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Deep-Sea Research II 100 (2014) 94–105

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Characterisation of mesoscale features and phytoplankton variability in

the Mozambique Channel
T. Lamont a,c,n, R.G. Barlow b,c, T. Morris b, M.A. van den Berg a
Oceans & Coasts Research, Department of Environmental Affairs, Private Bag X2, Roggebaai 8012, South Africa
Bayworld Centre for Research & Education, P.O. Box 7296, Roggebaai 8012, South Africa
Marine Research Institute, University of Cape Town, Private Bag X3, Rondebosch 7701, South Africa

art ic l e i nf o a b s t r a c t

Available online 6 November 2013 Variability of hydrographic characteristics and phytoplankton distribution associated with mesoscale
Keywords: eddies in the Mozambique Channel was investigated during four cruises in September 2007, December
Mesoscale eddies 2008, November 2009, and April/May 2010. Satellite altimetry was used to map the location of mesoscale
Altimetry features, and together with ETOPO1 bathymetry, was used in a Discriminant Function Analysis to classify
Mozambique Channel in situ sampling stations into five categories, namely cyclonic (C), anti-cyclonic (A), frontal (F), divergence
Phytoplankton biomass (D), and shelf (S). Fluorescence profiles were integrated through four depth ranges in the upper 200 m
and used to determine the depth of the maximum chlorophyll a concentration and to model the euphotic
zone depth. At a depth of 100 m, distinctly different hydrographic characteristics were observed between
mesoscale features with cyclonic eddies consisting of Subtropical Surface Water and anti-cyclonic eddies
containing Tropical Surface Water from the Indian Ocean. Hydrographic properties at divergence and
frontal stations reflected a mixture of these water masses, while shelf stations showed considerable
variability as a result of the interaction of eddies with the continental slope. Chlorophyll a concentrations
in the surface waters were found to be low, with subsurface levels being significantly greater.
Phytoplankton biomass in cyclonic and anti-cyclonic eddies was relatively low and not significantly
different. The interaction of mesoscale eddies with the continental slope on the western side of the
Channel caused upwelling of cooler, nutrient-rich water, which resulted in elevated phytoplankton
biomass in the shelf regions. Strong currents at the perimeters of these eddies produced offshore
advection of the high biomass into the frontal regions.
& 2013 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

1. Introduction Agulhas Current further south, off the east coast of South Africa, by
initiating Natal Pulses and by causing a more eastward occlusion of
The net southward flow through the Mozambique Channel the Agulhas Retroflection, which may lead to the shedding of
is dominated by poleward-travelling anti-cyclonic eddies which Agulhas rings into the South Atlantic Ocean (Schouten et al., 2002;
extend to the ocean floor and have diameters typically ranging van Leeuwen et al., 2000).
between 300 and 350 km (Biastoch and Krauss, 1999; de Ruijter In the upper ocean layers, these eddies consist of warm, saline
et al., 2002; Ridderinkhof and de Ruijter, 2003). These eddies tend Tropical and Subtropical Surface Water and Indian Central Water
to form north of the Channel narrows near 151S with a frequency (de Ruijter et al., 2002). Intermediate water in the core of the
of 7 per year. This decreases to 4 per year toward the southern end eddies shows meridional variation, with fresher Antarctic Inter-
of the Channel due to dissipation or merging of eddies (Backeberg mediate Water (AAIW) being prominent in the south and more
et al., 2008; Schouten et al., 2003). Backeberg and Reason (2010) saline Red Sea Intermediate Water (RSIW) in the north (Swart
suggested that eddy formation displays a seasonal cycle in relation et al., 2010). Sometimes large heat, salt and nutrient anomalies
to variability in the South Equatorial Current north of Madagascar. associated with these eddies are transported into the Agulhas
Southward propagation of eddies through the Channel occurs at Current system as far downstream as the Retroflection and Agulhas
rates of 3–6 km d  1. They have been shown to interact with the Rings, thereby contributing to the variability of heat, salt and
nutrient fluxes in the South Atlantic Ocean (Roman and
Lutjeharms, 2007, 2009; Swart et al., 2010).
n Float trajectories suggest considerable mixing between eddies
Corresponding author at: Oceans & Coasts Research, Department of
Environmental Affairs, Private Bag X2, Roggebaai 8012, South Africa. and surrounding waters in the Channel (Chapman et al., 2003). As
E-mail address: (T. Lamont). these eddies follow a well-defined path along the Mozambican

