Cuestionario Contestado

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Licenciature In Gastronomy

English IV

 Teacher: Roberto Manuel Gallegos

Theme: Question

Student: Miriam Garza Sanchez

05/may /202
Basic interview questions:

• Tell me about yourself.

• What are your strengths? I am a responsible, honest, hard-working person and
above all that I like what I do.
• What are your weaknesses? Be individualistic and different
• Why do you want this job? Because I like to exercise, have new experiences
• Where would you like to be in your career five years from now? Exercising, what I
like is gastronomy, and having many experiences over the years
• What's your ideal company? Be a leader through experiences
• What attracted you to this company? His years’ experience his responsibility of
how day by day he grows
• Why should we hire you? I like my job and I am a responsible and honest person
in the same way with all my values that I put in Practice
• What did you like least about your last job? The insecurity that the company does
not provide you with communication between owners and workers
• When were you most satisfied in your job? When they recognize the effort that
you had made to have a better result
• What can you do for us that other candidates can't? I can give the best results
like increasing my income through the effort of my work
• What were the responsibilities of your last position? Being in the kitchen area
• Why are you leaving your present job? Because there is not much communication
between bosses and employees
• What do you know about this industry? who is responsible and effective
• What do you know about our company? That it has enough requirements to be a
responsible company
• Are you willing to relocate? Yes
• Do you have any questions for me? I do not
Behavioral interview questions:
• What was the last project you led, and what was its outcome? was doing a project
to increase my income and it was great
• Give me an example of a time that you felt you went above and beyond the call of
duty at work. the satisfaction you have and the experience
• Can you describe a time when your work was criticized? when the bosses send
you to call and congratulate you
• Have you ever been on a team where someone was not pulling their own weight?
How did you handle it? not at all
• Tell me about a time when you had to give someone difficult feedback. How did
you handle it? speak appropriately with that person especially with respect
• What is your greatest failure, and what did you learn from it? you learn that not all
people are trustworthy
• How do you handle working with people who annoy you? talk only about work
• If I were your supervisor and asked you to do something that you disagreed with,
what would you do? I would not do above all the ethics of my work and the respect
of me
• What was the most difficult period in your life, and how did you deal with it? don't
trust me from strangers and be a little selfish
• Give me an example of a time you did something wrong. How did you handle it?
salt a preparation look for solutions to solve it
• Tell me about a time where you had to deal with conflict on when you have to put
up with the person you don't like because you are at work
• If you were at a business lunch and you ordered a rare steak and they brought it
to you well done, what would you do? congratulate the chef and service
• If you found out your company was doing something against the law, like fraud,
what would you do? would not agree
• What assignment was too difficult for you, and how did you resolve the issue?
make a recipe that you no longer remember what the main ingredient is
• What's the most difficult decision you've made in the last two years and how did
you come to that decision? Being able to work as a team and that I still do
• Describe how you would handle a situation if you were required to finish multiple
tasks by the end of the day, and there was no conceivable way that you could
finish them. I should have a plan, an order to finish the correct one at the
appropriate time and date.
Salary questions:
• What salary are you seeking? An effective and reliable salary for my needs and
looking for suitable according to my job of as performance
• What's your salary history? It depends on what area you are in and what role you
•it depends on what area you are in and what role you play? Yes, to know what
salary is convenient for me

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