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Exercise 1: Decide the underlined parts are gerund (G) or present participle (P).
Question 1: Staying up late is harmful to skin.
Question 2: Her boss caught him speaking privately in the working time, so he was fired.
Question 3: After completing the plan, we had a vacation in Hawaii.
Question 4: This is the most embarrassing problem that I have ever seen.
Question 5: The painting was beautiful. I stood there admiring it for a long time.
Question 6: I’ve just heard that there’s been a major accident that has all of the traffic tied
up. If we want to get to the play on time, we’d better avoid taking the high way.
Question 7: Did you ever finish designing the office for that new client of yours?
Question 8: It was their 25th wedding anniversary last week.
Question 9: My sister was cleaning the floor when the telephone rang.
Question 10: My brother is fond of pointing out my mistakes.
Question 11: My habit is sleeping whenever I’m sad.
Question 12: My hobby, playing table tennis, makes me feel happy.
Question 13: He washed his car, singing happily.
Question 14: Walking in the rain gives me a pleasure.
Question 15: The girl lending me this book is my best friend.
Question 16: Leaving school, he has worked in a restaurant.
Question 17: I saw your children playing on the street.
Question 18: She said how much she appreciated the overwhelming generosity of the
public in responding to the appeal.
Question 19: Neil denied breaking the window.
Question 20: Driving carelessly, he had an accident.

Exercise 2: Give the correct forms of the verbs in the blankets.

Question 1: My boss spends two hours a day (travel)_______to work.
Question 2: (Swim)_______is my favorite sport.
Question 3: I enjoy (play)_______tennis with my friends.
Question 4: In spite of (miss)_______the train, we arrived on time.
Question 5:_______(complete) the book, he had a holiday.
Question 6: The man denied (be)_______at the scene of the accident last night.
Question 7:_______(park) the car about a kilometer from the stadium, I walked the rest of
the way.
Question 8: (take)_______the umbrella with him, he went out in the heavy rain.
Question 9: I have to work hard these days. I am always busy (do)_______my homework.
Question 10: I suggested (spend)_______the day in the garden.
Question 11: Why do you keep (look)_______ back? Are you afraid of
Question 12: (Find)_______a hotel, we looked for some places to have dinner.
Question 13: (Feel)_______tired, I went to bed early.
Question 14: The man (talk)_______with my mother over there is my new neighbor.
Question 15: We must avoid (hurt)_______other people’s feeling.
Question 16: (Learn)_______a foreign language takes a long time.
Question 17: (Fail)_______twice, he didn’t want to try again.
Question 18: Jack admitted(steal)_______the money.
Question 19:_______(open) the drawer, she took out a book.
Question 20: She warned the little boy against_______(play) with matches.
Question 21: Tom regrets (spend)_______too much time (play)_______computer games.
Question 22: Students stopped (make)_______noise when the teacher came in.
Question 23: Would you mind (turn)_______off the radio?
Question 24: They postponed (build)_______an elementary school for lack of finance.
Question 25: It’s no use (advise)_______him. He never allows anybody to give advice.
Question 26: Is there anything here worth (buy)_______?
Question 27: We missed (watch)_______a football match last night.
Question 28: My family is considering (take)_______a trip to the USA next year.
Question 29: The police didn’t permit (camp)_______in this wood for security reasons.
Question 30: She is looking forward to (see)_______her friends.
Question 31: You should try (wear)_______any shirts you want to buy.
Question 32: There are people can’t help (laugh)_______when they see someone
(slip)_______on a banana skin.
Question 33: He went to bed without (lock)_______the doors.
Question 34: She prefers (eat)_______to (prepare)_______meals.
Question 35: The flowers need (water)_______but you needn’t water them now.
Question 36: There are many patients (wait)_______for their turns, Sir.
Question 37: She sat silently at the comer of the room (hold)_______an old doll.
Question 38: (Not obey)_______his parents, he lost all his money and was about to
be homeless.
Question 39: She apologized to me for (be)_______so impolite last night.
Question 40: (Spend)_______all his money on gambling, he came back home and asked for
his father’s money.

Exercise 3: Choose the best answers to complete the following sentences.

