Death by Faith: "Let Us Reason Ministries"

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Death by Faith

"Let Us Reason Ministries" -

Presented by

Here's a rhyme: How much wood could a wood chuck chop, if a wood chuck could chop wood?

Here's another: How much deception can be seen and heard, when there is no word, and nobody is really
listening? How long will we look the other way while people are ravaged by false teaching's promoted by
men who spread their own miracle rumors?

It was E.W. Kenyon in his book the Hidden man on pg.99 wrote, "I know that I am healed because he said that
I am healed and it makes no difference what the symptoms may be in my body." An example would be if they
are coughing and you say you have a cough they respond by "no I don't, I haven't had a cough in years. That's
called denial of reality at best, and lying at worst.

This is what was adopted by Kenneth Hagin who writes in his book "In the Name of Jesus" on the topic of
divine healing and health.

"I have so often said, I haven't had a headache in so many years (45 to be exact) ... Just a few months
ago, as I left the office building and started home, suddenly my head started hurting, someone might say,
"well, you had a headache. No, I didn't have one! I don't have headaches. I haven't had a headache
since August 1934. 45 years have come and gone. And I haven't had a headache... but if I had a
headache, I wouldn't tell anybody. And if somebody asked me how I was feeling, I would say, I'm fine,
thank you." (In the Name of Jesus, p.44)

Notice he says he wouldn't tell you how he really feels because his words override the pain. Is this honest? Is it
true? Is this the way someone is to represent the Lord.

Did Jesus teach this nonsense?

E.W. Kenyon studied at the Emerson College of Oratory in Boston which was a hotbed at the time for the
emerging new age thought. They imagined they have discovered laws of faith, promoting a Christianized
version of occultism.

Kenyon had divorced his wife even when he taught that what one speaks they will possess. E.W Kenyon who is
certainly the Father of the Word of Faith Movement taught divine healing and that it was always God's will to
heal. But he died in a coma, brought on by a malignant tumor. He died from disease. Kenneth Hagin states

"It is not God's will for any to be sick.I believe that it is the plan of our father that no believer should be
sick that every believer should live his life to full time and actually wear out if Jesus tarries then fall
asleep in Jesus. I state boldly that it is not the will of God my father that we should suffer with cancer
and other dread disease and reap pain and anguish. No it’s God’s will that we should be healed."
(Healing - the Father’s Provision, p.9)

While Hagin says he has had no headaches, he had 4 major cardiovascular failures. But this is one of those
incidents he's not telling you (Christianity in Crisis, pp.237-238; A Different Gospel by D.L McConnell) Hagin
suffered 4 separate episodes of heart-crisis in 1939, 1942, 1949, and 1973.
Hagin claims he was healed of numerous sicknesses a "deformed heart," "paralysis," and "incurable blood
disease." He also declared his "healing from the top of my head to the soles of my feet" on August 7, 1934, so
that "every symptom of distress, deficiency and physical wrongness was driven out of my body," perpetually.
"I'm still healed after 49 years," Hagin said. (Kenneth E. Hagin, Exceedingly Growing Faith, 2d rev. ed. [Tulsa,
OK: Kenneth Hagin Ministries, 19901, 48-49, 82-83.) His healing occurred on Tuesday of the "second week" of
August 1934, or August 7, which was not the same date as the "second Tuesday" that month [August 14).

Elsewhere Hagin gives various dates, such as "6 days before my 17th birthday [August 20, 1934," which would
be August 14, the "second Tuesday of August 1934": (Kenneth E. Hagin, El Shaddai [Tulsa, OK: Kenneth
Hagin Ministries, 19801, 24-25.) But see Kenneth E. Hagin, How You Can Be Led by the Spirit of God (Tulsa,
OK: Kenneth Hagin Ministries, 1978), 87 (healing on a "Thursday" in August 1934). In still another place
Hagin claims his healing was on "August 8, 1934," which was a Wednesday (Kenneth E. Hagin, Zoe: The God-
Kind of Life [Tulsa, OK: Kenneth Hagin Ministries, 1981], 13.) Maybe Hagin needs his memory healed as well.
(Adapted from Christianity in Crisis)

E.W. Kenyon wrote mockingly, "We have sung 'Nearer the Cross' and we have prayed that we might be
'Nearer the Cross' but the cross has no salvation in it. It is a place of failure and defeat." (Advanced Bible
Course, p.279) Does this sound familiar? It should. Kenneth Hagin copies him, (as he did most of his theology)
saying, "Do you think that the punishment for our sin was to die on a cross? If that were the case, the two
thieves could have paid your price. No the punishment was to go into hell itself and to serve time in hell
separated from God ... Satan and all the demons of hell thought that they had him bound, and they threw a net
over Jesus and they dragged Him down to the very pit of hell itself to serve our sentence."

