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Lawrence Keith Lucañas LITE 1IT01-1ITMAG01

Reaction Activity: Creative Destruction

When I finished watching the video about creative destruction I realized that even
there were innovation there are sacrifices that we need to accept like the example in the
video, the ice industry, before they were harvest and very hard to make so they hire many
workers because it is in demand to have ice therefore ice back then cost a lot. And then
innovation happened, they find a way to make tons of tons of ice and some of labor work
were automated therefore they needed to decrease their workers because they were
replaced by machines that can handle a work of estimated 10 workers at the same time
but without the monthly salary and the fatigue of the said workers. Since then, the ice
cost less and it is accessible by everyone. That is the creative destruction that the video

I’ve learned that creative destruction is an oxymoron that stated that in an

industry, there are some occasion that we created an innovative process that will make
our lives easier but it also destroyed the jobs of the people that were hired for that process
but they were replace by machines. After I watch the video, I remember the movie
Charlie and the Chocolate Factory. In that movie, Charlie’s dad was fired at the tooth
paste factory because the factory purchased an automated toothpaste packer. And then
that is when I realized that scene in the movie is showing an example of creative
destruction. But in the end, Charlie’s dad was re-hired at the factory as the technician of
the machine that replaced him to his previews work.

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