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XXXX Project

Configuration Management

Document Configuration Management Strategy


Version: 01_00 Draft

Date: 01 July 2010

Authorities Author: Author Name

Owner: Exec Name

XXXX Project Configuration Management Strategy

Client: Client Name

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XXXX Project Configuration Management Strategy

1 Introduction
Tis strategy defines the project’s approach to configuration management and
change control. The Executive owns this strategy.

2 Configuration Management Procedure

The configuration management procedure covers all management, specialist and
quality products of the project.

The configuration management procedure consists of three steps in relation to each

of the project’s products:

 Identify. As Stage Plans are built, Product Descriptions will be created for
each of the Stage’s products. Each of these products will be registered in
the Product Register and given a unique identifier. The key planned dates
for each product will also be recorded.

 Track. As products are developed and approved as a Stage progresses,

information will be recorded in the Product Register to show the status of
each product, who is working on it, who has copies of it, when it was
completed and when it was approved.

 Protect. As a Stage progresses and products are developed and approved,

they will be captured in the Product Repository. Approved products will not
be permitted to change; change will be accommodated through new
versions of the product.

The configuration management procedure will be administrated by the Project

Manager, supported by the Configuration Librarian.

All management and specialist products of the project will be recorded in the
Product Register. A description of the Product Register is provided in section Error:
Reference source not found. No team or team member is permitted to work on a
product that is not registered in the Product Register.

The role of the Configuration Librarian in supporting Project Board control of the
project’s products using the Product Register is illustrated in the following diagram.

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The steps in the above diagram are described in the following table.

Step Role Responsible Action

1 Project Board Approve the next Stage Plan and the attached Product

2 Project Manager Package the Product Descriptions into Work Packages

and allocate the WPs to Team Managers

3 Configuration Update the Product Register to reflect the products

Librarian approved under the Stage Plan. Also populate the
Product Checklist and Quality Log for this Stage.

4 Team Manager Accept the WP and allocate products to team members.

As team members complete each product, update the
Product Checklist.

5 Team Member Develop / enhance the product as required, in line with

the Product Description. Advise the Team Manager when
the product has been completed and is ready for quality

6 Team Member(s) Check the quality of the completed product against its
Product Description. The Review Chair is to update the
Quality Log with the results of the quality check.

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Step Role Responsible Action

7 Team Member The Review Chair is to check that the Quality Log has
been updated, update the Product Checklist to show that
the product has been completed, then advise the Team
Manager that the product has been completed.

8 Team Manager Check that all components of the completed product

including associated quality check documentation are
ready, that the Product Checklist and Quality Log have
been updated, then move (or move a copy of) the
completed product elements to the Product Repository,
and advise the Configuration Librarian.

9 Configuration Check the Product Repository, and if OK, update the CIR
Librarian for the completed product(s), then update the Product
Checklist with the actual date of completion.

10 Team Manager Advise the Project Manager of product completion in the

next Checkpoint Report

11 Project Manager Collate Checkpoint Reports with other information to

assess Stage status

12 Configuration If requested by the Project Manager, compile a Product

Librarian Status Account from information in the Product Checklist
and Quality Log for each product in the Stage

13 Project Manager Use the Checkpoint Reports (and Product Status Account,
if requested) to compile the Highlight Report

14 Project Board Consider the Highlight Report and attached Checkpoint

Reports. Seek clarification or provide direction on any
aspect of product completion

15 Team Manager When all products within the allocated Work Package
have been advised as being completed, check the hand-
over requirements in the WP, and if satisfied, advise the
Project Manager of WP completion.

16 Project Manager On receipt of the Team Managers advice of WP

completion, task the Configuration Librarian to double

17 Configuration For the products in the WP, check that the details in the
Librarian Product Checklist and Quality Log are correct. Check the
Product Repository (if in SharePoint) for the correct
versions of all products referenced in the WP.

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Step Role Responsible Action

18 Configuration When the final WP in a Stage has been advised as having

Librarian completed, create a Product Status Account to confirm
that all products in the Stage are complete.

19 Project Manager Create an ‘End Stage Report’ to advise the Project Board
that all products in the Stage have been completed.
Attach the Product Status Account as evidence.

20 Project Board Check that all products have been completed and
returned to Project Board control. Engage Project
Assurance if necessary.

21 Project Board As part of its other Stage boundary activities, the Project
Board will confirm the completion of the current Stage.
This may involve Project Assurance conducting a
Configuration Verification Audit, a physical audit of the
status of products in the Product Repository against the
information held in the Product Register (CIRs, Product
Checklists and Quality Logs).

This project has been allocated a unique identifier in the corporate project register:
PR009. All products created will be allocated a filename commencing with
Each Project level management product will be allocated a filename commencing
with ‘PR009_PR_’.
Each Stage-level management product will be allocated a filename commencing
with ‘PR009_STN_’, where N is the specialist Stage number.
Each Quality product will be allocated a filename commencing with ‘PR009_QL_’.

