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Complex Number

Level - 1
(Practice Questions Based on Fundamentals)


1. Find the value of in + in+1 + in+2 + in+3, n  I.

2. Find the value of i2010 + i2011 + i2012 + i2013.

 1 i 
3. Find the smallest integer n for which   1.
 1 i 

4. Find the sum of  (i n  i n 1) .
n 1

5. Find the value of iP + iQ + iR + i5 where P, Q, R, S are four consecutive integers.

6. Find the value of i2015 + i2016 + i2017 + i2018.

2016 2018
7. If  i k   i P  x  iy,i  1 , find x + y + 2.
k 0 p 0

8. Find the smallest positive integer n for which (1 + i)2n = (1 – i)2n.

9. Find the value of (1 + i)5 + (1 + i3)5 + (1 + i5)7 + (1 + i7)7.

10. Let z = (n + i)4. Find the number of integral values of n for which z is an integer.

11. If z = 1 + i, find the multiplicative inverse of z2.

1  2i
12. If z  , find the multiplicative inverse of z.
3  4i

Complex Number

13. Ifa+ ib > c + id, find the value ofb + d+ 2016. 4

14. Find the least positive integer n for which 36. Iflz-21 = 2lz-11,prove that lzl2=- Re (z ).
2 . -l -1 1 37. I_flz + 61=l3z + 21,prove that lzl = 2.
(1 _ i =;(Sill x +sec (;)) ·
) 38. Let z = x + iy and lz + 61 = l2z + 31,the locus ofz is x2 +
15. Find x andy which satisfy the equation z-1
(2-3i) y+i . 39. If lzl = 1 and co= - ( where z =t. 1),find Re( co).
i)x-2i + ---'---
- =l z+ 1
( i) (3-i) 40. Ifz be a complex number satisfying the equation lz + ii
. l1008 (1+i)2016 + lz - ii = 8 on the complex plane, find the maximum
16. If x+zy= + ,findx andy. value oflzl.
(1 + i)2016 21008
17. Let z = x + iy. Ifz l 13 =a+ ib, prove that ·:1aulG&i8J�jla1:0:•••,:
.:.+l'..=4(a2 -b2 ). 41. Find the arguments of
a b (i) 1+i (ii) 1-i
18. Ifj(x) = x4 - 8x3 + 4x2 + 4x + 39 andj(3 + 2i) =a+ ib, (iii) -1 + i (iv) -1- i
(v) 0 (vi) 2013
then find (�+10).
(vii) -2013 (viii) 2i
2· )n 1
19. �ind th� �eas� positive integern for which z=( (ix) - 2 i (x)
1; i (1 + i).
ts a positive lllteger.
20 If x = 3 + 2i is a root _of a quadratic equation, find its 42. If z=-+-, findArg(-z).
Jj i
equation. 2 2
43. IfArg(z) < 0,find the value ofArg(z)-Arg(-z).
21. Solve: z 2 + z=0 .
22. If(i-i) is the root ofthe equation 44. Ifz = x+ iy such that lz+ ll = iz-11 and Amp(
= ,
!!_ l)
z3 - 2(2 - i)z2 + (4 - 5i)z + (3i- 1) = 0, find the other findz.
z+1 4
roots. 45. If z 1 and z2 are two non-zero complex numbers such
23. Given that 1 + 2i is one root of the equation x4 - 3x3 +
8x2- 7x + 5 = 0,find the other three roots. that lz 1 + z21 = lz 1 - z2 I,find Amp(::) .

!11110�••i1�1111tlll1t cos 0 +i sin 0 TC TC

46. Let z=( . . ) ,- <0<-
24. Iflz-(2 + 3i)I = 1,find the greatest and the least value COS 0 -l Sill 0 4
oflzl. 47. Find the argument ofz if
25. Iflz + 3 +Sil = 2,find the difference between the great­
est and the least value oflzl. z = sin(%)+ {1-cos(%))
26. Ifa+ ib = (l + i)(l + 2i)(l + 3i) ... (1 + ni), then find TC 5TC
the value ofa2 + b2 48. If Arg (z)=- and Arg (z-1)=-,find the complex
3 6
. a+ib number z.
27. If x+zy=-_ -. ,prove that x2 + y2 = 1. 49. Let z be a complex number having the argument 0,
28. The complex number z satisfies z+ l=I = 2 + 8i,find 1=1- 0 < 0 < TC and satisfying the inequality lz-3il = 3,find
29. Ifz = re;8, then find leizl. 2
30. If a, /3 be different complex numbers, find the maxi- Arg( cot 0-!J
a/3 + f3a z-
mum value of . 50. If Amp( l)
=!!_ ,find the locus ofz.
la/31 z+l 3
31. If lzi l=1.z2 I=lz3 I=I_!_+_!__+_!_I=1 , find the value of 51. Find the angle that the vector representing the complex
Z1 Zz Z3 1
number r:; makes with the positive direction
1= 1 + =2 +zJ ('\/3 -i) 25
32. Ifz = (3 + 7i)(p + iq),p, q E /- { 0} is purely imaginary ofthe real axis.
number,find the minimum value of lzl2,

I I·
33. If a,/3 be different complex numbers with 1/31 = 1,find
the value of /3 - a
52. Ifz 1 ,z2 E C,provethat l = 1 +z2 1:s;lz1 l+l z2 l-
53_ Ifz 1 ,z2 E C,prove that li =1l-l =2ll:s;l z1- = 2 I.
34. Find the complex number z, iflz + 11=z + 2(1 + i). TC
54. Iflz 1 + z2I=lz 1 - z2I <=> Arg (z1) - Arg(z2) =
35. Iflz-112 + lz + 112 = 5,find lzl2• 2.

Complex Number

55. Iflz1 + z21 = lz1 1 + lz21, prove thatArg(z1) = Arg(z).

5+6co+7co2 5+6co+7co2
82. the va1ue of ----+ ----2
56. Iflz 1 + iz2 i = iz1l + lz2 I �Arg (z1 )-Arg (z2 )=�. 2
7+6co +5co 6+5co+7co
57. If lz 1 - z2 1 = lz 1 1 + lz21 � z1 + kz2 = 0, k E J+ 83. If i= H, find the value of
58. If lz 1 + zz ! 2 = lz/ + lzzl2 � .:L is purely imaginary I ·-/3)334 ( I ·_[3)365
4 + 5( +3
number. z2 -2 T+
-2 T +
59. Iflz 1 1 � 1, lz21 � 1, prove that 84. Solve for x: x 6
- 9x 3 + 8 0.

lz 1 -zz1 2 � (lz 1 I - lz 1 l)2 + (Arg(z 1 )-Arg(z))2

60. Iflz 1 1 � 1, lz21 � 1, prove that
lz 1 + zzl2 � (lz 1 1- lz 1 l)2-(Arg(z 1 )-Arg(zz))2 85. Ifx satisfies the equation x2 - 2x cos 0 + I = 0, find the
61. Find the maximum value oflz + 11, where lz + 41 � 3. value of x n+- .
62. Find the minimum value oflz + 21, where lz + 51 � 4.
63. Find the minimum values of 86. If Z7=cos(2t)+i sin(2t), r = 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, find
(i) lzl + lz + 21
the value ofZlzZ3z4zs.
(ii) lz + 21 + lz- 21
64. Find the maximum value oflz + 21 + lz- 21 + l2z- 71. 87. Ifsin a+ sin /3 + sin r= 0 = cos a+ cos /3 + cos r, find
65. Find the greatest and the least values oflz 1 + z21, where the value of
z 1 = 6 + Si and z2 = 3 + 4i (i) sin 3a + sin 3/3 + sin 3y
(ii) cos 3a+ cos 3/3 + cos 3y
66. Iflz- 3il � 4, find the maximum value ofli(z + 1) + I I.
67. If lzl = 3, then find the min and maximum values of
88. Ifsin a+ sin /3+ sin = 0 = cos a+ cos /3+ cos r, find
the value of
(i) cos2 a + cos2/3 + cos2 y (ii) sin2 a + sin2/3 + sin2 r
lz+;I· 89. If zr=cos(;) +isin(;), find the value ofz 1 · z2
68. Iflz 11 = 2, lz21 = 3, lz) = 5 such that l25zl2 + 9zl3 + 4zzZ31 •

= 90, find the value oflz + z + z ',

1 2 3
z3 ... to oo.
90. Find the value of(1 + i)8 + (1- i)8.
91. Find the value of
Find the square roots of3- 4i.
Find the square roots of5 + 12i.
2i 2nk
( sin (-) -icos --·-•.
k=I 11 11
71. Find the square roots of8- 6i.
72. Find the square roots of3i. ;liillll11111iilll-i
73. Find the square roots of8 - 15i. 92. Solve for x: x3 - I = 0.
74. Find the square roots of 93. Solve for x:·xs- I = 0.
94. Solve for x: x7 - l = 0.
x2+ ;2 +4{x-�)- 6. 95. Solve for x: x3 + 1 = 0.
96. Solve for x: xs + 1 = 0.
75. If z 2+5=12H, find the complex number z. 97. Solve for x: x7 + 1 = 0.
98. Solve for x: x1 0- 1 = 0.
1111111111-l) 99. Solve for x: x 1 0 + xs + I = 0.
76. Ifco is the complex cube root ofunity, find the value of 100. Solve for x: x 1 0 -x9 + x8 -x7 + ... + x2 -x + I = 0.
(2 + 3co + 3co2)2°13• 101. Solve for z: zs + I = 0 and deduce that
77. Ifco is the complex cube root ofunity, find the value of
(3 + 4co + 5co2)10• 4 sinC�)cos( f)
78. If co is the non-real cube root of unity, find the sum of

102. Solve for z: z7 - 1 = 0 and deduce that
co+co(½+f+fi+ 1t7s +...) 2 4
cos(;)cos( ;)cos( ;)=
79. Find the common roots ofz3 + 2z2 + 2z + I = 0 and
z2ou + z20 14 + z20 1s = 0. 103. Find the integral solutions of(1-W = 2x.
80. If a, /3, ybe the cube roots of(-2013), for any x,y, and
xa + y/3 + zr
z, find the value of -�-�.
104. If z= - - , find the value of(z 1 0 1 + z103)106•
2 _
x/3 + yy + za I 05. Let z = x + iy be a complex number, where x and y are
. 2 + 3co+4co2 integers. Find the area of the rectangle whose vertices
81. Fmd the value of •
4+3co2+2co are the roots of zz3+zz 3 =350.