Question 1: It was his own fault, but I couldn’t help_______sorry for him.
A. feeling B. to feel C. having felt D. to have felt
Question 2: The medical authorities warned everyone not to drink the water without
A. being boiled B. boiling C. having boiled D. having to boil
Question 3: Most people talk too much and don’t realize how important_______is.
A. to be listening B. to be listened C. have listened D. listening
Question 4: If you’ve finished_______the dictionary, I’d like to borrow it.
A. to have used B. to use C. using D. having used
Question 5: Would you mind_______?
A. that I am reading aloud B. explaining it once again, please
C. what causes you a lot of trouble D. to bring the books back by tomorrow
Question 6: On the whole, I enjoy_______our local club, but I think there are far too many
rules and regulations to feel completely at ease.
A. attending B. attend C. to attend D. being attended
Question 7: I deeply regret_______to her so severely yesterday. She was badly hurt.
A. to be speaking B. to speak C. having spoken D. being spoken
Question 8: Smokers generally do know that smoking is extremely harmful, but it’s just
that they can’t help_______it.
A. doing B. to do C. do D. having done
Question 9: She thanked me for_______her a lot when she was in trouble.
A. having helped B. helping C. to help D. help
Question 10:_______cigarettes for years, he was diagnosed with lung cancer.
A. Smoking B. Having smoked
C. Having been smoked D. Being smoked
Question 11:_______cigarettes for years, he was diagnosed with lung cancer.
A. Smoking B. Having smoked
C. Having been smoked D. Being smoked
Question 12: While_______the historical building, they had to get some of the missing tiles
specially made.
A. to restore B. restore C. restoring D. being restored
Question 13: I think_______outside in the open air is much more enjoyable
than_______exercise in some stuffy gyms.
A. to walk - done B. walking - doing
C. walk - to be doing D. having walked - do
Question 14: Authorities should warn people against _______ hazardous foods
containing additives.
A. to be using B. having used C. using D. being used produced
Question 15:_______contaminated water from a nearby river, lots of people in this village
suffer from cancers.
A. Drinking B. Having drunk
C. Having been drunk D. Drunk
Question 16: Every member of the team praised him for_______the team win the
A. having helped B. helping
C. having been helped D. being helped
Question 17: There's someone_______on the door. Come to see who he/she is.
A. knock B. knocking C. to knock D. having knocked
Question 18:_______between the two attacks, the commander tried to prevent the enemy
troops_______their strength.
A. Without delaying - to gather B. By not delaying - from gathering
C. In delaying - for gathering D. Having delayed - without gathering
Question 19: The power failure resulted in many of the underground trains_______
for up to one hour.
A. to delay B. to have delayed C. to be delayed D. being delayed
Question 20: Did you actually see the boy_______over the fence into Mr. Jones’ garden, or
did you just hear other boys_______about it?
A. jumping — talking B. to jump — being talked
C. having jumped - to talk D. to be jumping - talk
Question 21: She is looking forward to_______you again.
A. meet B. meeting C. met D. be met
Question 22:_______photographs of the place, I had no desire to go there.
A. Have seen B. Had seen C. Having seen D. To have seen
Question 23:_______the museum, we decided to have lunch in the park.
A. Visited B. Having visited C. Have visited D. Visiting
Question 24:_______the story before, she didn’t want to hear the story again.
A. Heard B. To hear C. Having heard D. Hearing
Question 25: We can't count on_______by our parents every time we get into financial
A. rescuing B. being rescued C. to rescue D. to be rescued
Question 26: Mary’s children are used to_______up after school every day.
A. picking B. pick C. be picked D. being picked
Question 27:_______the red light, he was fined 120 thousand VND by the police.
A. Having run B. Being run C. Running D. Being running
Question 28: The soldier was punished for_______to obey his commanding
officer’s orders.
A. being refusing B. having refusing C. having refused D. being refused
Question 29:_______the money, they began quarrelling about how to divide it.
A. Have found B. Found C. Having found D. Finding
Question 30:_______all his money, he decided to go home and ask his father for a job.
A. Having spent B. Spent C. Spending D. Have spent
Question 31: You can't prevent him from_______alcohol.
A. drink B. to drink C. drinking D. drank
Question 32: In spite of_______extremely tired, I went to school.
A. to be B. be C. being D. am
Question 33: He got good marks at his exams because he spent almost his time his lessons.
A. revise B. revising C. to revise D. to be revised
Question 34: We saw the first star_______in the sky.
A. twinkling B. twinkle C. to twinkle D. twinkled
Question 35: It’s no good_______to him, he never answers letters.
A. write B. being written C. writing D. to write
Question 36: Ask him to come in. Don’t keep him_______at the door.
A. to stand B. standing C. stand D. being stood
Question 37: The children loved_______the old castle.
A. explore B. exploring C. explored D. to explore
Question 38: He devoted most of his time_______novels.
A. to having written B. to write C. to writing D. to have written
Question 39: Who suggested_______here for the picnic?
A. come B. came C. to come D. coming
Question 40: At last, he admitted_______that box.
A. to open B. open C. to be opened D. opening
Question 41: My girlfriend is afraid of_______out alone when it gets dark.
A. goes B. to go C. going D. go
Question 42: From the distance, we could hear the sound of some dogs_______.
A. to bark B. to be barking C. barking D. bark
Question 43: I demand to see the person who is in charge _______ customers’ complaints
A. with handling B. to handle C. to be handled D. of handling
Question 44: I’m absolutely fed up with_______to the same place for our holidays year
after year. Let’s consider_______elsewhere this summer, shall we?
A. to go - to go B. having gone - go C. gone - going D. going – going
Question 45: Billy really enjoys_______but unfortunately, his parents don’t approve of it
and they are making him join the school football team instead.
A. to dance B. to be dancing C. dancing D. having danced
Question 46: I don’t recall ever_______such a dull film as The English Patient before.
A. to watch B. having watched C. to be watching D. to have watched
Question 47: Why doesn’t he fancy_______with us to the pub?
A. having come B. coming C. to have come D. to come
Question 48: Actually I dislike_______by train, but I still prefer it to_______because at
least on a train you are still on the ground!
A. to travel - have flown B. having travelled - being flown
C. travelling - flying D. travelled - be flying
Question 49: When Grandma came to stay with us, she wasn’t accustomed_______
in such a big city, so initially she felt terribly disoriented.
A. having lived B. living C. to living D. to be living
Question 50: Your blue shirt has been washed, but it still needs_______. Why do you
insist_______it today anyway?
A. to be ironed - wearing B. to have ironed - to wear
C. ironing - on wearing D. being ironed - to be wearing
Question 51: You know there is no point in_______about the past - after all, you can’t
change it, can you?
A. to worry B. having worried C. to be worrying D. worrying