Each specialist product will be allocated a unique product identifier in the form
SPNN, where NN is the next available specialist product identifier in the Product
Register spreadsheet. Each specialist product will be allocated a filename
commencing with ‘PR009_SPNN_XXXXX_’ where XXXXX is the short title of the
Product versioning will depend on the type of product. Versioning may be in the
form of a version number or a date.
For products where a version number makes sense, such as products released at a
particular time but which may be updated after review before being approved, the
product filename will conclude with ‘_VNN_MM’ where NN is the release number and
MM is the revision number. MM starts at 01 and is increased by one each time the
product is updated and released for internal review. NN starts at 00, moves to 01
for the first external release of the product, and increments by 1 for each
subsequent external release. Each time the release number increments, the
revision number is reset to 00.
For products where a date makes more sense than a version number, such as
products updated and released on a daily or weekly basis, the product filename will

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conclude with ‘_CCYYMMDD’ being a date of relevance such as the date a status
report was last updated and released.

Examples of valid specialist product filenames using each type of versioning are


The filename of the Product Description of a specialist product is to be formed by

inserting “_PD_” between the product title and the version number of the product
description, as in
PR009_ST5_SP08_SummaryImplementationActionsMatrix_PD_ V00_01.

The identifier allocated to a document entered into Sharepoint is not to be used in

the document filename. The version number allocated to a document entered into
Sharepoint is not to be used in the document filename.

3 Issue and Change Control Procedure

The change control procedure will be administrated by the Project Manager,
supported by the Configuration Librarian.

No approved product may be changed without engaging the change control

procedure to obtain prior Project Board approval of the change. No team or team
member is permitted to work on a product that is not registered in the Product

The change control procedure is illustrated in the following diagram.

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The steps in the above diagram are described in the following table.

Step Role Responsible Action

1 Stakeholder Any stakeholder in the project may conceive of the need

for a change, and communicate it to the Project
Manager. This includes requests from Team Managers to
change products already approved. The originator of the
Change Request will also indicate the priority they
allocate to this change request.

2 Project Manager The Project Manager will raise a Change Request on a

Change Request/Order Form

3 Configuration Log the Change Request in the Change Log and allocate
Librarian it the next available Change Request Number

4 Project Manager Socialise the proposed change; gather stakeholder views

on the scope of the proposed change. This may result in
a broadening of the scope, or that the change has
multiple aspects that should be treated separately, or
recognition that the change is not required.

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Step Role Responsible Action

5 Project Board Consider the proposed Change Request, and provide

advice to the Project Manager
Project Teams


6 Project Manager Modify the Change Request as appropriate to reflect the

consensus view as to the nature of the change required

7 Project Board If the Project Board’s view is that the nature of the
change does not need full Board consideration, it may
appoint a Change Authority to act on its behalf.

8 Change Authority Provide advice and direction to the Project Manager when
finalising the scope of the proposed change

9 Project Manager Modify the CR to reflect the consensus view of the


10 Configuration Modify the entry in the Change Log to reflect any

Librarian changes to the proposed Change Request

11 Project Manager Coordinate analysis of the impact of the change. The

Project Manager may engage specialists to determine the
impact of the proposed change on other products but
particularly on completed products, the current Stage
and its tolerances, the Project as a whole and its
tolerances, and the CIS Programme’s Business Case.

12 Team Manager(s) Assess the impact of the proposed change.

Affected Provide advice and assistance to the Project Manager in

stakeholders assessing the impact of the proposed change.

13 Change Authority Review the change and approve, reject or escalate. The
Change Authority will also indicate the priority to be
allocated to this Change Order with respect to other work
of the project teams. On approval, the Change Request
becomes a Change Order.

14 Project Board If the proposed change is outside the authority of the

Change Authority to approve, the Project Board as a
whole will Review the change and approve, reject or
escalate it to corporate or programme management. The
Change Authority will also indicate the priority to be
allocated to this Change Order with respect to other work
of the project teams. On approval, the Change Request
becomes a Change Order.

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Step Role Responsible Action

15 Project Manager The Project Manager will advise the originator of the
Change Request of the Board’s decision.

16 Configuration Update the Change Log to reflect the Project Board

Librarian decision.

17 Project Manager The Project Manager will coordinate implementation of

the approved Change Order. The Project Manager will
report the approval of the Change Request in the next
Highlight Report with its impact on Stage and Project

20 Team Managers Implement the approved Change Order.

21 Configuration Update the Change Log to show the Change Request is

Librarian being implemented. When the Change Order has been
completed, update the Change Log to show the Change
Request has been completed.

4 Tools and Techniques

4.1 Product Register
A Product Register will be used to capture all necessary information relating to each
product produced, in particular their interrelationships. This will ensure that should
any queries arise relating to a particular product, the producer of the product can
be contacted for assistance and/or further detail. As well, should a product need to
change, the information in the Product Register will support impact analysis of the
proposed change. The completion of the Product Register is the responsibility of
the Project Manager, supported by the Configuration Librarian.

