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To: Professor Pier LeCompte

From: Douglas J. Acevedo Cruzado
Date: September 28, 2020
Subject: Summary of “¿Cómo preparar un CV y Portafolio?” Conference Presentation

A presentation of the Physics and Chemistry Students Association from the University of Puerto
Rico at Ponce was held remotely via Google Meet video conference on September 10, 2020.
The presentation convened at 12:00 PM, Professor Pier LeCompte offering the presentation.
Students from different concentrations attended to this meeting. This report emphasizes
important details about the presentation about preparing a curriculum vitae and portfolio.

The presentation had a purpose of showing and explaining how to properly organize
documents and information with high value for the preparations of a curriculum vitae. It also
highlighted that it could be used for employment or graduated school. The purpose of a
curriculum was differentiated versus a resume, since one is for organizing academic records and
the other is to show experiences, respectively. It was shown various ways and techniques to
create a portfolio to keep track of your documents and have them at hand in any occasions.
Another technique that it was shown was a way to keep certificates, important certifications, or
some type of document that you will need in the future by creating folders. It basically consists
of establishing a pre-organized environment for a facilitated process in the future. In other
words, the sooner the better.

The presentation was a tool for those students in despair and those with curiosity to improve
and take steps that will lead them to a sense of responsibility and organization.

The presentation conference adjourned at 2:00 PM
C ertificado de P articipación

Douglas J . A cevedo Cruzado


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