Complex Number

106. Let z = cos 0 + i sin 0, find the value of 123. A particle P starts from the point z0 = 1 + 2i, where
15 i = H . It moves first horizontally away from origin
L Im(z 2m -l) at 0 = 2°. by 5 units and then vertically away from the origin 3
units to reach a point z 1 • From z 1 the particle moves
107. Let a complex number a, a -:t- l be a root ofan equation
zP + q - zP- � + l = 0, where p and q are distinct primes. ../2 units in the direction ofthe vector i + J and then
Show that either through an angle !!.. in anti-clockwise direction on a
1 + a+ a2 + ... + aP - 1 = 0 or 2
circle with the centre at the origin to reach a point z2•
1 + a+ a2 + ... + aq-' = 0 but not both. Find the pointz2 •
124. Let z 1 and z2 be the roots of the equation z2 + pz + q
= 0, where the co-efficients p and q may be complex
108. If a point P(3, 4) is rotated through an angle of 90° numbers. Let A and Bbe represent z 1 and z2 in the com­
in anti-clockwise sense about the origin, find the new plex plane. If LAOB = a, and OA = OB, where O is the
position ofP.
109. If a point Q(3, 4) is rotated through an angle of 180° origin, prove that p 2 = 4q cos2 (;).
in anti-clockwise sense about the origin, find the new
position ofQ.
110. Ifa point l'(3, 4) is rotated through an angle of 30° in
anti-clockwise sense about the point Q(l, 0), find the 125. Find the locus ofz, if ArgG::) = :-
new position ofP.
111. The complex number .Jj +i becomes -1 + i.Jj after 126. Find the locus of z, iflz- 11 + lz + 11 � 4.
rotating an angle 0 about the origin in anti-clock-wise 127. Find the locus ofz, iflz- 21 + lz +21 � 4.
sense, find the angle 0. 128. Find the locus ofz, if z = t + 5 + i�4- t 2 , t ER.
112. The three vertices of a triangle are represented by the
complex numbers 0, z1 , z2• If the triangle is equilateral 129. If ( /� ) is always real, find the locus ofz.
triangle, prove that z? + Zi = z1 z2 1
113. If the origin and the roots ofz2 + az + b = 0 form an. 130. If Re(;)= c, c -:t- 0 , find the locus of z.
equilateral triangle, prove that a2 = 3b.
114. Ifthe area ofa triangle on the complex plane formed by 131. Iflz2 - 11 = lzl2 + 1, find the locus of z.
the complex numbers z, iz and z + iz is 50 sq.u., find lzl.
115. Ifthe area ofa triangle on the complex plane formed by
the complex numbers z, ruz, z + ruz is 16.Jj sq.u. , find
the value of(lzl2 + lzl + 2).
116. Let z 1 and z2 be the nth roots of unity which subtend a
right angle at the origin, prove that n = 4k, where k E N.
117. Suppose z" z2 , z3 be the vertices ofan equilateral trian­
gle inscribed in the circle lzl = 2. If Z1 = 1 + i,Jj, prove
that z2 =-2 and z3 = 1- i-/3.
118. If a and b be real numbers between 0 and 1 such that
the points z 1 = a+ i, z2 = 1 + ib and z3 = 0 form an equi-
lateral triangle, prove that a = 2 - .Jj = b .
119. The adjacent vertices of a regular polygon of n-sides
are the points z and its conjugate z .
If = ../2 -1, find the value of n.
120. The vertices A and C ofa square are ABCD are 2 + 3i
and 3- 2i respectively. Find the vertices Band D.
121. A, B, Care the vertices of an equilateral triangle whose
centre is i. IfA represents the complex number -i, find
the vertices B and C.
122. A man walks a distance of 3 units from the origin to­
wards the north-east (N45°E) direction. From there,
he walks a distance of 4 units towards the north-west
(N45°W) direction to reach a point P. Find the position
ofthe point P in the Argand plane.

Complex Number


5. Wehave,
lEVEl I t +iQ+t+f
=t(l+i+i2 +i3)
1. Wehave, = txo
i" + ;n+I +itt+-2 +itt+-3
=i"(1+i+i2 + 1 )
6. Wehave,

=0 ;2015 +;2016 + ;2017 + ;2018

2. Wehave,
;2010 + ;2 011 +;201 2 + ;201 3 =;201s(l+i+i2 +i3)
=;201s X 0
=;2010(1+i+ j2 +i3)
7. Wehave,
3. We have, 2016 2018
1+i Il+ LiP =x+iy
( -) =1
1-i k=0 p=0

+i l+i L l+ L
2016 2018
=> X +iy =
=> c-x-J =1 ;P
1-i l+i k=0 p=0

(1+i)2 => X +iy=j2016 +;2016 + j2017 + j2018

=> (2 J =I => x+iy = l+l+i+i2=1+i
1 -(-i)2 Thu s, x=1, y = 1
l+i2 +2i Hence, the valueof
=> ( J =1
1+1 x+y+2
=> (i)"=1 =1+1+2
=> n = . . . , -8, -4, 0, 4, 8, 1,2; ... =4
Clearly, n is not defined 8. We have,
(1+i)2n=(1 - j)2n
=> -�-=1
(1-; )2n

c�:J =1

+i l+i
(1-x-J =1
1-i l+i

( ,r (1+i)

l+i2 +2ir
=> ( =I
4. Wehave,
=> (i)2n =·l
=> n = 2
n=l Hence, the positive integer n is 2.
9. Wehave
= [; + ;' + ;3 + +...+ ;2-012 + ;2013 ] (1+i)5 +(1+i ) +(1+i5 )7 +(1+i7 )7

3 5

=(1+i)5 +(1 -i)5 } + {(l+i)7 +(1 -i)7

=21 ± 5 CI i+5 CI i2 + 5 C 3 + 5 C i4 + 5 C i5 }
+ [;' +;' + ,. + : +.. .+ ;2013 +i2014 2 3
- I - I
� 2(1 ± C1i+ C2i ± C3i + C4i4 ± 7C5is + 7 C6i6 -+ 1c7i7 )
7 7 7 7

=(2 -20 +10)+(l -21+ 35 -7)

=i201 3+ ;2014
=i+i2 =-8+ 8
=i -1 =0

Complex Number

10. We have z = (n + i)4 Equating the real and imaginary parts, we get,
For n = 0, z = i4 = l, an integer 2x- 7y = 13 and4x+ 9y == 3.
For n = l, z = (1 +i)4 = 1- 6+ 1 = -4, an integer Hence,x = 3,y =-1.
Forn =-1,z = (l+i)4= l- 6+ l = -4,an integer 16. We have
For n == R- {-1, 0, 1 }, z,an imaginary number. . i1 oos (l+02016
X + zy
Thus, the number of integral values of n is 3. (l+i)2016 + 21 008
11. We have, -2- 1 008 (1 + i) 2 1 008
z2 = (1 + i)2 =( ) +( )
= 1 + i2 + 2i (1+i) 2 2
. . . 1 z
Hence, the multip1·1catlve inverse of z2 1s-= - =--. = ;J +( � r
oos 08

1+2i (1+2i)(3+4i)
2i 2
12 We have z =--=-----
3-4i (3-4i)(3+4i) = + (i)I008

3+ 4i +6i -8 - -5 + l0i
z-- - = (-i)I008 + (i)I008
25 25 = l+l
Hence, the multiplicative inverse of? is =2

25 Thus, x = 2 andy = 0.
-5 +lOi 17. We have
z 113 = a+b
25(""'"5 -lOi)
=> (x + i y) 113 = a+i b
(-5 + lOi)(-5 -lOi)
=> (x+iy) = (a+ib)3
25(-5 -lOi) = a 3 +3a2 (i b)+3a (i b)2+(i b)3

125 => (x + iy) == a3 + i3a2b- 3ab2 - ib3

(-5 -l0i)

=-l _ 2i => (x + iy) = (a3 - 3ab2) + i(3a2b- b 3 )

