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Trevor Tucker Personality tests-assignment 2

Review chapter 10’s explanation of the Big Five Personality Traits and reflect upon your
results and the results of the person you took the test for: Do the correlations in the text
match the results? Write a paragraph describing the correlations or lack thereof. The test
results are for me and my mom. After reading more in-depth in chapter 10 and the explanation
of the test itself these results are actually very accurate for each of us. My mom and I are very
similar, but my mom is more outgoing than I am based on day to day observations. It resulted in
that in the test results, and that was a big indicator to me. On my test results, it said I had low
emotional stability, but I feel good emotionally so either it knows me better than I know myself or
the correlations aren’t as accurate.
Find at least one scholarly, peer reviewed article explaining why personality tests should
be interpreted with caution and summarize it, using appropriate APA format and
citations. In this article I found titled, What do personality tests really reveal, written by Dori
Meinert I found lots of evidence on why personality tests aren’t the most accurate. The one I
liked most says “ Compared to other hiring selection practices, personality assessments are
among the least effective in predicting job performance”, according to research by Frank L.
Schmidt, management and organizations professor emeritus at the University of Iowa. Though
this article is directed primarily at businesses and occupations it is just as interchangeable in
real-world scenarios.
Describe the pros and cons of personality tests. How could you or others benefit from
the results of the test and what is the potential for harm or ethical dilemma? There are
lots of pros and cons of taking personality tests. Some pros are they give you a good idea of
your personality, it can reveal motivators, can help understand how you communicate and
shows where you best fit. On the contrary, some cons include can offend people, tests aren’t
fair or accurate, and they can be subjective. 

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