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Republic of the Philippines


Guang-guang, Dahican, City of Mati, Davao Oriental

Detailed Lesson English for Kindergarten

TITLE: Members of the Family (p. 9)

Student Demonstrators:

Ann Genette Apostol Mr. Pequiro

Ian Angel B. Osnan Evaluator

Detailed Lesson Plan of English for Kindergarten

I. Objectives

At the end of 60 minute period the children should be able to:

a. Identify the names of the pictures of each members of the family and their roles.
b. Make a “Family Tree”.
c. Appreciate the roles and how significant each members are.

II. Subject Matter

a. Title: Members of the Family

b. Materials: Worksheets, printed materials, pictures
c. References:

III. Procedure

A. Preliminary Activity
(ring the bell)
Everybody stand. Fall in line.
Joan, can you lead the prayer?
For those Catholics just abide the
traditional signing of the cross, for those
Muslim just open your hand like these, and
for those are not Catholic just fold your
hand when praying.
In the name of the Father, the Son, the
Holy Spirit.

When Its Time To Pray

When its time to pray, I close my eyes
close eyes, close my eyes.
When its time to pray, l close my eyes
When I talk to Jesus.
When its time to pray, l fold my hands,
fold my hands, fold my hands.
When its time to pray l fold my hands
When l talk to Jesus.

The Prayer
Our Father who art in Heaven
Holy be thy Name
Your kingdom come your will be done
On earth as it is in Heaven
Give us today, our daily bread
And forgive us our sin,
As we forgive those sinned against us.
Do not bring us to test but deliver as from evil. Amen.
So now, lets sing the “National Anthem”.
(Children are singing)
Okay, before you sit kindly pick trashes
under your chair. If you see a dirt kindly
pick them and throw in the trash can. If
there’s no trash just keep them inside your
bag and throw them in the trash can later,
after our class. Okay, take your sit.

Good afternoon class.

“How Do You Do?”

How do you do everybody,

how do you do.
How do you everybody,
how do you do.
I am glad to welcome you
in this beautiful afternoon.
How do you do, everybody how do you do?
How are you class? Howam about your
day, was it good so far? Okay good to hear
Then how about your breakfast, have you
eaten your breakfast? Who among you
hear did not eat their breakfast. None so far
meaning you eat your breakfast. Very good
By the way, I’m teacher Angel.
Student please stand up. Lets have an
exercise. Follow me.
(teacher Angel and students are doing
Are you all having fun?
Okay take your sit class.

May I know who is absent today? Just say

present when your name is called.

If you mind can l ask you, what is the day

Yes, Carol.
Dianne, isn’t she’s right that today is
Very good Dianne. Carol’s right today is
Monday. Again. Everyone today is Monday.

If is it Monday, how many days are there in

a week. Yes Marlo.
Very good Marlo. There are seven days in
a week. One of those day is what Carols
answered earlier about the day today which
is Monday. How about the other days?
What are their names?
Yes, Kaye?
Yes, Antoneth?
How about you Anna?
And Ivan?

Very good class. There are seven days in a

week namely: Monday, Tuesday,
Wednesday, Thursday, Friday, Saturday
and Sunday. Again today is Monday and
Monday is the second day of the week. Did
you get me? Very good class. I’m sorry
class. I really don’t know, what is the
weather today. Can you help teacher?
What is the weather today, is it sunny day,
cloudy day or rainy day? Yes Janina.
Let's see. (teacher is going outside to see
the weather)
Okay. Janina's right. Today is rainy day. Do
you bring your umbrella with you?
Ahh okay I understand your mom will bring
it since they’re here to pick you up. Just be
safe when you go home because its
slippery just be careful tell your mom ok?
Very good. Its raining and as usual cold
Okay class, I have something for you.
These are chocolates your favorite
cupcake also l have medals. So I'll give you
this rewards in one condition. What are the
conditions? I want you, all of you to obey
the rules and regulations here in this class.
First rule, sit properly. Your hands on your
lap, make sure your legs are closed.
Second rule, raise your right hand if you
want to answer. Do not answer in chorus. If
teacher ask you all you need to do is raise
your hand to answer the question. Third
rule, do not talk to your classmate while
teacher is having a lesson and please
behave. Did I make myself clear? Very
good. If you break the rule, automatically I
will not give any of this reward. If you don’t
want this Ill just eat these with myself.
Before we start the discussion, lend me
your ear first because I will going to read
the objective listen carefully. (teacher read
the objectives).

B. Review the Lesson

Class, can you still recall our last topic

Yes, Nestor?
Very well said. Our topic last meeting was
all about differences of people or an
Hanadey, can you give atleast one of our
differences? You don’t remember? Anyone
from the class.
Yes Gisselle. Very good Gisselle.
Remember this class we have differences
just like Paul he is a boy and Gisselle is a
girl. Are both have the same gender/
preferences? Exactly class. Not just our
gender but also we have differences in
culture, gender, traditions, religion even our
wants and needs we are all live in
differences but the most important thing
you instilled in your mind is the respect.
Show respect from each other to your
classmate, your parents, to the people
around you especially to the teacher. Even
theyre not your family you should
remember this class respects be gets
respect. That means to say, showing them
a reapected manner so that your classmate
will respect you back. Do you understand?