5 => x = (a3 - 3ab2) and y = (3a2b- b3)
13. The given relation a+ib > c + idholds good only when
ifb = 0, d = 0.
Thus, b+d+2016 = 0+0+2016 = 2016.
14. We have, => �+1:'.. = (a 2 -3b 2 ) +(3a 2 -b 2 )

l+i 2 . - -i l Adding, we get

= (sm 1 x + sec (-;})
a b

(1 _ i ) ;

=> �+1:'.. =(4a 2 -4b 2 )

l+i 2 . -
-. =- (sm �Ix+cos I)
(1 -z ) TC
a b
=> �+1:'.. = 4(a 2 -b 2 )

l+i 18. Given

a b
=3.x!:=1 x = 3 + 2i
(l-i ) TC 2

=> (x-3)2 '= -4

( �} =l

1 -z
=> x2-6x+9==-4

i" = 1 We have x4-8x3+4x2+4x + 39

=> x2 -6x+I3 = 0

i" = i4 = x 2(x2- 6x+ 13)-2x3 - 9x2 + 4x + 39

=-2x3 - 9x2 + 4x + 39
Thus, the positive integer is 4.
n == 4
= -2x(x2 - 6x+ 13)- 21x2 + 30x+ 39
15. We have =-2lx2+30x + 39
(2 -3i)y+i -=z. = -2l(x 2-6x+ 13)- 96x+312

(3 +i) (3 -i)
(I+i) x -2i ---

J+i(x- 2) 2+i(l-3y) .1 =-96(3+ 2i)+312

(3+i) =-288- 192i+312
(3 -i)
= 24- 192i

=> (4 + 2i)x+(9- 7i)y-3i-3 = lOi

Thus, a = 24 and b =-192.

Complex Number

Hence,the value of => (x2-y2 + x) + i(�-y) = 0

=> (x2-y2+x) = 0, (�-y) = 0
Now,2xy-y = 0 gives
=> y(2x-1) = 0
= (- ;: +IO) => y = 0,X = l/2
When y = 0,then
=-8+10 x2+x = 0
=> x (x+l) = 0 => x = 0,-1
19. We have, So the solutions are (0,0),(-1, 0).
When x = 112, then
1 1
-- y 2 +..,-=0
4 2
=> y 2=-3
2i(l -i)
2 J => y=± Jj2
= (1 +i)" So,the solutions are G-, �), (½, - �).
=(F2(�+ �)J Hence,the solutions ofthe given equations are

=( F2(cos(1)+i sin(1))J (0,0),(-1, 0), (½, �}(½,-�)

i.e.O -1 + !.. ; Jj !__i

=(2)I ( cos( n;)+i sin

( n;)) ' '2 2 '2 2
22. Letz 1 , z2, z3 are the roots of the given equation.
It will be a real number if Thus,z 1 +z2 + z3 = 2(2-i)
sin( n;) = o => z2 + z3 = 2(2-i)-zI
= 2(2 -i)-(I -i)
=> ( 7) = kn-, k = 1,2,3 ...
Also,z 1 .Z2.z3 = (1 - 3i)

=> 1-3i (1 -3i)(l + i)

n = 4k,k = 1, 2, 3, ...
Forn = 4, z=4 cos( :n-) = -4
1 -i
1 + i -3i + 3
(1 -i)(l + i)

=> =----
and for n = 8, z = 16 cos( :)= 16
4 -2i
Hence,the minimum value ofn is 8. 2
20. As we know that,ifone root ofa quadratic equation is Solving Eqs (i) and (ii), we get
imaginary, its other one will be its conjugate. z 1 = l ,z2 = 2-i
Thus,the another root is 3-2i. 23. Ifone ofthe given equation is 1+2i, then its other root
Now,the sum ofthe roots = 3+2i+3-2i will be its conjugate. Thus 1-2i is the other root. Now,
=6 S = 1 + 2i+1-2i
and product ofthe roots =2
= (3+2i)(3-2i) and P = (1 +2i)(l -2i)
= (3)2-(2i)2 = 9+4 = 13 =5
Hence,the required equation is Therefore,(x2 - 2x+5) is a factor ofthe given equation.
x2-Sx+P = 0 The given equation can also be written as
=> x2-6x+ 13 = 0 x2(x2 - 2x+5)-x(x2 - 2x+5)+(x2-2x +5) = 0
21. We havez2+z =O. => (x2-2x+5)(x2-x+1) = 0
Letz = x+iy => (x2 - 2x +5) == 0,(x2 - x + 1) = 0
Then (x+iy)2+(x-iy) = 0
=> (x2 - y2 + i2�) + (x-iy) = 0
=> X= 1 ± 2i X=(!_-i
' 2
Jj) (!.. + i Jj)
2 ' 2 2

Complex Number

Hence,the solutions are 29. We have,

{1±2i,(½- i �),(½+i �)} iz =ire'·e = e; 2 re'·e = re;(JI+

24. Thus, the greatest and the least value of lzl are
JG+1,JG-1 respectively. = r(-sin 0+ i cos 0)
25. Thus, the greatest and the least value of lzl are Now,ei' = e(-sin 0+ icos 0i = e-rsin 0+;(,cos 0i
$4+2,./34-2 . = e-rsin 8 e-i(rcos 8)
Hence,the required difference => li'I = le_,, sin 0 e-i(, cos 8)I
=(./34 + 2)-(./34-2) = e-rsin 01e-i(rcos 8)1
=4 = e-rsin0 X 1
= e-rsin 0
26. Given a+ ib = (1+i)(l + 2i)(l +3i) ... (1+ni)
30. We have,
=> la+ibl = 1(1+i)(l +2i)(l +3i) ... (1+ni)I

= (1+ i) (l +2i) (l +3i) ... (1
1 ll ll I 1 + ni)I
� a 2+b 2 =�l 2+1 2 �i 2+22 �12+3 2 ... �l 2+n2
=> (a2+ b2) = 2.5.10 ... (n2+1) =11a
Hence,the result.
27. Wehave, < laPI l/3iil
. a+ib la/31
a-ib = --"-'--'--
a b lall/31
Ix+ iyl = I- +_� l
la +ibl lall/31 lall/31
=2 (·: lal =Iiii,1/31 =1/31)
Thus,the maximum value is 2.
31. Given lz,I = 1
=> lzi! = I
=> z 1 • z; = I
- l
=> Zt =-
Hence,the result.
28. Wehave,
l - 1
Similarly, z2 =- ,z3 =-
z + lz\ = 2 + 8i Zz Z3
=> (x+iy)+�x2 + y 2 =2+8i

=> (x+�x2+ y 2 )+iy=2+8i

=> l z1 +Z2 +Z3 I =1
Thus,x+ � x2 +y2 =2,y =8
=> l z1 +z2+z3 I=1
=> 2
(x+�x +64)=2 => lz, +z2 + z31 = 1
=> �x 2+ 64= (2-x) 32. We have z = (3+7i)(p+iq),p,qE/-{0}
=> z = (3p- 7q)+i(7p+3q)
=> (x2+64) = (2-x)2
=> = 4-4x+x2 => l zl =�(3p- 7q) +(7p+3q)
2 2

=> 4x =-60 => lzl = (3p- 7q) +(7p+3q)

2 2 2

=> x =-15 = 9p2+49q2+49p2 + 9q2

Hence, l zl=� = 58(p2+q2)
Since z is purely imaginary number,so
=�225+64 =-./289 =17
(3p-7q) = 0

Complex Number

=> 3jzj2 - 2z-2z= 0

=> p = :!.. = A(say), AE / - {0}
7 3 => 3jzj2 - 2(z-2z) = 0
=> 3jzj2 - 2(z-2z7 = 2.2Re(z) = 4Re(z)
Thus, lzl2 will be minimum only when A= 1.
Therefore, p= 7 and q = 3 => .±
izl2 = Re(z)
Hence, the minimum value of lzl2 = 58(49+9) Hence, the result.
= 58 X 58 37. Given,
= 3364 jz + 61 = j3z+21
33. Given, => lz+612 = j3z+212
!Pl = 1 => (z+ 6)(z+6) = (3z+2)(3z+2)
1�2=1 => (z.z+6(z+z)+ 36)= (9z.z+6(z+z)+ 4)

· fi=l
=> (z.z+36) = (9z.z+4)
P => (lzl2+ 36)= (9lzl2+4)

P= i
=> => 8jzj2 = 32
=> lzl2 =4
a a => lzl = 2
l{_-_c43 l=H
Now, Hence, the value of lzl is 2.
38. Given,
lz+61 = j2z+31

. =IPP-a
V3-a)I => Ix+ iy+61 = l2(x+ iy)+31
=> l(x+6)+ iyj = 1(2x+3) + i.2yl
1�1/J-q => l(x+6)+ iyj 2 = 1(2x+3)+i.2yj 2
1/J -aj => (x+6)2+y2 = (2x + 3)2+4y2
)�1/J-q 1
=> x2+12x+36+y2 = 4x2 + 12x+9+4y 2
1(/J- a)I => 3x 2 + 3y2 = 27
34. We have lz +II=z+ 2(1+ i). => x2+y2 = 9
Let z = x+ iy. Hence, the locus of z is x 2+y 2 = 9.
Then Ix+ iy +11 = (x + iy)+2(1+ i) 39. Given,
=> l(x +1)+ iyj = (x +2)+ i(y+2) lzl = 1
=> izl2 = 1
=> �(x+1) 2+ y 2 =( x+2)+i(y+2)
=> z.z= I
Comparing the real and imaginary parts, we get
- -1
2 2
�(x+1) + y =(x+ 2), (y+ 2) =0 => z=
wheny = -2,x = 1/2 Now, 2Re(ro) = (ro+ io )
Hence, the complex number is
1 � z-1
=( )+( )
Z = X + iy = - - 2i
2 z+ l z+l .

