Catalytic Growth of Nanowires Vapor-Liquid-Solid, Vapor-Solid-Solid, Solution-Liquid-Solid and Solid-Liquid-Solid Growth

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Current Opinion in Solid State and Materials Science 10 (2006) 182–191

Catalytic growth of nanowires: Vapor–liquid–solid,

vapor–solid–solid, solution–liquid–solid and solid–liquid–solid growth
Kurt W. Kolasinski
Department of Chemistry, West Chester University, West Chester, PA 19383, United States

Received 12 March 2007; accepted 12 March 2007


Catalytic growth is a powerful tool to form a variety of wire (whisker) like structures with diameters ranging from just a few nano-
metres to the millimetre range. A range of phases (gas, solid, liquid, solution and supercritical fluid) have been used for the feeder phase,
i.e. the source of material to be incorporated into the nanowire. Solid, liquid, eutectic, alloy and metastable phases have all been invoked
to explain the structure of the catalytic particle. Rather than focussing on the differences that lead to the proliferation of an alphabet soup
of names for the various growth techniques, this review attempts to focus on the similarities between all of these catalytic growth pro-
cesses in an attempt to help stimulate a more universal understanding of the phenomenon. The review begins with a précis of the mate-
rials from which nanowires have been formed and then proceeds to a discussion of mechanistic aspects.
Ó 2007 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

1. Introduction tors have also been grown in 1D structures, primarily

nanowires, and are prized for their potential in electronic,
As a controlled means of growing whiskers and more optoelectronic and sensing applications [*6–*8]. For more
recently nanowires, catalytic growth of solid structures on the potential of these nanostructures in applications,
traces back to the discovery of Wagner and Ellis [1] that the reader is referred to these recent reviews. Buhro and
Si whiskers could be grown by heating a Si substrate in a co-workers [*9] have reviewed the formation of semicon-
mixture of SiCl4 and H2 with their diameters determined ductor nanowires from solutions and supercritical fluids.
by the size of Au particles that had been placed on the sur- Here I concentrate on the production of 1D nanostructures
face prior to growth. Of course, the catalytic growth of car- with the use of vapor phase transport and surface diffusion.
bon fibres has long been a recognized problem in the field In the literature we might variously encounter nanowires
of catalysis [2]. In this case, such growth must be avoided, (solid core structures with diameters below 100 nm),
for instance, in the steam reforming of CH4 over Ni cata- nanotubes (single or multi-walled hollow core structures
lysts, which is the primary industrial source of H2. with diameters below 100 nm) and whiskers (larger solid
The poster child of one-dimensional (1D) nanostruc- core structures). For simplicity, I will use the term nano-
tures is the carbon nanotube (CNT) either in single-walled wire generically to describe the structures formed by cata-
(SW-CNT) or multiwalled variants (MW-CNT). They are lytic growth unless I specifically want to call attention to
valued for a wide range of extreme properties for electronic nanotubes or whiskers. This review does not attempt to
applications, for their high thermal conductivity and for be exhaustive. Rather it looks first at a number of materials
their high strength [2–5]. A number of other semiconduc- systems that have been grown catalytically in the form of
nanowires, nanotubes or whiskers in the past year or
two. Then a review of the mechanistic aspects of catalytic
E-mail address: nanowire growth is made.

1359-0286/$ - see front matter Ó 2007 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
K.W. Kolasinski / Current Opinion in Solid State and Materials Science 10 (2006) 182–191 183

