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BENCHES: Its Important in School Campus



A bench is a long seat on which multiple people may sit at the same time. Benches are typically made of
wood, but may also be made of metal, stone or synthetic materials. Many benches have arm and back rests,
some have no back rest can be sat on from either side.

1.A long seat, often without a back, for two or more person.

2.Nautical a thwart in a boat.

A.) The seat for the judges in a courtroom.
B.) The office or position of a judge.
C.) Often bench. The judge or judges composing the court.

a.) A seat occupied by a person in an official capacity.
b) The office of such a person.

5. A strong worktable, such as one use in carpentry or in a laboratory.

6. A platform on which animals, especially dogs or exhibited.

7. Sports
a.) The area, often equipped with benches, where the coaches and the players who are not actively
participating in a game.
b.) The reserve players on a team

a.) A level, narrows stretch of land interrupting a declivity.
B.) A level elevation of land along a shore or coast, especially one marking a former shoreline.

Tv. v bench, bench ;ing , benches

1)To furnish with benches

2)To seat on a benches
3)To show (dogs) in a bench show
4)Sports to keep out of or remove from a game; bench the goalie for fighting
5) Sports to bench pass [Middle English, from old English bench]
America Heritage
Dictionary of the English Language, Fifth Edition. Copyright 2016 by Houghton Miffin Harcourt
Publishing Company. Published by Houghton Miffin Harcourt Publishing Company. All Right Reserved
Bench, long seat that may be freestanding, fixed to the wall. Paneled benches were used by the Romans, and
they were the most common form of seating in medieval halls at a time when a chair was a rare luxury
reserved for those of high status. Benches were not only used as a seats but were normally wide enough to
be used for sleeping on or eating from; as the Frankish ecclesiastic and historian Gregory of Tours recorded,
when king Chilperic I was sitting with Bishop Betrand, he had before him a bench bearing food.

Benches retained their popularity as fitted seats in window alcoves, but in the 16 th Century they lost favor as
freestanding pieces of furniture when chairs became more widely used. Upholstered versions were also
made. Some of the most spectacular benches were made in the Spanish colonies in South America in the 17 th
Century, notably in Cuzco, Peru, where benches bore enormous carved cresting and balustraded backs that
were painted and gilded.

Today, our schools reflect the state of the 21st Century. Facing crises such as severe budget limitations and
providing education in a safe environment with fewer resources, they have adopted certain disciplinary
policies, one of which is – Zero Tolerance.

According to the American Bar Association (ABA), - Zero Tolerance’ is the phrase that describes America’s
response to student misbehavior. Zero tolerance means that a school will automatically and severely punish a
student for a variety of infractions. While zero tolerance began as a congressional response to students with
guns, gun cases are the smallest category of school discipline cases. Indeed, zero tolerance covers the gamut
of student misbehavior, from threats to giving aspirin to a classmate. Zero tolerance has become a one-size-
fits-all solution to all problems that schools confront. It has redefined students as criminals, with unfortunate

The ABA Journal story noted how unfair zero tolerance policies have become. –Students understand that
there is a difference between being treated equally and being treated fairly. They are not going to respect
teachers and administrators who cannot appreciate the difference between a plastic knife and a switch
blade’’ (American Bar Association). Restorative Dispute Resolution (RDR), offers an alternative to suspension
and expulsion. This process is designed to address the victims of misbehavior and repair the harm caused to
them, and; therefore, to the – school community (students, teachers, employees and visitors) and
neighborhood. When a student hurts another person physically or in other ways, that person physically or in
other ways, that person is harmed. In addition, when such an incident occurs, the school community and
neighborhood residents can be harmed. This can be in the form of fear, high tension, time, reputation, home
value or cost. Through this process, RDR seeks to repair the harm and foster a sense of community, within
the school and neighborhood, through the development of listening, mutual respect and fairness.