Exercise 4: Rewrite each of the following sentences with gerund or present participle or
perfect participle.
Question 1: Christopher apologized. He’d forgotten to pay.
Question 2: When Tom had repaired the car, he took it out for a road test.
Question 3: The porter just stood there. He expected a tip.
Question 4: Because he was the youngest child, Natasha was her father’s favorite.
Question 5: Mitchell picked up the phone and dialed a number
Question 6: He left the phone ring for 5 minutes and then slowly replaced the receiver.
Question 7: After she had worked hard all day, Sarah was exhausted.
Question 8: We saw Rupert. He was looking into a shop window.
Question 9: Since Daniel had spent all his money, he couldn't afford a new jacket.
Question 10: He took out a gun and put it in his briefcase.
Question 11: Shall we go for a walk?
Question 12: Why don’t we visit our teacher?
Question 13: It is really quite easy to learn English.
Question 14: I don’t want to go to the movie tonight.
Question 15: Complaining about the matter is useless now.
Question 16: It’s not a good idea to travel during the rush hour.
Question 17: Could you turn the radio down, please?
Question 18: Are you going to the seaside this summer?
Question 19: Will you invite your friends on Sundays?
Question 20: He didn’t say goodbye to anyone when he left the room.
Question 21: He would rather read books than watch television.
Question 22: “Do you want to play tennis?” “No, not really.”
Question 23: “You were driving too fast.” “Yes, it’s true. Sorry.”
Question 24: “You broke into the shop.” “No, I didn’t.”
Question 25: Shall we go away tomorrow instead of today?

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