2. Materials systems upper limit on the Ge fraction that can be obtained in this
temperature range.
Silicon was the system first investigated by Wagner and Silanes do not have to be used as the source material for
Ellis [1] and it remains one of the most intensively studied the growth of SiNW and Si1xGex nanowires. Dujardin
systems [7,10–14,*15,16–19]. Lieber’s group [*8] has stud- et al. [10] have used a molecular beam epitaxy (MBE)
ied silicon extensively including the formation of branched source and a substrate coated with a thin film of Au for this
Si nanowires (SiNW) [20]. Carbon nanotubes [2,21,22] and purpose. The use of an MBE source is quite significant
carbon nanofibers [23] are also produced by catalytic because of a basic difference in the dynamics of the interac-
growth [24,25]. Heterojunctions between SiNW and CNT tion of an atomic vapor of Si as compared to SiH4.
have been formed [26]. Other materials that exhibit cata- Whereas the sticking coefficient of SiH4 is low on a Si
lytic growth of nanowires include SiOx (a substoichiomet- and practically zero on a H-terminated Si surface, it is
ric silicon oxide) [27]; SiO2 [28,29]; Si1xGex [10,30]; Ge much higher on the surface of a metal catalyst. In contrast,
[31,*32]; AlN [33]; c-Al2O3 [34]; oxide-coated B [*35]; the sticking coefficient of Si atoms is unity on a clean or H-
CNx [36]; CdO [37]; CdS [38]; CdSe [*9]; CdTe [*9]; a- terminated Si surface as well as on a metal catalyst particle.
Fe2O3 (hematite), e-Fe2O3 and Fe3O4 (magnetite) [39]; Sun et al. [31] have created Ge nanowires (GeNW) by
GaAs [15,40,*41,42,*43,44]; GaN [18]; Ga2O3 [18,45]; evaporation of Ge powder in flowing Ar at 600 °C. Au
GaP [40,*41,*46]; InAs [*41,*47]; InN (hexangular struc- nanoparticles act as catalysts and are supplied from a col-
tures) [48]; InP [*9,*41,42]; In2O3 [45]; In2Se3 [49]; LiF loidal solution of thiol-capped Au. The nanowires have
[50]; SnO2 [45,51,*52]; ZnO nanowires [*7,*8,53] and nano- uniform diameters of 30 nm, are up to tens of microme-
plates [53]; ZnS [54]; ZnSe [55]; Mn doped Zn2SO4 [56]; and tres in length and have a Au particle on their tip. The ori-
ZnTe [57]. Let us now look at the conditions under which ginal size of the colloidal Au particles was 2 nm; hence,
catalytic growth has been used to create nanostructures so significant aggregation must have occurred. Here we have
that we can better understand the range of growth condi- vapor phase transport of atomic Ge to already formed
tions that have been used, as well as the similarities and dif- Au catalytic particles.
ferences in growth characteristics that have been observed Chandrasekaran et al. [*32] use a solid–liquid–solid
so that we may generalize about some of the important method to produce GeNW. Many lm long GeNW are
mechanistic characteristics. observed to emanate from the same mm diameter Ga cat-
An exciting development in the growth of single-walled alyst particle (multiprong root growth, as defined in the
carbon nanotubes (SW-CNT) was reported by Takagi et al. next section). In and Sn are also suitable catalysts. A thin
[*58]. A range of metal catalysts have been shown previ- film of the molten metal is spread on a Ge(1 0 0) wafer,
ously to work for the synthesis of carbon fibres and CNTs which is then exposed to a microwave plasma struck in
[2]. Takagi et al. have shown that pyrolysis of ethanol can H2/N2. Ground NaCl is placed around the substrate. This
be used in the presence not only of Fe, Co or Ni (the most acts as a source of Cl, which in combination with the
common catalysts) or Pt and Pd (which had been previ- plasma acts to transport the Ge. Alternatively, a quartz
ously reported) but also the coinage metals (Cu, Ag and substrate can be coated with the metal, and a powdered
Au). For the latter three metals to work not only do they mixture of NaCl and Ge is placed around the substrate.
have to be clean to start with, they must also be smaller Excitation involving a plasma is again used to elicit trans-
than 5 nm in diameter for growth to be efficient. Their port and engender GeNW growth.
explanation is that the metal particles are in a cluster-like A Si wafer rather than a powdered sample has been used
structure rather than a crystalline state, and C atoms are as the source material for simultaneous growth of SiOx
soluble in these clusters. Then, C atoms might precipitate nanowires and SnO2 nanobelts by Zhang et al. [27]. SnCl2
to cover the surface of the nanoparticles, resulting in the powder was placed upstream from a Si wafer and heated in
formation of a hemispherical cap with a graphitic structure Ar + O2 to 950 °C for 2 h. The Sn catalyst particles, which
as the precursor of SW-CNT growth. They propose that also contain several percent Si and O, form at the base of
the essential role of metal particles is to provide a platform the SiOx nanowires rather than the tips. Both the SiOx
on which carbon atoms can form a hemispherical cap from nanowires and the SnO2 nanobelts experience multiprong
which SW-CNT grow in a self-assembled fashion. root growth.
Si1xGex nanowires can be grown with a Au catalyst Zhang et al. [38] also used catalysis over Sn nanoparti-
much as SiNW can be grown as shown by Lew et al. cles to form branched CdS nanowires. They mixed CdS,
[30]. Growth was carried out in an isothermal quartz tube SnO2 and graphite powders (in a 1:1:1 ratio) and heated
reactor at 325–525 °C with a total reactor pressure of them to 1200 °C for 2 h under a constant flow of Ar. In this
13 Torr composed of a 10% mixture of SiH4 in H2 and case the Sn particle at the end of the nanowire is signifi-
either a 1% or 2% mixture of GeH4 in H2 as source gases. cantly larger than the diameter of the wire that grows from
Higher temperatures (>375 °C) favour the growth of Si rich it. In both of the systems investigated by Zhang et al.,
(x < 0.5) Si1xGex nanowires; however, Ge thin film depo- vapor phase transport is used not only to supply the
sition on the outer surface of the wire was observed at growth material, but also to supply the material that forms
increased GeH4/(SiH4 + GeH4) inlet gas ratios setting an the catalytic particle.
184 K.W. Kolasinski / Current Opinion in Solid State and Materials Science 10 (2006) 182–191