0967-0645/$ - see front matter & 2013 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
T. Lamont et al. / Deep-Sea Research II 100 (2014) 94–105 95

shelf, chlorophyll-enriched coastal water is entrained and trans-

ported to the middle of the Channel (Quartly and Srokosz, 2004). It
is believed that anti-cyclonic eddies interacting with the shelf
generate cyclonic lee eddies at prominent coastal offsets such as
off Angoche at about 161S (Ridderinkhof and de Ruijter, 2003;
Lutjeharms, 2006). These lee eddies result in upwelling of nutrient-
rich water and subsequent increases in phytoplankton biomass.
Typically, anti-cyclonic eddies are nutrient-depleted with low rates
of primary production, but it has been noted that they can support
production at their edges as a result of high turbulence and
isopycnal mixing (Falkowski et al., 1991; Swart et al., 2010). The
frontal zones at the edges of eddies have been identified as
preferred foraging areas for top predators such as great frigate
birds, while tuna appear to feed both in the cores and at the frontal
zones of the eddies (Weimerskirch et al., 2004; Tew Kai and Marsac,
Phytoplankton variability in the northern (10–161S) and south-
ern (24–301S) sectors of the Channel is dominated by the seasonal
cycle, with the onset of the bloom marked by a small increase in
chlorophyll a from December to March, reaching a peak in July–
August (Lévy et al., 2007; Tew Kai and Marsac, 2009). Schouten
et al. (2005) have demonstrated that intrusions of the South
Equatorial Current into the Mozambique Channel show a seasonal
cycle, transporting higher chlorophyll a Tropical Surface Water
during winter and low chlorophyll a Subtropical Surface Water in
summer. These water masses are characterised by different bio-
geochemical activity and appear to enhance the amplitude of the
seasonal variation of chlorophyll a in the Mozambique Channel
Fig. 1. Map showing the areas sampled during cruises MC07 (September 2007),
(Omta et al., 2009). In the central part of the Channel (16–241S), it
MC08A (December 2008), MC09B (November 2009), and MC10A (April/May 2010)
appears that mesoscale dynamics drives phytoplankton variability, in the Mozambique Channel.
with anti-cyclonic eddies being associated with low chlorophyll a
concentrations and cyclonic eddies correlated with elevated chlor-
ophyll a (Tew Kai and Marsac, 2009). depths throughout the upper 1000 m for the determination of
While most investigations have focussed on the physical dissolved inorganic macronutrient and chlorophyll a (chla) concen-
oceanography, the role of mesoscale eddies in ecosystem function- trations. Chlorophyll a samples were frozen on board and analysed
ing in the Mozambique Channel is limited. This prompted the later according to the fluorometric technique of Welschmeyer
initiation of a regional research programme referred to as MESO- (1994). Nutrient samples were either frozen (cruises MC07 and
BIO (Influence of mesoscale dynamics on biological activity at multi- MC08A) or pasteurised (cruises MC09B and MC10A) on board and
ple trophic levels in the Mozambique Channel), which aimed to later analysed by standard auto-analyser techniques (Mostert, 1983;
investigate interactions between the various trophic levels in Oudot et al., 1998). The upper limit of the nitracline was defined as
greater detail. Several multi-disciplinary research cruises were the depth (m) at which the change in nitrogen (NO3 þNO2) con-
undertaken with physical, chemical, and biological sampling centration over a 10 m depth interval was Z0.2 mM, as linearly
focussed within mesoscale eddies and frontal regions (Ternon interpolated between discrete sampling depths.
et al., 2014a). The objective of this study was to characterise Vertical fluorescence profiles were converted to chlorophyll-
mesoscale features in the Channel and describe the variability equivalents (mg m  3) by calibration with discrete chla concentra-
of phytoplankton abundance and distribution in relation to these tions for cruises MC07 and MC08A only. Unfortunately, the
features. The main scientific questions addressed were: (1) Can fluorescence profile data for cruises MC09B and MC10A were
satellite altimetry be used to classify cyclonic and anti-cyclonic found to be unreliable and could not be used. Examination of
eddies in the Mozambique Channel? (2) Are there any significant the structure of the vertical chla profiles (MC07, MC08A) revealed
hydrographic differences between these features? (3) What is the that most of the phytoplankton biomass was distributed within
distribution pattern of phytoplankton biomass within and between the upper 200 m. Exceptions to this were found for a few profiles
these eddies and frontal zones? within anticyclonic eddies, but the proportion of biomass below
200 m was insignificant compared to that in the water column
above. The structure of the vertical profiles showed consistent
2. Data and methods patterns for four distinct layers within the upper 200 m. Integrated
chlorophyll a was therefore computed for each of these layers,
2.1. Study region and hydrographic sampling namely 0–20 m, 21–100 m, 101–150 m, and 151–200 m. For each
profile, the depth of the deep chlorophyll maximum (zDCM) was
Hydrographic surveys of mesoscale features in the Mozambique determined as the depth at which the chla reached a maximum
Channel were conducted during September 2007 (cruise MC07, RV value. The depth of the euphotic zone (zeu) was defined as
Algoa), December 2008 (cruise MC08A, RV Dr. Fridtjof Nansen), the depth at which photosynthetically available radiation (PAR)
November 2009 (cruise MC09B, RV Antea), and April 2010 (cruise decreased to 1% of the value at the surface (Kirk, 1994). zeu is
MC10A, RV Antea) (Fig. 1) (Ternon et al., 2014a). With the exception usually derived from the logarithmic interpolation of the vertical
of those stations on the shelf, CTD casts were conducted from the PAR profile. PAR data were not available for these cruises and thus
surface to a depth of 1000 m profiling of temperature, salinity, and the relationship between zeu and the total pigment content within
fluorescence. Discrete water samples were collected at various the euphotic zone was used to predict zeu from the vertical
96 T. Lamont et al. / Deep-Sea Research II 100 (2014) 94–105

