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of Starbucks
Campaign Book
Table Of Contents
Meet The Team.....................................................................................................................2

All About Starbucks

Executive Summary..............................................................................................................3
Situation Analysis.................................................................................................................4
Social Media Audit...........................................................................................................6-7
Starbucks Competition........................................................................................................8
SWOT Analysis....................................................................................................................9
Target Audience................................................................................................................ 10
Key Insights........................................................................................................................11

Social Media Campaign.....................................................................................................12

Key Messages......................................................................................................................14
Objective One...............................................................................................................15-16
• Maintaining current loyalty membership
Objective Two...............................................................................................................17-18
• Increase Instagram Engagement
Objective Three............................................................................................................19-20
• Increase Tik Tok Engagement

Appendix One: Instagram Content Calendar................................................................23
Appendix Two: Instagram Posts, Stories and Reposts............................................24-26
Appendix Three: Sticker Examples..................................................................................27
Appendix Four: Tik Toks..................................................................................................28
Appendix Five: Tik Tok Content Calendar....................................................................29
Appendix Six: “Cozy Kit” Influencer List.................................................................30-31
Appendix Seven: Objective One and Two Explanation................................................32
Appendix Eight: More Information about Anna..........................................................33
Meet the Baristas

Kelsey Eric Emily

Post Bloom Geurts

Hannah Joanna
Uranich Cardona

Executive Summary
Since Starbucks opened its doors in 1971, it has been a corporation that
prides itself on creating a warm, friendly environment in which coffee, and
the experience of going to get coffee, has a special role in bringing people
together. Starbucks’ business model of embracing coffee culture through
creating a verbal, visual and experiential story around their brand allows
people to feel an emotional attachment to them. This embrace can be
seen throughout their products, branding, persona, digital presence and
has aided them in becoming the dominant coffeehouse chain in the coffee
industry and on social media.

In keeping with Starbucks’ unique ideals, Blue Regard PR has created a

month long social media campaign that addresses Starbucks’ current
situation and will begin January 1, 2021. In the beginning stages of our
planning, we knew we wanted to emphasize the comfort element
Starbucks brings to its customers. Based on this theme, we created two
goals: bringing customers the comfortable, familiar Starbucks cafe
experience virtually and focusing on retaining customers and employees
by maximizing brand loyalty.

Based on our research, this campaign will focus on Starbucks’ current

target audience of men and women who have strong brand loyalty, are
adaptable, busy people and rely on social media to make their daily lives

To achieve our goals, Blue Regard PR has created three objectives:

• To maintain current loyalty membership use through February 1, 2021.

• Increase engagement of target audience (outlined on page 10)
interested in specialty coffee by 10% on Instagram.
• Increase engagement of target audience (outlined on page 10 )
interested in specialty coffee 40% on TikTok by February 1, 2020.

For our campaign to succeed, we have created strategies and tactics that
will retain awareness and exposure, encourage stronger follower
engagement and ultimately let customers know that Starbucks is there for
them, no matter what.

Situational Analysis
Starbucks began as a small coffee shop in Seattle in 1971. It is now one of
the top international coffeehouse chains in the world (Starbucks Company
Profile, 2020). It has sustained this status because of its reputation as a
place with an incredible ability to bring people together to socialize, meet
up and hangout. It also has a status of being a “third place,” meaning it is a
place separate from home life and also separate from the workplace
(Fromm, 2014).

The rise of COVID-19 brought on many new challenges that the

company has had to deal with. Due to the pandemic, many stores were
shut down for weeks or months. Currently, there are many locations that
have irregular hours because of the pandemic. The drive-through has
become the main option for many of Starbucks’ different stores, and masks
are now required when entering the store.

Post-pandemic, the company is facing new and existing challenges:

internally, the company is facing increased store closures and doing
carry-out options only. Externally, their prices are higher compared to
competitors, there is an increase of customers going to locally owned
coffee shops to support local businesses, increased competition and loyalty
being at risk.

Starbucks’ customers and their engagement are their main external

stakeholders and are key to maintaining the company’s brand image. The
current challenges for Starbucks are figuring out how customers can still
obtain the familiar, comfortable experience of their cafes from home, while
at the same time maximizing their current customers’ brand loyalty.