Carbothermal reduction, vapor phase transport of in contrast to, for instance, Au catalyzed growth of Si and
growth material and reaction with trace amounts of oxygen SiGe nanowires. Also in this system, both the growth and
have been utilized by Kuo and Huang in the growth of catalyst phases are transported via the vapor phase. Taper-
CdO nanowires that are 40–80 nm in diameter and 30– ing to larger diameters is observed in this system, most
50 lm in length. CdO and graphite powders are mixed in likely because the Sn nanoparticles are growing during
a 4:1 ratio. The silicon substrate is coated with a 1 nm growth.
Au film and then placed 25 cm downstream from the reac- Xu et al. [53] formed ZnO nanowires with a hexagonal
tant mixture. The reactants are held at 500 °C and the cross section. Interestingly no catalytic particle is found
substrate at 400 °C. The Au particle at the end of the at the tip. Rather the catalytic action is provided by a
nanowire has a diameter slightly smaller than the nano- ZnBiIx thin film (a combination of tetragonal ZnI2 and
wire. Most of the nanowires have a smooth surface but hexagonal BiI3). Mixtures of either BiI3 and Zn powder
in an area of the reactor where there was probably a greater or Bi and Zn powders were heated in flowing Ar to 250–
amount of oxygen available, a jagged necklace structure 300 °C. The presence of I changes the growth direction of
formed by a lateral growth of the rhombohedral CdO the nanowires. The O can be supplied by an impurity in
nanocrystals over the smooth nanowires. the Ar but no growth is observed in the absence of Bi when
Pulsed laser deposition has been used by Morber et al. only Zn or ZnI2 powders are used.
[39] to synthesize FexOy and Mg doped e-Fe2O3 nanorods, Carbothermal reduction can be used to produce ZnO
nanowires and nanobelts. The ablation target was a pressed nanowires on a silicon substrate. Moreover, what Yang
powder of magnetite (Fe3O4), which was placed next to a et al. have shown is that growth can be switch away from
quartz boat containing polycrystalline alumina wafer sub- ZnO nanowires to Mn doped ZnSiO4 if MnCl2 Æ 4H2O is
strates coated with a 2 nm Au film. Au particles are found added to the reaction mixture. The furnace system was
at the ends of the nanowires, therefore it appears that the flushed with high-purity Ar gas to eliminate O2 and heated
Au film spontaneously breaks up to form the catalytic to 1100 °C under a constant flow of Ar gas. Then, the
nanoparticles. quartz boat was placed in the centre of the furnace and
An arc discharge has been used by Li et al. [34] to form held at 1100 °C under the same Ar flow. After reaction
cubic c-Al2O3 nanorods. The source material is a pressed for 50–60 min at 800–900 °C, the Si wafers, which are situ-
powder mixture of Fe and Al, surprisingly in a 60:40 ratio. ated downstream of the reaction mixture, were coated with
Fe catalyst particles are found at the ends of the nanorods. a layer of nanowires. The majority of this material is com-
The discharge is run in a mixture of 0.018 MPa Ar (99.9% posed of a willemite phase (a-Zn2SiO4 with rhombohedral
purity) and 0.008 MPa H2 (99.99% purity). The growth structure) forming well-aligned nanorods with lengths of 2–
conditions are highly non-equilibrium with the O being 4 lm and diameters of 70–150 nm. The Zn catalyst is con-
supplied at the trace level as an impurity in the process sumed so there is a severe taper at the end of the wires and
gases. The diameters of the c-Al2O3 nanorods are relatively no metal particle is found.
uniform, ranging from 20 to 30 nm. Simultaneous growth of ZnO and LiF nanowires has
Carbothermal reduction of a mixture of an Al3+ com- been reported by Jiang et al. [50]. Zn acts as the cata-
plex with Fe powder has been used by Jung and Joo [33] lyst when LiF + ZnO powders are heated in Ar to
to create AlN whiskers. The mixture of the Al complex, 750–850 °C. The downstream deposition region has a
Fe and graphite was calcined at 1200–1500 °C for 5 h in temperature in the range of 400–500 °C. Cubic-structured
flowing N2. The whiskers often show modulations in their single-crystalline LiF nanowires grew along the h0 0 1i
diameters along the lengths of the whisker and the shapes and h1 1 0i crystallographic directions with diameters of
obtained depend on the growth temperature. This system 100–500 nm and lengths of tens of microns. The authors
exhibits rather complex chemistry on account of the carbo- propose that there must be a barrier to the incorporation
thermal reduction to produce Al, dissociative adsorption of of LiF into the lattice and the Zn particle acts to lower this
N2, presumably on the Fe particles, and the formation of barrier and cause growth to be preferential at its base.
Fe/Al/N alloy particles of the appropriate size. Very similar conditions can be used to grow In2O3,
Dendritic ZnO nanowires can be grown from Sn catalyst Ga2O3 and SnO2 nanowires. Indeed, In2O3 and SnO2
particles as shown by Gao et al. [59]. They heated ZnO and nanowires can be grown simultaneously without cross con-
SnO2 powders (1:1 ratio) for 1 h under a pressure of 300– tamination or doping as demonstrated by Johnson et al.
400 Torr of Ar carrier gas. The nanostructures grew on [45]. Fifty nanometer Au particles were deposited from
the top of the inner alumina wall of the tube furnace in a solution onto the Si substrate placed downstream from
region located downstream 15 cm away from the source high-purity (6 N) metal reactant species (In, Ga, or Sn)
material, which was located in the middle of the furnace placed separately in a quartz boat. The furnace was heated
at 1300 °C, and the local growth temperature was in the to 800–1000 °C under flowing N2. No oxygen was supplied
range of 700–800 °C. The Sn particle is significantly larger directly to the system other than as an impurity in the N2
than the NW diameter. Note that in this system, as in sev- or that which desorbs from the surfaces inside the furnace.
eral others, there is a high proportion of the catalyst start- Rectangular In2O3 rods are capped with a rectangular Au
ing material compared to the growth material. This stands particle that is slightly smaller than the rod, whereas
K.W. Kolasinski / Current Opinion in Solid State and Materials Science 10 (2006) 182–191 185