If Jesus was not victorious on the cross, he was not victorious at all! Yet these same men will teach by his
stripes we are healed. Which is it? Are we healed for our sicknesses at the cross and not for our sins?

Real World Episodes

It is reported that the "father" of the modern Word of Faith Movement Kenneth Hagin had his wife go to the
hospital for an operation. Yet Hagin claims that Jesus "appeared" to Hagin and gave him a special anointing to
heal the sick. (in I Believe In Visions). Is Hagin an anointed healer?

Kenneth Hagin had his sister die of cancer. Hagin's great faith and words of confession did not keep her from
death. I don't say this to belittle the pain or loss, but to point to facts. It doesn't work like they say; otherwise
this would not be happening to them.

"Hagin's son mentioned that his own young son (senior Hagin's grandson) was diagnosed as having a brain
tumor that required immediate surgery," but there is no mention of any faith healing whatsoever.” (Kenneth E.
Hagin, Jr., The Answer for Oppression (Tulsa, OK: Kenneth Hagin Ministries, 1983], 14-16, 23). (Cited from
Christianity in Crisis, Hank Hannegraaf)

Hagin and his son wears glasses as their eyesight is growing dim just like anyone else who grows older. Many
of these men who promise healings are getting older, they wear hair pieces, and these are simple things
compared to organic disorders that they supposedly heal. So they cannot even cure the ABC's and yet they
claim they are curing, in others, the XYZ's. And worst of all they run to the doctor for surgery. So what do they
really believe?

Kenneth E. Hagin's son-in-law Buddy Harrison, who is the Founder of Harrison House Books, and Head of the
Faith Christian Fellowship (FCF) Word of Faith denomination, died Nov. 1998 of cancer. This is unfortunate
that this should occur. However it is evidential that the son-in-law of Kenneth E. Hagin submitted to cancer and
died. He was in the "faith movement" before Copeland and many others so... what does this mean in light of
what he promoted and has written? Did he practice what he preached? Definitely. But, what he taught was
simply was not true.

Just Talk?

Promises are a never-ending stream for the gullible. Benny Hinn says unequivocally. "There will be no sickness
for the saint of God" (Rise and Be Healed! 1991, p.14). "If your body belongs to God, it does not and cannot
belong to sickness" (ibid. p.62); "The day is coming, I tell you this, I know it like I know my name, the day is
coming there will not be one sick saint in the body of Christ. Nobody will be, nobody's gonna be, no one will be
raptured out of a hospital bed. You're all gonna be healed before the rapture." (Benny Hinn, "Praise the Lord,"
7/8/96) Bible verse - NONE. As often the case it rests on the authority of man, not God.

John writes that Diotrephes loved to have the preeminence in the Church. There are many today that threaten
the welfare of the believers by there preeminence. So it is important for us to identify people who say they
represent God and can ruin peoples health and lives by there teachings. Some people take this all too lightly
until they are visited with personal disaster from this theology.

Job said (2:4), "Skin for skin, yes, all that a man has will he give for his life." The most heartbreaking cases
involve people who have incurable organic sickness and are desperate for a last chance. Many others have died
needlessly because they tried to confess healing and bind Satan ignoring medical treatment. According to their
position, divine healing is in the atonement, and when Satan attacks, the authority of the believer uses the name
of Jesus, and confesses their healing. Even if these teachers say it is an attack from Satan, (how did Satan get in
there) since they were not confessing sickness or disease in the first place? Some like Copeland go even further
and say it is divine health not just divine healing. This is something we will not experience until the
Millennium, but he says he has it now.

