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COMSATS Institute

Of Information Technology Islamabad,

Abbottabad Campus.

Project assignment:



Executive Summary

The natural electricity resources of Pakistan now a days have become very limited just because
of their excessive use. It is said that due to heavy consumption of these natural energy resources
will be totally finished in next thirty - two years.  So technology should be made which connects
this energy consumption to INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY to figure out this problem. From
the start of twenty first century many countries are facing energy crisis and problems. Globally
the main cause of energy crisis is the limited energy resources. The main reason for load
shedding is poor infrastructure of power supply and it can be improvised by using strict policies
for punishment for power theft to reduce shortage of electricity. 

This study tells us about the energy crisis and this energy shortage is due to increasing demands
and improper functioning of the grid stations. Following things are recommended to improvise
this energy crisis ; Performance evolution , facilitating WAPDA labor , increasing working hours
, reduce domestic power consumption , increasing construction of dams , increasing the
installation of new towers and cables and increasing the use of Renewable energy resources

1.0 Introduction…………………………………………………………5

1.0.1 Introduction…………………………………………………..5

1.0.2 Statement of the problem……………………………..6

1.2. Significance of study……………………………………………6

1.3. Scope of study…………………………………………………..7

1.4. Review of Related Literature…………………………….......7

1.4.1. N.R Lodhi report………………………………………7

1.4.2 Rija Cheema report…………………………………….7

1.4.3 Dawn news report…………………………………….8

1.4.4 Intekhab Hanif Report………………………………8

1.5 Method of study………………………………………………..8

1.5.1. Source of data…………………………………………….8

1.5.2 Sample Selection………………………………………….8

1.5.3 Questions table……………………………………………9

1.6 limitation of study……………………………………………………9

2.0 Introduction………………………………………………………….10

2.1 Findings………………………………………………………….10

2.1.1 Gas distribution in Pakistan provinces…………10

2.1.2 Energy sources in Pakistan……………………11

2.1.3 Construction of dams………………………….12

2.1.4 Load shedding effect on industry………………12

2.1.5 Power distribution and power lines…………..13

2.1.6 Areas affected by over load shedding………..14

2.3 Recommendations…………………………………………...16

2.3.1 Performance evaluation……………………………16

2.3.2 Facilitating WAPDA labor……………………….16

2.3.3 Working hours……………………………………..16

2.3.4 Domestic power consumption……………………..16

2.3.5 Construction of dams………………………………16

2.3.6 Installation of new towers and power cables………16

2.3.7 Use of renewable energy sources…………………..16

2.3.8 Use of natural resources…………………………….17

2.3.9 Making of strict law and implementation………….18

2.4 Bibliography………………………………............................18

2.5 Appendix……………………………………………………18


1.0.1 Introduction
From the start of 21st century, science and technology has progressed and with exception of some
counties across the globe, all other are facing serious crisis of power and energy. Today,
developing nations are experiencing a greater challenge while coping with the situation. Whole
socio-economic development of a country is based on the better use of resources. The excessive
production and requirement as well is rising day by day.
Globally, the “main cause of energy crisis” refers to the natural problem of limited resources. As
the whole world has scarce natural resources that are decreasing every moment, the chance of

producing electricity from natural assets is decreasing. Many countries are producing electricity
only by burning coal. Some other countries like India are utilizing water to produce energy. The
question is for how long these resources would be accessible to fulfill the increasing energy
needs of human beings. Simply one can say that our planet is relying on coal, natural gas, water,
fossil fuels and petroleum to generate power.
A recent study on energy and power crisis reveals that we have used almost 50% of oil resources
till now and if we continue the consumption at the same rate then we would run out of the oil
resources in about 32 years.
A research article that DAWN newspaper has published reveals that during last score of years,
Pakistan has also faced extremely worst conditions. Although the country is a rich in natural
resources and minerals. Yet the menace isn’t lesser endangering the country’s economy and
development in various fields. The above stated problem becomes more serious if we dig it deep.
The reliability on oil, gas and petroleum for energy generation is also not a secure step. Since
partition, Pakistan has not ample technological assistance for production and consumption of
The ministry of Water And Power Development Authority (WAPDA) has prepared reports,
which reveal the exact figures of the loss of numerous assets due to electricity load shedding.
The detail that how all these mix resources contribute a little to make the grand total installed
production capacity of the whole country is tabulated below:

Resources Total Production Capacity


Hydral 6,611
Nuclear 775
Wind 206.4
Solar 1,000
Total 22,957.4
The table shows maximum production of electricity and it shows that most of the generation of
electricity is from non-renewable resources.

Power Plants

Company Location Capacity


Terbela Dam 3478

WAPDA(HYDEL) Mangla Dam 1000
Ghazi-Barotha Hydro Power 1450

WAPDA(THERMAL) Guddu Thermal Power Plant 1655
Muzaffar Garh Thermal Power 1350
Jamshoro Thermal Power Plant 850

Many solid reasons are there behind all crucial issues, so are discussed while citing many studies
of different individuals in this report. This report is containing all possible discussion with in the
scope of study along with remedies and recommendations.
All key features are following as a review of the detailed report

1.1 Statement of the problem

The purpose of this study is to point out the burning issue of electricity in Pakistan. Pakistan has
many resources to produce electricity but due to certain administrative flaws and lack of
advanced technological resources.

1.2 Significance of study

There are some major reasons for severe load shedding. The first reasons is poor infrastructure of
power supply can be solved by using advance technological resources for the supply of power so
that consumption should be minimum.
Strict policies and punishments for power theft can reduce the shortage of electricity. Policies for
collecting the bills can strictly increase the profit.
Reliance on Non-renewable energy is a threat for our energy sources therefore use of renewable
sources can increase the production of electricity.
Few dams are working 24 hours so increasing the working period of dams can increase the
production of electricity and this can be done by proper work on dams.
Investing for planting the nuclear power plant can cover the needs of power of Pakistan with less
budget. By emphasizing these points production of power can be increase and can fulfill the
needs of Pakistan.

1.3 Scope of the study:

The study was limited to needs of power of Pakistan, as good management is the 1st step for
increasing of production of power. This study was restricted to shortage of power in Pakistan
different areas. Data of this study is collected from 1990 to during period. Study include the
different areas of Pakistan. Most of the data was calculated from the most affected areas of
Pakistan and rural areas.

1.4 Review of Related literature:

R.N.Lodhi report (2013): a research scholar stated that people in Pakistan are facing many
problems due to load shedding which is a result of electricity shortages. This study investigated
the consequences of electricity shortage on daily routines and overall performance of people in
Pakistan. Data was collected through video recorded interviews and written comment-based
interviews using a social network of “Face Book” as suggested by QSR-International (2012).
Sample includes students, housewives, professional workers and businessmen who are living in
Pakistan. The study identified 22 different results of electricity shortage in daily routines of
people in Pakistan. Sleeplessness, incompletion of tasks, use of alternative resources and
inefficient learning have been found to be the more critical results of electricity shortage.
Furthermore, the consequences of electricity shortage were divided into social and psychological
problems. It concluded that the shortage of electricity had changed the lives of people in Pakistan
irrespective of their professions.

Rija-Cheema report (2014): a journalist stated that Pakistan’s major cities were experiencing
power outages for more than 10 hours every day. The state of affairs demands immediate
attention. There were many reasons owing to which Pakistan couldn’t create the requisite
amount of electricity to meet demand such as rising fuel prices, the rising burden of circular
debt, lack of inexpensive fuel, lack of new power projects and inefficient electricity production
and distribution. Students and members of the working class have faced many problems owing
to this shortage of power. Hence, the problem of load-shedding should be given top priority by
the government.

Dawn News Report (2017): An authentic news source, states that the coal power plant will
have to units each with a combined capacity 1320 MW. 1 unit holding 660MW capacity, are
expected to be completed by the end of 2018.