Ga2O3 nanowires appear to have a nearly spherical particle In, no detectable Se and is slightly larger than the nano-
at their tip. wire. When a 30 nm In film is used for catalysis, no In par-
Mohammad [60] has grown a variety of Ga and In con- ticle is found at the end of grown nanowires. At the growth
taining nanowires including GaN, InAs, InN, InGaAs, temperature either Au or In would be liquids.
InGaN, InGaAsN using self-catalyzed growth involving Chen et al. [36] have grown C5N nanotubes from pyri-
either liquid Ga or liquid In droplets. Depending on the dine over a Fe–Co catalyst deposited on c-Al2O3. A mix-
conditions either multipronged root growth or single- ture of N2 and pyridine passes over the catalyst while
pronged float growth (defined in the next section) are heated to 550–950°C. In this case, the catalyst particles
observed. A combination of carrier gas (N2 or H2) and have an unusual conical shape. Not only do the appear
NH3, if required, flows over the metallic reagents placed to poke into the growing nanotube, they also are attached
in BN boats. One of the reactant metals may also be placed to the substrate rather than floating to the top of the nano-
on the substrate. The distance between boats and the sub- tube even though only one tube grows from one particle. A
strate, the flow rates and the temperatures of the boats and tapered particle that pokes into the core of a CNT has also
the substrate are all important variables that affect the been noted by Hofmann et al. [22] during plasma enhanced
composition and characteristics of the nanowires. Autocat- growth from C2H2 or CH4.
alytic growth shares much in common with and may actu-
ally be the mechanism behind what is called vapor–solid
(VS) growth, in which no catalyst is intentionally added 3. Mechanisms
to the system. Nonetheless, if one of the components is a
low melting point metal such as Ga, In or Zn, a liquid cat- Let us first start out with some generalities. The singular
alyst particle may result during growth even if now none is attribute that usually leads to the conclusion that VLS
intentionally added. growth has occurred is that a metal particle of roughly
Yun et al. [*35] have heated a mixture of B + 40 wt% the same diameter as the nanowire is found at the end of
B2O3 (which is a liquid at the growth temperature) in vac- the wire. This, of course, does not determine the phase
uum over a 5–20 nm film of Au on Si to 600–950 °C for of the particle during growth and this controversial aspect
30 min. B nanowires coated with an oxide layer are formed. will be dealt with further below.
Interestingly, a root growth mechanism, in which several Nanowires produced by catalytic growth are often
nanowires emanate from a single catalytic particle, occurs found to have a uniform diameter. The wires are not
at low temperature and float growth, in which one catalyst always round but might also exhibit other crystallographi-
particle sits atop each nanowire, occurs at high tempera- cally defined shapes, such as hexagonal ZnO or rectangular
ture. The catalyst particle is a Au–B eutectic and dissolu- In2O3. Under some conditions, particularly for long
tion of not only B into the Au particles but also the growth times, tapering of diameter to smaller (or less com-
interaction of the eutectic with liquid B2O3 may be impor- monly larger) values is found. Often growth requires a bit
tant in describing the growth dynamics of bundles of nano- of an induction period before uniform nanowires begin to
tubes and the switching between root growth and float grow. These considerations are represented schematically
growth. in Fig. 1.
Laser ablation has been used by Jia et al. [55] to produce The initial period before uniform growth commences is
ZnSe nanowires. Contrary to previous experiments involv- associated with any of a number of processes. In some
ing nanowire growth during laser ablation [61–63], the cases, the catalytic particles must be formed by vapor phase
wafer target was not placed in a furnace. The evidence and/or surface diffusion transport or else their surfaces
for self-catalytic VLS growth, as suggested by the authors, have to be cleansed of impurities (oxides or terminating thi-
is not conclusive. ols). The particles may be deposited directly, for instance,
ZnTe nanowires with an average diameter of 30 nm from the evaporation of a colloidal solution with a well-
and lengths >1 lm can be grown under the influence of a defined size. Alternatively, a thin film of metal can be evap-
Au catalyst. Janik et al. [57] used a MBE source and a 3– orated directly onto a substrate and if the metal does not
20 Å film of Au coated onto a GaAs substrate. The nano- wet the substrate, it will ball up into islands either immedi-
wires, which are inclined about 55° to the (1 0 0) substrate ately as the result of Volmer–Weber growth [64] or else
normal, have a zincblende crystal structure and their subsequently when the system is annealed, the onset of Ost-
growth axis is h1 1 1i. The growth temperature is at slightly wald ripening [65] will lead to a distribution of island sizes.
above 350 °C. The particles might also result from an evaporation and
In2Se3 nanowires have been grown either with an Au growth process that occurs during the initial stage, such
catalyst or with In acting as a self-catalyst by Sun et al. as when carbothermal reduction is used to generate a vol-
[49]. In2Se3 powder was held at 900–950 °C and placed atile metal that proceeds to condense elsewhere in the reac-
upstream in flowing Ar from a Au or In coated silicon tor. Indeed, catalytic particles form readily under a variety
wafer held at 650–700 °C. The nanowires are 40–80 nm in of conditions from any number of high vapor pressure, low
diameter and up to 100 lm in length. The spherical Au par- melting point metals. Instead of being the exception, it
ticle found at the tip of the nanowire contains less than 5% rather seems to be the case that the onus is on an investiga-
186 K.W. Kolasinski / Current Opinion in Solid State and Materials Science 10 (2006) 182–191