35. We have
lz-112+jz+112 = 5
=> l(x+ iy)- 112+l(x+ iy) + 112 = 5
=> l(x-1)- iyl2+l(x +1)+ iyj 2 = 5
=> (x-1)2+y2+(x+1)2+y2 = 8 =(;:�)+(��;:�:�)
=> 2(x 2 + y2) + 2= 8
=> 2(x2 + y2) = 6 =(:::)+G:;)
(= = -:::-z)
=> (x2 + y 2) = 3
=> jzj2=3
36. Given,
jz-21 = 2jz-ll =0
=> lz-212 = 4jz-112 => Re(ro) = 0
=> (z-2)(z;-2) = 4(z-l)(z;-l)
=> (z·z -2z-2z+4) = 4(z·z-z-z+ I
40. Wehave,
=> (lzl2-2z-2z+4) = 4(1zl2-z-z+1) �+ii + iz-ii= 8

Complex Number

� 8=z l -ii
l +ii + z � l (x+ I) +iyl = J(.x - 1) +iyl
� 8 = �+�+�-���+i +z-�
� �(x+1) + y =�(x-1)2+ y2
� z l + i + z -ii�8
2 2

� 2l zl�8 � (x + 1)2 + y2= (.x - 1 )2+ y2

� z l 4
l � � 4x=0�x = 0
Hence, the maximum value of z
l l is 4. z-l !!.
Also, Amp( )=
41. ( i) Letz = 1 +i= (l, 1). z+l 4

We have a= tan-1 = tan-1(1)=�
� Amp (z-l) -Amp (z +1)=
Since, the given complex number lies in the first � tan-1 (_L_)- tan-1 (_L_)=!!.
n x-1 x+l 4
first quadrant, so Arg (z) = 0= a=-

( ii) Letz = l-i = (l,-1). I x� 1 x: I
tan- [----- =-
n �
We have a= tan -111-11
= tan-1(l)=
4 l+_L_ _ _L_
x-1 x+l

Since the complex number z lies 'in the fourth +y

quadrant, so � tan-1( 2 y-xy )=!!.
n x + /-1 4
Arg (z)= 0 =-a =-
4 � tan-I (x2 2;2 =
( iii) Letz = -1 +i= (-1, 1) + -1) �

We have a = tan-1
-1IJ...I 4
= tan-1(1) =
Since the complex number lies in the second quad­

x + y2 -1

x2 +y2-1 =2y

rant, so
� x2 + y2 - 2y - 1 = 0
= 3n . n
Arg (z)= 0 n - a=n --= - � y2- 2y - 1 = 0, sincex=0
4 4
( iv) Letz = -l-i=(-1,-1) y=2 ±Js = (l±Ji)

We have a= tan - = tan- (l)=-
Thus, the complex number,
Since the complex number z lie s in the third quad­ Z= X + iy=i(l± Ji)

_!..=(- Jj2' _!_)

rant, so 45. Given,
Arg(z) = 0= -(n- a) iz1 + z2 I= �1 -zil
� z l 1 +zi J 2= z
J 1 -zl
42 . Now -z=- Jj
2 2 2 � z J i J 2 +2Re(zl�) = z
l i J2 + z l i J 2 +2Re(z 1;)
l 1 '2 + z
1 -1/2 1= an-I 1 = Jr
We have a= tan...: 1 M, � 4Re(z 1;)=0
t . ( Jj ) 6
� Re(ei(�+8i) )= 0
Since the complex number-z lies in the third quadrant,
so � Re( cos( 0 1 - 02) -i( 0 1 - 02)) = 0
Arg(-z) = 0=-(n- a) � cos(01 - 0 2) = 0
� n
=-(n-�)=-5: 01 -02 =-

=-(n-�)=-3: Thus, Amp(1)(� - 0i) =!!.

Z2 2
Similarly, you can solve the other parts easily. 46. We have,
43. SinceArg(z) < 0, soz lies in the third quadrant and (-z) cos 0+ isin 0)
lies in the first quadrant z =(
cos 0-i sin 0
= (cos 20+ i sin20)
Arg(z) -Arg(-z) = -( n- a) - 0= -n
n n
44 . Given z J + 1 I= zj - II Also, 1t. 1s
. given
. that - < 0 < -
� x 4 2
l +iy+ l l = lx+iy-11

Complex Number

=> 1C
=> �cos28+(sin8-,3)2 =3
=> cos28+(sin8-3)2 = 9
Thus, Arg (z) = n-20
=> cos28+sin28-6 sin8+9 = 9
47. Wehave,
=> 1-6 sin8 = 0
, z = sin(1)+ 1 os . 1
{ �� (1)) => sm8=- (i)
6 /
, 6 . .�
=sin(1)+{1-cos(1)) Now Cot 8-- = cot 8 .
' z (cos 8 +ism o,�
=sin(1) + 2 · isin 2 C�) = cot 8-6(cos8-i sin 0)
. ;1
= cot 8---(cos8-isin8)
_ 2sin 2 (n/10) . sin8
Thus, Arg(z) =tan 1 (
sin (n/5) ) = cot (J:-cot 8+i
2 sin 2 (n/10)
=tan:_1 ( Th�refore, . . .. . .
2 sin (n/10) cos(n/10))
. Arg(cot 8-;) = Arg( i)=� ·
(i�)) 50. Wehave,
=- Am (.:..:!) =
p z+l 3
48. Let z = x +iy. => Amp x+ iy-r '.= 1C
Given, .· (xtiy+L) 3
Arg(z)= (x-l)+iy TC
=> Amp�
1) + iy)' 3
=> tan-i(f)=1 -1) iy + 1)-iy = 1C : •
=> Am ((x + � (x
p (x+l)+1iy, (x+l)-iy) 3
=> f =tan(1)=J3
_ (x �1)+ y 2 +i( xy+ y-xy+Y) = 1C
=> Afup,( 2 ) 3
=> y=xJi (x+1) 2 +y2
Now, z- 1 = (x +iy)-1 = (x -1) + iy => Am (
(x2 +y,2-1)\ . ,,(2y)
i ) TC
Sn p (�+1)2+ y2 (x;t-})2 + y2 3
Al so: Arg(z -1)
�6 2
=> tan� 1 ( x2
( +;2_1))=,j ,·
=> tan-1(-·
Y ) =-
x-1 6
2y '

, = ta··· n - ·
=> L=tan(
5 =-.J'j

2y = Ji
=> xJi=-Ji(x-1) (x +l-1)

=> x = -x+ 1 2
=> X2 +y2 --y-1 =0
=> 2x = 1 Jj
1 Jj Hence, the locusof z isa cir c le;
=> x= -andy= -
2 2 1
Thus, the complex number is
(t + iT
Jj 51. We have /j _ zs, ·
2 ·) , ( i)
49. Let z = e18 = cos8+i sin8 Jj +i)
Let z =(--
Wehave lz-3il =) 4
1 /4 1 1
=> lcos8+i(sin8-3)1 = 3 Then Arg(z)=tan-1 ( ) =tan- ( Jj )

Complex Number

n � cos (0,- 02)= 1= cos (0)

g (z)=

Ar 6 � 0,= 02
Hence, the angle is !!. . � Arg(z 1)= Arg(z2)
6 Hence, the result.
52 . We have, lz' +zJ 56. This is possible only when 0, z 1 , iz2 are on the same side
= r 1(cos 0 1 + i sin 0) + r/cos 02 + i sin 0J 2 of a straight line.
Thus, Arg(z1)= Arg(izz)
= r,l(cos 0 1 + r2 cos 02) + i(r2 sin 0 1 + r2 sin 0J 2
� Arg(z i)= Arg(i) + Arg(iz2)
= r1(cos 0 1 + r2 cos 0y +(r1 sin 0 1 + r2 sin 0y
= ,l + rf + 21jr2 cos(�- Oi) � Arg(z1)= +Arg(z2 )
2 2 · �
Arg (z1 )-Arg(z2 )=
:5: 1j +r2 +21jY2 2
= (r1 + ri Hence, the result.
57. Given,
= (lz,I +iz21) 2
� lz, +z2I :5: lz,I + iz2i lz,-z21= lz,I +lz2i
� lz, +zl= (lz,I + iz21) 2
Hence, the result. 2
� iz i1 +lzl-2lz,llz2 1 cos (01 - 02)
Alternate method: = lz,12 +lzl-21z,llz2I
� cos (01 - 02)=-1= cos(n)
� 0,-02=7'
� Arg(z1)-Arg(z2)= n