Copeland says "I've had people die on me standing there saying bless God you ain't gonna die. And they did
anyway and I'm glad I stood, and I'm glad I stood, and I'm glad I stood. I ain't never stood for anything in my
own life that didn't come to pass. I can only use my faith just so far with you." Copeland is saying that his faith
works efficiently and successfully for himself but for others it is not optimum strength. Yet it is not his fault. He
teaches faith never fails, especially him. So where is God in this? It’s all dependent on him. His faith, his power,
his will.

But he will also say, "The very faith that God used when He created, and what we read there in the first two
chapters of Genesis, is the faith that's burning in your spirit. But now if you've made Jesus the Lord of your life,
it's the same faith. Well, He created all those planets, how come you can't create something? You don't know as
much about it as He does. He has a greater working knowledge of that faith than you do. But we're learning.
Our time is coming. And in some ways it’s already here." (Aug 18, 1999 - Jon Hagee's Church, LeSea

Like Copeland many have died trying to activate spiritual laws and principles. Numerous people who have been
influenced by this teaching have said that they stood on the word for people dying, and this person is not going
to die and they died. And their faith becomes crushed because they thought they heard God say they would live.
How? By someone else usually telling them by his stripes we are healed. They may not directly tell the people
to get rid of their insulin or other medicines but they encourage this by stating emphatically that it is a promise
of God to heal all by faith.

While these faith healers claim to heal all kinds of diseases, their cancer is still in the body of Christ and
growing both spiritually and physically. What is interesting is that the people who are called Word of Faith
teachers do not seem to have any of a lesser ratio of cancer and sickness than others. These are ministers who
know each other, teach the same doctrine, and share the same stories… and sickness is common among them. It
is unusual for a specific group that teaches the same doctrine of healing to have a higher percentage of their
families to be struck with cancer. Is God telling them something? Are they or their followers taking notice?

In the News (Unfortunately...)

On January 6, 1999 Diane Sawyer and Sam Donaldson of 20/20 did a report on the Followers of Christ, where
over a thousand people attend a small church outside Portland, Oregon. An alarming number of children in the
Followers have died while their parents prayed instead of getting a doctor. 78 children are buried since 1955 in
the Followers of Christ cemetery just outside Oregon City. Doctors said at least 21 probably would have lived
with medical intervention, often by using simple antibiotics.

An article in the Journal of Pediatrics examined the deaths of 172 children from families who relied upon faith
healing from 1975 to 1995. They concluded that four out of five ill children who died under the care of faith
healers would most likely have survived, if they had received medical care. Eighty-one percent of the deaths
were caused by conditions that had a medical survival rate of 90%.

And the List Goes On...

Many die from the promotion of health by faith. Charles Meade is the founder of an End Time's cult located in
Florida. They have had Over 19 children die due to his faith stance and his revulsion of medicine.

One of the more famous cases is Dr. Hobart Freeman, who was the founder and pastor of the Glory Barn. He
blamed his own son for a lack of faith in the death of his own grandchild. The fact was a routine operation could
have saved his life. He had detested medical doctors and persuaded his members to avoid the doctors as well.
His faith stance touched 97 people directly, they died! And Eventually Hobart himself died in 1984. Despite all
the documentation of deaths instead of healings, his ministry continues in the congregations he established.

In 1998, Dr. Seth Asser, a critical-care pediatrician at Methodist Children's Hospital in San Antonio did a paper
in the professional Journal Pediatrics. Asser examined the deaths of 172 children from families who relied on
faith healing: families from Christian Scientist, Faith Tabernacle, Faith Assembly and several other assorted
religions. He concluded 4 out of 5 ill children who died under the care of faith healers would have most likely
survived if they had received medical attention. 81% of the deaths were caused by conditions that had a 90%
chance of survival rate if they would have seen there physician. Most could have been cured from routine
medical care.

Christian Science Safer than Word-Faith?!

The Christian Science Church which has been practicing faith healing has a national membership of 170,000.
They had 28 child deaths between 1975 and 1995, according to one (Asser's) study. So when we say Christian
Science is a cult, and way less people die percentage wise than the faith Churches, what do we say to our
people? There are no real statistics on how many have become sick or died from the word faith teaching of
Isa.53 by his stripes we are healed. But we can estimate it certainly is more than Christian Science, and it may
be closer to the Jehovah’s Witnesses and their anti-blood policy.