Moreover it was reported that local population of rural area s in Pakistan is facing adverse effects
of load shedding. The government is responsible for heavy loss of economy because domestic
industrialists are complaining the routine schedule of load shedding.

Intekhab Hanif report (2018): A research scholar stated that power production in the country
has dropped to only 7,500MW as against a demand of 13,000MW, leading to the closure of grid
stations even for approximately three hours at a stretch.

IESCO has faced with an emergency and therefore declares that any grid station can be closed
any time. The worst power crisis has stopped the industrial wheel and once again workers have
been made jobless. The families of daily wagers are being forced into starvation. Unscheduled

cuts in power supply to industrial and domestic users have gone to sickening extremes for the

Load shedding is unbearable for the people whom inflation has already crushed. If this menace is
not controlled, the people will take to the streets and there will be no place for the rulers to hide.
The government and the Ministry of Water and Power are required to plan comprehensively to
overcome the load shedding.

1.5 Methods of study:

1.5.1 Source of data:

Data of this study was collected from the research report of different power authorities of
Pakistan. Data was also collected from the conference paper published in Lahore named as
“Renewable Energy Resources assessment in Pakistan”.
Data was calculated from the employee of the water and power development authority Pakistan.
And data also was calculated from the people of affected areas of Pakistan. Genius reviews of
Pakistan famous writer are also included.

1.5.2 Sample selection:

The respondents involve in this survey were researchers, local people and employees of WAPDA
located in Lahore. Every member of research group was responsible for collecting of authentic
information and data. To ensure authenticity, we sent the respondents self-addressed, stamped
envelopes. The controls were used to eliminate duplication of the responses.
Following are some of the questions asked from the above mentioned people:
Question Table:

Q1: What is the duration of load Shedding in your area?

Q2: What is your point of view about local Power Supply administration?
Q3: If you are WAPDA employee (Y/N)?
How much you rate your progress at your respective work place? (out of 10)
Q4: (For WAPDA authorities) what is the nature of funding’s and plans for departmental
Q5: (Factory Managers/owners) How you suffer from the shortfall of Electricity
Q6: (Students) What do you think how can be load shedding controlled?
Q7: How are you affected by the shortfall of the Electricity?

1.5.3 Statistical method:
Simple statistical methods were used to tabulate the result of this study. The primary data was
analyzed using the percent
GDB. To compute short fall of power, the production of power was divided by the used power
in Pakistan. 2nd data was collected from the responses of WAPDA employee and local people. In
question one, responses for load shedding were reported. In question number two and three, the
result was tabulated for the response of question which areas are less affected by load shedding.
In question four response for the responsible of crisis of power was asked. In question five
people were asked about the duration of load shedding and result was calculated on the basis of
their responses. The sixth and seven questions were asked from the authorities for the resources
and reasons for short fall and data was calculated according to their answers.

1.6 Limitation of study:

The study may be limited through the use of a questionnaire as a data collection instrument.
Because there were many areas affected from the shortage of power therefore many areas were
included. Due to lack of past data for power shortage, limited the study. The study may also be
limited due to simple questioning method. Use of simple statistical techniques can introduce an
element of subjectivity into the interpretation and analysis of data.

Section II
Findings, Conclusions, and Recommendations

2.0 Introduction
This study was developed to get suggestion of common people on authority and difficulties of
people due to over load shedding. This study also include the effect of energy crisis on Pakistan
economics and industry. Moreover, this study provide an approach and methodology quantifying
cost of load shedding to households in Pakistan. More than 10 questions were asked from the
people and the result was concluded according to their responses. This section includes the
findings, conclusion and recommendations.

