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II. Nature of an Attorney

MODULE 2 An attorney may in short be defined as a person set
apart by the laws of the land relating to the high
interest of property, liberty and life. An attorney at
CHAPTER 1. INTRODUCTION law is thus considered as a quasi-officer of the
court subject to regulation. He is an inherent
I. What is legal profession? element in our judicial system.

An attorney may also be defined as someone who

- is a branch of the administration is employed by a party in a ca use to manage the
of justice whose main purpose is same for
to aid in the doing of justice him, it has been held in a long line of eases that a
according to law between state lawyer is above all an officer of the court.
and the individual and between
man and man. His primary purpose is to stand by the truth.

Art. 152 of the Revised Penal Code provides that But first of all, there should be an authority. The
lawyers , in the actual performance of their authority of an attorney commences with his
professional duties or on the occasion of such retainer.
performance, shall be deemed persons in authority.
As a matter of fact, the presumption is that an
In the government, lawyers enjoy first grade civil attorney has authority to appear; if the person he
service eligibility under R.A. No. 1080 where appears for does not disclaim his authority, he is
knowledge of law is a pre-requisite. deemed bound by the attorney's actions or
A lawyer need not take any other civil service
examination. As mentioned earlier, the first and foremost duty of
a lawyer is the administration of justice, and his
duty to his client is subordinate to that.
1. Some individuals do not trust lawyers
because they either categorize them as Membership in the bar is an exacting
big-mouthed crocodiles waiting for a prey responsibility. As quoted by one jurist, "it is a
or a "Judas" willing to sell his master for privilege burdened with conditions."
some silver coins.
It can be safely concluded that a lawyer must do his
2. There are too many lawyers in the best in the administration of justice. Bear in mind
Philippines and that since those running that the legal profession is a branch of the
the affairs of the government are mostly administration of justice and not mere
lawyers or have lawyers consultants, our moneymaking trade.
nation is facing a blank wall towards
progress. III. Legal Profession as a
This is how lawyer is trained for – respect to Subject
everyone's freedom of expression.
To stress the moral responsibility expected of
In the Philippines, law profession is a mission. A every lawyer, courses were added. These are Legal
mission to administer justice not only to those who Profession, Legal Counseling and Problem Areas
have the capacity to obtain the services of a lawyer in Legal Ethics.
but more importantly, to those deserving of justice
but have less in life.
IV. Brief History of the Legal
Education in the Philippines
Basic tools one must have to study
The sources of Philippine legal education are: law and to pass the bar examinations:
 Spain - Roman Civil law and the Canon
a. Language
b. Logic or Critical Analysis
 United States - English common law in c. Law
the Philippines.
 Indo-Malayan - Islamic Law in the Always remember that lawyers are made, not born.
 prior to the Spanish regime - Code of
In 1911, the only educational requirements for a
law profession were a high school degree as a pre-
Practical Tips for Law
law and a three year law course. Students
Two years of college studies in addition to a high
school degree and a three year law course a. Improve language skills and use dictionary
b. Learn to love reading
Increased the pre -law requisite c. Improve study habits
to a four-year bachelor' s degree in arts and science d. Start building up persona l library
and the law course to four years of legal studies e. Improve penmanship
(bachelor of laws) f. Observe common sense

Article VIII, Section 5(5), 1987 Constitution

The Study Of Law SECTION 5. The Supreme Court shall have the
following powers:

(5) Promulgate rules concerning the protection and

enforcement of constitutional rights, pleading,
V. Reasons and implications in the practice, and procedure in all courts, the admission to
study of law the practice of law, the Integrated Bar, and legal
assistance to the underprivileged. Such rules shall
provide a simplified and inexpensive procedure for
For the secret of law study is to love it.
the speedy disposition of cases, shall be uniform for
all courts of the same grade, and shall not diminish,
It is very important for a student to understand that
increase, or modify substantive rights. Rules of
he enters the law school not to know the law. procedure of special courts and quasi-judicial bodies
A student enters the law school to learn how to shall remain effective unless disapproved by the
study the law, and not solely to learn the laws. Supreme Court.