The charismatic author Jamie Buckingham wrote "I'm healed" in Charisma Magazine and a several months later
died of cancer. Jamie was under a medical doctor’s care. "One day my wife ... suddenly spoke aloud [and] said,
'Your healing was purchased at the cross.' ... Here is what I discovered. You have what you speak. If you want
to change something, you must believe it enough to speak it. ... If you say you're sick, you'll be (and remain)
sick. It was not mine. It was the devil's. I didn't have cancer. I had Jesus. The cancer was trying to have me, but
the Word of God said I was healed through what Jesus did on Calvary. ... It was a Friday afternoon. The tape
was an Oral Roberts' sermon ... I came up off the sofa, shouting, 'I'm healed!' My wife leaped out of her chair
and shouted, 'Hallelujah!' For the next 30 minutes all we did was walk around the house shouting thanks to
God and proclaiming my healing" "The cancer was trying to have me, but the word of God said I was healed
through what Jesus did at Calvary." (Jamie Buckingham, "My Summer of Miracles" Charisma, April 1991).
Ten months after the publication of his article claiming he was healed he died of cancer (Feb.17, 1992)

Buckingham had made other statements to the fact, "I also believe God has promised me that I can live to be at
least 100 years old." (Charisma April 1990) His wife had a prophecy "You will not die but live and proclaim
what the Lord has done."

Everyone believed this: his wife, Oral Roberts, his congregation… but they were all wrong. This is not an
uncommon practice of people believing they have heard from God and died. Instead of preparing to meet their
make they presume that they will have many more years on earth.

One of the more recent sad stories was John Osteen who was a pastor in Houston of a mega-church, who had
kidney dialysis in late 1998. He also had a heart catheterization in August that determined all was well with his
heart at that time. Later on doctors performed surgery to put in a pacemaker for his heart.

Pastor Osteen knew "he was in need of a miracle." He claimed God had given him Psalm 27:14. Requests went
out to his friends to wait on the Lord with him, and agree with him for a creative miracle for his kidneys and his
heart. They agreed with the Psalmist in Psalm 41 of the Lords deliverance and protection to keep him alive. He
will transform his illness. He will raise him up! The "Lord" gave him a vision that he would be preaching into
his 90's.

Osteen "confessed" his healing and 20,000 members in his church stood in "agreement" with him for his
recovery. They believed he would have his miracle just like his wife Dodie received her miracle (Dodie his wife
got liver cancer and was treated through medical attention. But, unfortunately did not happen. Here is a man
who lived the faith message and when it came down to it, it failed as it has for so many others. This does not
mean it 100% fails because God is the one who heals and he will have mercy on whom he wills.

If someone says they are having heart trouble and they deny this symptom claiming their healing by faith they
could die. A perfect example of this is when Oral Roberts was on Paul Crouch on "Praise the Lord" show on
TBN (October 6, 1992). I watched as Crouch was asked to lay hands on Oral Roberts to minister to his chest
pains, Roberts exclaimed, "I feel the healing power of Jesus!" and said it felt like an "electric current go
through him." Paul, you are anointed. Oral Roberts was pronounced healed on TBN. But was he really?

It was reported less than four hours later, while visiting a home in Newport Beach, Roberts felt more pains and
was hospitalized at Hoag Presbyterian Memorial Hospital (also in Newport Beach), shortly after midnight.
Subsequent articles report that Roberts's heart attack was "near fatal." ("Evangelist Has Tests" The Orange
County [CA] Register [Dec.16 1992], A-7) the healing evangelist now has a pacemaker ("Roberts Out of
Hospital" The Orange County [CA] Register (2l December 1992), A-30). Of course, this is ignored by the
crowds following his doctrine. One can only wonder why? Hypocrisy?

Frederick K. Price, Word of Faith pastor of a mega-church in Los Angeles teaches that no one should die before
70. He became famous for saying “why would God want to live in a sick body? If you keep talking death, that is
what you are going to have. If you keep talking sickness and disease, that is what you are going to have,
because you are going to create the reality of them with your own mouth. That is a divine law." (Fred Price,
Realm, 29).

