Jamindang Computer Fundamentals

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Jarold O.

Jamindang BSME 2-1

Lesson 1

What if internet is non-existing?

Internet is one of the most valuable things that has been invented. It can
help anyone to search for definitions of words in seconds, contact person from great
distance, and many more. As a matter of fact, most of the people depend on the
internet because it is easier to access. However, what if it didn’t exist at all? What
may it cause to us people, that uses internet in our daily lives? Especially, today
because of the global pandemic, we have to depend on the internet. Answering the
question, all of the people would still depend on books, research, etc. But that is
just the small picture, that is the common answer that anyone would say. The
bigger picture is how will its effect, business, engineering, architecture, social
economy, communication, etc. Internationally speaking internet will be a huge loss,
since traveling country to country requires high finance, internet helps to do
business easily. Communicate from great distance, internet helped countless people
to communicate because of its easy access. Some buildings were inspired in from
other countries like in Venice Piazza, internet helped the architecture to design
buildings from Italy. Socio-economic development, will be affected also
internationally, just like said earlier, traveling country to another country requires
high finance, without internet, most of the fund will be used in travelling instead of
creating research about socio-economy. The effect in the international, is almost
the same in the local, because it will also take time to travel, search in books, and
will also cause money to get information. Thus, if internet did not exist, it will
create a huge impact for all of us.
Lesson 2

The picture above is how my laptop is connected to the internet. You can
visualize that my laptop is directly connected to the router, in other words I used a
LAN cable (RJ45) to make sure it will be stable internet connection. We’ve
encounter disconnection when we first apply for our internet provider, since we only
have one router. Consisting of five persons in the family including me. We
experience difficulty because even though we have a lot of gadgets connected to
the internet. Therefore, since we have overpopulation of gadgets connected to the
internet, me and my brother come up to the solution we will add routers for it to
connected few gadgets per router. The things I’ve done to fix disconnections is to
add new router for it to provide internet smoothly.
Lesson 3

Peoples modern life without the world wide web

People use world wide web, for browsing, searching, watching, etc. World
wide web created an enormous impact in the modern life. It is almost identical to
the internet because internet is like the fuel for the world wide web to work.
Without, world wide web, most of the people will find it difficult to search
definitions, since the world wide web is like the unlimited storage of documents,
information, data etc. Business will not find what will be trending and that will
attract the consumers to buy their products. Communication, same with the effect
of internet since world wide web could launch a messenger. In the education, it will
take effect since a lot of students rely in the world wide web in terms of searching
definitions, pros and cons, etc. Instead of searching in the world wide web, people
will tend to travel one country to another just to know what are the socio-economic
development. In engineering, world wide web, is also helpful, since there will be
terms and equipment that is need to understand deeply. Thus, it will be difficult if
engineers’ new problems that hasn’t been encountered. Just like in the architecture
when searching for new designs, that will give new inspiration of building designs.
Speaking in the local settings, when it comes to travelling it will be quite difficult to
look for routes that can help drivers, without the world wide web. No information
will be creating a huge impact to the people. In socio-economic development,
people that lacks information usually depend in the world wide web, since it almost
has the information about the economy. Specially, when there’s a saying
“Ignorantia juris non excusat “which means “ignorance of the law excuses not” people
need to be well-informed for them to be develop the socio-economy. Hence, without the world
wide web, people in modem life will find if difficult to live, to learn, to travel, and to develop.

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