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Nutrition 201, Fundamentals of Nutrition, was the first nutrition course I was enrolled in

and it was formatted fully online. Considering it was my first nutrition course, I hadn’t

previously learned about the details and fundamentals of basic nutrition. This class was a great

first class to take to introduce me into the world of nutrition. We learned a lot about the basics of

macronutrients, vitamins, minerals, and fluids, which I would expand on in my later courses. It

was important for me to learn the fundamentals so that I could properly build off that new

knowledge in future courses. This class also made me more aware of and more curious about my

own eating habits and I started paying more attention to my own intake of the macronutrients.

There were only exams taken during this course, with no projects or other assignments.

The exams did, however, help me truly learn and study the materials so that it would be properly

instilled for later use. This class was my first fully online nutrition class as well, so it taught me

what would be expected of me and how to properly study for online and specifically online

nutrition courses for the future.

Since I had to take many other nutrition courses after this course and my ultimate goal its

to become a RD in the future, I found this course to be necessary. I will always use the

curriculum that was required for this class in my future career, along with my every day life.

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