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Name: Bon, Julie Ann D.

Section: BSA 2A
Title of the Activity: Preliminary Activity
Instructions: Below are five (5) random pictures of famous visual artworks around the
world. Identify the name of the artwork and the respective artist.



Artwork Title: The Mona Lisa

Artist: Leonardo Da Vinci


Artwork Title: The Thinker

Artist: Auguste Rodin


Artwork Title: The Starry Night

Artist: Vincent Van Gogh


Artwork Title: Spolarium

Artist: Juan Luna


Artwork Title: Planting Rice

Artist: Fernando Amorsolo

Name: Bon, Julie Ann D.
Section: BSA 2A
Title of the Activity: Artwork 1- Assessment
Instructions: Draw an object that represent/s your personality. Briefly explain it using a
separate paper.

Ang kape ay isang kilalang inumin na maaring pampatanggal ng lamig at pangpaggising ng
umaga. Inihahalintulad ko ang sarili ko sa isang kape. Sa isang mainit na kapeng matapang o
maaring kapeng sakto lng. Matapang magmahal at saktong hindi ka iiwan. Mainit sa una ngunit
kapag napabayaa'y maaring lumamig na. Ngunit lumamig man ako ng ako'y iwanan mo, maari
mo parin akong punan ng panibagong kapeng kasasabikan mo. Ako'y isang kapeng matapang,
isang taong matapang sa bawat pagsubok na pinagdaraanan. Subalit ako'y hindi isang kapeng
sobrang pait, na ang kahuluga'y hindi mapait pakisamahan. May mga oras ding matamis ako,
matamis ang pag aarugang ipaparamdam sayo. Ako'y isang kape na kahit iba't iba man ang ihalo
sa akin, mananatili parin ang lasang taglay ko, na kahit sino sinong tao man ang dumating sa
buhay ko ang ugaling mayroon ako ay iyon ang ugaling ipapakita sa inyo.
Name: Bon, Julie Ann D.
Section: BSA 2A
Title of the Activity: Preliminary Activity
Instructions: Short Essay- As individual, are you creative or are you imaginative? Why?

According to the dictionary, being creative is having the ability or power to create things by
invention or imagination while being imaginative is having the ability of the mind to conceive
ideas or to form images of something not present. By this definition, I can say that I am creative
as well as imaginative because I cannot create things withouth using my imagination, without
being an imaginative person. Being imaginative is just, you are only forming images or
conceiving ideas on your mind- only in your mind, but being creative is using those formed and
conceived ideas and images into something that will become present or real. Thus, I am both
imaginative and creative cause I use my imagination to create things, I paint, I draw, or even
write a song or a poem or to do something in result of my imagination.
Name: Bon, Julie Ann D.
Section: BSA 2A
Title of the Activity: Asssessmemt
Instructions: Writing a Position Essay– People are naturally born with Imagination.
However, is Creativity innate/inherited or a learned trait? Choose your position and
explain. Minimum of 350 words. Use a whole yellow pad paper. (use extra sheets if you
have to)
Innate creativity is having the 'natural' or an 'inborn' characteristics of being creative.
Inherited creativity is receiving or getting those creativeness you have from your
ancestors. While creativity as a learned trait is being creative by learning or developing
those skills. For this descriptions, I'd rather choose creativity as a learned trait and will
explain it through my own experience.

My father is good in lettering, in drawing, in constructing ideas, and in any other things.
He even draw a house without measuring it and it really amazes me. My mother also
draw portrait but only do it for their school activity or projects. She also know how to
stitch, how to sew a name on a cloth. She was good in crafts. And as I remember, in my
parent's wedding, they are the one who made the invitations, the giveaways and other
designs in their venue. My father's family especially most of my uncle and aunt were also
good in arts which I can actually say that I can inherit those creativeness they have.
However, when I was a child, or should I say, during my elementary days some of our
subjects requires us to draw. But, I really do not know how to draw. I am really not good
in drawing, I am not that creative during those time. I draw a 'stick-figured' plants,
humans, and animals and you'll basically laugh at me If you saw my drawings back then.
However, in my Highschool journey, arts is more active so I continue to learn on how to
draw and I learned some. From stick figured human comes to an anime drawing which I
can describe as a 'not-so-bad' drawing. As years passed by, seeing paintings, sketch,
and any form of arts by a well-known or just a common artist I leaned how to appreciate
arts. And this year, when the lockdown begins due to the pandemic, I developed my
skills in art by practicing it everyday. I also watch youtube for a drawing tutorial and now
I can say that my art piece has really improved. From stick-figured human to an anime
drawing and now I learn to draw a portrait which is a real face of a man or a women.
Although I am not good, unlike other artist but I am proud of it.

By these experiences, I might inherit my creativity from my family-my ancestor- but I

cannot instantly become creative by not learning it. We became creative by developing
that skill, by learning it. All of us can learn it by practicing more and even more. We can
get the ability of creativeness if we do not giveup on learning.
Name: Bon, Julie Ann D.

Section: BSA 2A
Title of the Activity: Preliminary Activity
Instructions: Define Expression. Discuss the connection of Expression in arts

Expression is conveying your ideas or emotions in different forms. It could be in a way of arts, in
writing a poem, in composing or singing a song, in playing some instrument, or even showing it
through your face. Expressing is the way of telling other people about your life's journey, your
burdens, sadness, happiness or any feeling you have inside your heart. It is a way of talking to
other people in any forms where of you want to express what you felt inside.

"The Scream" painting painted by Edvard Munch, on my own opinion, shows me that there is a
man who is scared. The art piece tells me that the man was so afraid on something. He was
shocked by what he saw in front of him and was screaming for help. And I thought that the man
on the painting has a fear on his future, on what is on the future. And maybe the man who
painted this exeperienced a messy life or a really bad journey in his life who absolutely needs
Name: Bon, Julie Ann D.

Section: BSA 2A
Title of the Activity: Assessment
Instructions: Define Expression.Refer to ARTWORK SHEET NO. 2 (found in the
appendices). Materials needed: Pencil, Coloring materials, extra sheet of long bond
paper (if needed)

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