Fig. 2 illustrates several other aspects of growth that

Initiation Steady State Termination must be considered. Will the nanowire be produced from
deposition transport to dr/dt < 0 root growth in which the catalyst particle is found at the
nucleation growth base of the nanowire, Fig. 2a, or by float growth, in which
saturation interface
passivation the particle is located at the tip of the nanowire? Will multi-
dr/dt > 0 of sidewalls ple prong growth ensue, Fig. 2c, in which more than one
dr/dt = 0 nanowire emanates from each particle or will single-prong
growth occur, Fig. 2d?
time A rather widely reported misunderstanding [1,66,67] is
that VLS growth occurs because the sticking coefficient
Fig. 1. General considerations on the different regimes that occur during on a liquid is unity and must be higher than the sticking
catalytic growth of nanowires and nanotubes. coefficient on the solid. This has also been mistakenly
repeated in other fields of structure formation involving
growth [68]. For growth of SiNWs from silanes, which
tor to show that catalytic particle are not involved in the have a much higher dissociative sticking coefficient on
growth process. the particle than on the substrate or sidewalls, the reason
Once the catalytic particles are formed or deposited, for the greater rate of dissociation is because of the cata-
they may still need to be primed for the growth of nano- lytic action of the metal in the particle not the fact that it
wires. For instance, the pure metal catalytic particle might is liquid. There is no general evidence for the assertion
not be that active for nanowire formation. Instead, an that the sticking coefficient must be larger on a liquid than
admixture of the growth compound and the metal might a metal. Second, the assertion does not even apply gener-
be required to form an (unstable or stable) alloy, a true ally to VLS growth. The success of MBE in semiconduc-
eutectic or some other solid/liquid solution. In this case, tor processing relies largely on the fact that the sticking
saturation of the catalytic particle with the growth material coefficient of numerous evaporated semiconductor materi-
or the formation of the proper composition may lead to an als is virtually unity on a solid substrate regardless of its
induction period before growth. Note that the incorpora- composition. VLS growth in a MBE configuration, in
tion of a significant amount of growth material into the which the growth material is supplied by evaporation
catalytic particle is expected to change the volume and, from a crucible unto the substrate, has been demonstrated
therefore, the diameter of the particle from its initial value. for nanowires composed of, e.g. Si, SiGe and III–V com-
Hence Ostwald ripening and incorporation of growth pounds. A sticking coefficient difference alone cannot
material can both conspire to change the size of the cata- account for the formation of nanowires. Other factors
lytic particles. must also be considered that allow the nanowire/catalytic
The growth of nanowires with a uniform radius is asso- particle interface to act as a sink for the incorporation of
ciated with a steady state growth in which material is trans- new material into the nanowire at a greater rate than the
ported to the particle/nanowire interface. If the nanowire growth of the sidewalls or the thickness of the substrate
radius is related to the particle radius and the particle in between particle sites. For instance, the catalytic parti-
radius is constant, a natural explanation for a uniform cle can lower the barrier that is present for the incorpora-
nanowire diameter is that the particles have reached a tion of new material at the growth interface as compared
steady state and their diameter is not evolving in this to the nucleation of an island on a sidewall or the
region. If the incorporation of material is directed solely substrate.
by the particle and incorporation directly into the sidewalls Fig. 2a and b also illustrate several dynamical process
is suppressed, a constant particle diameter leads to a con- that can affect growth. Adsorption occurs from the fluid
stant nanowire diameter. The particle might be able to (whether gaseous, liquid or supercritical) phase. Adsorp-
affect the size of the nanowire either by direct matching tion might be molecular or dissociative and may either
of the size of the nanowire to the size of the particle or else occur (vii) on the nanowire (viii) on the particle, (ix) on
by some mechanism involving the curvature of the particle the substrate. A natural way for the catalytic particle to
in which strain and lattice matching play a role. direct material to the growth interface is if the sticking
Finally, a tapering to smaller diameters and cessation of coefficient (probability of adsorption) is higher on the par-
growth will occur if either the particle enters a phase in ticle and vanishingly small elsewhere. Diffusion of adatoms
which it is consumed, if the growth material is no longer will occur (i) across the substrate (if the sticking probability
supplied to the system, or if the temperature is reduced is not negligible), (ii) across the particle and (iii) along the
below a critical value. The temperature will play a role in sidewalls. Diffusion across the substrate and along the side-
numerous processes, e.g. dissociative adsorption, surface walls must be rapid and cannot lead to nucleation events.
diffusion, bulk diffusion through the particle, in determin- Nucleation of the nanowire anywhere other than on the
ing the composition of the particle by affecting solubilities particle must be suppressed so that growth only occurs at
and thermodynamic stability of certain phases as well as the particle/nanowire interface and so that sidewalls do
diffusion of metal atoms away from the particle. not grow independently of the axial growth. There may
K.W. Kolasinski / Current Opinion in Solid State and Materials Science 10 (2006) 182–191 187