Article XII, Section 14, 1987 Constitution

VI. Basic skills and qualities required in SECTION 14. The sustained development of a
the study of law reservoir of national talents consisting of Filipino
scientists, entrepreneurs, professionals, managers,
a. Dreams /Ambition - A student should dream high-level technical manpower and skilled workers
to become a lawyer. and craftsmen in all fields shall be promoted by the
b. Perseverance - A law student must be State. The State shall encourage appropriate
determined to hurdle the bar even if it will technology and regulate its transfer for the national
take a great degree of sacrifice for his part. benefit.
c. Patience
which he thinks is prejudicial to the orderly and
expeditious administration of

MODULE 3 He has the right to stand up for his right or the

right of his client even in the face of a hostile

CHAPTER III. 4. Standards of the legal profession

Nature of Legal Profession “Like medicine and the ministry, law is a service
profession, and therefore, it must be measured by
1. Practice of law is a Profession the standards of those professions” - Justice
Vicente Mendoza
Profession - refers to a group of men pursuing
a learned art as a common calling in the spirit of a. Independence
public service.
A lawyer owes entire devotion and loyalty
Profession differs from a trade or business because to his client. But it is devotion and loyalty
the primary purpose of the latter is economic gain or within the bounds of honor.
profit. While in a profession, gaining profits is merely
incidental. b. Accessibility
The basic ideal of the profession is to Legal services are needed not only by
render public service and secure justice to those who indigent persons, but even by those who are
seek its aid. capable to pay their way but do not know
whom to engage as counsel.
2. Three ideas involved in a profession
Legal services must be made available a t
a. Organization the earliest possible time, and not when a
b. Learning case was already in court.
c. Spirit of Public Service
The readiness of its (bar) members to
engage in public service. Lawyers must be
3. Legal Profession; a privilege and a right able to shuttle between private practice and
government service, enjoying not only the
For one to be admitted in the practice of law and for a financial privileges of the former but also
continued enjoyment thereof, he must possess all the the civic rewards brought about by the latter.
required qualifications needed in the profession
among which is the continued possession of good c. Learning
moral character.
The Code of Professional Responsibility
A lawyer cannot be prevented from practicing law states that " a lawyer (must) serve his client
except upon valid cause and only after affording him
with competence and diligence."
due process.

He cannot be prevented from appearing before any

judicial, quasi-judicial, or administrative tribunal as
long as he is a member of the bar in good and regular

As an officer of the court, he enjoys the presumption

of regularity in the performance of his duties. He has
the right to protest in a respectful manner anything