chlorophyll a profiles according to the method of Morel and Berthon was conducted several days apart. However, it is believed that this
(1989). This relationship was approximated by two successive linear did not significantly bias the classification, since the satellite
segments, using the modified coefficients of Morel and Maritorena altimetry represents a period of 1 week, and the temporal resolu-
(2001), and zeu was derived for each vertical profile. tion of the CTD sampling did not exceed the translation speed of the
mesoscale features.
2.2. Satellite altimetry and discriminant function analysis An initial analysis revealed that there was no correlation
between SSHA, GC, and bathymetry. For this reason, all three
Weekly averaged maps of delayed-time merged sea surface variables (SSHA, GC, and bathymetry) were used simultaneously in
height anomaly (SSHA) and geostrophic current speed (GC) were a standard discriminant function analysis (DFA) performed using
used to spatially describe and quantify the station locations in Statistica 7.1. (Hill and Lewicki, 2006) to distinguish between five
relation to mesoscale features observed during the four cruises. categories, namely cyclonic eddies (C), anti-cyclonic eddies (A),
The satellite altimetry products were produced by Ssalto/Duacs frontal regions (F), divergence zones (D), and shelf regions (S).
and distributed by AVISO with support from CNES (http://www. These five categories were identifiable and sampled during each of SSHA and geostrophic current speed (GC) at the cruises, and were selected to correspond to key oceanographic
each station occupied during the surveys were extracted from structures associated with mesoscale eddy fields, as described by
altimetry maps approximately concurrent with the survey periods, Bakun (2006). Convergence zones have also been associated with
and used together with ETOPO1 bathymetry in a discriminant mesoscale eddy fields (Bakun, 2006), but no hydrographic sam-
function analysis (DFA) to statistically group the stations. Due to pling was conducted in these zones and they were therefore not
the difference in temporal resolution between the satellite and included in the DFA classification. Satellite data congruent with
in situ data, the same satellite data point was at times used for cruise MC07 was used to train the DFA, while satellite data at the
some of the CTD stations, even though sampling at these stations time of cruises MC08A, MC09B, and MC10A were used to test the

Table 1
Results of the DFA showing the independent contributions of each variable to the three discriminant functions and their related statistics (Wilks’ λ, Wilks’ partial Lambda, F,
and tolerance) (SSHA—Sea Surface Height Anomalies; GC—Geostrophic Current speed).

Variable Standardised coefficients for canonical variables Discriminant function analysis

DF1 DF2 DF3 Wilks' λ Partial Lambda F-remove (4.27) p Tolerance

SSHA (cm) 0.997 0.166 0.286 0.115 0.235 21.988 o 0.001 0.906
GC (cm s  1)  0.302 0.953  0.214 0.100 0.272 18.081 o 0.001 0.957
Bathymetry (m)  0.024 0.080 1.037 0.058 0.471 7.590 o 0.001 0.925

Fig. 2. (A) Combined maps of merged sea surface height anomalies (SSHA, cm) and geostrophic current speed (GC, cm s  1) for 19 September 2007. CTD sampling stations for
cruise MC07 are indicated as white dots. Bathymetry contours (500, 1000, 2000 m) are indicated as thick solid lines. (B) Station classification for cruise MC07: C—Cyclonic,
D—Divergence, F—Frontal, A—Anti-cyclonic, S—Shelf.
T. Lamont et al. / Deep-Sea Research II 100 (2014) 94–105 97

discriminant functions (DFs). The F statistic is a ratio of among- accounted for by another, and thus provides no significant dis-
group to within-group variance and was used to determine the crimination in the model (McGarigal et al., 2000). A Wilks’ Lambda
extent to which the three variables made unique contributions to test was used to describe the statistical significance of the DFA,
the prediction of the various categories. Each of the variables while the partial Wilks’ Lambda indicated the discriminatory
yielded an F statistic greater than 4.27 (Table 1) and were thus power of each variable. Both these statistics range from zero to
retained in the analysis. Tolerance estimates, ranging from zero to one, indicating greater discriminatory power the closer they are to
one, with a threshold of 0.01, were used to evaluate colinearity zero (McGarigal et al., 2000). Standardised canonical coefficients
among the variables used in the DFA. A tolerance close to zero were used to represent the loadings of each variable in the
implies that the variance associated with a variable is already discriminant functions.