Fig. 2. The processes that occur during catalytic growth. (a) In root growth, the particle stays at the bottom of the nanowire. (b) In float growth, the
particle remains at the top of the nanowire. (c) In multiple prong growth, more than one nanowire grows from one particle and the nanowires must
necessarily have a smaller radius than the particle. (d) In single-prong growth, one nanowire corresponds to one particle. One of the surest signs of this
mode is that the particle and nanowire have very similar radii.

be (vi) diffusion of material through the catalytic particle in example, there have been several reports on the growth
addition to (ii) diffusion along its surface. Substrate atoms of III–V nanowires – such as GaAs, GaP, InAs and
might also be mobile. They might (v) enter the particle InP – that have invoked either a solid [*41,42,44,69,70]
directly or else (iv) surface diffusion along the substrate or liquid [*43,*47,71] catalyst particle. Similarly, during
can deliver them to the surface of the particle. Not shown the growth of carbon nanotubes or fibres both liquid [21]
in the diagram is that atoms from the catalytic particle and solid [23] catalyst particles have been reported. What
might also be mobile and diffuse along the sidewalls and is clear from these reports is that there are circumstances
the substrate. under which the catalyst can be liquid and others in which
Four major distinctions in the growth process are illus- it can be solid and the nanowires that result do not appear
trated in Fig. 2: root vs. float growth and multiprong vs. to be materially affected. In other words, while it is impor-
single-prong growth. The particle may either end up at tant for characterizing the growth mechanism, as far as the
the bottom (root growth) or top (float growth) of the nano- dynamics of nanowire and nanotube formation are con-
wire. In multiprong growth, Fig. 2c, more than one nano- cerned, it does not appear to matter whether the catalytic
wire grows from a single particle. In this case, the radius of particle is liquid or solid. Therefore, any mechanism that
the nanowire rw must be less than the radius of the catalytic relies upon a particular phase for the catalyst cannot be gen-
particle rp. In single-prong growth there is a one-to-one erally true.
correspondence between particles and nanowires. A natu- Likewise, the phase from which the growth material is
ral means to exercise control over the nanowire diameter taken is of little consequence. The growth material may
in single-prong growth would be if the nanowire radius come from a gas that is unreactive on the substrate and
determines this value and rw  rp. Here is should be men- only reactive on the catalyst surface, such as in the case
tioned that in single-prong growth, rw  rp is usually of SiNW growth from silane. It may come from an atomic
observed but that the catalyst particle sometimes is signif- vapor that has unit sticking probability on both the sub-
icantly larger and occasionally is somewhat smaller than strate and the catalyst, as in MBE growth of SiNW or
the nanowire radius. In multiprong growth rw is not deter- III–V compounds. It may come from a plasma, a solution
mined directly by rp but must be related to other structural or even supercritical fluids. Hence, any model that requires
factors such as the curvature of the growth interface and a particular phase for the growth material cannot be gener-
lattice matching between the catalytic particle and the ally valid. What is required is that the growth material is
nanowire. mobile and can readily reach the growth interface with a
Quite a bit of discussion has revolved around whether low probability of nucleating a crystallite (alternate growth
the catalyst particle is liquid or solid. In other words, front) anywhere other than at the nanowire/catalyst
whether the mechanism of growth is VLS or VSS. As an interface.
188 K.W. Kolasinski / Current Opinion in Solid State and Materials Science 10 (2006) 182–191