Starbucks has Starbucks has
over 30,000 almost 15,000
stores world stores in U.S

(Eira, 2020) (Eira, 2020)

Seen by many
internal and
external publics as
a leader in ethical
and sustainable
(Starbucks Company Profile, 2020)

(Eira, 2020)

Social Media Audit
Starbucks maintains a sense of welcoming, warmth and community through the
company’s platforms. Starbucks’ platforms strive to:
• raise awareness of products
• develop conversations
• build relationships
• drive engagement

Starbucks stays
consistent accross all
of their platforms. This
helps customers
understand the This exact post was featured on their
company’s tone, persona Instagram, Twitter and Facebook.

and brand image

(Huff 2014).

Starbucks integrates
their audience into their
social media messages
which increases
This post integrates their audience into
engagement and loyalty.
their content on Facebook.

Starbucks listens to their

audience and strives to
make sure their social
media platforms are a
positive and safe
environment. Starbucks
does not stand for hate This post shows that Starbucks listens
and supports their customers.
speech and strives to
bring people together.

Social Media Audit
Platforms Handle URL Followers Following Platforms Voice Writing Influencers Engagement Campaigns
Purpose Style
18.2 M 3,850 5X per Converation Product informal, 670K likes frappuccino,
Instagram @starbucks week
build focused, emojis, 5k pumpkin spice, To
Be Human, extra
relationship, inspirational, Concise, comments
starbucks/ shot of pride
loyalty professional conversational

Product Informal, Unicorn

https://twitter. 10.9 M 93.3 K 3X per Converation
focused, emojis, Kevin 166 frappuccino,
Twitter @starbucks build comment,
com/star- week relationship, inspirational, Concise, Johnson 1579 likes
pumpkin spice, To
Be Human, extra
bucks/ professional conversational shot of pride
loyalty 265 retweets

Converation Product Unicorn

112.5K 1,507 8X per build focused,
Informal, 2 comments
emojis, 8 retweets
Twitter com/Starbuck- week relationship, inspirational,
Concise, 29
pumpkin spice, To
loyalty, professional Be Human, extra
sNews conversational likes shot of pride
50.6 K N/A 2X per Converation Product Informal,
@starbucksprtnrs https://twitter. focused,
Twitter week
build emojis,
14 retwees pumpkin spice, To

Instert Chart
com/starbuck- relationship, inspirational, Concise, Be Human, extra
sprtnrs professional 100 likes shot of pride
loyalty conversational

Product 5000 likes

https://www. 35,565,946 6X per Unicorn
@starbucks 1,349 Converation Professional
focused, 500 frappuccino,
Facebook week build inspirational, comments pumpkin spice, To
Starbucks/ relationship, Be Human, extra
professional 300 shares shot of pride

@starbucks https://www. 424,950 N/A build Product Informal, 5
Pinterest relationship, focused, concise comments pumpkin spice, To
starbucks/_ loyalty inspirational, Be Human, extra
professional shot of pride
created/ website
Starbucks 300K 1-2X per Converation Product Formal, 6K views
https://www. 3,850 build focused, professipnal, comments
YouTube Coffee week relationship, inspirational, informative turned off
loyalty educational

122,733 Converation
Starbucks https://open.
build Audience Descriptive,
Spotify 39 relationship, focused consise

Converation Product
@starbucks 184.2 K 2,149 build focused, Informal,
TiK Tok relationship, inspirational, emojis, Fisher,
loyalty, professional Concise, DeStorm
engagement conversational Power

N/A Converation
https://www. 2,112,825 2X per build
Product informal, 1500
focused, emojs, likes week relationship,
inspirational, Concise, 37
company/ loyalty,
professional conversational comments
starbucks/ engagement

Although Starbucks is the top coffeehouse chain, they face a wide
array of direct competition which includes large specialized coffee
corporations, fast-food chains and locally owned coffee shops.

(Fast Food Menu Prices 2017) (Fast Food Menu Prices 2020) (Macrotrends LLC 2020) (Rana, S 2020)
(FriedCoffee 2020)

SWOT Analysis
This SWOT analysis is a breakdown of Starbucks’ strengths,
weaknesses, opportunities and threats. These different categories
highlight areas of success, shortcomings, potential growth and
restrictions for the company. It was created with an emphasis on
Starbucks’ social media presence across its different platforms.

Aspect Implications Possible

• Strong brand awareness with • Customers are familiar with us and • Our cafes can be a source of comfort
recognizable color schemes and logos. comfortable with the brand they have and normalcy during the pandemic.
come to know. • Push announcements, deals and other
• Wide adoption of mobile app and
• We can communicate with our communications through the app.
rewards program. • Offer and advertise alternative options
• Long-standing success with drive- customers directly through our own app.
Strengths • We can successfully transition away from
for at risk or COVID-19 cautious
through and alternative pick-up options. individuals.
in-cafe services if necessary.
• Consistent meeting or exceeding • Use these positive feelings to remind
• Even when cafes are closed, customers customers of how great it feels to take
expectations in guest experience and remember the service, look forward to that first drink of Starbucks coffee, and
product delivery. returning, and feel a connection to the how nice all the employees are.