Fig. 3. Combined maps of merged sea surface height anomalies (SSHA, cm) and geostrophic current speed (GC, cm s  1) for (A) 26 November 2008, (B) 3 December 2008, and
(C) 10 December 2008. CTD sampling stations for cruise MC08A are indicated as white dots. Bathymetry contours (500, 1000, 2000 m) are indicated as thick solid lines.
(D) Station classification for cruise MC08A: C—Cyclonic, D—Divergence, F—Frontal, A—Anti-cyclonic, S—Shelf.
98 T. Lamont et al. / Deep-Sea Research II 100 (2014) 94–105

3. Results 114 cm s  1 in the frontal regions between the eddies. A total of 34

hydrographic stations were occupied during cruise MC07 (Fig. 2A).
3.1. Eddy structure and station classification Several eddies were sampled throughout the Channel during
cruise MC08A with a total of 96 hydrographic stations being
Satellite altimetry is commonly used to identify and track occupied (Fig. 3A–C). Anti-cyclonic eddies and frontal regions
mesoscale eddies (Chelton et al., 2007; Fu et al., 2010). In the sampled showed SSHA and GC similar in magnitude to that
southern hemisphere, anti-cyclonic eddies are identified as anti- observed during MC07. However, cyclonic eddies observed
clockwise rotations with positive SSHA, while clockwise rotations throughout the Channel during MC08A had much weaker SSHA.
with negative SSHA indicate cyclonic eddies (Tew Kai and Marsac, The eddy structure observed during cruise MC09A (Fig. 4A–C) was
2009; Backeberg et al., 2008). A mature cyclone/anti-cyclone pair similar to cruise MC07 and a mature cyclone/anti-cyclone pair,
was surveyed in the central part of the Mozambique Channel with SSHA of  30 cm and þ40 cm respectively, was surveyed
during cruise MC07 (Fig. 2A). SSHA of  30 cm and þ35 cm were in the southern part of the Channel. Geostrophic current speeds
associated with the cyclone and anti-cyclone, respectively, while associated with these eddies were 4–114 cm s  1, and a total of 54
GC varied from  10 cm s  1 near the centre of the eddies to hydrographic stations were sampled (Fig. 4A–C). Several cyclonic

Fig. 4. Combined maps of merged sea surface height anomalies (SSHA, cm) and geostrophic current speed (GC, cm s  1) for (A) 4 November 2009, (B) 11 November 2009, and
(C) 18 November 2009. CTD sampling stations for cruise MC09B are indicated as white dots. Bathymetry contours (500, 1000, 2000 m) are indicated as thick solid lines.
(D) Station classification for cruise MC09B: C—Cyclonic, D—Divergence, F—Frontal, A—Anti-cyclonic, S—Shelf.
T. Lamont et al. / Deep-Sea Research II 100 (2014) 94–105 99

Fig. 5. Combined maps of merged sea surface height anomalies (SSHA, cm) and geostrophic current speed (GC, cm s  1) for (A) 14 April 2010, (B) 21 April 2010, (C) 28 April
2010, and (D) 5 May 2010. CTD sampling stations for cruise MC10A are indicated as white dots. Bathymetry contours (500, 1000, 2000 m) are indicated as thick solid lines.
(E) Station classification for cruise MC10A: C—Cyclonic, D—Divergence, F—Frontal, A—Anti-cyclonic, S—Shelf.