� Arg(::}=n

Y' � (::)=-k, kel+

In !1OPR, OP+ PR� OR � z,=-kz2
� lz,I +iz2I � lz, +z2I � z1 +kz2=O
� lz,I + iz2I :5: lz,I +iz2I Hence, the result.
53. In 11OPQ, IOP- OQI :5: PQ 58. Given,
� llz1l-lz2II :5: iz,-z2i lz, + zl= lzl + lzl
Hence, the result. � lzl +lzl + 2lz,llz21 cos (01 - 0)= lzJ+ lzl
54 . We have, � cos (0,-02)= 0
lz, + z2I= lz,-z2I
� n
� lz, +zJ= lz, �zl 01-82 =-
� lz/ +lzJ + 2lz,llz2 1 cos (0 1 - 0) 2
= lz/ +lzl-2lz,llz2 1 cos (01 - 0) Now.:!.. =1:!.l(cos(01-02)+i sin(01-02))
� 4lz,llz2 1 cos (01 - 0)= 0 Zz i z2 i
� cos (0,- 02)= 0 =1.-lz1I
lz2 I
� (�-8i)=1 � .:!.. is purely an imaginary number.
� Arg(z1 )- Arg (z2 )= Z2
2 59. We have lz,-zl
55. We have,
lz, + z21= lz) + iz2 1 = lzi ! 2 +izi ! 2-2lz,liz2 1 cos (01 - 02)
� lz, +zl= (lz1I + lz)) 2 = 1j2+rf-21jr2 cos(01-02)
� lzi ! 2 +lzl + 2lz,II z21 cos (0 1 - 0)
= 1j2+rf-21jr2+21jr2-21jr2 cos(01-02 )
= (lzi ! 2 +lzl + 2lz,II z21)
� 21z,llz21 cos (01 - 0)= 2lz,llz21 = (r1 -rY + 2rt/ 1-cos (01 - 0))

Complex Number

2 1· 10
=(lj -r2) + 2ijr . 2 ·2 sm (- -)
2 01 -02 Hence,th.
e maximum va ue 1s - .
2 3
01- 02 )2 68. Given jz 1 I=2,lz) =3,lz3I=5
$( 1j -r2) + 21jr2 ·2 · (- - ..
2 => lz i ! 2=4,lzl=9,lz3 ' 2=25
=(r1 -rz) +rt/01 - 0)1

::> z1 zI =4,z2 z2 ::;9,z3 z3 =25

- 4 - 9 .,- 25
$ (r1 - r/ + ( 01 - 0)2 .
=> lz 1 -zl $(lz i!2- lzi)+(Arg (zJ-Arg (z))2 :::> zl =-,z2 =-,Z3 =-
Hence,the result.
Z1 Z2 Z3

60. Do yourself.
61. Wehave, => l25z 1z2+9z 1 z3 +4zf2 1 =90
lz+ll=lz+4- 31
=l(z + 4) + (-3)1 => IZ1Z2Z{ Z3 +-2_ + )I=90 i
$lz+41 +- 1 31
Z Z 2 1

$3+3=6 25 9 4)
Hence,the maximum value of lz + 11 is 6. => lz1 z2 z3I ( -+-+- =90
Z2 zl
62. Wehave,

lz + 21=l(z+5)- 31 => lzi llz2 llz3 llz3 + z2 + z1I::;: 90

=l(z + 5) + (-3)1
iziliz2 llz3 jiz1 + Z2+Z3I=90.
� l(z+5)+- 1 31=4- 3= 1
Hence,the minimum value of lz + 21 is 1. => iz 1 llz2llz3 jjz 1 +z2 + z3 1=90
63. (i) Wehave, => 30 X lz 1 +z2+z3I=90
lzl+lz+21 � lz- (z+2)1=2
Hence,the minimum value is 2.
=> lz 1 + z2+z31=3
(ii) Wehave, 69. Wehave,
1z+21+lz- 21 � l (z+2)-(z-,-2)1=4 3- 4i=3- 2. 2.i
Hence,the minimum value is 4 =(2)2 + i2- 2.2.i
64. Wehave,
=(2- i)2
lz+21+lz- 21 +12z- 71
=lz+21+lz- 21+l7- 2zl Thus, �3- 4i =±(2-i)
$lz+2+z- 2+2z- 71 70. Wehave,
Hence,the maximum value is 7. 5+ 12i=5+2. 3. 2i
65. Wehave, =(3)2 + (2i)2 + 2.3.2i
lz 1 +z2I $lz 1 I+lz21= 10 + 5 = 15. =( 3 + 2i)2
Thus, �(5 + 12i) =±(3 + 2i)
lz 1 +z) � lz 1 J- Jz21= 10- 5 =5
Thus,the great est value is 15 and the least value is 5. 71. Wehave,
66. Wehave, 8- 6i=8- 2. 3.i
Ji(z+ 1)+ 11 = li(z- 3i)+i-21 =(3)2 + (21)2- 2.3.2i
=l i(z- 3i)+(i- 2)1 =(3 -i)2
$li(z- 3i)I + l(i- 2)1
Thus, �8- 6i =±(3-i)
$ 4+./5
Hence,the maximum value is 4i+ .Js. 72. Wehave,
67. Wehave, 3
3.l =-(2')

l 2

z +-.1 �lzl -2_=3-.!_ =�
3 3 =%(2·1·i)
z lzl
Hence,. th.
e mm1mum . va1ue.1s .:.. .
3 =i(12 +i 2+2·1·i)
Also, 2
1 1 1 10 3 .2
I z+;1 � lzl+ =3 + = =-(1 + 1)
j;i 3 3 2

Complex Number

77. We have,
Thus, 5i=±(f(l+i)) (3 +4 m + 5m2)10 = (3 +4(m+m2) +m2) 10
73. Wehave, = (3 - 4+m2) 10
8 - 15i =.!_(16-30i) = (-1 + m2) 10
- i
=.!_(16-2·5·3i) =( 1-f- �r
=.!_[52 +(3i/- 2-5-3i] =(%+i�r
1 . v3
( ,;;)10
= .!_ (5 - 3i)2 = . )10
2 (z./3 2- 2

Thus, �8 - 15i =± }i (5 -3i) =-35 - i

( ½+ �r
74 . Wehave,

x2 + J_2 + 4i(x- !)- 6 1 3 9 27

78. Let S=-+-+-+-+...
2 8 32 128
=(x-;r +2 ·x·;+4{x-;)-6 =½[i+¾+(¾J +(¾J +...)

= ( X - ; + 4{ X - ;)- 4
2 1 _I

=(x-;r +2-(x-;)-2i-4 1 4
=-X--= 2

= ( X -; + 2 · ( x-;) · 2i+(2i) 2

79. Wehave,
2 4 -3
Thus,m+ o:f = m+m2 = -1

z2 +2z2 +2z+1 = 0
=(x-;+2iy � (z3 + 1)+2z(z+ l) = O
� (z + 1 )(z2 - z + 1) +2z(z +1) = 0
� (z+ l)(z2 - z +1 +2z) = O
Thus, x2 + _!_2 + 4i(x-.!_)-6
� (z + 1)(z2 + z + 1) = 0
� z = -1,-m,-m2
x X

When z = -1,then
z2013 +z2014 +z201s
75. Wehave, = -1+1 - 1 = -l+':O
z 2 +5=12.f1 = l2i When z = m,then
� z2 = -5+12i z2013 +z2014 +z201s
= m2013 +m2014 +m201s
� z2 = -5 +2.2.3i
z2 = (2 +3i)2
l+m+m2 = O
When z = m2,then

� � = ±(2+3i) z2ol3 +z2014 +z201s

Thus,the complex number z can be = 1 +m2 + (t) = 0

(2 + 3i) or(-2 - 3i). Hence,the common roots are m, m2.
76. Wehave, 80. Letp = -2O13.
(2 +3m+3m2)2013 = (2 +3(m+m2))2 013 Then efF= ifp, ifF m,:ifitm2
= (2 +3�-1))2 013
So, a = ifp, /3= ifp m,r = ifp m
= (-1)2013
N xa+y/3+ zr

= -'1 ow,
x/3+ yy+za

Complex Number

_ X · if.p + y-if.p · W+ Z · if.p · W 2 cos 0 ± �4 cos2 0- 4
- 2 � x =

x-if.p-ro+y-if.p-w +z-if.p 2
x+ yro+zw2 2 cos 0± 2isin 0 _ 1. sm
� x =
= ( cos 0+ . ti\
xro+yro2 +z 2
2 When x = cos 0+i sin 0, then
x+ yro+zw
� x" = (cos 0+ isin 0)n = cos (n0) +i sin (n0)
ro(x+ yro+zro ) 1
� - cos 0-ism
.. 0
� ;n (cos 0- isin 0t cos(n0)- isin(n0)
= =

81. Wehave, Thus, xn +-=2cos(n0)
2+3ro+4ro2 2 +3ro+ 4ro2 Similarly, we can easily prove that,
4+3ro2 +2ro ro(2+3ro+ 4ro2 ) when x = cos 0- i sin 0, then
1 1
= xn + n = 2 cos(n0)
ro x
ro2 86. Wehave,
2rn . 2m
82. We have, . (- - )
z7 cos ( - - ) +ism