This leads us to contemplate what is the nature of the on the growth parameters (pressure and temperature) but
catalysis. Originally, Wagner and Ellis figured that the also the diameter of the catalyst particle. It is often found
catalysis was of an ordinary variety. The metal particle cat- that, the growth rate should decrease with decreasing dia-
alyzed the decomposition of the molecule that supplied the meter [67,76]. However, this conclusion depends on the
growth material. But we see that this does not have to be growth conditions [*46] since the extent of supersaturation
the case for catalytic nanowire growth to proceed. The acti- within the catalyst depends on the temperature and gas-
vation energy of growth can be associated with activated phase composition. A transition from smaller diameters
adsorption or with surface or bulk diffusion. However, having lower growth rates to smaller diameter having
the essential role of the catalyst appears to be in lowering higher growth rates can occur as temperature and gas-
the activation energy of nucleation at the axial growth inter- phase composition are changed.
face. There is a substantial barrier associated with the for- Gösele and co-workers [66,77,*78] have examined
mation of the critical nucleation cluster at a random whether there is a thermodynamically determined mini-
position on the substrate or nanowire according to classical mum size and the parameters that affect not only the nano-
nucleation theory. If the catalyst can lower the nucleation wire size but also the size of the catalytic particle. During
barrier at the particle/nanowire interface, then growth only SiNW growth in the presence of a Au catalyst, the catalyst
occurs there. Any of a number of processes may be the rate minimum size is determined by the vapor pressures of Si
determining step depending on the exact conditions, but and the metal. The SiNW minimum size is determined by
the most important role of the catalyst particle is to ensure the catalyst composition and its size. They arrive at the
that material is preferentially incorporated at the growth conclusion that there is no thermodynamically determined
interface. minimum size, rather, that the minimum size is determined
Virtually all of the theoretical work on catalytic growth by kinetic limitations. In the case of SiNWs, Tan et al. [77]
has treated the VLS mechanism explicitly. Therefore, there predict that the catalyst should be larger than the nano-
is little information on why root growth and multiprong wire, but this is clearly not universally true for all materials.
growth occur under some circumstances. We do not know Chandrasekaran et al. [*32] have attacked the problem
why a system such as the growth of B nanowires studied by of trying to explain the nucleation of uniformly sized nano-
Yun et al. [*35] changes from multipronged root growth at wires in multipronged root growth. They specifically trea-
low temperatures to single-pronged float growth at high ted the case of GeNW growth from Ga particles and
temperatures. Root growth is also observed by Chen developed an expression for the nanowire diameter
et al. [36] for C5N nanotubes grown from an Fe–Co cata- 4V m r
lyst but in this case the growth is single-pronged. ZnO dc ¼
RT lnðX Ge =X lGe Þ
can exhibit root growth as shown by Xu et al. [53] for a
Zn-B-I thin film catalyst though it is more conventionally where dc is the diameter of the resulting nanowire, Vm is the
grown in a float growth mode with, for instance, a Sn cat- molar volume, r is the interfacial energy, and X Ge =X lGe is
alyst [59]. Zhang et al. [27] report that both SiOx nanowires the ratio of solute concentration at the point of instability
and SnO2 nanobelts form via multiprong root growth from to the corresponding equilibrium solubility at a given tem-
an Sn/Si/O alloy catalyst whereas Al, Ni, Cu, Pd, Ag and perature, T. The agreement with experiment is reasonable
Au can all be used for float growth of SnO2 nanowires as and predicts that the nanowire diameter should depend
shown by Nguyen, Ng and Meyyappan [*52]. on the temperature and the metal used for catalysis.
Theoretical approaches to nanowire growth can be sep- An important conclusion of the molecular dynamics
arated into at least three different categories: molecular studies of Ding et al. [24,72,73] is that a thermal gradient
dynamics, thermodynamics and kinetics. Molecular is not required for the growth of single-walled carbon
dynamics has been used, for instance, by Rosén and co- nanotubes. Their study shows that a concentration gradi-
workers [24,72,73] to examine the growth of CNTs. Kinet- ent is more important than a thermal gradient for the
ics (mass-transport) based models have been considered by growth of SW-CNTs on small metal particles. Further-
Verheijen et al. [40], Dubrovskii et al. [*15], Tersoff and co- more, SW-CNTs growth can occur in the presence of an
workers [14,16], Persson et al. [44] and Johansson et al. opposing thermal gradient, ie, the SW-CNTs grow from
[*41,*46]. Thermodynamic approaches trace back to Blak- the hot region of the catalyst particle.
ely and Jackson [74] as well as Givargizov [67] and more Experimental studies of growth kinetics are not numer-
recently have been treated by Kwon and Park [75], Wang ous. Verheijen et al. [40] have studied the growth of GaP
et al. [12], Chandrasekaran et al. [*32], Chen and Cao and GaAs in heterostructured GaP–GaAs nanowires.
[76], Mohammad [60], and Tan, Li and Gösele [66,77,*78]. GaAsNWs exhibit diffusion-limited growth wherein the
The Gibbs–Thomson effect expresses how a curved rate is determined by the partial pressure of both reagents
interface affects the chemical potential of a body. This (trimethyl gallium or AsH3) but has little dependence on
causes the vapor pressure and solubilities to become depen- the temperature. In what might be called classical VLS
dent on the size of a catalyst particle. Thermodynamic behaviour, they show that activated PH3 dissociation on
treatments are then able to show how the Gibbs–Thomson the Au catalyst following Langmuir–Hinshelwood kinetics
effect leads to nanowire growth rates that depend not only is the rate determining step for GaP growth. Sidewall
K.W. Kolasinski / Current Opinion in Solid State and Materials Science 10 (2006) 182–191 189