• High prices. • In a recession, luxuries like expensive • Offering more bonuses for rewards
• Focus on in-cafe experiences. coffee are usually among the first cuts in members and advertising rewards on
customer budgets. social media.
• Gap in seasonal and social media • Once the pandemic limited the amount • Find ways to bring the in-cafe feel to
posts after the holiday season and of contact in public places, the in-cafe customers in low contact ways.
during the spring. • Fill this gap with tasty after the holiday
Weakness experience changed dramatically.
season drinks that can be drunk either
• Late arrival to TikTok. • There’s a lull after the holidays where there
hot or cold.
are few seasonal drinks and not much to
• Stay true to brand identity and voice
look forward to before summer. from other platforms. Bring this
• Dunkin has already established a strong identity to TikTok to connect with
brand voice on the platform. customers.

• This is a direct line of communication to the

• Wide adoption of Starbucks app. market most likely to take action based on • Send important COVID-19
• Availability of at home coffee communications. information, as well as
• By already having significant awareness of • We can use these to boost sales and
products. these products, we can use them to connect create a “Starbucks at-home” culture.
• Evolving pandemic and adaptive with customers even when cafes are closed. • Make large statements on cafe-specific
• This allows employees to come back to work
Opportunities measures. and adds a surge of consumeristic enthusiasm
social media and on apps using loca-
• Growing popularity of TikTok tion services.
into the community.
• Dunkin has already found a way to increase • Form a TikTok taskforce and look for
their brand visibility on Tik Tok. To reach ways to bring the Starbucks voice into
the next generation of coffee drinkers, a new space.
Starbucks needs to learn how to harness the
new platform.

• Other major craft coffee companies. • By competing in the same market, • Remind customers via social media
• Rising cases of COVID-19 threaten a these coffee companies are a direct that Starbucks only uses the best
threat as their rewards programs coffee beans and the process that goes
second shut-down.
and promotions try to convert loyal into that.
Starbucks drinkers. • Prepare for a second shut-down and
Threats • If cases continue to rise, more states
focus on take-home coffee.
will begin going into shelter-in-place
orders, which will close cafes.

Target Audience
Starbucks is a 26 billion dollar company (Lock, 2020). Starbucks’ served
audience is larger than their current target audience. Based on our research, we
have decided to focus our social media campaign on a target audience of:


Men and women aged 22-40 who love

Starbucks, are extremely loyal to the
brand, have busy schedules, are very
adaptable and are reliant on social media
to help make their daily lives easier.

Generation X

Key Insights
Based on the strategic research done on Starbucks’ background, competition, social
media and situational analysis, Blue Regard PR has come up with the following key
insights that we will use to build our social media campaign:

Starbucks strongest social media Starbucks has a strong brand

presence is on Instagram. The identity. This strong brand
company is most active on this identity has helped drive its
platform and has the greatest dominance as the top
audience engagement and coffeehouse chain in the
following here. industry, and also its dominance
on social media.

Starbucks is reliant on
There is little to no brand
individual followers for
presence on Tik Tok, beyond
engagement and reach.
superstar baristas who have
This leaves an opening to work
become DIY coffee-making
with more influencers.

Across Starbucks’ social media platforms,

there is a high consistency of similarity in
content which reduces motivation for multiple

Social Media

After assessing Starbucks’ social

media, internal and external
challenges, Blue Regard PR has
created a social media campaign in
response to the company’s
current situation:
“TheComfort of Starbucks”

Campaign Goals
These PR goals were created after analyzing Starbucks’ current situation,
competition and social media engagement. They access and are focused on
Starbucks’ current target audience of men and women ages 22-40 who love
Starbucks and are extremely loyal to the brand, have busy schedules, are very
adaptable and are reliant on social media to help make their daily lives easier.

Create the comfortable,

familiar Starbucks cafe
experience virtually
through social media
and other available

Retain customers and

employees by
maximizing brand

Key Messages

Comfort of

Key Messages
• Return to the cozy, comfortable atmosphere of
Starbucks in a new way!
• Let your home be the new coffee shop.
• Only Starbucks.

