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Fill in the present perfect simple or the past simple.

1. I   a great film yesterday. (see)
Have you e
2.   a cheap laptop? (you ever buy)
3. Sue   the flu last winter. (have)
4. A few days ago, we   to his uncle. (drive)
5. They   bingo on Wednesday afternoon. (play)
6. He   the bus to get there. (already take)
has ran
7. Last week my rabbit   away. (run)
8. We   a lot last Sunday. (do)
Has she ev
9.   to India? (she ever be)
10. I   him last Monday. (meet)
hasn't w oken up
11. She   yet. (not wake up)
haven't me
12. I   her since last Thursday. (not meet)
13. Bob   well last night. (sleep)
14. I   a letter from her two days ago. (get)
already arr
15. They   in Germany. (already arrive)

have lived
1. I   in Seattle for five years. (live)
2. Someone   my bike! Now I'll have to walk home. (steal)
3. When Bob was young, he   in London. (live)
4. I would like to visit Berlin sometime. Unfortunately, I   there. (never be)
w ent
5. Tim   to Scotland last year. (go)
already ate
6. I'm afraid I'm not hungry anymore. I   . (already eat)
7. They don't live here anymore. They   two years ago. (leave)
has you fin
8. Ann,   reading the newspaper yet? (you finish)
9. We   football yesterday afternoon. (play)
w asn't
10. The weather   very good last week. (not be)
haven't arr
11. Where are the girls? They   yet. (not arrive)
has been played
12. Her friend is an actor. He   in many movies. (play)
13. We   our vacation in Florida last summer. (spend)
14. His grandfather   in April last year. (die)
have just fi
15. I'm ready to go shopping. I   my homework. (just finish)

1. Sam   a new cell phone a few months ago. (buy)
have had
2. I didn't know that he bought a new cell phone. Yes, he   it for a few months
now. (have)
w ent
3. Last year we   to Scotland for our holidays. (go)
have just been
4. You look relaxed! Yes, I   on vacation. (just been)
haven't don
5. I can't join you now because I   my homework yet. (not do)
6. I   all my homework yesterday afternoon. (do)
didn't sleep
7. I   very well the last nights. (not sleep)
have had
8. Are you tired? Yes, I   a hard day. (have)
w as
9. Here is the news. There   an accident on the M1 near Nottingham. (be)
10. I   my keys. Did you take them with you this morning? (lose)
has lived
11. Tom   in Sydney all his life. (live)
you stayed
12. How long   out last night? You look tired. (you stay)
Have you ever had
13.   an accident? No, never. (you ever have)
has started
14. My sister is going to Italy in the summer. That's why she   to learn Italian.
15. I   a cold last year. (not have)

Have you called phoned didn't answ e

1.   (you call) her yet? Yes, I   (phone) her at six, but she   
(not answer) so far.
had w ent
2. First we   (have) dinner at our favourite restaurant, and then we   
(go) to the cinema.
they met
3. When   (they meet) for the first time?
w atched have ever
4. I   (watch) his movie yesterday. It's the best movie I   (ever see).
haven't giv
5. They   (not give) me any money since March.
w rote
6. She   (write) a letter to her parents some days ago.
has just pa
7. Carol   (just pass) her English exam.
has been
8. My brother   (be) ill several times this year.
Have you a
9.   (you already pack) your suitcase?
Have you recently met talked
10.   your uncle? (you recently meet) Yes, I   (talk) to him last
Monday when I   (see) him at the shopping centre.
Has she do did
11.   (she do) her homework yet? Yes, she   (do) it yesterday.
12. She is bleeding because she   (cut) her finger.
Have they visited stayed
13.   (they visit) the Taj Mahal when they   (stay) in India?
has gone has came
14. He   (go) to Brazil, but now he   (come) back again.
bought solt
15. Dan   (buy) his car last March and   (sell) it yesterday.

has been has rained

1. It   very dry this month, but it   a lot last week. (be / rain)
w ent
2. Last July, I   to visit my relatives in Barcelona. (go)
3. I think I   her once before. (meet)
w as haven't bee
4. I   there last year but I   there lately. (be / not be)
hasn't give
5. I cannot contact her because she   me her email address. (not give)
w atched
6. I love this movie. It's the third time I   it. (watch)
Have you r
7.   her today's paper article? (you read)
8. We   our suitcases yesterday evening. (pack)
have just c
9. They   home from their summer vacation. (just come)
10. I think he won't be able to work because he   his leg last Friday. (break)
sold moved
11. In 2012, they   their house in the country and   to a flat in the
city. (sell / move)
has w orke met
12. She   as a lawyer since I   her eight years ago. (work / meet)
have phone
13. They   since last Monday. (phone)
Did you w a
14.   the late-night show yesterday? (you watch)
arrived met
15. We   at the hotel at about eight and   our friends two hours later.
(arrive / meet)
Have you w
1. Mother: I want to prepare dinner. (you / wash)   the dishes yet?
w ashed haven't
2. Daughter: I (wash)   the dishes yesterday, but I (have / not)   the
time yet to do it today.
Have you already did
3. Mother: (you / do / already)   your homework?
have just ca
4. Daughter: No, I (come / just)   home from school.
5. Mother: You (come)   home from school two hours ago!
called arrived
6. Daughter: Well, but my friend Lucy (call)   when I (arrive)   and
have just finished
I (finish / just)   the phone call.
Did you see
7. Mother: (you / see / not)   Lucy at school in the morning?
haven't had
8. Daughter: Yes, but we (have / not)   time to talk then.
have lived
9. 1. 'This is my house.' 'How long have you lived here?' 'I   
(live) here since 1997.'
w ent
10. 2. He lived in London for two years and then he   (go) to
have w orn
11. 3. When I left school, I cut my hair and   (wear) it
short ever since.
w rote
12. 4. Shakespeare   (write) a lot of plays.
has w riten
13. 5. My brother   (write) several plays. He has just
finished his latest.
haven't seen
14. 6. I   (not see) him for three years. I wonder where
he is.
hasn't smoken
15. 7. He   (not smoke) for two weeks. He is trying to
give it up.
16. 8. Chopin   (compose) some of his music in Majorca.
he arrived
17. 9. 'When   (he/arrive)?' 'He arrived at 2 o'clock.'
have enjoy
18. 10. I read his books when I was at school. I   (enjoy)
them very much.
haven't finished
19. 11. I can't go out because I   (not finish) my work
have never drinken
20. 12. 'I   (never/drink) whiskey.' 'Well, have some
have just cleaned
21. 13. Here are your shoes. I   (just/clean) them.
22. 14. I left home at 8.00a.m. and I   (get) here at
23. 15. I   (meet) him last June.
Did you see
24. 16.   (you/see) the moon last night?
w rote
25. 17. Cervantes   (write) Don Quixote.
26. 18. He   (break) his leg in a skiing accident last year.

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