The focus of ‘The Bench Project’ is on locations where people often ‘hang out’, the act of the everyday sitting
on a bench or low wall, near a takeaway, a park entrance or in an urban square. The research has explored
the stories, memories and activities of people using these places and questions how they provide places for
social interaction. We were keen to find out how different aspects of people’s identity (age, ethnicity, gender,
life, situations) shape how people see and or seen when they sit outside.

Though the bench is often seen as a delightful, sometimes even romantic place, the research also
investigated aspects of confrontation and control. In particular, we note a context of increasing concern
about gathering in public places (such as use of dispersal orders) and how places are often made cleaner but
also more boring. This impacts on design: making sitting uncomfortable, or removing of benches, with the
aim of deterring longer-stay use of the public realm.

The research sits within the Arts and Humanities Research Council Connected Communities Program. It
conducted in two different London neighborhood, Woolwich and Sutton, working with community
organizations in each place.

The finding show that policies and actions that respond to certain groups of public space users as problematic
(for example, young people, drinkers) is at odds with understandings f mental, physical and social wellbeing,
which often show many benefits to being outdoors and spending time with friends. We found a general
openness to diverse ways of being outside, and that siting on benches enables a flexible and undemanding
ways to enjoy public life.

We have summarized our findings in the Manifesto of Good Bench.

We have produced a report ‘’Benches for Everyone. Solitude in public, sociability for free’, which includes
findings supporting the development of the Manifesto, and ‘Making Benches Better: Points for Action’. (see
report below). Policy impacts include influencing agendas regarding public health, social experiences of living
in city neighborhoods, combating loneliness and isolation, design of public spaces, community safety and
policing, supporting participation of elderly and young residents, and addressing hate crime and harassment.
Download the report from The Young Foundation website.

An integral part of the process of the research has been the making of a 18 minute film by documentary
filmmaker Esther Johnson: ‘Alone Together, the Social Life of Benches’ which gave bench users the chance to
share their stories of using benches and captures the rhythm of daily life in these two locations.


According to research conducted by UCLA the following alarming national trends have been documented:
? More than 3 million students were suspended and another 89 000 were expelled during 2002-2003 school
? The three student discipline issues most frequently rated as serious or moderate problem by principals at
elementary and secondary level school were 2 tardiness, absenteeism and physical conflicts.
? Research shows that students of color are most often referred and suspended for non-violent conduct such
as –disrespect of authority, -defiance of authority, and disobedience (UCLA IDEA). To combat disciplinary
problems at school, some jurisdictions have implemented – Zero Tolerance Policies. According to Zero
Tolerance Evidence: An Analysis of School Disciplinary Practice, -There is a yet little evidence that the
strategies typically associated with zero tolerance contribute to improved student behavior or overall school
safety (SKIBA).

Furthermore, school suspension and expulsion result in a number of negative outcomes for both schools and
students. Students see out of school suspension as a vacation. If they realize that nothing will be done at
home, they will continue to try to get suspended. Despite the packets of homework sent home, it usually
does not get done, because many parents will not enforce the student responsibility go complete it (SKIBA).
The state of Connecticut-through HB 5826-has legislated that, Effective July 1, 2009, all suspension from
school shall be in school suspensions, unless the administration determines that the pupil being suspended
poses such as danger to person or property or such a serious disruption to the educational process that the
suspension should be out-of-school. (Ali and Dufresne) Restoractive practices have been utilized worldwide.
In innercity Sydney, received training in employing restoractive practices and with two years, schools such as
Rozelle, -had experienced a culture change and notable improvements-higher test scores, increased
community connectedness, increased enrollments, high parent participation and a decrease in suspensions .

The terms ‘’bench’’ and ‘’form’’ can be used interchangeably to refer to backless and elongated wooden
setting. Originally a bench may have been freestanding and movable, whereas a form referred to a bench
fixed to the wall. Furthermore, the term ‘’bench’’ has acquired the additional meaning of a work surface,
such as a cabinetmaker’s workbench.

The bench was the common seating form in the days when chairs were reserved for the most important
people (hence the term ‘’chairman’’). Early types were very simple, consisting of a plank supported by solid
ends connected by brackets or a stretcher.