C. Motivation

Before we start our discussion, we will

have first an activity. Do want to sing a
song? So for now I want you to participate
in the activity. Alright?
Heres what your going to do. There are
pictures pasted on the wall and in the floor.
When a song played there is a lyrics their
“Daddy finger2x, where are you?” so
meanwhile you find the image of a father
which you think that is the picture. After you
find his picture just stop right there and
have some dance or any move you want.
If its mommy find again the picture of a
mother. Just follow the song. Are you
ready? First thing, I want be careful in
running don’t harm your classmates. Do
you understand. If theres no problem lets
start the activity.
They find:
A picture of Father
A picture of Mother
A picture of Sister
A picture of Brother
A picture of Baby

(the activity was finished)

Are all having fun? Are enjoying the
activity. That’s good to hear. Okay so for
just settle down. Go back to your proper sit
and be quiet. What do you think might our
lesson this after afternoon? Well, we will
find out todays discussion. So for now, I
want you all to lend me your ears, your
eyes on me. No more talking. Nothing more
nothing less. Remember this, LISTEN,

D. Proper Discussion

So this afternoon we will having a new

lesson. What would it be? Earlier you did
an activity.
Hanadey, can you share with us your idea
about the activity. What do you think would
be the lesson this afternoon?
How about you, Anna?
Both of your answers were correct. This
afternoon we will discussing about the
members of the family, who they are, what
they are and what are the roles they play at

Who is the picture?

Yes Dayne?
How do know that this is an image of
father? Anyone from the class. Excellent
Dayne, your right this is an image of a
Everybody say father.
Joan, can you paste this picture on the
Thank you Joan.
Do you all have your father?
Where is he now? Can you tell me Jade,
what is he doing now? Or what is your
fathers job?

Hannah, what is your fathers job?

How about your father, Lyka?
That’s good to hear that. All your father are
making an effort for you because he works
outside just to provide the needs of his

What have you observe in the picture?

Rhea, you have an idea?
How about Jessie?
Lets call another one. Via, what is your
observation from the picture?
Thank you class. As you can see there has
a man which he does work at the farm.
That’s means to say, he is a farmer. I see
this picture as my father class because he
is a farmer also. He went in the farm
everyday. What do you think would the
reason, why is he working?
Yes Sarah?
Very good. To provide food for you, for me,
for us. That’s why I really love my father.
May I ask all of you, you love your father,
don’t you? Very good.
Did you know class that you’re father is a
hero? Do you agree with me? He takes all
even the hardest job just to be sure he will
earn money to buy food, to pay all the
expenses in the house. Your father is the
“Breadwinner” in the house.
As his daughter/son you should appreciate
your father by just saying “I Love You,
Papa” can help to ease the pain and keeps
them strong because for you, all of you as
his daughter/son.
Everybody say “I Love You, Papa”.

Next picture, who is in the picture?

Yes Ivan?
Very good Ivan. This is an image of a
mother. Everybody say mother. Again.
Jessie, can you tell me where is your
Bryan, where is your mother?
Frea, what is your mother doing?
Kamille, do you love your mama?
That’s good hear. Thank you sharing about
If we have a father, we have also a mother.
Mother class plays a huge part in the
Who cooks you breakfast, Charol?
Who help you when taking a bath?
Who is beside you when you sleep?
That’s right class. All of that was done by
your mother.
Remember this class your mother is light at
home. She does all the household chores
at home. She takes care your sister,
brother and baby. Be thankful to your

Next picture is?

Yes, Xia?
Are you sure? Very good Xia. This is an
image of sister.
Everybody say sister.
Who among you here have sister?
Yes, Shyra. Is your sister goes to school?
Very good. Your sister class is one of your
companion at home. Aside of your mother
who takes care of you, she is also concern
and help you whenever your doing
Not just that class. Your sister class is the
one who helped and assessed your mother
in doing household chores. Usually, she
prepares food at home, washes the plates,
washing the clothes, and cleaning the
house. She also own 1/8 of responsibilities
at home. Be thankful to your sister class

Next picture. Who is in the picture?

Yes Jhon?
Really? Are you sure?
Very Jhon. You were right. This is an
image of brother.
Everybody say brother.

Do you have your brother?

Paul, so are you the big brother and you
have your sister, right?
Ahhh Okay. As her big brother what do you
do when your sister was bullied by her
Im going to protect my sister. Exactly Paul.
You are second companion of your sister.
Your role was to protect your sister from
trouble. Not just that class. A brother is the
one who helped father, even some
household chores like scrubbing the floor,
cutting woods and even excavating the soil.
Those are commonly the jobs of a brother
plays at home.

Next picture. Who is in the picture?

Obviously, the picture is a baby. Do find the

baby cute? You know class I really love
babies. There like a jewels in my eyes.
Who among you here have baby brother or
baby sister?
Yes Niño, do you have a little brother or
sister? Do you love him/her?
Very good Niño.
Who can tell the roles played a baby?
Yes Subhiya?
Really. That sounds funny.
You have point Subhiya. One of the role of
a baby is giving happiness in the family.
For your mother and father a baby is like a
blessing, everytime they went at home from
work just a smile of a baby can takes away
the pain, burden and problem in the family.
Even though a baby usually a crying bear
but he is like a medicine.

So this afternoon we will have a short role

playing. Who will volunteer in this short
drama. Just two participant only. Okay we
have Joan portray a role of a baby, and
Mercie play the rile of a sister.

Joan is loud crying baby, every time she’s hungry she cries all the time. Because crying
is her only little way to be heard and provides what she wants. One day Joan suddenly
crying without no reasons. What do you think would be the problem? Mercie, what will
you do stop the loud crying of baby Joan?
Thank you Joan and Mercie for the
Lea, what is your idea in the short drama?
Given the ideas that a child is hungry yhats
why she cries but you have also to be
mother when needed because baby are
very dependent. They more attention and
supports from the family. Go back to the
drama played the baby is crying is because
she left by his mother. Mercie madea way
to restrain the baby from crying she plays
with the baby and give the baby of milk.
The ideas of Mercie praises her because
she got a result right away. Right after the
child play and drink his milk automatically,
the child cease from crying. Nonetheless
babies are the soul that give life in the

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