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Attract, Motivate and Retain

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Attract, Motivate and Retain


In any organization, business leaders need to create a workplace environment that will

attract, motivate, and retain their employees regardless of how they are doing economically.

Business leaders should keep in mind that skilled and talented workers are always in demand.

Therefore, the company should do whatever it takes to retain its workforce (Lussier & Hendon,

2015). The companies should know what their employees want and add value to their work

(Lussier & Hendon, 2015). Business leaders, however, should not only focus on retaining their

employees but also creating a conducive environment for them. This will make them more

productive and active in the company. The business leaders should always establish programs of

training and motivating their employees’ company should understand that the goals of employees

in their career should match the goals of the company.

Focusing on retaining employees ensures that an organization will be having skilled,

talented, and employees are highly motivated, and we are willing to be part of the company’s

success. It is essential to know that not all employees value the same thing. However, in most

cases, the programs of the value of health and welfare are most valued by most employees

(Lussier & Hendon, 2015).

 Important considerations that almost always should be considered by organizations in

providing employee benefits programs. 

Before creating and establishing benefit programs, there are essential factors that should

be considered to ensure that the benefits programs are beneficial and valuable to the employees

and that the organization can afford without straining its resources (Lussier & Hendon, 2015).

The goal of creating the benefit programs is to increase the employee’s motivation, increase their

engagement, and assist in the creation of the organization's competitive advantage.

First, one factor that should be considered is the amount of money the company is willing

to spend on the benefit program (Lussier & Hendon, 2015). Most companies count this as a

percentage of direct compensation. Companies should be cautious about the amount they

consider as available for providing the benefit programs. Understanding the cost available is vital

since most employers face the cost challenge when offering the benefit programs. The

organization should, therefore, design a good plan by looking at the current budget if available

and analyze it, then outline the annual cost that may be required to cater for the benefit programs

(Lussier & Hendon, 2015). If the company has no benefit programs, it should be careful in

estimating the cost required. The rising cost of offering benefit programs is rising, and therefore

organizations should ensure that they understand the amount they have before establishing the

programs. When the organization assures its employees that it will provide a particular benefits

program and then fail to do it due to some reasons, it damages the employees' motivation

(Lussier & Hendon, 2015). Therefore, the organization should be sure that it has the required

amount of money to provide the benefit programs.

Second, after the company has determined the amount of money it has to cater to the

benefit programs, the next step is to determine which benefits should be offered or given a

priority. Many benefit programs have arisen over the years. The benefit programs may include

health insurance, retirement benefit, disability insurance, among others. Today companies may

provide benefits like transport allowance, parking allowances, or having a company car to

transport employees freely to and from work (Lussier & Hendon, 2015). Due to the availability

of many benefit programs, the organization should carefully select the best benefits program for

its workforce. The benefits program selected should go hand in hand with the employee's goals

and the company’s goals. What the employees want is the focus in this case.

Another factor to consider in providing the employees' benefit programs is flexibility.

Flexible benefit programs are very vital to employees today. With flexible benefits, employees

can select from a set of benefits. The employees can choose the benefits program they want

under the flexible benefits plan. It is essential because it gives the employees value to them, thus

motivating them more.

Compare and contrast income protection programs and pay for time not worked

programs, both of which are usual elements of benefits programs. How are programs

similar? Are they mandatory?

The income protection program is created to help protect against the worker losing their

income if they are away due to illness or any form of injury. The income protection benefit

programs are created to provide the workers and their families with financial protection in case

of disability, death, or an illness that is a life that may prevent the employee from going to work.

Pay for time not worked program is whereby an organization offer pays protection when a

worker is temporarily out of work (Lussier & Hendon, 2015). For example, sick leaves or an

injured worker who may fail to attend work for some days. Income protection benefit program

and pay for time not worked are similar in that the employee is guaranteed to get their

compensation if there are out of a job due to various circumstances. The payment for time not

worked benefit program may include offs like a vacation or yearly leave, personal off time,

holidays, or even holidays. Under such situations, the workers get paid since they are protected

by the pay for time not worked program. The payment for time not worked is not mandatory at

the federal government level in the United States (Lussier & Hendon, 2015). However, most

employers in most organizations always provide vacations, holidays, and sick off with pay. The

pay for time not worked is mainly seen as an entitlement.

The main difference between income protection benefit program and pay for time not

worked is that the income protection, one can be away from work for long and still get their

salary or even may have died; thus, their family receives the income while pay for time not

worked is mainly short term like a holiday or a short leave due to some situations like illness or

personal time off. The income protection benefits programs have various benefits, like providing

disability income when replacement occurs (Lussier & Hendon, 2015). Most of these income

protection programs are mandatory, although some are supplementary plans which are not

compulsory. Most organizations offer these benefits together with the pay for time not worked

benefit programs.