Social Media Hashtags: Supporting Message:

You don’t need to be at
#IfitsnotStarbucksidontwantit Starbucks to have the
#BringStarbucksHome “Let’s Grab Coffee”
experience. Let your home
#WhatsYourComfort be your office, your
hangout spot or just a
#OnlyStarbucks place that brings you

Objective One
To maintain current loyalty membership
use through February 1, 2021.

Starbucks App

We Missed You!
Starbucks on Prospect
Ave. is now open for
drive-thru and pick-up!
Order now

More interactive push

• “Today is a perfect day for a *insert favorite drink

here*! Tap to order.”
• When a cafe closes due to COVID-19, “We’ll see
Push you soon! We are closing temporarily for the safety
Notifications of our customers and team members. Stay safe
and enjoy a cup of Starbucks at home coffee.”
Verbage • When a cafe reopens, notify customers who have
that cafe set as their pick-up location. Use the
phrase, “We missed you! Come see us in the cafe
or drive-through starting (Insert Date Here)!”

Objective One
To maintain current loyalty membership
use through February 1, 2021.
(View Appendix Seven for more explanation about this objective)

Starbucks App


To maintain
current loyalty membership
we have integrated our “Cozy
Kits” to incentivize app use.
Customers will be able to win
a “Cozy Kit” by earning 500 See Appendix Sx for
further explanation of
stars on the Starbucks App. the “Cozy Kits.”

Zoom background that you

can download through your
loyalty membership account.
Loyalty members will be able
to feel like they are at
Starbucks while being on

Objective Two
Increase engagement of target audience (outlined on page 10)
interested in specialty coffee by 10% on Instagram.

(View Appendix Seven for more
(View Appendix One to view
explanation about this objective)
Instagram social media calendar)


(view appendix two for more posts)

Instagram Stickers

(View Appendix Three for more stickers)

Repost customers using

the hashtags 2x per week
during Week 2-4
(View Appendix Two for more posts)

Objective Two
Increase engagement of target audience (outlined on page 10)
interested in specialty coffee by 10% on Instagram.

PR “Cozy Kits”

Send “Cozy Kits” to
Instagram influencers
(View Appendix Five for list of

What’s in the “Cozy Kits”

• Coffee colored blanket
• Starbucks green socks
• Starbucks mug
• Starbucks coffee book
• At-home coffee samples

View Appendix Six for

ViewAppendix Five further explaination of
for list of influencers. the “Cozy Kits.”

Objective Three
Increase engagement of target audience (outlined on page 10)
interested in specialty coffee 40% on TikTok by February 1,



Partner with @annxsitar

and create hashtag around
her saying

Anna takes over

Starbucks Tik Tok 4x:
two will be DIY videos
and two will be duets.

Anna will give away

a “Cozy Kit.”

(View Appendix Eight for more

information about Anna)

Objective Three
Increase engagement of target audience (outlined on page 10)
interested in specialty coffee 40% on TikTok by February 1,

(View Appendix Four for more

Tik Tok posts and Appendix Five
for Tik Tok content calendar)

Strategy Strategy
two: three:
DIY Videos Follower


Repost videos of making

Create videos of making at-home Starbucks drinks
at-home Starbucks drinks. with custom sound.



Appendix One

Post: “Cozy Kits” Story: Repost: Story Post: “Want a chance

“Coming Soon... “Cozy Kit” Influencers post to win a “Cozy Kit?”
#BringStarbuck- Earn 500 stars on the
item about “Cozy
Starbucks app and the
sHome” story Kit” kit is yours!”

Post: “Show us how Story: Repost: Post that Post: #BringStar-

you bring Starbucks Repost with #Bring- has #BringStar- buckshome
home” StarbucksHome bucksHome

Post:”#What’sYourComfort Post: Story: Ctory:

Tag us in your post!”
#WhatsYourCom- Repost with #What- Repost with #What-
fort sYourComfort sYourComfort

Post: #OnlyStar- Repost: Story with Story: with sticker Repost:

bucks #OnlyStarbucks and “You’re the Story with
sticker One That I Want” #OnlyStarbucks
playing sticker

Appendix Two
Instagram Example posts and

Appendix Two Continued

Appendix Two Continued

Appendix Three
We created six stickers as a way for our current target audience to better engage with Starbucks
on social media platforms and to feel included. The stickers create awareness of our social
media campaign, “The Comfort of Starbucks.” It also encourages the current target audience to
engage in our campaign and create their own content.