5 5
5+ 6ro+7ro2 5 + 6ro+ 7 ro2 ;(2"r)
----+---- s
7+ 6ro2 + 5ro 6+ 5ro+ 7ro2 =e
+ 6ro +7ro2
-5-----+------ 5+ 6ro +7ro2 i 2f (1+2+3+4+5)
Z liZ Z/
3 s = e
ro(5+ 6ro+7ro2 ) ro2 (5+ 6ro+7ro2 ) ; 2"xI5
1 =e s
_!_ + _ 2_ ro2 + ro
= e'6"
ro ro cos (6,r) + i sin (6n)
= -1 =1 + i.O
83. Wehave, =1
87. Let x = cos a+ i sin a,
3 5
( l ·./3)334 (. l ·Jj) 6
y = cos a+i sin /3
-2 T + +3
-2 T. +
and z =cos r+ i sin r
=4 +5(0'34 +3(0'65
= (cos a+ i sin a) + (cos /3 + i sin /3) + (cos r+ i sin
n n
= 4+5ro+3ro2

= 3(1 + ro+ ro2)+1 +2ro = (cos a+cos /3+ cos + i(sin a+ sin /3+ sin
= 0 + i.O
= 0+1+2ro
1 i-/3 � x3 +y3 +z3 = 3xyz
= 1+2
(- + )
2 2 � (cos a+ i sin a)3 + (cos /3 + i sin /3)3
= 1-1+ ;Jj + (cos r+i sin '}13
=3(cos a+ i sin a)(cos /3 +i sin /3)
=i-/3 (cos r+ i sinn
84. We have � (cos 3a+ i sin 3a) + (cos 3/3 + i sin3/3)
x 6 -9x3+8 = 0 +{cos 3y+ i sin3,?
� (x3- l)(x3- 8 ) = 0 =3(cos( a + /3 + ,? + i sin( a + /3 + ,?)
� (x3- 1) = 0, (x3- 8 ) = 0 � (cos3a+cos3f3+cos3)?+i(sin3a
+sin 3/3 +sin3)?
� x 3= l andx 3= 8
= 3cos( a+ /3 + )? +i3 sin( a+ /3 + )?
� x =1, ro, ro2 andx = 2, 2ro, 2ro2
Co mparing the real and imaginary parts, we get
� x = 1, 2, ro, 2ro, ro2, 2ro2 cos 3a+cos 3/3 +cos 3y = 3cos(a+ /3 + ,?
85. Wehave, and sin 3a+sin 3/3+sin 3y = 3 sin( a+ /3+,?
x2-2xcos 0+1 =O Hence, the result.

Complex Number

88. Let x= cos a+i sin a, 90. We have,

y = cos /3+i sin /3
(1 +i) = F2( +
and z= cos r+i sin r � �)
1 1 1
Now,-+-+­ = F2( cos( 1) + isin( 1))
x y z
= cos a+i sina+cos /3+i sin/3+cos r+i sin r
=(cos a + cos /3 + cos n- i( sin a+sin /3 + sin
n => (1+ i)8 =(F2)8 (cos(:)+ isin(:
= 0-i.0 )J
1 1 1 = 2 4 (cos(:x8)+ isin(�x8))
X y Z
= 24(cos (2n) +i sin (2n))
yz+xz+xy Similarly,
(1 - i)8 = 2 4(cos (2n)- i sin (2n))
=> xy+yz+zx = O
Therefore,(1 +i)8 +(1 - i)8
Al so,(x + y + z)2 = (x2 + y2 + z2) + 2( xy +yz +zx) = 2 4(cos (2n) +i sin (2n))
= x2 +y 2+z2

=> x +y2+z =0 (-: x +y +z= 0) +2 4 [cos (2n)- i sin(2n)]

=> (cos a+i sin a)2 + (cos /3+i sin /3)2 = 2 4 [2 · cos(2n)]
2 2

+(cos y+i sin,?2 =0 =25 • 1

=> ( cos 2a +i sin 2a) +.(cos 2/3+i sin 2/J) =32
+(cos 2y+i sin 2,? =0 91. We have,
=> (cos 2a+cos 2/3+cos 2,? + (sin 2a+sin 2/3
+sin 2,?= 0 +i.0 2nk 2nk
L ( sin (- )- icos (- ))

Comparing the re al and i ma ginary parts, w e g et k=l 11 11

(cos 2a+cos 2/3+cos 2,? =0
2trk 2
and (sin 2a+sin 2/3 +sin 2,? =0
Thu s,(cos 2a+cos 2/3+cos 2,? =0
= ti� (-i· Sill. (ll
. (ll
) - ZCOS 7rk))

=> (2 cos 2 a-l +2 cos 2 /3- 1 +2 cos 2y- l )=0

=> (2(cos 2 a +cos 2 f3+cos 2 ,?-3 )=0
= � -{cos(21�) + sin( 21� )) i

=> (cos 2 q+ cos 2/3+ cos 2 r) = = Ii-ie

i(Ysk )
3 21

2 II


c1- sin2 a) + c1- sin2 fJ) + c1- sin2 r) = I i

2 )
·( 21
=-l Iie
=> sin a + sin /3 + sin r =3-i=i

. 2n) 1( )
( 1( )
2 2 2

Hence,the res ult. =-i(e' 1T +e 1T +e 1T + ...+ee )

2 2 . 4n . 6n 0

·(2") ·(2") ·(4") ·(40n)

89. Given z7 =cos(;)+ isin(;) = e{:-)

Now, z1 .z2 .z3 ••• to oo

=-ie'u (l+eiu +e'u + ...+e'u )

. ;(llf
) [ 1- e;(4li") l
=e;(1). eti-). ei(;'t) ... to oo l-e ITT

iff) _e (3rf)
=-i[ ·(2n l

;( II ) -

e l
= cos (n') +i sin (tr)

Complex Number

92. We have 95. We have,

x3 - l = 0 x3 +1 = 0
� x3 = 1 = cos(2r1t') +i sin (2r1t') � x3 = -1 = cos (2r +l)n +i sin (2r +1)1t'

� x=cos(
;7') 2 1t'
+ isin( ; } r=0,1,2
� x=cos(
2r + l
) 1t' +isin(
2r + l
where r = 0, 1, 2

) 1t'
3 3
Whenr = 0 ,x = l
2 2 When r = 0, x=cos(1)+isin(1)
When r = l, �=cos( 1t') + isin( 1t')=/t
3 3
4 1t' . 4 1t' j.±1! p = -(-f-i�)=-ci
When r = 2, x=cos ( ) + isin( )=e 3
3 3
When r = l ,x = -1
Hence, the solutions are {1,/f, /f } . 5 1t' 5
When r = 2, x=cos( ) + isin( n)
9 3. Wehave x5- 1=0 3 3
� x 1 cos (2r1t') +i sin (2r1t')
5= =
=cos(2 1t' -j) + isin( 2n-j)
· 2r1t' . . 2r1t'
� x=cos (- -) +zsm( )
5 5 1t' . . ( 1t'
=cos ( ) .-zsm )
Where r = 0, 1,2, 3,4 3 3
When r = 0 , then x = 1 = }__-i ./3 =-(-!..+i ./3 )
2n 2 1t' illf. 2 . 2 2 2
When r = 1, x=cos( ) +isin ( )=e 5 = -m
5 5
Hence, the solutions are {-1,-m,-c:&}.
41t' 4n i.±1! 96. Wehave,
When r = 2, x=cos ( ) +isin ( )= e 5
5 5 x5 +l = 0
6;r .. 6 1t' · 2r + 2 l
When r = 3, x = cos( ) +zsm ( ) x=cos( 1 )1t'+ isin( rt )1t'
5 5 5
=cos 21£',-5
. . ·(
4 1t'
+zsm 21t'-5)
Where r = 0 , 1,2, 3,4.
When r = 0, x=cos(�}+isin(�)=e f
4n 4 1t' i.±1!
=cos( ) -isin ( ) ;;:;e- 5
5 5
When r = 1, x=cos(3;)+isin(3t)=/:f
. . (8 )
When r = 4, x=cos (8 ) +zsm
1t' 1t'

5 T When r = 2,x = -1
2 2 When r = 3, x=cos( 7t) +isin( ;)
=cos( 2 1t' - t) +isin(2 1t' - t)
3 3
i 2 =cos(2n- t)+isin( 2n- ;)
=cos( 2t)-isin( t)=e- lf-
31t' 3 1t' -;EI5
. are l e±-'s.
Hence,the soluttons
2ir ±-4ir =cos ( ) -isin ( ) =e
{, ,e 's} , 5 5
i.e. {/i 2t}, where r = 0, 1,2. 9 9
When r = 4, x= cos( ;) +isin( n)
94. We have,
x7 - 1 = 0 x=cos( 2 1t' - �) + isin(2 1t' -�)
n 1t'
� x=cos(2; ) + isin(2; ) i
=cos(�)-isin(�)=e- �
where r = 0, 1,2, 3,4, 5,6
Hence, the solutions are
� x=e 7 ,r=0,l,2,3,4,5,6

Hence,the solution set is

+ 2rir
{e- i 7 } , where r=0,1,2, 3

Complex Number

97 . We have, Similarly, (x5) = oi will provide us

x7 + 1 = 0 4n
(2r+l)n + - (2r+O n +
3 ) . .
x =cos(
2r + 1
) n +isin(
2r + 1
)n x=cos·. ( +zsm ( · 3 )
7 7 5 5
3(2r+l) n +4n · .. 3(2r+l) n +4n
whete r = 0, 1,2, 3 ,4, 5, 6. => =cos (_.;__..;.___) +zsm (_.;__..;.___)
15 _ 15
{/ i( 2'/ )ir }, r= 0, 1, 2, 3