and anti-cyclonic eddies were sampled throughout the Channel capacities of 36.41% and 14.87% respectively. Standardised coeffi-
during cruise MC10A (Fig. 5A–D), which included a total of 57 cients (Table 1) indicated that both DF1 and DF2 were most
hydrographic stations. While strong features were observed in the heavily weighted by the SSHA and GC, with the SSHA loading
northern part of the Channel, those sampled in the south were higher on DF1 and the GC loading higher on DF2. DF3 was related
much weaker. most closely to the bathymetry.
The oceanographic structures related to mesoscale eddy fields The group centroids and 95% confidence ellipses for each category
were statistically grouped into five categories using the DFA. (Fig. 6A) indicated that DF1 discriminated primarily between cyclonic,
Overall, the discrimination between those categories was found divergence, and anti-cyclonic stations. Cyclonic stations were asso-
to be highly significant (Wilks’ λ¼ 0.271, F¼ 17.406, po 0.001). The ciated with large negative SSHA ( 2277 cm) and slower GC
independent contributions of each variable to the prediction of the (30714 cm s  1), while anti-cyclonic stations had large positive SSHA
discriminant functions (DFs) in the model are shown in Table 1. (þ3278 cm) and slightly faster GC (37717 cm s  1). Divergence
Three DFs with respective Chi-squareds of χ2 ¼104.66, 60.00, and stations typically had small SSHA ( 1711 cm) and slow GC
21.77, were identified as statistically significant (po 0.001). Partial (26712 cm s  1). DF2 distinguished frontal stations, while DF3 sepa-
Wilks’ λ statistics indicated that SSHA and GC contributed the rated shelf stations from the rest (Fig. 6B). Frontal stations had small
most to the overall discrimination between the station categories, SSHA (þ 0.5710 cm) and very fast GC (83717 cm s  1). Although
while the bathymetry contributed the least. DF1 had an eigenvalue shelf stations displayed SSHA and GC very similar to divergence
of 3.66 and accounted for 48.72% of the observed variance. stations, they were discriminated because of their bathymetry which
DF2 and DF3 had eigenvalues of 2.74 and 1.12, and discriminant was significantly shallower (o1500 m) than other stations.
100 T. Lamont et al. / Deep-Sea Research II 100 (2014) 94–105

5 5
4 4 F
3 S 3 S

2 2

1 1

0 0

-1 -1

-2 -2

-3 -3

-4 -4

-5 -5
-5 -4 -3 -2 -1 0 1 2 3 4 5 -5 -4 -3 -2 -1 0 1 2 3 4 5

Fig. 6. Group centroids and 95% confidence interval ellipses of the scores for each of the station categories for (A) DF1 vs. DF2, and (B) DF1 vs. DF3 (C—Cyclonic,
D—Divergence, F—Frontal, A—Anti-cyclonic, S—Shelf).

Table 2 stations tending to be slightly cooler and more saline than the
Number of correct posterior classifications of station categories (Cyclonic—C, water at frontal stations. Nitracline depths displayed a pattern
Divergence—D, Frontal—F, Anti-cyclonic—A, and Shelf—S).
similar to the temperature variation across the categories. Not
Observed Predicted classification % Correctly surprisingly, the shallowest nitraclines were associated with the
classification classified cold saline water at cyclonic stations, while the deepest nitraclines
C D F A S were related to the warmer, less saline water at anti-cyclonic
stations. Divergence stations exhibited slightly shallower nitra-
C 36 21 0 0 0 63
D 1 71 0 0 0 99
clines than those observed at frontal stations.
F 1 0 59 0 0 98 Interestingly, cruise MC10A appeared to be different from the
A 0 0 0 29 0 100 other three cruises. The mean temperature at 100 m was lower
S 0 0 1 0 22 96 and nitracline depths were shallower at frontal stations, while the
salinity at divergence stations was lower (Fig. 7). Several frontal
stations for cruise MC10A were located close to the coast at 151S
Table 2 illustrates the number of correct posterior classifica- (Fig. 5) and the interaction of the frontal zone of a cyclonic eddy
tions resulting from the DFA. The high overall significance of the with the continental slope resulted in the upwelling of cooler
DFA and the substantial discriminatory power of each of the water (Fig. 8D), lowering the temperatures at these stations.
discriminant functions resulted in a large percentage of correct Divergence stations exhibited lower salinity, most likely due to
predictions for each of the station categories. The percentage of their location further offshore in areas influenced by anti-cyclonic
stations correctly predicted for each of the categories varied from circulation and downwelling conditions.
63% to 100% (Table 2), with the best prediction for anti-cyclonic At shelf stations, the temperature, salinity and nitracline depths
eddies and the least accurate prediction for cyclonic eddies. The showed considerable differences between cruises (Fig. 7). During
other station categories (frontal, divergence, and shelf) all showed cruise MC07, hydrographic characteristics of shelf stations were
intermediate prediction accuracies. Despite the discrepancies similar to those observed at anti-cyclonic stations, but they closely
between the observed and predicted classifications (Table 2), the matched the cyclonic stations during cruise MC08A. For cruise
DFA was shown to be statistically rigorous, and thus the analysis MC09B, conditions at shelf stations were comparable to those
was accepted as providing a reasonably accurate categorisation observed at divergence stations, while during cruise MC10A, they
of all the stations. This predicted classification was then used to were most similar to frontal stations. Fig. 8 illustrates the likely
group the hydrographic data into the five different categories for reasons for the differences observed at shelf stations between
comparison of the variability between these groups. the four cruises. During cruise MC07, an anti-cyclonic eddy was
located close to the Mozambican coastline causing downwelling
3.2. Hydrographic variability along the continental slope, influencing the water mass properties
of the shelf stations located there. The orientation of the anti-
Means of temperature and salinity at a depth of 100 m, as well cyclone along the African coast during cruise MC08A resulted in
as the mean nitracline depth for each of the categories identified an intensification of the currents along the shelf edge and the
by the DFA are shown in Fig. 7. Overall, there were similarities in upwelling of cooler water between 151S and 161S. Upwelling of
the pattern of hydrographic variability across the five categories cooler, nutrient-rich water in this vicinity has previously been
for all cruises. Temperatures ranged between 15.18 1C and 25.62 1C, ascribed to the passage of anti-cyclonic eddies (Lutjeharms, 2006;
while salinities covered a range of 35.05–35.52 psu, and the Ridderinkhof and de Ruijter, 2003). Southward and offshore
nitracline depths varied from 15.62 to 123.99 m. Contrasting advection of this upwelled water in the periphery of the anti-
patterns were observed for temperature and salinity, with the cyclonic eddy is evident in Fig. 8B, and probably accounts for the
coolest, most saline water discernable at cyclonic stations, while similarities in mean nutrient concentrations at cyclonic, diver-
the warmest, freshest water was found at anti-cyclonic stations. gence, frontal and shelf stations (Fig. 7J). Anti-cyclonic eddies have
The distinctly different temperatures at cyclonic and anti-cyclonic previously been shown to interact with the Mozambique shelf,
stations are also well illustrated in Fig. 8. Temperatures and entraining and transporting coastal water offshore (Tew Kai and
salinities at divergence and frontal stations were intermediate Marsac, 2009; Quartly and Srokosz, 2004). During cruise MC09B,
between these two extremes, with the water at divergence the alignment of the cyclone/anti-cyclone pair along the
T. Lamont et al. / Deep-Sea Research II 100 (2014) 94–105 101