growth and axial growth can exhibit different temperature the rate of adsorption, the Gibbs–Thomson correction for
dependencies and an observed decrease in axial growth rate the finite curvature of the surface, diffusion-induced NW
for both GaP above 500 °C and GaAs above 440 °C is growth, and the nucleation-mediated growth at the
related to increased sidewall growth. Sidewall growth is liquid–solid interface with allowances for tapering of the
also involved in producing tapered nanowires. The sub- nanowires. This enables them to make very specific predic-
strate can play an active role in the growth kinetics. Here tions. For example, the tapering of GaAsNW grown by
the SiO2 substrate suppresses epitaxial growth, whereas MBE on the GaAs(1 1 1)B surface at T = 590 °C can be
epitaxial growth is competitive with nanowire growth on explained by the reduction in the Ga flux to the catalyst
III–V substrates. caused by the high rate of desorption of Ga atoms from
Extensive studies of growth kinetics and the develop- the sidewalls. Tapering due to the nucleation and growth
ment of a mass-transport model have also been performed of islands on the GaAs(1 1 0) sidewalls is not thought to
in Lund [*41,44,*46,70]. Seifert and co-workers [*46] have be significant since the activation barrier for nucleation is
developed a model of a nanowire growing from a metal too high. They also are able to reproduce well growth rates
particle which need not be liquid. They make the following as a function of nanowire diameter so that they can fit data
assumptions: (i) the metal particle is assumed to be hemi- regarding the dependence of nanowire diameter on nano-
spherical, (ii) there is steady state adatom diffusion on the wire length and the nanowire length (for a given diameter)
substrate and nanowire sides toward the metal particle, as a function of growth temperature.
(iii) the processes within the metal particle (diffusion) as
well as at the metal-semiconductor interface (nucleation) 4. Conclusion
need not be considered in detail, and (iv) the interwire sep-
aration is fairly large. The authors note that assumption Characterization studies of catalytic growth are demon-
(iii) limits the generality of the model because there are strating an ever larger array of systems that exhibit the
cases in which these processes are rate determining. None- growth of nanowires and nanotubes. Our understanding
theless, for the specific case of III/V nanowire growth, of catalytic growth, regardless of whether it is labelled
experimental growth conditions can easily be set to validate VLS, VSS, SLS, SCLS or otherwise, is becoming increas-
these assumptions. ingly sophisticated. However, may questions still remain
Their model describes a mass-transport-limited system unanswered particularly regarding the size and position
in which deposition occurs on the substrate as well as of the catalyst relative to the nanowire, in other words,
on the nanowire walls and the metal particle. Growth is regarding aspects of float versus root growth and single-
favoured at the metal/semiconductor interface, which acts prong versus multiprong growth and why the particle can
as a sink, and is kinetically hindered on the substrate and be sometimes larger and sometimes smaller than the nano-
nanowire walls. Transport via diffusion across the sub- wire. It is now clear that growth can occur by autocatalysis
strate and up the walls plays a vital role. The microscopic as well as by catalysis due to a foreign metal/alloy particle.
details of this model are sketchy and the explanation for The catalytic particle can be either liquid or solid but this
why incorporation does not occur on the substrate and does not really change the dynamics of growth. The result-
walls is vague, nonetheless its phenomenological descrip- ing nanowires can be unitary, binary, ternary or even qua-
tion of length versus radius for various temperatures is ternary compounds and they have been produced either
quite good. pure or in doped forms. In some cases, more than one type
Tersoff and co-workers have investigated the Au cata- of nanowire can be grown simultaneously. Catalytic
lyzed VLS growth of SiNWs [14,16]. They use disilane growth represents a powerful method for producing 1D
(Si2H6) as the source gas at 108–105 Torr. A thin film nanostructures and there certainly are many more surprises
of Au (2–3 nm) is deposited on a Si(1 1 1) substrate, which to be discovered in this area of research.
is then heated to 500–650 °C. No detectable dependence of
growth rate on the wire diameter is observed. They ascribe
this rather unexpected result to the irreversible character of
dissociative adsorption on the catalyst surface, which is the
The papers of particular interest have been highlighted
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