Later developments included benches with joined legs, similar to an elongated joint stool. At a certain point
the legs were extended up past the seat to form sides and a back. This new form, thought to have been
developed for houses lacking the linenfold frame-and-paneling that was common and as a wall covering,
became known as a settle. In addition to being provided with ends and a back, the distinctive characteristic of
a settle, apart from being unupholstered, is often its linenfold paneling. Like benches, settles may also be
freestanding or attached to a wall.

Both benches and settles may also be thought of as extensions of chests, which were undoubtedly used for
seating in the days before chairs become common. Both planked chests and frame-and-paneled chests are
easily turned into settles by the simple extension upwards of either the sides or the legs.

Whether supported by solid end or individual legs, benches may be made with squared or splayed supports.
Solid ends are frequently given various ogee-shaped profiles. Individuals legs may be square, chamfered, or
turned. While the elongation which separates a bench from a stool is generally intended to provide seating
for more than one person, which sometimes differs from other benches in also often having an upholstered

At the other extreme are benches that are so long as to require additional support between the ends, like
many cane-seated examples made in the 18th Century.

Graham Blackburn is a furniture maker, author, and illustrator, and publisher of Blackburn Books
( in Bearsville, N.Y.

Out of 189 second year accounting students of Saint Mary’s University, 100 students were used as a sample
in conducting the survey. This study limits its coverage on the second year accounting students only. Its main
purpose is to identify the common problems that they encounter and to propose possible solutions regarding
the problems. This study considers every aspect of student’s personal information that has an impactor their
academic performances such as their parents educational background, their parents, income, their gender,
age and home location. Each of the respondents are given same questionairs to answer. And this study
focuses on the current second year students of the present school year, 2008-2009.

The importance of Park Bench

The Park Bench is often an overlooked piece of street furniture. This great addition to our streets, should not
be taken for granted. The park bench is for many, a symbol for friendship. It is used within society as a
meeting space, and also a place to sit and talk. From the Friendship Bench system that schools have adopted
for their playgrounds, to the less explicit chat about the weather, the park bench has been bringing
communities together for years.

Why is the Park Bench so Important?

New research has shown that park benches are an asset to our lives and to our communities. Not only is the
park bench great for encouraging you to go outside, its simplicity allows you to take in your natural
sorroundings. It is suggested that if you sit outside amongst nature for at least half an hour you can
dramatically reduce stress. By eating your lunch on a park bench, you can improve your mood, thus
increasing your concentration and productivity at work. Who knew such a simple piece of street furniture
could have such an impact?

Outdoor seating not only reduces stress in workers, it can also improve the lives of elderly people are too.
Elderly people are suffering more and more from mental illness with 28 percent of women over 65 being
diagnosed with depression. Depression in elderly people is a result of many different factors being isolation.
Loneliness can cause excess stress on the body and this can result in chronic diseases including heart failure!
However, by sitting on park benches older people are more likely to interact with people their age. Thus
enabling them to make friends for life. Not to mention that having a place to sit down gives older people a
place to rest whilst they walk.

Though a park bench’s primary use it enable you to sit down, it can actually be used to improve fitness too!
Having a place to rest in-between workouts encourages people to walk or jog more often. This is because
they feel that they can set achievable targets. Park benches are extremely versatile! They can even be used
for quick lunch break workout! A park bench can be used for lunges, step ups, dips and much more!

Our Range.
At Broxap we have a wide range of ark benches that will fit within any sorroundings. Our traditional cast iron
benches, like the Eastgate Seat, do not disturb the natural aesthetic of the park. This means that adding
benches will not divert form the park heritage. Other more contemporary benches, like the Desford I Seat,
can make a park look more modern and are great for giving an old parks a great new look.

Broxap design, manufacture and install a number of park bench and seats that suit your needs. We believe
that everyone should benefit from relaxing in an outdoor par or green space, and having multiple benches
and seating areas allow everyone enjoy the benefits that community parks have to offer!
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Its back to school time and when you think about the k-12 student in the US, these kids will need quite a few
school benches, school picnic tables, bleachers and bike racks.

