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Activity 7
Write an evaluation on whether the moral agents in these situations respond emotional rationally.

Before I write an evaluation to the cutted newspspaper. Let us know what is Moral agent, Respond
emotionally, and respond rationally in decision making.

Moral Agent

A moral agent is a person who has the ability to discern right from wrong and to be held accountable for
his or her own actions. Moral agents have a moral responsibility not to cause unjustified harm.

Respond Emotionally

The idea that people make moral decisions in emotional and intuitive ways also resonates with
common experiences in everyday life. People often feel that certain behaviors are right or wrong
without weighing the pros and cons of alternative courses of action or giving the matters much thought.
For example, witnessing an injured person receiving assistance or witnessing an innocent person getting
tortured evoke emotional reactions that contain or induce feelings of good and right or bad and wrong.
Many of us feel that it is wrong to eat dogs and cats, even though we eat cows and chickens, and we feel
that it is wrong for our friends to gossip about us even though we gossip about them. Many, if not most,
arguments about moral issues seem more emotional than rational. If people made moral judgments in
rational ways, reasonable people ought to be persuaded by logical arguments derived from reason, but
this often seems not to be the case. For example, moral judgments pertaining to food prohibitions such
as eating pork or beef seem impervious to rational arguments against them.

Respond Rationally

It is based according to the information that I collected ,the idea that people make moral decisions in
rational ways resonates with common experiences in everyday life. People often appeal to reason to
decide what is fair, such as, for example, when they make decisions about exchanging goods and
services. People also often appeal to reason when deciding whether it is right to violate one moral rule,
such as keeping a promise, to uphold another, such as preserving a life. In addition, people may deduce
decisions about how they should treat others from general principles such as the Golden Rule. When
people engage in moral debates about such topics as genetic enhancement, affirmative action, and
minimum wage, they often adduce rational arguments to support their positions.

Write an evaluation on whether the moral agents in these situations respond emotional rationally.

The moral agent in these scenario of news is the President of the Philippines who are accountable,
have responsibility, and duty in it's citizen of the Philippines. His decision was based on rational and
emotional because the National Disaster Risk Reduction Council suggest to President Rodrigo Duterte to
declare the state of Calamities in Luzon to address the impact of the latest typhoon that hit the country.
It is rational because it showed in the statistics have extensive damages in the Philippines. Second,it is
rational because the number of deaths, injured, and missing is showed based in the data that is
collected, and Lastly, it is rational because most of citizen in the Luzon, Philippines experience the
effects of typhoon. Meanwhile, it is emotionally responding because first many people died, injured ,and
missing.Second it is responding emotionally because the Filipino citizen will suffer on how they will rise
again, and Lastly, it is rational because it is a phenomen that affected all lives of human being in the


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