Other Benefits

The primary purpose of offering benefits to employees is to continue motivating them to

be more productive and to retain the best and skilled employees. Apart from the benefit programs

that seem mandatory in many organizations, they are still some rewards or other benefits that

may attract employees and feel content at the workplace (Lussier & Hendon, 2015). When

designing the benefit package, it is essential to consider factors that will reward their employees

for work well done.

One of the benefits packages is increasing the wages of the employees from time to time.

This another benefit that may increase the satisfaction of employees and retaining them. Raising

wages will ensure that employees don’t have to seek employment in other places that offer more

income than your organization. Most employees state their salaries as the central motivation to

why they go to work every day. With high wages, employees are more productive and fewer

conflicts between the employer and the employees (Lussier & Hendon, 2015). Besides, the

increase in salaries attracts workers who are well qualified in the organization. With an increase

in wages, the employee feels that the employer places value on their well-being.

Another essential benefit program is offering retirement benefits to the workers. This

benefit is increasingly leading to the retention and motivation of workers. Several workers have

reported that retirement benefits encouraged them to work in their current company and why

they decide to continue working in that company. Improving retirement benefits are as important

as the health benefits. It increases the satisfaction of workers, which enhances their productivity

(Lussier & Hendon, 2015). These benefits increase the advantages of a company when it comes

to recruiting new employees. It enables your company to look very attractive to well-qualified

employees, and they may desire to work in your company to safeguard retirement benefits.

Another element of other benefits is transportation benefits to employees. Most small

organizations may not realize how significant this benefit is to avoid traffic issues among their

employees. Due to the problem employees face in transportation offering transportation to them

would be very valuable to them. This can have a positive impact when recruiting and even in the

retention of current employees. Companies that reduce their employees' burden by providing

transportation benefits are more attractive for commuters (Lussier & Hendon, 2015). The society

of human resource management emphasizes that offering employees transportation benefits and

the benefits of parking massively increases the engagement of workers. As a result, the levels of

loyalty increase among the employees and employer. This benefit helps the employees to save

their cost of fuel and public transport expenses.

The offering of education benefits is among other benefits that management teams should

consider. Several employees note that education assistance from the company they work for is

very vital for their job satisfaction. This is mostly true among young people and women who

want to attain high education. The education benefits a company can offer include paid job

training, tuition repayment programs. Job training that gets paid increases the satisfaction of

workers, and they get motivated to work (Lussier & Hendon, 2015). Education benefits have led

to increased recruitment and retaining of workers over the years. Organizations should, therefore,

increase their education benefits to their employees since education will also be beneficial to the

company's competitive advantage.

Develop Employees Benefit Package

Benefit Program Reason for Benefit Selection

Insurance benefit program This category is essential for employee’s well-being. It includes health insurance,

disability insurance, and life insurance. In most countries, this a mandatory benefi

program. I selected this benefit because it shows that the company cares for its

employees and their family. This benefit increases the motivation of workers and

attracts more during recruitment activities (Lussier & Hendon, 2015). Besides, it

retains employees who have high skills because they feel valued by the company.

When employees are cover in such areas, they get more productive and get more

engaged at work.

Retirement benefit This very vital to workers. It provides a sense of od security to workers. The work

program feel that their future after retirement is well secured. Companies that offer retirem

benefits are more valued, and most employees choose not to go to work in anothe

company. It increases the satisfaction of workers in the company and retaining of

workers is improved.
Paid time off benefit Most countries mandate paid time off. However, in some companies, this may be

program voluntary benefit. Those that voluntarily offer paid off increases their competitive

advantage, and they attract more skills and talent as they retain their employees. P

leaves and vacations contribute positively to the satisfaction of employees at work

(Lussier & Hendon, 2015). It allows employees to attend to their issues and take a

from work. Time off gives employees time to spend with their families. It increas

productivity of workers if offered by the company.

Other benefits, increase in Other benefits significantly attract and motivate employees. Employees like to fee

wages, discounts, valued and recognized for good work (Lussier & Hendon, 2015). Companies shou

recognition through therefore, increase wages, offer rewards, and even give discounts where necessary

awards, commissions,

educations support.


Employees are an important part of the company and should be made to feel valued and

secure. Therefore, the company should establish benefit programs to improve the employees'

well-being and to retain them in the company. The benefit programs may vary from worker to

worker. Therefore, the company should understand their employees, know the amount of money

to establish the benefit programs, and the benefit programs' flexibility. The company will attract,

motivate, and retain its employees who have high skill, talented, and productive employees. The

values that old employees may have may differ from what the young employee may place value

into. It is, therefore, essential for leaders to understand their employees and what they want to

make them comfortable at work. Organizations that retain employees thrive and are highly

productive. Hence, maintaining their competitiveness in the market. They also reduce the cost of

recruiting new employees and by retaining highly qualified staff.



Lussier, R. N., & Hendon, J. R. (2015). Human resource management: Functions, applications,

and skill development. Sage Publications.

Noe, R., Hollenbeck, J., Gerhart, B., & Wright, P. (2018). Fundamentals of Human Resource

Management (7th ed.).

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