MC07 MC08A MC09B MC10A

Temperature at 100m (°C)





16 Mean Mean±SD


MC07 MC08A MC09B MC10A

Salinity at 100m




Mean Mean±SD


MC07 MC08A MC09B MC10A

Nitracline depth (m)




Mean Mean±SD


Fig. 7. Box and whisker plots showing the mean and standard deviation of (A–D) temperature at 100 m, (E–H) salinity at 100 m, and (I–L) nitracline depth for each station
category for cruises MC07, MC08A, MC09B, and MC10A (C—Cyclonic, D—Divergence, F—Frontal, A—Anti-cyclonic, S—Shelf).

Mozambican continental slope (Fig. 4) resulted in the divergence SSHA and GC for divergence stations. This was most likely due to
of water from the shelf and the subsequent upwelling of cooler the dissipation of the cyclonic anomaly sampled at station 46
water along the coast at approximately 241S, as shown in Fig. 8C. (Fig. 5D).
Shelf stations for cruise MC10A were all located at 151S, where the The much weaker SSHA associated with cyclonic eddies
frontal zone of a cyclonic eddy interacted with the continental observed throughout the Channel during MC08A, and in the
slope, leading to increased current speeds (Fig. 5) and the upwel- southern part during MC10A, suggested that these eddies were
ling of cooler water (Fig. 8D). either less mature, merging with other eddies, or dissipating.
The weakening of SSHA has previously been associated with the
dissipation and merging of eddies in the Mozambique Channel
4. Discussion (Schouten et al., 2003). The discrepancies between the observed
and predicted classification may also be due to limitations asso-
4.1. Eddy features ciated with satellite altimetry. In this regard, the coarse resolution
of the altimetry data may result in smaller or weaker features
Results of the DFA proved to be highly significant (Table 1), not being fully resolved in the gridded maps (Fu et al., 2010), and
yielding a large percentage of correctly predicted station classifi- underestimations of geostrophic current speed are possible since
cations (Table 2). While the predicted category matched the altimeter ground tracks are not always perpendicular to the
observed category for all anti-cyclonic stations, inconsistencies direction of flow (Backeberg et al., 2008). Ternon et al. (2014b)
were noted for the other four categories. During cruise MC08A showed that altimetry-derived geostrophic velocities provided a
(Fig. 3), despite the bathymetry being shallower than 600 m, one reliable, quantitative description of the circulation, but were 30%
shelf station (1176) was predicted to be frontal due to the fast GC weaker than surface velocities obtained from in situ ADCP mea-
(89 cm s  1) observed there. A total of 20 cyclonic stations were surements. Close to the coast, altimetry data may also be com-
predicted to be divergent due to their SSHA and GC being more promised by land contamination and atmospheric correction
closely related to the mean SSHA and GC for divergence stations. errors (Madsen et al., 2007).
These stations were all associated with the weak cyclonic anoma- Hydrographic differences between mesoscale eddies are more
lies sampled at 151S (Fig. 3A) and at  181S (Fig. 3B and C). pronounced subsurface due to dynamic forces resulting in varia-
During cruise MC09B (Fig. 4), one frontal station (41) was tions of the thermocline and nitracline within these features
predicted to be cyclonic, as a result of the much slower GC (Bakun, 2006). The observations in this study indicated that the
(55 cm s  1) observed at this station. During cruise MC10A surface waters exhibited temperature and salinity (T–S) charac-
(Fig. 5), one divergence station (27) was predicted to be cyclonic, teristics typical of Tropical and Subtropical Surface Waters from
and one cyclonic station (46) was predicted to be divergent. The the Indian Ocean, as discussed by Lutjeharms (2006). DiMarco
observed SSHA and GC at station 27 was closer to the mean SSHA et al. (2002) and Sætre and Jorge da Silva (1984) have demon-
and GC for cyclonic stations, probably due to the southward strated that these water masses occupy the upper 300 m of the
progression of a large cyclonic eddy toward station 27 (Fig. 5C). water column throughout most of the Mozambique Channel,
At station 46, SSHA and GC were more closely related to the mean with Tropical Surface Water (TSW) generally overlying the
102 T. Lamont et al. / Deep-Sea Research II 100 (2014) 94–105