Appendix Four

Appendix Five

Duet with Anna DIY video of iced Video of informa-

caramel macchiato tion on how to win
coffee “Cozy Kits”

Repost video of “Walk in Walk out” Repost of someone

medicine ball tea video trend but opening their “Cozy
video using original Kit”
with coffee

Duet of our reaction Duet with customer Repost video of

of our audiences and their “Cozy Kit” iced pumpkin
favorite drink caramel coffee

Duet of our reaction DIY video of Video of someone

of our audiences matcha using the mug from
favorite drink frappuccino the “Cozy Kit”

Appendix Six
Influencer List for “Cozy Kits”

• @starbucksdrinksig
Posts Tik Toks of making drinks
133 posts
~20K views on videos

• @abigailnora
1,687 posts
~20-30 average likes per post
Tone of account: stylish, trendy,
artsy photos

• @vickysstyle
1,776 posts
~100-700 average likes per post
Tone of account: trendy, fashion,
posts a lot about coffee

• @prophiphop
1,187 posts
Tone of account: trendy, mellow,
Posts a lot about coffee, current
events, music, family, photography
and art
Gets average of ~700-3,000 likes

• @thepouroverblog
1,502 posts
~100 likes average per post
Tone of account: fun, upbeat, trendy
Posts about all different kinds of
coffee, coffee making art and how to
make it from home

Appendix Six Continued

• @caseypalmer
1,325 posts
Gets average likes around ~50-300
Tone of the account: informational, fun,
upbeat, lifestyle, optimistic, work strug-
gles, motivation Posts about being a
dad, father, professional work life

• @laur.sewell
320 posts
Tone of account: fun, friendly, loving,
trendy, artsy Posts about being a wife
and mom, fashion and photography

• @kkaywatts
637 posts
Tone of account: excited, upbeat, fun
Posts about exercise/fitness, family,
being a mom, travel and likes starbucks

• @thewickedsoul
Gets average of ~100-500 likes
Gets average of 2,000-4000 views on
videos one of account: trendy yet alter-
native, artsy
Is a digital creator, posts about food,
coffee and travel
2,014 posts

• @coffeenut
Tone of account: lifestyle-y, upbeat,
trendy, artsy, cozy
Is a marine biologist and has a coffee
blog gets average of ~200-500 likes on
post404 posts, 5,073 followers

Appendix Seven

Cozy Kit Objective 1 Explanation:

As a way to maintain current loyalty membership we have integrated our “Cozy Kits”
as a way to incentive app use. Customers will be able to Win a cozy kit by earning 500
stars on the Starbucks’s App. This makes it an exclusive prize and at the same time
allows customers to feel attached to the brand.

Cozy Kit Objective 2 Explanation:

A second application for the Cozy Kits is using them as a way to generate exposure
and awareness. We have created a list of ten influencers in which we will send the kits
to. This allows Starbucks to create new relationships with Instagram users who fit their
current target audience, give them access to exclusive brand and marketing materials,
generate awareness of its social media campaign theme and encourage the influencers
to make their own posts about the kit.

Appendix Seven

About Anna:

Anna is the ideal influencer to pair with because of her following (4.2 million) and her
fun content that is relatable to most within our target audience. Her tone is generally
lighthearted, energetic and on point with the latest trends. Her posts regularly garner
views in the millions, giving us much needed reach on the platform. Anna’s profile lends
Starbucks the youth and silliness of TikTok while maintaining the loyalty, maturity, and
comfort of Starbucks.

Eira, A. (2020). Number of Starbucks worldwide 2020: Facts, statistics and trends. Finances

Fast Food Menu Prices. (2017, November 21). Caribou Coffee Prices. Fast Food Menu

Fast Food Menu Prices. (2020, Jan. 26). Peet’s Coffee Menu Prices 2020. Fast Food Menu

FriedCoffee. (2020, October 27). Top 11 Biggest & Best Coffee Chains Around The World.

Fromm, J. (2014, March 3). Three reasons why Starbucks’ continues to win over millennials.
The Business Journals.

Fromm, J. (2014). Why Starbucks is still number one with millennials. Millennial Marketing.

Gaus, A. (2020, May 12). TikTok’s highest paid influencers. The Street, Inc.

Huff, T. (2014, Aug. 23). How starbucks crushes it on social media. Social Media Today.

Lock, S. (2020). Global Revenue of Starbucks 2003-2019. Statista.

Lua, A. (2020). You have $100 to spend on social media. Here’s one way to spend it. Buffer.

Macrotrends LLC. (2020, Aug. 2). McDonald’s: Number of Employees 2006-2020.


Rana, S.(2020, Sept. 03). Dunkin Donuts (DD) Menu, Dunkin Donuts Menu with Price List. NDTV

Starbucks. (2020). Starbucks Company Profile. Starbucks.


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