6 rn +7 n .. 6rn +7 n
=cos(---) +ism (---_)
Hence, the solutions set is 15 · _ .. ,15 �-
' /+,) ' /i{Jf) ' /i(},f)}- ·(6rn+ 7 n )
=e -5- ,r=0,1,2,3,4,

98. We have, Hence,the solutions set is

1=0 X
- {
;(6rn+2n) ;(6rn+7 n)
} =0 ,1 2 3 4
e e
=> (x + 1)(x5 - 1) = 0
5 1
5 _ ,: ,. , ,_ ,
5 ,

=> x5 - l = Oandx5+1 = 0 100. We have

Whenx5 - 1 = 0, x x9 + x8 -x7 + ... + x2 -x ·+ 1 == 0

2 2 n => 1 -x + x2 -x3 + ... -x10 = 0

=> x=cos( t)+ism( t)=/;
=> _..,;.__;__=0
Where r = 0, 1,2, 3,4 1-(-x)
±i 2rn => x 11 = -1
e 5 where r=0,1,2
{ }
(2r + l)n .. (2r + l),r
Whenx5 + l = O => x =cos ( _ ) + zsm (..;.._-----'--)
' . 11 11
2r+l .. 2r+l
x=cos (_- -) n +zsm (
5) 1l'
;(< 2r � l)n ).
5 =e l
,r = ·o , 1· , ·2 , ..., 10
·( 2r +I) Hence ,the solutions are
=> X =e
' r=O' 1 ' 2 ' 3 ' 4 { ±-1(<2r +J) n)} _.
Thus {e±P'; } where 0, 1,2
1 >n e 11 ·
101. We have z5 + 1 = 0
Hence, the solutions are Hence, the solutions of z are
±i(( 2r;J)n)
} _
, r - 0, 1, 2
{-1,e ±il!
ll[ . '
5} _ .

99. We have, = {-1, a, a, {3,°p), where a, {3 E C"

x 10 + x5 + 1 = 0
=> (x5 )2 + (x5) + 1 = 0 Now, a+ a� 2 cos(�),·a· a=l
=> . (X5 ) = CO, (ff
When (x5 ) = co and /3+P=2 cos(3t).P·P=l
=> ./3
Xs =--+z-
Thus,z5 + 1 · ;
2 2
=;'(z + 1 )(z - a)(z - a)(z -1J)(z - /J) - -
2 2
x5 =cos(2rn+ 1l')+isin(2rn+ 1l') = (z + l)(z -(a+ a) z + a- a)(z
2 2 -( + +
/3 /3)z P· /3)

=(z+ 1)( z 2 � 2 cos(1}+ -2cos( t}z+ 1)


=> x=cos( 2rg;¥)+i�( 2rK;¥] ' \; - . . ;

+l z2
, ,

=> z =( -2cos( )z+1)(z2 -2cos( 1l')z+l)
n 3

_ 6rn + 2n .. 6rn + 2n (z+l) _5 •. - _ 5

=cos (--- ) +zsm (--- )
15 15 Put z = i , we get,
where r = O, 1,2, 3 ,4
. i+l
· . cos (5
=(-1-2 1l') i+· ·1)· (- . (5
': 1- 2·· cos 1l') z+
· 1)
·(6rn+2n) =>
=> x=e 5
-- ' r=O' 1' 2' 3 ' 4

Complex Number

Putz= i, we get
=> l = (- 2 cos(�})(-2cos( -(i +1)
i- 1

(- 2 cos(�})(- 2 cos(3;} 6
=(- 2 cos( 1t} (- 2 cos(
4;})(- 2 cos( ;})
= 2
) 7 )
=> =
(-8cos( 7 )cos( 4;)co{ ;
=> 4cos(�)c�s(n- t) :::-1 => (:��) = (8cos(

2;}os( 4;)co{ ;})

(� + l) 2 4 6
=> 8cos( 1t)cos( 1t)cos( 1t)i
4cos(�)cos(2f )=l =>
(i) - (1)
7 7 .• 7
=> 4cos(�)c o�(f- �) =1
=> :� = (8cos( �1&
)cos )
( 4; cos( ;})

=> 4cos(�}in (:O) = l

=> 2
�1& 1&) �
8cos( ; )cos( )cos(

Hence, the result.

102 . Wehave,
=> 8cos(2;)cos( 4; 1&- �) )cos( =-1

z7 -1 = 0 => 1&7 �1&

8cos( )cos(
)cos ( �) = 1

z=cos -
( 2rtt
+zsm .- ...
. 7 ) . · 7 ) => cos(�}os(2;}os(
4;) i

where r = 0, 1,2, 3, 4, 5, 6
103. Wehave
=> z=e , r 0,12 , ,3, 4,5,6
j2rn; iC
= (I'-'iY;:::2 X
=> 1(1- i)lx =2 1 xl

Hence, the solution set is

=> (ht=2 x

{e 7 } , where r. = 0,1, 2, 3 => 22 =2 x

±i 2rn:

=> 2 -½ =l
-_ {1, e 7 , e 7 , e 7 }
±ill! ±i ,r . ±f�.!I
=> 2 2 =1 =20

= {1, a.
a, /3, /3, r. r} => .:.=o
Thus, a+ a=2cos(
1&), a· a= 1 => x = O
Hence, thein t egral solution is {O}.
104. Wehave,
/3+ /3 = 2'co 71& '/3· /3 =1
- s (4 ). - i
z=( .{3 - )
r+ r 2 cos( ;), r· r =1.
6 2

Thus,z7- 1
= (z �1)(z- a)(z- ii)(z- /3)(:z- /3)(z- ,?(z- r)

� - l=z
= ilOI @1-02 + il03z206
( 2-( a+ a)z+ a· a)
,; .
·'7 zlOI +zl03

z-,-1 ;::: iro+ i3w

X(z2 - (/3- /3)z + /3/3)(z2- (y+ y)(z + Y· r)
- .· ;:::iro-iw
= i(ro- w)
· =(z2-2cos(2;)z+1) =i(-.!.+i .[3 __!__i
2 2 2
4 6
x(z2-2 cos( ; )z+1)(z2-2cos( ; ) +1) =i(i.{3 )

Complex Number

105. We have, Thus, -z = -(3 +4i) = (-3 - 4i ) = (-3,-4).

zz 3+ zz3 = 350 Hence, the new position of Q is (-3 , -4)
110. Let the new position of P be R.
==> lzl 2 z + lzl z = 350 Also, let P, Q, R represent the com plex numbers z l ' z2 ,
2 2 2

==> lzl 2 (z2+z2)=350 z3 respectively.

==> 2(x2 +y2)(x2 -y2) = 350
==> (x2 +y2)(x2 -y2) = 175
==> (x2 +y2)(x2 - y2) =25 x 7
==> . (x2 + y2) = 25 and (x2 - y2) =7 Y'+----+----"----x
==> x = 4 andy = 3 0 Q(z2)
Thus, the area of the rectangle = 2xx 2y Y'
= 48 sq. u.
By Coni m ethod,
106. We have, z3 - z2 z3- z2 /16
( )= l Ix
15 Z1 - z2 Z1 -Z2
Llm(z2m -1 ) z3 - z2 lz3 - z2 I i11.
==> (-- ) =--Xe 6
z1 - z2 lz1 -Zz I
= Im(z+z3 + z5 +... +z29)
= sin 0+ sin 30+ sin 50+ ... + sin 290
==> (z3 -Zz)= eif= cos(!!.)+i sin(!!.)
Z1 -Z2 6 6
. (e + 140)
=---'---'-XS!Il Z -Z ..[3 !._
sin (0) :::::} ( 3 z) = +
Z1 -Z2 2 2
sin (0) ==> l z3 - z2 1=2(1+2i)x .!.(-f3+i)
sin2(30 °) ==> = (1+2i)(-f3 +i)
sin (i) ==> =(-f3+i+2-f3i - 2)
:::::} Z3=z2+(-f3 - 2)+i(1+2-f3)
4 sin (i)

107. We have, =1+(-f3 - 2)+i(l+2.{3)

zrq-zP-:z:i+1 =O =(-f3 -1)+i(l+2-f3)
:::::} zP( zl - 1) - 1(zl - 1) =0 =((-f3 -1) , (1+2-f3))
==> (zP- 1 )(zi - 1) =0 Hence, the new position of P is
==> either (zP - 1) = 0 or (zi - 1) = 0
[(-f3 -1) , (1+2.{3)]
==> either(z- 1)(1 +z+ z2 +... +zP- 1) = O
111. Let z1=-f3 +i and z2=-1+ ;.{3
or (z - 1)(1 + z + z2 +... +:z:i- 1) =O
==> either (1 +z+z2 +... +zP-1) = O Now, z2=-1+ ;.[3=i(i+-f3)=iz1
or (1 +z +z2 + ... +:z:i- 1) = 0 . .1=0 +.1 •1= cos (")
Agam, . (")
2 +.1 sm 2 = ei}
==> either(l+a+ci+... +aP- 1) = 0
or (1 + a+ ct+ ... + aq- 1) =0 Thus, 0=-
108. Letz = 3 +4i. 2
112. As we know that if z1 , z2 , z3 are the vertices of an eq ui­
If it is rotated
through an angle of lateral triangle, then
2 2 2
90 ° , then it is con- Z1 + Zz + Z3 -Z1Z2 -Z2Z3 -Z3Z1=0

verted to ze 2= iz
Thus, iz = i (3 +4i )
= 3i - 4 = -4 + 3i =

(-4, 3).
Hence, the new position of Pis (-4, 3).
109. Letz = 3 +4i.
If it is rotated through an angle of 180 ° , then it is con­
verted to ze;" = -z

