
2. a 7. j
3. c 8. h
4. i 9. g
5. b 10. e

Processing Activity No. 3

1. True
2. True
3. False
4. True
5. True

What I Have Learned

A. Completion Type
(1) Media can facilitate faster (2) communication. In the past, people
either sent letters or visit a person so they can talk (3) face to face. Nowadays,
through the use of varied forms of (4) information, (5) communication
becomes (6) faster and easier. If you want to send a message to someone, you
can use cellular phones and text or call a person you need to talk to. At
present, laptops, desktop computers and (7) smartphones are now available
with Internet connectivity so people can now (8) communicate through chats
and video calls via different applications such as Messenger, Microsoft Teams,
LinkedIn, Viber, Instagram, Skype, FaceTime, Twitter, etc., where people can
see each other in real or actual time.

Information (either (9) visual, (10) aural or (11) visual forms of

information) has great influence to communication. These forms of (12)
information are essential as tools for communication and (13) learning - which
are relevant to its purpose, sufficiently accurate for its purpose, complete
enough for the problem, reliable and targeted to the right person. Good (14)
information can also be communicated in time of its purpose, contains the
right level of details and is communicated by an appropriate (15) channels.

B. Diagram

ability on how
to use and
create varied
channel of

Ability to access,
analyze, evaluate,
create, locate, use,
manage, develop
and communicate ability on
Information ability on how relevant how to Information
Literacy to use information acquire Literacy
technological information


What I Can Do – Answers may vary

Assessment: (Pre-Test and Post-Test)

1. B 9. A
2. C 10. C
3. C 11. D
4. B 12. D
5. C 13. C
6. A 14. D
7. D 15. B
8. D



 Cantor, Olivia C. & Vibal Group, Inc. Media and Information

Literacy. Vibal Publishing, Inc. 2016

 Licuanan, P.B.,PhD. Teaching Guide for Senior High School

(Media and Information Literacy). Commission on Higher
Education, 2016

 Magpile, C.M. Media and Information Literacy (Enhancing

Education through Effective Communication. The Inteligente
Publishing, Inc. 2016

 Zarate, M. J. Media and Information Literacy. Rex Bookstore,

Inc. 2016

Online Sources
 https://www/

Offline Application

 Quexbook- Downloadable at Google Play store

 Merriam-Webster Dictionary

For inquiries and feedback, please write and call:

Department of Education, Region VII, Cebu Province
Office Address: IPHO Bldg. Sudlon Lahug, Cebu City 6000 Cebu
Telefax: (032) 255-6405
Email Address:


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