Fig. 8. Maps showing the distribution of temperature (1C) at 100 m for cruises (A) MC07, (B) MC08A, (C) MC09B, and (D) MC10A.

Subtropical Surface Water (STSW). Temperatures and salinities at 4.2. Phytoplankton distribution
cyclonic stations were consistent with those that describe the
more saline STSW, reflecting the upwelling processes which In tropical and subtropical oligotrophic regions, mesoscale eddies
typically occur in the centre of cyclonic eddies. Anti-cyclonic are known to strongly influence the horizontal and vertical distribu-
stations exhibited T–S properties similar to the less saline TSW, tion of phytoplankton biomass (Benitez-Nelson et al., 2007; Hansen
indicating the downwelling processes associated with anti- et al., 2010). In this study, chlorophyll a concentrations at the surface
cyclonic eddies (Bakun, 2006). Divergence and frontal stations were observed to be low, ranging between 0.01 and 1.27 mg m  3,
showed T–S qualities reflecting a mixture of these water masses showing little variation between categories. However, at the DCM,
(Fig. 7). chla was considerably greater, varying from 0.22 to 9.03 mg m  3,
T. Lamont et al. / Deep-Sea Research II 100 (2014) 94–105 103

and showed some differences between categories. On average, the Several studies have demonstrated that mesoscale eddies
depth of the DCM (zDCM) varied from 60–70 m at cyclonic and markedly influence the spatial structuring of phytoplankton
divergence stations to 80–90 m at frontal, anti-cyclonic, and shelf biomass and production. Elevated biomass and production have
stations. Overall, the estimated euphotic zone depths were only been associated with cyclonic eddies due to the upwelling of
slightly deeper than zDCM, indicating that the DCM was generally colder nutrient-rich water into the euphotic zone in their centres,
located at the base of the euphotic zone. Integrated chla values while anti-cyclonic eddies show lower biomass and production
reflected the contrasts between the surface and DCM, and post-hoc as a result of the downwelling of nutrient poor surface waters
Tukey tests confirmed that there were no significant differences (Benitez-Nelson et al., 2007; McGillicuddy et al., 1998; Waite
(p40.1) between categories in the upper 0–20 m or in the lower et al., 2007). Although this study revealed some variations in
151–200 m layers (Fig. 9). Some differences were observed between chlorophyll concentration between cyclonic and anti-cyclonic
categories in the 101–150 m layer for cruise MC07, where the mean eddies, these differences were not significant (Fig. 9) and this
integrated biomass was lowest for cyclonic and divergence stations may be related to elevated grazing by more abundant zooplank-
and more elevated at frontal, anti-cyclonic and shelf stations. The ton communities in cyclonic eddies as opposed to anti-cyclonic
largest differences were noted for the 21–100 m layer, where eddies (Huggett, 2014). Omta et al. (2009) suggested that phyto-
integrated chla was lowest at anti-cyclonic stations and greater at plankton biomass in the Mozambique Channel remains relatively
cyclonic stations (Fig. 9), but this was not statistically robust (p40.1). constant throughout the year and that the observed summer
Biomass levels were intermediate at divergence and frontal stations minima and winter maxima in satellite chlorophyll a concentra-
for MC07, but more elevated for MC08A (Fig. 9). Shelf stations for tions were the result of variations in cellular chlorophyll content.
MC08A exhibited significantly higher concentrations, yielding a The larger chlorophyll concentrations observed in the frontal
mean value of 61.8 mg m  2 compared to 21.9 mg m  2 for MC07. regions (Fig. 10), may also be due to the divergent surface flow
The horizontal distribution of the integrated chla for the 0–20 m and patterns associated with cyclonic eddies which act to export
21–100 m depth layers suggested that the highest concentrations phytoplankton communities toward the edges of these eddies
were found in the frontal regions during MC08A, with lower (Bakun, 2006; Moore et al., 2007; Thompson et al., 2007). It is