2.1 Findings
Findings of this report are given in different sections which are given below. These will findings give the
concept for increment of power and different issues which are harmful. This section is divided into

different sections such as gas contribution, unpaid bills, energy sources, action for production of power in

2.1.1 Gas distribution in Pakistan provinces:

Production of electricity in Pakistan rely on gas and oil. Due to this distribution of gas has a great effect
on power supply and production. As Punjab is consider the most developed province in Pakistan.
Therefore great portion of gas is supplied to Punjab. Below is the graph shows the distribution of gas in
Pakistan different provinces:

Figure 2.1
Above graph shows the province wise gas supply.

2.1.2 Energy sources In Pakistan:

Pakistan has an installed electricity generation capacity of 25,100 MW in 2017. The

average demand is 22,000 MW and the shortfall was between 5,000 and 6,000 MW. Oil
(35.2 per cent), hydel (29.9 per cent), gas (29 per cent), and nuclear, solar and imported
(6 per cent) are the principal sources.

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Figure 2.2
As comparing to other countries Pakistan mostly rely on oil and other non-renewable sources while in other
countries renewable sources are used for the production for electricity.
Below graph shows the energy sources of U.S.

Figure 2.3
Above graph shows that most power and developed country of the world rely on non-renewable sources
for the production of power.

2.1.3 Construction of Dams:

As population of Pakistan increases rapidly therefore requirement of power also increases as

well. Therefore there is a great need of new projects for the production of power. But due to lack
of responsible authorities in Pakistan, rate of construction work is very low. Only in 2018, more
than 200 large and small dams are under construction.

2.1.4 Load shedding effects on Pakistan industries: Load shedding has a great effect on
Pakistan industries. It always proved costly for Pakistan industry. According to report penicillin
is rare in Pakistan and the reason behind it is load shedding. Due to load shedding and high
electricity prices companies increased the rates of medicines. But government forbid them to do
this. As a result companies stopped to produce the penicillin. Now a day’s penicillin is
unavailable in Pakistan

2.1.5 Power distribution and power lines and their role in load shedding: Old and
damage power lines is another reason for the consumption of electricity in Pakistan. Power is
distributed in old copper wires which increase the resistance and increase the consumption in
power. There are two types of transmission loss:

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1. Technical loss
2. Non-technical loss

I. Technical loss: technical loss is due to energy dissipated in the conductors,

equipment used for the distribution of electricity and magnetic loss in transformers.
 Loss due to technical reason is 22.5% and directly depend on the network
 Long power lines are the major reasons for the technical loss.
 Installation of transformers away from the load meters.
 Low power factor of primary and secondary distribution System.

II. Non-technical loss (commercial loss): Non-technical loss is about 16.6%.

Main reasons for the non-technical loss are given below.

 Power theft
 Metering inaccuracies
 Un metered supply
 Error in meter reading
 Billing problem

2.1.6 Areas affected by over load shedding: Villages in Pakistan are highly affected by
over load shedding. Moreover duration of load shedding varies in summer and winter.
In summer due to high usage of electricity load shedding became high while in winter
duration becomes low. Below is the figure which shows the load shedding affected

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Figure 2.4

This figure shows that north areas are most affected by power crisis. While Punjab areas are less affected. Moreover
due to increase in population demand in power also increase.
Given below graph shows the demand of power from 2007-11:

Figure 2.5

2. Conclusion

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On the basis of the findings, several conclusions concerning the effects of load shedding on the
local masses can be drawn. The findings of this study indicated that energy crises are not only
because of shortage of dams and power plants for production of electricity.
Many factors are the root cause of load shedding including mismanagement and
administrative flaws.
From this study, it can be concluded that shortage of electricity is increasing every day. Grid
stations are not functioning progressively due to use of older technological systems. In addition,
government has not provided sufficient funds for the department and the employees of WAPDA
are not trained to be efficient.
According to the study, many folks do not pay the utility bills including electricity bills;
many people commit the crime of electricity theft.
Of all above discussed reasons, shortage of power generating plants and some
administrative as well as individual faults are highlighting the reasons of shortfall. Load
shedding has affected rural areas largely and partially the urban areas of all the four provinces of

3. Recommendations
Electricity load shedding in Pakistan has increased manifold, which is constantly
becoming a source of agony and a great hassle for the citizens. There stands an urgent need to
address this crisis wisely. Most importantly there stands a dire need for the government to
resolve this crisis quickly. The government should build a stringent framework to purchase cheap
electricity from China and Iran.