A case brought to the SC is a complaint for Rosario Mercado won in a civil case with Atty.
disbarment or suspension/disciplinary action Eduardo De Vera as her legal counsel. Upon
against Atty. Alberto C. Magulta. Filed by execution of the decision and collection of bank
Dominador P. Burbe w/ the IBP. deposits for Mercado, Atty. De Vera refused to
turn over the proceeds, saying that the money was
The petitioner was introduced to Atty Magulta to used to pay court fees and the remaining are his as
represent him in a money claim and civil case attorney’s fees.
against parties for breach of contract.
Mercado filed a disbarment case against Atty. De
The lawyer failed to file a case and lied to the Vera for infidelity in the custody and handling
petitioner. He had spent the money for the filing client’s funds.
fee for his own purpose and to appease petitioner’s
feelings, he offered to reimburse him. The IBP sanctioned Atty. De Vera with a
suspension of practice for one (1) year.
The lawyer committed a gross violation of Following this, Atty. De Vera filed baseless
professional ethics and are guilty of betrayal of lawsuits against most of the members of the
public confidence in the legal profession. Mercado Family under different jurisdictions.
He also filed cases against IBP governors who
The Court SUSPENDED the lawyer from practice recommended his suspension.
of law for a period of one (1) year.
They maintain that the primary purpose of the
cases is to harass and to exact revenge for the one-
KHAN v SIMBILLO year suspension from the practice of law meted out
by the IBP against the respondent
This administrative complaint arose from a paid
advertisement that appeared in the issue of the Atty. De Vera was found guilty of violating the
newspaper, Philippine Daily Inquirer, which reads: lawyer’s oath and the Code of Professional
"ANNULMENT OF MARRIAGE Specialist 532- Responsibility for raising unfounded lawsuits
4333/521-2667. against the Mercado family and several IBP board
members who recommended his suspension.
Atty. Ismael G. Khan, Jr., filed an administrative
complaint against Atty. Simbillo for improper Such act is deemed retaliatory and is unbecoming
advertising and solicitation of his legal service. of a member of the bar who should uphold the
integrity, honesty and dignity of the legal
The practice of law is not a business. It is a profession. Atty. De Vera was disbarred
profession in which duty to public service, not permanently from practice.
money, is the primary consideration. The gaining
of a livelihood should be a secondary

He is SUSPENDED from the practice of law for

ONE (1) YEAR .
Phil. Lawyer's Association v. Agrava MADRIA v RIVERA

This is the petition filed by the Philippine Lawyer's November 2002, Madria consulted the respondent
Association for prohibition and injunction against in his law office in Tuguegarao City, Cagayan to
Celedonio Agrava, in his capacity as Director of inquire about the process of annulling her
the Philippines Patent Office. marriage.

Respondent Director of Philippines Patent Office The respondent guaranteed that he could obtain for
issued a circular announcing an examination for her the decree of annulment and legal cost would
the purpose of determining who are qualified to be 25k.
practice as patent attorneys before the Philippines
Patent Office. April 2003, the respondent informed the
complainant that her petition had been granted.
The petitioner contends that one who has passed Madria used the purported decision and certificate
the bar examination sand is licensed by the of finality in applying for the renewal of her
Supreme Court to practice law in the Philippines passport believing it was authentic. However, she
and who is in good standing is duly qualified to became the object of an investigation by the NBI
practice before the Philippines Patent Office and because her former partner, Andrew Dowson
that the respondent Director’s holding an Grainge, had filed a complaint charging that she
examination for the purpose is in excess of his had fabricated the decision for the annulment of
jurisdiction and is in violation of the law. her marriage.

Respondent insists that prosecution of patent cases IBP Commissioner Rebecca Villanueva-Maala
does not involve entirely or purely the practice of concluded that the respondent had violated his
law but includes the application of scientific and Lawyer's Oath; and recommended his suspension
technical knowledge and training as a matter of from the practice of law for a period of two years.
actual practice so as to include engineers and other
individuals who passed the examination can The IBP Board of Governors modified the
practice before the Patent office. recommendation of suspension from the practice
of law for two years to disbarment.
The Supreme Court held that the practice of law
includes such appearance before the Patent Office, Simulating or participating in the simulation of a
the representation of applicants, oppositors, and court decision and a certificate of finality of the
other persons, and the prosecution of their same decision is an outright criminal falsification
applications for patent, their opposition thereto, or or forgery. One need not be a lawyer to know so,
the enforcement of their rights in patent cases. but it was worse in the respondent’s case because
he was a lawyer. Thus, his acts were legally
The petition for prohibition is granted and the intolerable. Specifically, his deliberate falsification
respondent Director is hereby prohibited from of the court decision and the certificate of finality
requiring members of the Philippine Bar to submit of the decision reflected a high degree of moral
to an examination or tests and pass the same before turpitude on his part, and made a mockery of the
being permitted to appear and practice before the administration of justice in this country.
Patent Office.
He thereby became unworthy of continuing as a
member of the Bar.

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