The Product Register is implemented as a collection of related products:

 Product Hierarchy. A Product Breakdown Structure based on a functional
decomposition of the project. As each Stage Plan is developed, this list of
products will be updated.

 CIRs. This sheet consists of one Configuration Item Record (CIR) for each
product in the Product Hierarchy. As each Stage Plan is approved, a CIR will
be created for each new product. As the Stage progresses, the CIRs will be
updated to reflect the status of each product through its development
 Product Checklist. A template to be populated on a Stage-by-Stage basis as
each Stage Plan is approved. It will contain an entry for each product of the

 Quality Log. A template to be populated on a Stage-by-Stage basis as each

Stage Plan is approved. It will contain an entry for each product of the
Stage that is to be subjected to a quality check.

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 Product Status Account. A template to be populated with data from the

Product Checklist and Quality Log whenever the Project Manager calls for a
Product Status Account. It will contain an entry for each product of the

4.2 Product Repository

Master copies of all management, specialist and quality products, when approved
by the Project Board, completed by a team member or accepted by a quality check,
will be stored in the Product Repository. Because of the variety of product types
being produced by this project, the Product Repository is implemented across a
number of tools:

 SharePoint. All documents, including quality check documents and scanned

copies of paper-based products, will be stored in SharePoint.

 LAN. All instances of products where the product is not seen as a key
product of the project will be stored in subdirectories within the project’s
 PVCS. All software components of the Unify product will be stored in PVCS.

 HP Quality Centre. All tests cases, test scripts and test summaries will be
stored in HP QC.

 LoadRunner. All load test scripts and load test results will be stored in

 Paper. All paper-based products where it does not make sense to scan and
destroy the original, such as instances of Site Implementation products (one
instance per site).
The Product Repository within SharePoint acts as the repository of all approved
documents of the project. The Project Repository is the project’s primary document
filing system. As a document is approved, a copy will be provided to the
Configuration Librarian who will enter it into the Project Repository. Access to the
Project Repository in SharePoint is restricted. No product in the Project Repository
may be updated; products must be checked out, updated and approved before
being checked back in to the Project Repository as a new version of the product.

The Project Board will determine which of the project’s products should be available
to stakeholders outside the project management team. Read-only copies of these
selected documents will be made available from other areas in SharePoint. As one
of these documents is checked back in SharePoint after being updated, the
Configuration Librarian will ensure that any previous version is withdrawn and the
latest approved version made available in its place. A number of pages will be
made available in SharePoint for this purpose:
 A homepage will be created for the project in SharePoint. Project-level
products will be available from this project homepage. Project-level
documents may be entered into SharePoint by the Project Manager or the
Configuration Librarian. The Project Manager will determine who may
access or retrieve project-level documents.

 There will be a link from the project homepage to a stage homepage for
each stage. Stage-level products will be available from the relevant stage
homepage. Stage-level documents may be entered into SharePoint by the

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Project Manager or the Configuration Librarian. The Project Manager will

determine who may access or retrieve stage-level documents.

 There will be a link from the project homepage to a quality homepage.

Quality products will be available from the quality homepage. Quality
documents may be entered into SharePoint by a Team Manager or the
Configuration Librarian. The Project Manager will determine who may
access or retrieve quality documents.
 There will be a link from the project homepage to a Team homepage for
each team. Team products will be available from the relevant team
homepage. Team documents may be entered into SharePoint by a Team
Manager. The Team Manager will determine who may access or retrieve
team documents.

5 Records
The composition and format of the Issue Register and Configuration Item Records
are defined in the respective Product Descriptions.

6 Reporting
The composition and format of the Issue Report and Product Status Account Report
are defined in the respective Product Descriptions.

7 Timing of Activities
The Project Manager will request a Product Status Account Report at the end of
every stage.
The Project Board will require a configuration audit at the end of the project.

8 Roles and Responsibilities

9 Scales
9.1 Priority of Issues
These values are to be used in the Priority field in the Issue Register.

Value Interpretation

Low Origin: (reasonable) requests coming from staff

Urgency: Resolution is not time sensitive

Medium Origin: (reasonable) requests coming from senior management

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Value Interpretation

Urgency: Resolution required for the project to succeed

High Origin:
Urgency: Resolution required the current stage to succeed


9.2 Severity of Issues

These values are to be used in the Severity field in the Issue Register.

Value Interpretation

Low Impact:
Medium Impact:
High Impact: People are being prevented from completing their jobs
A change that will simplify the project?

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Document History
Document This document is only valid on the day it was printed.
The source of the document will be found in the XXXXX directory.

Template This document is based on the Configuration Management Strategy TP V01_00

template and Configuration Management Strategy PD V01_00 Product Description.


Version Revision
Number date Summary of Changes

01_00 01Jul2010 Original

Approvals This document requires the following approvals.

Signed approval forms are filed in the XXXXX directory.

Date of
Name Signature Title Issue Version

01Jul2010 01_00

Distribution This document has been distributed to:

Date of
Name Title Issue Version

01Jul2010 01_00

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