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WOOP Goals

1st Goal:

W = Able to come to the school on time(before 7:30 a.m.).

O = My time management skills will be better and able to use my time efficiently with
positive things.
O = Unexpected events/my sleeping time.
P = If I want to sleep more and avoid traffic problems, then I will sleep early to get enough
sleep and travel to school earlier to avoid traffic problems.

2nd Goal:

W = Achieve higher grade here at MUIDS.

O = Receiving a good grade will have more chance of entering university. Also, I will be
proud of myself to use my own ability to receive a higher grade.
O = School works/test and exam/extracurricular activities.
P = If my school works and other obstacles obsess me, then I will complete all of my school
works at school/divided my time for other activities/ and studying before the test or exam.

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