Complex Number

Putting z3 == 0, we get, 116. Let z = (1) 11" = [cos(2nr) + i sin (2nr)] 11n
2 2·
z1 +z2 =z1z2
Hence, the r,esult.
i. '
. '
( (2m) ..
= cos
+z sm (2rn:))

113. Let z1 and z2 are the roots of z2 + az + b = 0. where r = 0, 1, 2, 3, ..., (n- 1)
Then z1 + z2 = -a, Zl2 = b Let k,r
As we know thijt , if 0, z 1 , z2 represent the vertices of an z1 =1 and z2 =e 11 •

equilateral triangle, then· It is given that,

zf + zr=zl2 j!I
(z2 - 0) =(z1 - O)e 2
=> (z, + zz)2 - 2zl2 == Zl2
i2k1l j!I
=> (z 1 + zz)2 = 3zl2 => e =e 2

=> (-a)2 = 3b
=> 2kn:=-
- n B(z'l)
=> a2= 3b n 2
114. Clearly, it is a right-angled tri­ => n = 4k
angle. Hence, the result.
Thus, iz 117. C(z3)
Area of the given. triangle
= - x lzl x lizl
2 z
= x lzl2 x lz.l
=-XI z12 .· .

It is given that, ,x lzl2 = 50

=> lzl2 = 100

=> lzl = 10
Hence, the value of lzl is 10.
We have lrozl = lw!lzl
Also, lz + rozl
=1(1 + ro)jlzl z
l-ro2llzl = lzl
Thus, it will form an equilateral triangle.

..[3 (s1'de )2
Area = -x
=> -x (side) 2 =16../3
=> Xlzl2=16../3
=> jzl2 = 64
=> lzl = 8
Thus, the value of
. (lzl2 + lz) + 2) =64 + 8 +2 = 74 sq. u.

Complex Number

118. As we know that,if z 1 , z2 , 0 represent the vertices of an 120. Let A(z1 ), B(z), C(z3) and D(z4) represent the vertices
equilateral triangle,then
zI2+z22= zz I 2

(= _ = ) i= _ =
=1-=2 =1-=2 i"
of a square ABCD respectively.

We have -3--2 = -3--2 x e- 2

=> (a+i)2+(l +ib)2 = (a+i)(1 +ib) (I + i)z2= z3 + iz 1

=> (a2 - l + 2ia) + (I - b2 + 2ib) = (a - b) + i(l + ab) = 3 - 2i - 2 + 2i = 0
=> (a2 - b2 + 2i(a -b)) = (a - b) + i(l + ab) 0
Comparing the real and imaginary parts,we get, =-- =0 =(0,0)
(1 + i)

(a2 - b2) = (a - b) and 2(a + b) = (1 + ab)

The diagonals AC and BD bisect each other and they
=> a c= b and 2(a + b) = 1 + ab
=> a2 -4a+1 = 0 intersect at 0,whose coordinates are ( % , ½}
=> (a-2)2=( ..{3)2 Let z4 = a+i/3 = (a, /3)
=> (a-2)=±F3 Now, a+O =�
2 2
=> a = 5
=> a=2±F3
=> a=2 -F3=b and /3 O =.!_ => /3 = 1
2 2
ll 9. Let z = cos0+ i sin0
Thus,the coordinates of
Then = cos0- i sin0
z -zo
We have (-_-- = -_-- Xe n
z -zo
I I.
B = (0,0)andD = (5, 1)
121. Let A(z,), B(zJ, C(z) repre­
sent the vertices of an equi-
iz-zol ;1lr lateral triangle and its centre
=> ( --)=--Xe"
z -zo I=-=ol is z0 = i.
;1lr We have,
=> ( - )=e n
=> =e n
2B= n
n A(.i)

=> 0=!!_ ...(i)

Im (z) J2 -
Also, = l
tan0=h-l = tan(i) ;1lf
=2 = zo + (=1-zo) x e 3

=> 0=!!_ 1 ;fj

8 z2 =i+(-2i)x (- + )
2 2
[from Eq. (i)]
n n
n 8
=> =i + i(l-;fj)=2i + fj =( .[3,2)
=> n = 8

Hence,the value of n is 8. Similarly,we can easily prove that C = (-..{3,2).

Complex Number

122. Let OA = 3,so that the complex number A is 3e 4• =
y [(I+ cos a)+i sin a]2 q

Let the point P be the complex numberz.
Then by the rotation theorem,we have
z - 3e'.nl4 ± -in/2 4i
[ )= e = _
0 - 3e1nl4 3 3 p2= 4q cos2 ( �)
::::} 3(z- 3e ) = -4i(-3e )
w4 im4
Hence,the result.
= 12iei,r/4 Z)
::::} 3z- 9eim4 = I2ieim4 125. As we know that ,if Arg -- =a, where a= 0,n,
::::} z- 3ei,r/4 = 4iei,r/4 the locus of z is a circle.
::::} z= (3 + 4i)eim4
z 1
123. Let the point P represents the complex number z I and Q Hence,the locus ofzin Arg ( - ) = !!.. is a circle.
z+l 4
y 12 6. As we know that the locus of z is an ellipse,if
l -z,I + \z-z2 \ = 2a,where 2a > \z1 -z2 \ and a ER+.
Hence,the locus of z in zl - I\ + \z + 1\ ::;; 4 is an ellipse.
127. As we know that,the locus of z is a straight line if
l -z,\ + z
l -z21 = z
l , -zJ
Hence,the locus ofzin \z - 2\ + \z+ 2\ ::;; 4 is a straight
128. Letz= x+iy.
Thus, x+ i y= t+ 5+i�4-t 2
Here ,z1 =( 6+./2 cos(�),5+./2 sin(�)) Comparing the real and imaginary parts,we get
= (7,6) x =t+5,y=�4-t 2
By rotation theorem,about the origin
Zz-0 = Z2- o eiir/2 = in/2 = ::::} x-5=t,y =�4-t 2
I l i
Eliminating t ,we get
z,-o z,-o
-6+7i = (-6,7) (x - 5) 2 + y2 = t2 + 4 - t2
::::} z2= iz, = i(7+6i) =
::::} (x - 5)2 + y2 = 4
124. Givenz2 + pz + q = 0
Hence,the locus of z is a circle.
Let its roots arez"z2 • 129. Letz= x+ iy .
z1 +z2 = -p,Z?2 = q 2_ 2
Now, (x+iy) = (x y
. . . (i) 2

Zz-0 -
- -= OA eia= eia x+iy-I (x-I)+iy
z1 -0 OB
(x - y2+i2xy) (x-I)-iy
Zz ia
=e (x-1)+i y (x-I)-iy
z, a

(x 2- y2 )(x- l) + 4xy2
z2 =z,eia ...(ii) 0 =
(x-1) 2+ y2

From Eqs (i) and (ii),we get

i 2(x -1).xy- y(x - y )
2 2
p2eia +
(x-1) + y
2 2
(I+eia ) 2

Complex Number

Since the given complex number is always real, so its

imaginary part is zero.
(2(x-1).xy- y(x 2-y2))
Thus =0
(x-1)2+y 2
=> 2(x -1 )xy -y(x2 - y2) = 0
=> 2(x -1 )x -(x2 - y2) = 0
=> 2x 2 - 2x -(x 2 - y2) = 0
=> x 2+y2-2x = O
=> (x-1) 2+y2= 1
Thus, the locus ofz is a circle.
130. Letz = x+ iy.

= + _ +x-iy
z x iy (x iy)(x-iy)
= x- iy
x 2+y 2
=---X 1--
. y
2+ 2 2+ 2
x y x y

It is given that, Re(;)=c

=> - 2+ 2
x y
=> (x 2+ y2)-�=0

Hence, the locus ofz represents an equation of a circle.

13 1. Let z = x+ iy.
Then l(x+ iy)2 - 11 = (x 2+y2)+1
=> l(x 2-y2-1)+ i(2xy)I = (x 2+y2)+1
=> �(x 2 _ y 2-1) 2+4x 2 y 2 =((x 2 + y 2)+1)
=> (x 2-y2-1) 2+4x 2y2 =((x 2+y2)+ 1) 2
=> (x2 - y2) 2-2 (x2 - y2)+ 1+4x 2y2
= ((x 2+y2) 2+2(x 2+y2)+1)

=> ((x +y ) -2(x - y )+1)

2 2 2 2 2

= ((x2 +y2)2+2(x 2+y2)+ l)

=> 4x 0 2=

=> x = O
which represents a straight line.


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