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What are phytohormons or growth regulators?

Phytohormones or plant hormones, are naturally occurring small organic molecules or substances which
influence physiological processes in plants at very low concentrations (Davies, 2004). These are signal
molecules, produced within plants, that function in extremely low concentrations. It control all aspects
of plant growth and development, from embryogenesis, regulating organ size, pathogen defense, stress
tolerance and through to reproductive development.

What is Somatic Embryogenesis? Mention the various types of SE.

Somatic embryogenesis is the process of single cells or mass of cells initiating the developmental
pathway leading to reproducible production of non-zygotic embryos capable of regenerating complete

Embryogenesis is a specialized mode of development by which a fertilized egg through a series of

predetermined pattern of cell divisions and differentiation forms an embryos, the precursor of the
next generation. In nature, embryogenesis is restricted to ovule and involves the fusion of
male (sperm) and female (egg) gametes.

However, the embryos formed by somatic cells are called somatic embryos, and the process by
which a somatic cell differentiates into embryo is termed as somatic embryogenesis. In vitro
somatic embryogenesis has a wide applications in basic and applied areas of plant sciences.

In plant tissue culture, the developmental pathway of numerous well-organized, small embryoids
resembling the zygotic embryos from the embryogenic potential somatic plant cell of the callus tissue or
cells of suspension culture is known as somatic embryogenesis.
What are the precautions to ensure aseptic conditions for SE or PTC in a laboratory?

Before starting the inoculation:

 Laminar air flow cabinet (LAFC): switch on UV and air flow for 30 – 40 minutes,

 Ethanol (70%) spraying to reduce the chances of contamination,

 All the inoculation and aseptic manipulation are (must be) carried out in the running LAFC,

 All the instruments like scalpels, foreseps, niddles, graswares, distilled water, etc need to be

Before using the instruments, these need to be again sterilized by dipping in 70% ethanol and flaming
on a spirit lamp,

 Before starting inoculation, hands need to be washed by spraying 70% ethanol (/globes) to
ensure a contamination free operation,

 For a successful culture, sufficient care should be taken to achieve a possible contamination free

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