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ePortfolio Post #5: My Civic Action Plan Matrix

Instructions: Complete the 4 goal Specific Measurable Attainable Relevant Timebound

statements below. Then, check if What exactly How will I know What are the Is it meaningful to
you’ve met the criteria for the needs to be I've succeeded? resources needed me?
goal to be “SMART.” When it’s accomplished? to achieve the Am I willing to
complete, include this matrix in goal? commit to
your ePortfolio #5. Is the goal a achieving this
reasonable stretch goal?
for me?
At 1 week after completing this Get in contact Once I know what Information about I am here to x
class, I will with the San is needed from me the Center. This is support my fellow
Gabriel Valley as a person to be a reasonable LGBTQ family and
LGBTQ Center. able to help. stretch. friends. I am
At 4 weeks after completing this Gain more Once I sign up and This goal is Yes, this is x
class, I will knowledge of the finish my course. reasonable, I just meaningful to me.
topic of need to sign up for Yes, I am willing to
sexuality. a class at a school. commit.

At 8 weeks after completing this Begin educating After having This goal is This step is very x
class, I will the people serious reasonable, I just important to me
around me conversations with need facts I can and I am more
(family and people and use as a good than willing to
friends). hopefully changing argument to prove commit.
their point of view. my point.
At 12 weeks after completing this Be a volunteer at I know I’ve I will need time in This is meaningful x
class, I will the center, after succeeded when I order to attain this to me, however, I
my class has have physically put goal. This would am not sure I can
finished. my time and effort be a great thing for commit because I
in at the Center. me to be involved do work full time
in. and I am a

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