2.3.1 Performance Evaluation: KESCO, LESCO, PEPCO’s performance should be regularly

monitored by the government to eliminate any loopholes in its effective functioning. The
government should formulate a special committee and task force to monitor the functioning of
these electricity supply companies. Task forces of government should point out inefficiency and
remedies for it.

2.3.2 Facilitating WAPDA Labor: Moreover, steps must be taken to prevent labor union
strikes of LESCO and KESCO so as to ensure effective power provision to residents,
commercial businesses etc. The government should chalk out effective ways to keep on
motivating these power supply company’s workers through timely rise in their wages and
salaries and other lucrative incentives.
2.3.3 Working Hours: At the commercial level, all the businesses should collectively decide to
start their businesses one hour early than usual in the morning and shut them one hour before
than usual. A year ago, the government itself implemented third policy for businesses but it no
longer was carried this year.This will help to save electricity and to provide the residents greater
power supply.

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2.3.4 Domestic Power Consumption: At the household level, the residents should also make an
economical usage of electricity by operating air conditioners at a lower thermostat. They should
make a sensible and prudent use of electricity thinking that majority of Pakistani citizens remains
deprived of power supply most of the times. They should cut off the unwanted consumption of
electricity. The usage of air conditioners should be reduced when the weather turns really good
and is least humid.
2.3.5 Construction of Dams: Lastly, the government should chalk out solid plans to build in
more dams that will be a positive step in electricity generation. Kalabagh dam’s dispute should
be resolved at earliest as this dam being strategic importance if built can contribute productively
towards electricity generation in the country and can reduce load shedding in Pakistan.
2.3.6 Installation of new Towers and Power Cables: The cables and towers already installed
are in worst condition. Due to which electricity losses are increasing every day. Many disasters
have occurred during last decade. Therefore for prevention of these loses, new towers and cables
should be installed. This will ultimately result in conservation and power supply.
2.3.7 Use of Renewable Energy Resources: Mega projects may be launched in remote areas
where electricity is almost unavailable to the masses. If the new projects of 1000 watts each add
a good digit to the total production, it will lead to decrease in load shedding. Wind mills may be
installed in coastal as well as hilly areas to add to production. Solar power plants are also the big
sources to produce electricity.
Electricity through solar power plants had many profit. Some of them are given below:
i. Friendly Environment System: Solar power plants produce no pollution that’s why we can
called it friendly environment system.
ii. Free of cost: Solar power plants are almost free of costs. Once solar power plant is planted
then there is no need of cost moreover.
2.3.8 Use of Natural Resources: There are numerous natural resources in our country. Our
homeland is rich in following common resources:

 Coal
 Oil
 Natural Gas
 Uranium etc.
Many power plants can be established in Baluchistan, Punjab and K.P.K. Moreover many of the
plants can be upgraded to increase energy production while lowering the load shedding.
2.3.9 Making of Strict Law and Implementation: power theft is another reason for the
shortage of electricity. To avoid this government should take strict action against the responsible.
They should take heavy fine from the thefts so that none in the future will do illegal things.
Government can take following actions to avoid such things:

i. Heavy Fines: Government can warn people through heavy fines. For this purpose minimum
fine should be 50,000.

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ii. Strict Punishments: people who are doing this kind of illegal actions should be punished
strictly according to law and order. For this purpose they should be punished from six months of
jail to 3 years of. In other country minimum punishment for power theft is 2 year.

Image source slide
Image source
Information source
Figure 2.3 climate warming central
News source
Information source of 2.4.1 dawn news (March 01, 2016) from
2.5 From the
Source for technical and non-technical information
Figure 2.4 The express
Figure 2.5

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