“... How can you glorify God in your body, when it doesn't function right? How can you glorify God? How can
He get glory when your body doesn't even work? ... What makes you think the Holy Ghost wants to live inside a
body where He can't see out through the windows and He can't hear with the ears? What makes you think the
Holy Spirit wants to live inside of a physical body where the limbs and the organs and the cells do not function
right? ... And what makes you think He wants to live in a temple where He can't see out of the eyes, and He
can't walk with the feet, and He can't move with the hand? ... The only eyes that he has that are in the earth
realm are the eyes that are in the body. If He can't see out of them then God's gonna be limited he's not going to
be helped..." applause (Frederick K.C. Price, "Is God Glorified Through Sickness?" (Los Angeles: Crenshaw
Christian Center, audiotape #FP605).

Price also discourages the use of medication, saying, "When you have developed your faith to such an extent
that you can stand on the promises of God, then you won't need medicine."(Faith, foolishness or presumption,
p.88, 1979, Harrison House). Price states, "We don't allow sickness in our home (Is Healing for All? p.20,
Harrison House, 1976)

Really Fred? His own wife, Betty, got cancer. In October 1990 Price openly said she had developed cancer - an
"inoperable malignant tumor in her pelvic area.” (Betty Price praise report, 'Ever Increasing Faith Messenger')
She was medically treated by chemotherapy and God had mercy on her and she was healed. What does this
mean after hearing Price’s own statements of how legalistic he is, "We don't allow sickness in our home." His
faith was not enough; Fred's own wife needed a doctor just like anyone else would. Price now claims she is free
of cancer, medication, and pain (but only "95 percent free of a limp"' (CRI telephone interview with Crenshaw
Christian center staff member July 31 1992) also Betty Price health update...then... and... now from Betty Price.
Ever Increasing Faith Messenger 13, 4 (fall, 1992):5 (cited in Christianity in Crisis).

God Speaking or Man Speaking?

It is not the amount of our faith that has God heal. God can heal even if there is little faith represented. God is
not bound to heal by our declaration of faith; healing rests in His sovereign will and timing. We need to
understand that all miraculous healing is an act of God's grace; otherwise we are in control not him.

Charles Capps, Word of Faith teacher, teaches power of our words to create reality saying "You can have what
you say! I don't deny the existence of disease. I deny the right of that disease to exist in this body, because I'm
the Body of Christ." (The Tongue p. 43.) "This is not theory, it is fact. It is spiritual law. It works every time it is
applied correctly." His wife got cancer and was medically treated. So where's the power that is claimed for his
own personal miracle.

Ruth Carter Stapleton, (Faith Healing sister of former US President Jimmie Carter) believed in faith healing and
refused medical treatment for cancer. She died in 1983 of the disease.

Ruth Heflin who was 60 years died of cancer Sept. 15, 2000. Yet she firmly believed "I suddenly knew how
easy it is to raise the dead and to heal all manner of sickness and disease... how easy it is to see blind eyes open
and deaf ears unstopped." (Harvest Glory, her 1999 autobiography)

R.W. Schambach is one of the favorite Faith Healer's on LeSea and TBN. He has said "You don't have any
problems, all you need is faith in God." and on TBN recently he stated "God will heal you". But it’s reported
that he got a quadruple heart bypass from a human doctor, not Doctor Jesus.

What about themselves? Their confession is not their possession. It's not working for them either. I know some
may mean well and naively teach this but it more harmful to believe in fantasy than to face the reality of truth
and have time to do something about it.

Why did none of the people who are deathly sick call for Oral Roberts or go to a Benny Hinn crusade? Why
didn't they send for a prayer cloth from Parsley or get a trinket from Marilyn Hickey. If what they teach is true
none of them should be sick for long, they should all have supernatural healing.
Why not? Maybe they know something that you don't? They do not trust their own welfare into their hands of
faith. There are many Word Faith teachers that are getting medical attention. Instead of being healed by faith,
they go to medical doctors to get their bodies repaired like anyone else. None of these folks got a "miracle" or
received "divine healing" directly from the hand of God or themselves. They did what every person with
common sense would do: they got medical help.

John Wimber, who made famous the Signs and Wonders Movement, believed in "Power Healing," was dying
from cancer. He was medically treated even though he believed God could heal. No "power" healing was
presented, it was chemo-therapy. He eventually died of something unrelated to his sickness. Chris Wimber, of
Vineyard Music died on Feb 6, 1998 of melanoma cancer. Although they had members who supposedly
"healed" people of cancer and other sicknesses, even AIDS - there was no "healing" for Chris.