concentrations observed in the cores of cyclonic and anti-cyclonic likely that these phytoplankton communities stimulated a food
eddies (Fig. 10). The most striking observation was the band of chain that accounted for the aggregation of fish and bird
elevated subsurface chla (Fig. 10D) associated with the nutrient-rich, populations at the perimeter of eddies (Weimerskirch et al.,
cool upwelled water along the coast (Fig. 8B). Similar observations of 2004; Tew Kai and Marsac, 2010). Some studies have reported
elevated phytoplankton biomass in the coastal region off 161S have elevated phytoplankton biomass related to anti-cyclonic eddies
previously been documented (Lutjeharms, 2006). (Rodríguez et al., 2003; Waite et al., 2007), particularly those that
The surface layers of oligotrophic regions are characterised by interact with shelf regions and entrain highly productive coastal
low levels of phytoplankton biomass, while subsurface, phyto- waters into their boundaries (Crawford et al., 2005; Moore et al.,
plankton often accumulate at distinct depths to form a DCM 2007). Most studies investigating the variability of phytoplankton
(Cullen, 1982). In the North Sea, Richardson et al. (1998) concluded biomass in the Mozambique Channel have been conducted using
that the DCM accounted for up to 75% of the total areal production. satellite data (Omta et al., 2009; Tew-Kai and Marsac, 2009),
Conversely, in the Atlantic Ocean, the DCM made a minor which primarily reflected surface patterns. This study has pre-
contribution to the total biomass and production since it formed sented more detail of vertical distributions and demonstrated the
primarily as a result of lower carbon: chlorophyll a ratios at depth importance of the subsurface biomass maxima in the frontal and
(Maranon et al., 2000). In the coastal eastern Indian Ocean, Hanson shelf regions as a consequence of the interaction of mesoscale
et al. (2007) found that the carbon content of phytoplankton eddies with the continental slope off Mozambique.
communities at the DCM was up to five times greater than at the In conclusion, satellite altimetry has proven to be very useful for
surface and that the DCM contributed significantly to the overall classifying cyclonic and anti-cyclonic eddies in the Mozambique
water column primary production. Similarly, this study showed Channel, and the use of discriminant function analysis provides
that in the Mozambique Channel, phytoplankton populations in a statistically objective method for the identification of oceanographic
the DCM layer between 21 and 100 m accounted for 50–82% of the features associated with mesoscale eddy fields. Hydrographic differ-
total biomass in the upper 200 m (Fig. 9). ences between cyclonic and anti-cylonic eddies were greater at

100 100
MC07 C MC08A C
80 A 80 A
Integrated chla (mg m-2)
Integrated chla (mg m-2)

60 60

40 40

20 20

0 0

-20 -20
0-20 m 21-100 m 101-150 m 151-200 m 0-20 m 21-100 m 101-150 m 151-200 m
Depth range (m) Depth range (m)

Fig. 9. Box and whisker plots showing the means and standard deviation of integrated chlorophyll a concentrations over the four depth ranges (0–20 m, 21–100 m,
101–150 m, 151–200 m) for each station category during cruises (A) MC07, and (B) MC08A (C—Cyclonic, D—Divergence, F—Frontal, A—Anti-cyclonic, S—Shelf).
104 T. Lamont et al. / Deep-Sea Research II 100 (2014) 94–105

Fig. 10. Integrated chlorophyll a for the (A) 0–20 m depth range (MC07), (B) 21–100 m depth range (MC07), (C) 0–20 m depth range (MC08A), and (D) 21–100 m depth range
(MC08A). Note the difference in scaling for integrated chlorophyll a for the two depth ranges.

depth but insignificant in the surface layers. While subsurface that the interaction of mesoscale eddies with the continental slope
temperature, salinity, and nutrient concentrations showed substan- yielded enhanced phytoplankton biomass close to the shelf and
tial differences, integrated chlorophyll did not vary greatly between considerable offshore advection of this biomass into the frontal
cyclonic and anti-cyclonic eddies. An important observation was zones between eddies.
T. Lamont et al. / Deep-Sea Research II 100 (2014) 94–105 105

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