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Founded in 1965 by the Oblates
Owned by the Archdiocese of Cotabato
Managed by the Diocesan Clergy of Cotabato (DCC)
Lebak, Sultan Kudarat

“Service for the Love of God through Mary”


Name :Archie Mae B. Quinto

Subject : Business Leadership and Ethics


Chuck Noland is a FedEx systems engineer who’s personal and professional life
are ruled by the clock. His fast-paced career takes him, often at a moment’s notice, to
far-flung locales and away from his girlfriend, Kelly.

The movie entails the eagerness for better service of the FedEx manager, Chuck
Noland, which shows his enthusiasm on his work. His dedication and compassion to
make of delivery of all the packages to designated places is showing of he is a
directional leader. All are planned, scheduled, and monitored. This results to the
productivity of his work and the entire operation. Time wise is also one of the good
portrayal of the movie. It makes the subordinates because time conscious and has
directive work assignment at the same time. He thinks critically enable to solve the
problem and at the same always positive. Say for instance the malfunctioning of the
delivery truck which addressed as soon as possible just make sure that the planned
operation is followed.

From the operation itself Chuck Noland shows off that his taking pride to his
work. Seeing the confidence while instructing his subordinates and showing emphasis
on how sure he is to whatever he is instructing are sort of dependability on him as a
leader. That he is not showing doubts so his people won’t question his capability. Also,
when he keep the one package while he is on the island and able to return it after four
years shows his optimism and how dedicated he in his work. Yes it is his source of hope
that he can survive and go back to civilization but along with it upon delivering the
package some says that no matter what the circumstances you must deliver the
services and products expected by the client because it is a customer satisfaction.

Above all of this good ethical work ethics by the management of the FedEx it
somehow portrays unethical work issue. Let us say Chuck Noland is goal oriented man,
time conscious and authoritative. This authoritativeness somehow puts undue pressure
to his subordinates. It’s like putting deadlines which are a great way to make sure the
work gets done on time. However, when employees are placed under undue pressure,
they end up trading quality for on-time delivery. It could turn out that way.

Also putting so much pressure just to make the quota or delivery it also results to
unrealistic and conflicting goals. This entails unrealistic objectives that can spur leaders
to put undue pressure on their employees, and employees may consider cutting corners
or breaching ethical or legal guidelines to obtain them. Cutting corners ethically is a
shortcut that rarely pays off, and if your entire team or department is failing to meet
goals, company leadership needs that feedback to revisit those goals and re-evaluate
performance expectations.

The core message of Cast Away focuses on the goodness of being alone and
the strength of the human spirit. The hardship he faces on the island allows him to think
from a new perspective. He now has more appreciation for the people and assets he
has because he knows what life is like without them. This movie clearly shows how
much a person can change under extreme circumstances. As years pass, people
change depending on external and internal struggles in their life.

Being alone doesn’t necessarily mean being lonely. It is actually in solitude that
man learns to be strong, where he learns to depend on his own strength and reflect on
his weaknesses.

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