Concerning the deaths of people Morris Cerullo has pronounced healed. Among these so-called `miracles' was a
four year old child falsely pronounced healed by Cerullo in a London arena before an audience of thousands.
The child died shortly afterward. Natalie Barnes age 4 died as a result of Morris Cerullo pronouncing her healed
(Charismania: When Fundamentalism Goes Wrong, Rowland Howard, London 1997 41-43).

Dr. Peter May, a respected evangelical physician and member of the Christian Medical Fellowship and Church
of England General Synod, asked for a list of six of Cerullo's best medically documented miracles. When these
were eventually forthcoming not one proved to have been a genuine cure. The tragedy of these kinds of deaths
is that they were covered by the media, undermining Christian witness to the general public.

Audrey Reynolds went to Cerullo's Mission London in 1992, certain she had been healed of ankle injury. She
felt well and therefore stopped taking all medication including her anti-epilepsy drugs. Six days later she had a
fit and drowned in her bath. The Southwark Coroner, Sir Montague Levine, concluded: "It is a tragedy that she
went to this meeting and thought she had been cured of everything. Sadly it led to her death."

Real faith in truth does not kill, so what is going on?

The public notices when someone claims to be healed. Before we publicly claim this, we need to make sure, lest
we have them mock the church because of a false testimony. The truth matters people, and nothing can hurt the
truth more than outlandish unproven assertions of supernatural power that does not take place. Why should we
believe tremendous miracles take place just because a Televangelist says so? Now you won't have to go to faith
healer but visit a healing center. Benny Hinn Promises to build a World Healing Center where there will be
Healing Stream and healing fountains, healing gardens, with healing statues of biblical healing saints from the
Old Testament. Hinn promises to build chapels for every one of those greats of the past where you can visit
Kathryn Kuhlmann, Aimee simple McPherson, Oral Roberts and Dr. Sumerall.

What many do not know is that Hinn's idol Kathryn Kuhlman died of heart failure in 1976. It was found out that
she had lived with heart disease for nearly twenty years. It’s not my point to impugn Kuhlman, but there as
many testimonies that are against the healings, as there are for them.

Kurt Koch was a renowned evangelical researcher. In one portion of his book Occult ABC he describes his
research into Kathryn Kuhlman's healing ministry. He carefully followed up on a list of 28 cases of alleged
healings in the Minneapolis, Minnesota, area. These cases were submitted to him by the Kuhlman's organization
as the best examples of healings which had occurred under her ministrations. He summarizes his findings as:
"Ten had not been healed, seven had experienced an improvement in their condition, eleven had diseases in
which the mind can play an important part. In the whole of this extensive report, there is not one clear case of
healing from an organic disease" (Kurt Koch, Occult ABC, 1981).
Kathryn Kuhlman had brought one of her healing services to St. Louis. A fleet of chartered buses brought
people to the meeting from a near 200-mile radius of the city. One driver from the bus noted: "'She doesn't
always succeed,' said a driver from Chester. ’My bus was pretty quiet on the way home last year [after her
service]. But for some of those people a little inspiration does wonders, if only for a little while. I had a guy last
year who was dying of cancer. He got up on the stage and said he was healed. He died a week later.'" (St. Louis
Post Dispatch, 5/4/75, "Praying, Hoping, Waiting..." pg. G11).

Did anyone die after Jesus pronounced them healed?

Of course not. Do you ever see anyone leave the stage at the Healing Crusades not being healed? Is everyone
getting healed? Because that is the impression they give. If miracles actually convinced people, Jesus' own
family would have been convinced, but they were not.

Dr. Nolan did work on 82 cases of Kathryn Kuhlman's healings using names that she herself supplied. His
conclusion at the end of the entire investigation was that not one of the so called healings was legitimate not a
one! This does not impugn God, but those representing Him. For God is able to heal today as he always was
able. I believe God heals and that we should pursue healing from him, but not only him. Doctors are a God sent
profession. What do you think the Jews did in the OT before Jesus came? They went to doctors. After Jesus left
do you think they looked for only healers when they were sick? Hinn states the TV will be conduit for this
power as "People around the world who will lose loved ones, will say to undertakers, ahh, not yet. I want to
take my dead loved one and place him in front of that TV set for 24 hours… Placing them before a television
set, waiting for God's power to come through and touch them." (TBN 10/19/99)

Recently Sheryl Pruitt Salem's daughter tragically died and it was distressing to see her break down and then
say God is sovereign. The very opposite of what they believe, as they do not pray thy will be done. Hinn said he
is going to have the Salem's on the program that had a tragic loss of their 6-year-old child. Yet right after he
stated this he said "No matter what you need our God wants to heal you and bless your life." (Dec.28, '99) Why
did they not seek Hinn out to heal their child if this is true?