According to the National Center for Education Statistics, in the fall of 2015, there were 20.1 million students
sitting in public elementary and secondary schools. That doesn’t even count all the private schools out there.
For non- public schools, estimates run as high as five million more pupils.

The public school numbers break down to 35 million in grades 9 through 12

To manage that nation of students, you need an army of teachers. The center reports there are 3.1 million
full-time teachers. That works out to a student/ teacher ratio of 16:1. For private schools, the ratio is lower at
12.5:1. School bench

School Bench

In 2012-2013 there were approximately 98,500 public schools, which includes 6,100 charter schools. In the
fall of 2011, it is estimated there were 30,900 private schools offering kindergarten classes and up

For all the items those students need: books, buildings, buses, faculty, janitors, etc.., the price tags for
education from K-12cos projected to be $634 billion. That breaks down to $ 12,605 per student.

One very bright note, the number of students who drop out of high school has dropped from 10.9 percent in
2000 to 6.8 percent in 2003. Even better, in the fall of 2015, there were some 20.2 million students who
enrolled in universities and colleges. That’s a jump of 4.9 million from the same time in 2000.

Speaking of schools and budgets, the cost gets flipped around when students have to pay for all those
amenities. In 2013-2014, the average annual price for an undergraduate attending college with tuition, fees,
room and board was $15,640. If that student chose to attend a private college, the average cost was $40,614
for non-profit schools and $23,135 with for-profit intuitions.

Those cost are justified when you consider how much those college students earn after graduation. In 2013 a
full time young adult with a bachelor’s degree made $48,500 in median earnings. For a person who finished
high school, the average pay was $30,000 a year. Those who went for their master’s degrees or higher were
averaging $59,000 in annual salary.

As you can see, education is BIG business in America and one of the great attributes of this country. School
Picnic Table.


Guiding this study was the socialization theoretical framework. Socialization was defined by Merton, Reader,
& Kendal as ‘’ the processes through which a person developed a sense of professional through which a
person developed a sense of professional self, with characteristic values, attitudes, knowledge, and skills….
which governed his/her behavior in a wide variety of professional and extraprofessional situations. ‘’6 The
use of the socialization theoretical framework construct in developing the UIC-COP-PWP program structure
especially provided a vehicle for understanding the influence of the contextual forces that impacted on the
health career decision-making processes of URM students. We reviewed the expectation and developmental
theories of socialization 7-20 and Astin’s need-based sociopsychological model of career choice found in f
higher education literature. The literature review served to deepen our understanding of the complexities
involved in the career decision processes of underrepresented minority high school students and provided a
framework for pour study (eg, work motivation and expectations) and cultural environmental factors (eg,
socialization and structure of our opportunity) could be translated into expectations about work, career
choice, and work behavior.21

The Comprehensive Theoretical and Conceptual Framework Model for Success in Pathways to Pharmacy High
School Program (Appendix 1) was developed. Embedded in the model was the Pathways to College Network
concept of high expectation, which incorporates inclusive leadership, collaborative, partnerships, flexible
resources, and professional development. 22 The uniqueness of this model is its grounding in epistemological
framework with adaptability and applicability for use in other high school pathways to career programs. To
our knowledge, there is no other Pathways to Pharmacy program grounded in the socialization theoretical

The concept of the Pathways and Pharmacy program is not a new idea. Some colleges and institutions offer
high school summer programs such as pharmacy camps and career explorations with aim of exposing
students to the health professions pipeline starting at the high school level.23,24 While some of these
programs only target underrepresented minority students, other our open to students from all backgrounds.
The programs usually range from 4 days to 8 weeks. Often missing from these programs is a community
partnership and a theoretical and conceptual model. Furthermore, there is a little published longitudinal
tracking data on program participants or research to determine whether the programs were effected.
Therefore, one of the central aims of this investigation was contribute to the research literature in
understanding how Pathway to Pharmacy and similar high school education-to-career programs should be
structured in order to achieve their intended outcomes.

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