There seems to be as much room for faith healing malpractice as there is malpractice in the medical industry.
What becomes most disturbing is when people get computerized letters from certain TV faith healing ministers
saying that the Lord has led them to pray for a certain one to be healed. They received a word of knowledge for
you or your loved one. The problem is they receive this letter after that person has already died. So who is
telling them this? Why are they not resurrected? (That's another article- on all the hyped resurrection stories

Before you finish reading this article I want to say that I do believe in healing and miracles. So I'm not
anti-supernatural, what I oppose is the false stories and unbiblical methods that give rise to them. I'm
believing for a miracle for those in the Word- Faith movement. Many who are involved in this movement
need a miracle to get out!

Almost the majority of the known healers went for some kind of treatment from medical professionals. This was
in spite of all their claims of miracles and the practice of their "positive confession" faith. Even Joyce Meyers
did, and she was honest to admit that she had breast cancer and was medically treated. One of the few honest

There are many documented cases where people who were dying prayed to God of their own religion (and
imagination) and were healed. There are numerous documented cases where people who were sick and dying
had made no claim to faith, used prayer, or even believed in God, had a miraculous cure. How are these
explained? You could be sure if a faith-healer was nearby they would find a way to attribute it to their ministry.
Just When You Thought that You Had Seen it All...

Now we have a first with Rev. Skankster's Online Healing Ministry.


You no longer have to go to a crusade That's right, now YOU can be healed ONLINE, in the comfort of your
own home! Whether you're young or old, black or white, rich or poor...God's healing power is available to you
at the touch of a button. Please, come and join us. Witness the miracles of Jesus Christ! He claims on his site,
No Affliction is out of reach of healing! Any affliction will be completely healed. (When enough funds are
received he will expand his services to include online EXORCISMS) Now, even the most unyielding demons
can be cast out from the comfort of your favorite chair.... All this is GUARANTEED! All this for the incredibly
low, low price of $49.95. Which he claims is "a small price to pay for your own personal miracle!"

This is a VERY special service available only at this address on the Internet!

His Directions are:

1. Place your left hand on the screen.

2. Now without removing your left hand from the screen, click the "HEAL NOW!" button with your
3. Sit back and experience the warmth and peacefulness that accompanies God's healing powers as your
ailment is divinely removed.
4. This is the most important step! After you have received your healing you must say, "Thank you,
Lord Jesus, for the anointing!" Be sure to stress anointing or else it will not work."

Yes, say the magic words to be deceived. Well, the healing Rev. Skankster is certainly a prankster. The sad part
is that many will naively go to him, desperate for a healing.

What if I told your loved one that God guarantees YOU TO BE HEALED when they were dying? Would you
want to see them take a chance on this? What if it didn't work, would you be angry? What does it take to
mobilize you? Do we care for the people who are being deceived by these false promises? The faith of some
men becomes a license to kill.

So why do people die from THIS faith?

Because the faith they are exercising is not the faith of the Bible. God does not promise that EVERYONE will
be healed if they have faith. So it is not based on truth. So why do some get healed and others not? Because God
is gracious and merciful, and it is there time. For whatever reason, only God knows.

He has the power to heal at any time, but he has chosen not to all the time. He also has the power to destroy all
wickedness, but he has chosen not to. Yet this too is a promise in the Scripture. We know one day he will. So it
becomes a matter of timing, not just a matter of faith.

It is the same for healing. As Christians we believe in the power of God! Do we actually believe that God can
raise the dead? Certainly! The real question is "When?" The Scriptures are clear in Romans 8:23, We are
"waiting for ... the redemption of our bodies." The Resurrection is connected to the 2nd coming of Christ as
stated in 1 Corinthians 15. If he resurrects some individuals today, Praise the Lord. If he does not, we still have
hope in his promise.

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